Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 215 9. Moonlight Grove

Moonglade, this is the base camp of the Druid organization Cenarion Council in Kalimdor. It is located in the gap between Mount Hyjal, Felwood Forest and Darkshore. It is a place completely covered by lush forests. There are trees everywhere where the tops of the trees cannot be seen, and there is also a beautiful Luna Lake. On the edge of the lake, there is a den of beasts.

Of course, this lair is not a lair for wild beasts to rest in the traditional sense, but a place where druids go to sleep. These nature walkers can enter the Emerald Dream through deep sleep, and feel in that perfect natural land. the way of nature.

When Dick, Princess Kalia, and a group of entourages passed through the emerald green portal and set foot on the land of Moonglade, all those who had entered the Emerald Dream couldn't help but let out an exclamation. The Emerald Dream is no different.

It's just as quiet and peaceful, and as mysterious and emerald green. Although there is only one mountain away from here in Felwood Forest, the Sentinels and Druids are fighting the remaining demons to the death, but that doesn't affect Moonglade at all. peaceful.

Welcome to Moonglade, noble human ruler!

One is wearing an emerald green robe, with white hair and white pupils, holding a chic staff of thorns in his hand. Green flowers are constantly blooming and withering on the staff, symbolizing the life and reproduction of all things, with a gentle smile on his face A smiling night elf druid was waiting for a group of people from Theramore not far away. Princess Kalia stepped forward very gracefully, and leaned slightly towards the elderly druid.

Good day, Mr. Naralex! It's been a year since I last saw you. How are you doing?

Yes, the person in front of him is an archdruid, Naralex, one of the leaders of the Cenarion Council, and the leader of the fang druids who are mainly active in the Barrens and Razor Heights. In the plot, in order to make the poor environment of the Barrens better, the Druid fell into a deep sleep in the steam fountain under the khaki ground, trying to link to the Emerald Dream, but it was a pity that the Emerald Dream It has been corrupted by Harveys, so not only Naralex was trapped in the Emerald Dream, but even the things he summoned turned the peaceful underground fountain into a place full of monsters.

His fang druids have also gone mad.

However, in the current timeline, such a bad thing did not happen. Naralex started to clean up the environment of the Barrens 2 years ago. Without the obstruction of Harveys, everything went smoothly. The Druids have opened several large oases in the barren land. Some noble children who like to have fun often deal with these friendly Druids when they are hunting. If they are lucky, they can speak well. There are some really nice magic items that can be traded from druids.

A year ago, he brought the druid to Theramore as a guest, during which time he had a good conversation with Princess Kalia, and he was considered an old friend of Theramore.

The transformation naturally made me very happy. It took me a lot of energy to get rid of those annoying bugs until the two worm nest crystals hit me on the head. It was really an unpleasant experience.

Naralex shrugged, the kind elder smiled at everyone, waved and said,

Don't talk about these troublesome topics, come with me, the archdruids are waiting for you.

The crowd followed behind Naralex, walking along a piece of light green Luna Lake to the building hidden in the forest on the other side. The little prince looked at everything around him curiously. He saw the cozy scenery in Luna Lake. Yu, wanted to tease him, but was blocked by a young druid just as he approached Luna Lake.

Humans, don't approach this lake!

The soft-eyed druid narrowed his eyes and said to Anduin, There is a mysterious creature in this lake, believe me, it has a bad temper, my name is Lex, Lex-Claw, your name is What's the name, cute little guy.

Anduin opened his eyes wide.

Claw? Your last name is Claw? How cool! My name is Anduin, Anduin-Wrynn! A paladin!

The little prince puffed up his chest as he walked, even though he wasn't even a paladin apprentice, the smiling druid ignored it, and Naralex looked back at Lake who had a good chat with Anduin He glanced at him and said with a smile,

I'm afraid the little prince won't like the long meeting, so how about it, Lex, you take Prince Anduin to play somewhere else, presumably the little prince of the lion family will appreciate the cubs just born a few days ago. Interested in.

Yes, elder.

Lex glanced back at the cheering Anduin, turned around and led him towards the forest, while the others quickly followed behind Naralex, and soon crossed Luna Lake and entered Cenarion In the all-wooden hall of the parliament.

Many druids shuttle here, night elves, tauren, trolls, and a small number of wild boars and bears. After the return of the demigod Agamaggan, the wise men among the wild boars picked up the lost ten thousand years Soon, the first batch of druids appeared among these ugly creatures who also believed in the way of nature, and the Cenarion Council welcomed it very much.

But there were other guys who stood out, like some orcs who followed the troll druid into the hall from the other side.

The moment Dai Lin saw these orcs, Dai Lin took out the musket from his waist. The orcs on the other side were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took off the ax behind them.

I thought you died in some muddy pit, Varok Saurfang, the scar you left on my chest still hurts in rainy days, those who were burned to death in the cabin by you bastard The soldiers are shouting, they are reminding me to do whatever it takes to kill you! Today! Today! You deserve to die!

The body of the furious sea emperor turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards the orc on the opposite side. The strength of this admiral is definitely not weak, at least in a one-on-one situation, Dick has a lot There is a high chance of being beheaded on the spot.

The Orc Warlord who followed Thrall into the Cenarion Council hall also roared and jumped up from the spot, smashing towards the charging Dailin.

The backbone battle ax and Dai Lin's one-handed sword collided together, and then there was the roar of sanction from the musket. The two high-ranking fighters entered the endless mode at the moment of confrontation, and the blood-red anger was on the two sides. Wrapped around his body, the flying air blades and musket bullets turned the quiet hall into a mess.

The low-level druids fled in all directions screaming. Naralex, who was leading Theramore's group, and the troll archdruid Zentabra, who was leading the orcs, shot at the same time. thorns, the other party summoned three blue velociraptors and rushed into the battlefield.

At the same time, a resounding chirp sounded from the inner hall, and the phantom of the black eagle rushed into the battlefield where the two warriors were fighting in a storm. The three parties worked together to separate Dailin and Varok.

Daelin's arms were bound by thorns, while Varok was pinned to the wall by the claws of the raptor and eagle.

Enough! Unfriendly guy! This is the sacred land of Cenarion Council, any provocative behavior will be counterattacked by us, we don't welcome guys who come with hostility!

A tall druid with a fierce gaze, a warhammer on his back, and a mighty leather armor decorated with an eagle's head stepped out of the inner hall. His gaze swept across both sides like a hunting eagle. This is obviously a powerful man. Druids.

Dick knew him, leader of the druids of the raptors, Omulon the Skyscreamer, favorite disciple of Aviana, the demigod of the sky.

I'll kill you, I swear! Varok, you're dead!

Dai Lin ignored the druid's warning at all, and Varok on the other side also stared at Dai Lin with red eyes. Both sides were soldiers from the old era. In those crazy years, the kindness and resentment between the two people It has long been uncountable.

The heroic spirits of the Thunder King Clan are looking at me from the sky, Dai Lin, you butcher, those innocent children who were slaughtered by you, your blood or mine, you will pay for everything!

Seeing that the two guys dominated by hatred were about to fight together again, Jaina and Thrall were about to step forward to persuade them, and then they saw a green light shining in the messy hall, dividing into two Block, injected into the bodies of Dai Lin and Varok.

The two became strangely quiet. They still looked at each other fiercely, but the weapons in their hands were still put down, and the tense atmosphere in the air had dissipated.

The power of nature can calm everything, hatred, anger, and killing intent. These things should not appear in Moonglade, so in the name of nature, I temporarily calmed their emotions.

A gentle voice came from the inner hall, and the Skyscreamer moved away respectfully. It was a deer body with elk horns on its head, one hand was the arm of a night elf, and the other was a sharp green thorn A thorn of the thorn, wrapped around his body with a robe engraved with runes of nature, and around his neck is a string of green rosary beads.

He walked slowly out of the cella, and where his four deer's hooves passed, flowers bloomed.

This guy looks very similar to the demigod Cenarius who died in the hands of Archimonde. In fact, he is the son of Cenarius, the grandson of the demigod Malorne, and the guardian of Moonglade, Rem. Ross, a guardian of nature who is more respected by druids than his father who has been fully deified.

He seems to have some kind of mysterious connection with Moonglade. In Moonglade, Remulos' strength will even soar to the point of being close to a demigod, but in other places, he is much weaker.

Dick was relieved when he saw Remulos on the stage. He had dealt with this mild-mannered forest guardian more than once in the game. Generosity, even joking with the players, at least makes people want to get closer to Cenarius, who is full of truth and always upright.

The queen of Theramore, the chieftain of the orcs, oh, and our heroic demon-slayer warriors, come, come with me, the guests have been waiting for a long time.

Remulos didn't pay attention to the uproar just now, and he had an extraordinary bearing. At his invitation, Princess Kalia and Thrall walked into the inner hall side by side. The orc chief was a little embarrassed and whispered to the princess,

Sorry, Your Highness, I don't know much about the grievances between Warlock and Your Excellency Dailin. I hope this will not affect the peace between us.

Kalia always had a cold face when facing the orcs, but facing Thrall's apology, she also pulled a reluctant smile on her cold face,

No, Chief Thrall, of course not. Theramore is a country that respects contracts, and we are not warlike.

Then if Your Excellency Dai Lin attacks us.

Don't worry, Chief Thrall, unless you take the initiative to attack Theramore, we still won't participate. That's the state affairs of Kul Tiras.

Thrall's face looks much better now, as long as Theramore, which is adjacent to Orgrimmar, doesn't join the possible battles, facing Kul Tiras who is hostile to orcs from across the sea, He didn't worry too much. The distance between the two countries was too far. In the land of orcs, even the king of the sea would not have an advantage.

The stone in his heart landed on Thrall's footsteps a lot more briskly, but when he raised his head, he and Kalia froze in place together, because there were already many people sitting in the inner temple, except in Mount Hyjal In addition to the high elves who met during the battle, there were also high elves from Quel'Thalas, dwarves and gnomes from Ironforge, and Kalia even accidentally saw the special envoy of Stormwind.

Duke Leoric von Zeldig, besides Marshal Windsor, is the only other Grand Marshal in the Kingdom of Stormwind, the true commander of the Seventh Legion.

In addition to these visitors from the civilized world, Kalia also saw savage trolls with painted faces. They were obviously not members of Vol'jin who mixed with Thrall, because Vol'jin who was following Thrall , when he saw these trolls, his body couldn't help but tremble, it seemed to be fear, but also some kind of respect.

In the end, there are the four guys sitting at the top, the Dragon Legion. Sure enough, they are still indispensable for such a big event.

Seeing this grand scene where most of Azeroth's forces gathered together, Dick couldn't help admiring in his heart. These druids were still reliable at critical moments, and they attracted so many people in one day.

(Klein-Claw~Bang Bang, a book friend, starred in friendship!)

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