Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 168 28. There is no war in the northern border

Illidan was lying on the simple wooden bed, his eyes were wide open, his breathing became much weaker, and he coughed several times every few minutes. He was hit by the energy at the center of the explosion, and was rescued by Dick. At the time, the demon hunter almost only had half his life left. If Dick was a treacherous villain, Illidan would cry without tears if he made up a knife at this time.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two of them is not bad, and Dick is also a very principled person, so that kind of bloody thing didn't happen.

However, the atmosphere in the room is still a bit delicate, because on another bed not far from Illidan, the watchman whose whole body was covered with bandages is worse than him, and is still in a coma. Maiev’s distance and Illidan was even less than 1 meter, and he ate that heavyweight explosion almost from the beginning to the end.

And it's not just Maiev, those guys who were standing on the Dalaran platform at that time, except for Tyrande who was protected by the moonlight, were basically seriously injured! It can be described as heavy casualties!

In fact, if the group of people in Alsace hadn't also suffered heavy losses and fled hastily, the righteous forces in northern Xinjiang might have been wiped out in that confrontation.

The situation is relatively good. The old Mograine was taken back to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel by the paladins. After the battle, Tyrande quietly returned to Mount Hyjal with the affected Malfurion. , the power of Quel'Thalas is the best preserved. After discussing the handover of Stratholme with Dick, Kael'thas and Dick quickly returned to Sunstrider Island.

Uther and his entourage Thassarian also disappeared.

This lively scene ended so quietly.

When the first ray of sunlight hit the Dalaran Great Plains, it had already turned into another scene of hell. It was broken, and only one-third of the Dalaran platform stood alone in the dark scorched earth. Among them, apart from the fallen corpses, there was no other life there.

Death, darkness, holy light, shadow, flame, frost, all kinds of energies intertwined and spread on that piece of land, the ground was lifted, the land became dry, everything lost its original color, when Dick sat in Dalaran On the edge of the platform, when he watched the sun shine on the barren scorched earth, he once again witnessed the destructive power of heroes.

Probably, except for the undead, no one will rush into this place again, right?


The door on the second floor of the Nanhai Town Hotel was pushed open, and Dick walked in with two breakfasts. Illidan wanted to get up, but Dick stopped him.

He obviously didn't sleep all night, his eyes turned red, and his face was dark. The paladin sat beside his bed and asked seriously,

Are you still planning to continue walking according to your ideas?

Ahem. We've reached this point. It would be foolish to give up.

The demon hunter blinked, and a smile appeared on his bloody face, Thank you, Dick, I owe you my life.

Dick waved his hand and handed the delicious breakfast to Illidan. The latter struggled to prop up his body, and he was not polite, so he took it and swallowed it.

The resilience of the demon hunter is simply frightening. In just one night, Dick saw the shocking wounds on his body showing signs of healing. The paladin was planning the next move of the demon hunter.

The memories in his memory are not very clear, he only remembers that after the bombardment of the Frozen Throne, Illidan will continue to go to Northrend under Kil'jaeden's order, to kill the dying Lich King. Ke couldn't ask, he waited for the demon hunter to finish his two breakfasts, watched him rubbing his stomach comfortably, and the paladin asked again.

Then what are your plans next?

I'm going to Northrend!

Illidan squeezed his slightly deformed left arm, his eyes were still covered with black cloth strips, but his expression really didn't look like a blind person, We must go!

Pursuing Arthas?

No, kill the Lich King!

The demon hunter propped himself up from the bed, took the black hood that could cover the whole body from the paladin, and lowered his voice as he passed by the paladin,

Kil'jaeden is a guy who will take revenge. In the Legion's two consecutive failures to invade Azeroth, you were there. Be careful, you are being targeted by him.

The paladin nodded slightly, then stuffed something into the demon hunter's palm,

It can save lives at critical times, don't forget, you still owe me a Sargerite keystone, don't die!

Illidan Chaodick showed a hearty smile, and then opened the window. In the lingering mist of the morning, he fled out of the room lightly. After a few movements of ups and downs, the blackness disappeared in the outskirts of South Sea Town. in the forest.

What a man like the wind!

Dick stroked his chin, said something inexplicable, then looked at the two empty bowls on the table, shook his head, and walked out of the room. He had to get another breakfast for the unconscious guardian. How to eat it is Dick's job.

In fact, even if Dick desperately wanted to do something to Maiev, who was now powerless to resist, he would have no chance. The dozen or so watchmen who had already belonged to the knight sequence of Theramore's inner court worked almost day and night. Hiding in the shadows, protecting their Lady Maiev.

Although under Dick's strict order, these watchmen did not touch Illidan, but the demon hunter chose to leave, which made Dick heave a sigh of relief. Although he didn't want to admit it, Illidan is indeed a trouble to walk now. Even Malfurion acquiesced to Dick taking him away.

In South Sea Town, although it was early in the morning, the atmosphere of the meeting was already very lively. The messenger knight of the Silver Hand posted a brand new notice on the bulletin board, and the enthusiastic townspeople surrounded him and asked loudly. with the latest news.

Have the undead been driven away?

Thunder and lightning last night, did Ashbringer kill Alsace?

Master Knight, Lord Knight, can we return to East Dalomere?

The knight who delivered the order was soon speechless by the townspeople's questions, and he simply shouted,

Last night, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the great Ashbringer, led his righteous allies, and defeated the dark leader in one fell swoop on the Dalaran Plains. Alsace, who betrayed us, was alive and dead. A piece of loose sand! The Silver Hand will retake West Dallonmere soon!

Justice will be enforced!

Oh oh oh!

Long live! Long live!

Under the loud shouts of the paladins, the townspeople also let out carnival-like shouts, and the town became lively in the early morning. Everyone spread the good news by word of mouth, and even the always serious town Chief Henny Mareb also joined the townspeople in the carnival with his entourage.

The mayor of the aristocratic family also sent a messenger to announce the good news to Tarren Mill and Dunholde. It can be seen that the civilians have been suppressed and uncomfortable in the undead war that has lasted for more than a year. Now With this great news, everyone quickly fell into a carnival mood.

However, Dick, who was standing by the window on the second floor of the hotel, looked seriously at the herald knight who was shuttling through the crowd. To be precise, Dick saw the knight wearing the Silver Hand standard armor, with the blood-red tattoo engraved on his chest. The emblem of Lordaeron.

Dick clenched his fists, Scarlet Crusade Mograine, you are playing with fire!

Dick, who has personally experienced the crazy behavior of the Scarlet Crusade in the game, has always been very vigilant about the establishment of the Scarlet Crusade. Perhaps when these fanatical paladins first appeared, they were really just In order to clear the undead, but after the death of old Mograine, their beliefs became more paranoid and distorted.

In the end, it turned into a declaration of fanaticism similar to monotheism: those who disagree with us are all heresies that need to be purified!

They were even so crazy that they raised their butcher knives against the Silver Hand, who were also fighting against the undead, and eventually became an extremist force entrenched in northern Xinjiang.

Although the Scarlet Crusade's fanaticism in fighting the undead cannot be denied, Dick really doesn't want this kind of double-edged sword that hurts the enemy to hurt itself. But it still showed up!

The paladin shook his head. He was in a bad mood, and he suffered setbacks continuously, which made all his previous ideas come to naught. Moreover, as the situation in the Stormwind Kingdom in the southern part of the mainland also began to deteriorate, he really didn't have much time. Wasted in what is now northern Xinjiang.

The significance of the Dalaran melee is definitely not just defeating the undead forces that have risen again since the Demon War. The greatest significance of the melee last night lies in: the people who were once again twisted into a single rope by Arthas The undead in Northern Xinjiang once again lost their commander, and turned back into a mess of loose sand.

In that case, they couldn't stop the siege of the Silver Hand and the increasing number of mercenary adventurers. Dick could foresee that the situation in the northern border had returned to the normal course of history. In the few years before the Lich King reawakens, the undead will completely fall into the dilemma of passive defense.

In other words, there was no battle worthy of Dick in Northern Xinjiang!

In the event that Stratholme is temporarily transferred to the Sin'dorei knights just built in Quel'Thalas as a stronghold, the city will still assume the training and growth base of the Argent Dawn recruits whose base camp has been transferred to Theramore.

After Liadrin brought the Silver Dawn to the Light's Hope Chapel, the division of the East Dalomere region has become a foregone conclusion. Stratholme and Ghostland belong to the Silver Dawn, and other regions belong to the Silver Hand. This weird situation will continue until the next upheaval comes.

In this regard, Dick said it was acceptable!

Herold, the heroic knight of the Silver Dawn, Dawnbringer, will take some old knights to stay in Stratholme for a long time, and other paladins will protect Medien and return to Theramore, and Dick, he will also embark on a new journey. The journey is over.

But before that, Dick had one last thing to do.

Dalyan, you must stay in Stratholme.

The paladin looked at the stubborn young man in front of him with some headaches. In battle after battle, this youthful young man has become a qualified fighter, especially the knife marks on his eyes, which made Dalyan's entire body People's temperament tends to be serious and dark.

But this has unexpectedly increased his female popularity. I heard that whenever Dalyan appears in the tavern in South Sea Town, those maids will try their best to stay by his side.

I don't want to stay here!

Dalyan was a little aggrieved, he touched the hilt of the long sword behind him, and came up with another reason, And the old man doesn't want me to stay here!

Dick shook his head, lowered his voice,

There's a reason for keeping you here! Remember that dreadlord disguised as the great knight Dathrohan? Do you think it's only targeting Dathrohan? You're wrong, Dalyan, it's targeting you Father! Ashbringer!

The old Mr. Mograine has now become the leader of the forces in northern Xinjiang, like a banner against the undead. Under such circumstances, there must be endless swords and hidden arrows. I don't worry about the frontal battlefield. With ashes The Holy Blade of the Messenger, except for the return of Alsace, no one is his opponent! But what about the conspiracy?

Dick spoke more emphatically,

How many heroes have fallen under the conspiracy, can you watch your father being counted? Even lost his life because of those despicable plots? Although there are conflicts of ideas, he is a real warrior. Die for dirty reasons, understand? Dalyan, this is the responsibility on your shoulders!

If you really want to fall into the quagmire of conspiracy, who can old Mograine rely on? Is your brother who can't be supported by mud?

Dalyan was silent, and even the war sword buzzing behind him was silent. Obviously, Dick's reason persuaded him, and also persuaded the rebellious Scamdor.

Okay, I'll stay in Stratholme, but I'm not for that stubborn old man! I... I'm for the civilians in Northern Xinjiang!

Well, no matter what it is for, it's best if you can figure it out!

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