Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 216 10. Shaking World

When Kalia walked into the inner hall, except for Brian Bronzebeard, the envoy of Stormwind City and Bronzebeard, the envoy of Ironforge, no one else expressed much. After all, she was just a human queen.

But when Dick led Jaina and Liadrin into the hall, most of the people in the inner hall, which was full of seats, got up at the same time.

The special envoy of Quel'Thalas is Sylvanas, whom I haven't seen for a long time. This iceberg beauty rarely waved to Dick, motioning for him to sit next to her. Garrod, the representative of the night elves, also responded with a smile on his face. Dick said hello, as well as Mr. Duke of Stormwind City. During the time in Onyxia Cholera Stormwind City, Mr. Duke was even under house arrest in a residence in the Garden District, and he might die at any time, so Dick exposed Oyster Nexia's conspiracy was equivalent to saving the Duke's life.

Brian - Bronzebeard even yelled loudly for Dick to sit over. On the day when the paladin's entourage sent Princess Liera back to Ironforge, the entire Bronzebeard royal family felt like a festival. The Xu family owed Dick a great favor.

But the most important invitation was the four giant dragons who stood up from their respective chairs. Surprisingly, among the four-color dragons who came to the meeting this time, there was Dick's old acquaintance, Deli. Lord Yasera, this gentle green dragon girl appears in a dream form, and in a place like Moonglade, her figure is no different from her body.

There is also the bronze dragon girl Chromie, this enthusiastic little guy is also greeting Dick, the representative of the red dragon is Krasus, Dick once saved the life of the red dragon, and his status is also the highest among everyone Yes, so Krasus simply got up and left his seat to invite Dick and Jaina himself.

The paladin glanced at Kalia in embarrassment. The latter smiled and waved generously, indicating that Dick could choose his seat freely.

Kalia was not worried that Dick's outstanding reputation would affect her status. In fact, before Theramore became truly powerful, this wise princess wished that Dick's reputation would be as high as possible. It will help, not hurt, Theramore and Lordaeron, which will inevitably be rebuilt in the future.

In the end, under everyone's gaze, Dick took Jaina to sit next to the red dragon, and Liadrin sat with his best friend Sylvanas.

This scene made those silent and mysterious trolls sitting in the corner couldn't help whispering. It is worth mentioning that Vol'jin, the chieftain of the Darkspear trolls, also sat next to these trolls, but from his humility Judging from his attitude, the origins of these trolls are definitely not ordinary. Wojin is also a chief after all, and a shadow hunter, the highest priest of Alor, but facing these trolls, he still can only sit at the bottom, which shows that Lots of questions.

On the other hand, Dai Lin could see the commotion caused by Dick, and the Emperor of the Sea felt more and more that he might have underestimated the bastard who tried to snatch his daughter away, especially these forces sitting in the hall, none of them should be underestimated , Dick can maintain such a good relationship with them.

Maybe, I should re-examine this bastard.

Because of the druid's spells, Dailin, who was peaceful in his heart, rarely stroked his beard, but just after he sat down, the two great druids who presided over the meeting, Malfurion, the leader of the night elf druids, and Tauren The leader of the human druids, Hamuul Runetotem, officially started the meeting after a light cough.

Today, we have invited all the forces of the entire Azeroth to gather here for a major event that has shaken the entire world!

Malfurion's face was serious. With a swipe of his finger in the air, light green light emanated from the air, forming an illusion of light in front of everyone. It was a bug, to be precise, it was Qiraji. A phantom of a cerebrate worm.

Hamuul took over Malfurion's words. This tauren archdruid looks a little cute, but no one will underestimate him. He is Malfurion's younger brother and the second son of demigod Cenarius. As a disciple, Malfurion is as strong as he is.

Ahem, in the past two days, this kind of monster that fell from the sky has attacked most of the world. I believe everyone here already knows this. Let me report the situation now and let everyone know that this kind of bug has already attacked the world. What an image the world has made.

Hamuul's deep voice fell, and Jarod said,

Two days ago in the afternoon, the Kaldorei camp in Stonetalon Mountain was attacked by Qiraji. We lost more than 400 sentries. Most of Stonetalon Mountain's garrison has been abandoned. We know that these Qiraji It is difficult to entangle, so I plan to block it with a prohibition barrier, and the other insect nest crystals that fell on the Black Seashore were discovered earlier, so they were destroyed before they hatched.

Sunstrider Island has not been attacked.

Sylvanas said loudly, But at the Quel'Danas hut in East Dalomere, our rangers repelled a wave of cultists carrying Hive Crystals who wanted to enter Ghostland. , the crystal was destroyed early, but we can't be sure if any other crystals entered Ghostlands.

The Seventh Legion led by Marshal Windsor was attacked by these monsters in the Burning Plains and suffered heavy losses, so they barely repelled them!

Duke Leoric's face was a bit ugly, and he clenched his fists tightly, Marshal Windsor was seriously injured, General Jonathan was seriously injured, and now the entire Burning Plain is covered with these damn bugs!

At noon two days ago, these damned bugs suddenly sprang out from a merchant ship at the port of Menethil!

Bryan's tone was fierce, full of the unique sense of power of dwarves, After they devoured the poor people in the entire dock, we had to set fire to the dock, and finally, in the steam tanks' strafing and flames, we were able to destroy those who should have been killed. The bugs in hell were crushed to pieces, but the movement of bugs appeared in the whole wetland, and I doubt that Menethil Harbor will usher in the most difficult time in a few days.

Then Thrall, the orc chieftain took a deep breath,

Durotar has been attacked by worms. Our damage is not serious. After killing the brain worms, the entire Durotar is being wiped out, but I doubt that very soon, we will be attacked by people from the barren I saw at least 4 crystals fall on that land.

Theramore was attacked by two crystals, one of which was destroyed by Dick's knight at the place where it hatched, and the other... In short, our damage is very sad.

Kalia was a little sad, In addition, when we set off today, the scouts reported that the entire Dustwallow Marsh had been turned into a sea of ​​insects. Those monsters destroyed everything along the way. We need help!

After everyone had finished speaking, grief and shock had spread in the hall. The matter has become so serious? The whole world is under attack!

Everyone turned their attention to the last troll. A few seconds later, an old troll wearing a wooden mask and wearing ancient troll costumes cleared his throat and said in a strange voice,

2 days ago in the early morning, the Zandalari tribe was attacked by 12 crystals

Two hours later, all 12 crystals were destroyed, and none of us were damaged.


It's impossible! One crystal turned the Burning Plains into a no-man's land. 12 crystals, none of them were damaged. This kind of record... this, you... who are you?

Duke Leoric's eyes widened, and he couldn't help exclaiming. Brian Bronzebeard also exclaimed at the same time, but the dwarf's focus was not on those achievements, but on those troll breasts. front badge.

The old troll's self-introduction made him recognize the ancient badge.

Zandalari! You really are Zandalar! It's hard to imagine the ancient tribe 14,000 years ago, my God, the legendary erudite recorder, the light of wisdom of the world, the first empire on this land , you yourself represent history!

The moment the old troll's voice fell to the ground, a wave of whispers erupted in the entire hall. Everyone was shocked by the old troll's words, except Dick and the dragons.

All previous doubts have been resolved. If it is a troll from the Zandalari tribe, then Vol'jin's humble demeanor and his god-like record are understandable.

In the era when all things were born, the whole of Azeroth was still a complete land. The first kind of creatures bred on that land were trolls. These strong guys walked in the wilderness and gradually developed their own civilization. , in 14,000 years, or even earlier, the trolls had the world's first empire.

Zandalari Empire!

Yes, the world kingdom named after the Zandalari tribe. At that time, the entire world was the territory of Zandalar. They were also the only one that defeated the predecessor of the Qiraji Zerg, the forces of the Zerg Aqir Empire. Countless berserk Under the command of the wise Zandalari Emperor, the trolls repelled the insects all over the sky and completely destroyed the Aqir Empire. The remnants of the Aqir Empire were divided into three forces to survive. one.

But the Zandalari Empire also entered collapse because of this victory, and then it was the era of the Kaldorei who evolved into night elves because of being infected by the Well of Eternity.

Yes, although the proud kaldorei never admit it, they did evolve from a line of dark trolls that migrated near the Well of Eternity.

As the only natural enemy of the worms, the Zandalari tribe, which has now declined, and lives in a mysterious corner of the world, when the worm forces re-emerged, it should have suffered the strongest wave of attacks .

12 crystals, after fully hatching, can even easily destroy a kingdom!

But it was destroyed by the same powerful Zandalari trolls so silently. In the first battle after ten thousand years, these Zandalari trolls won again, just like they did ten thousand years ago. like that.

Faced with everyone's doubts and discussions, the old troll shook his head,

Have the leaders of the world become so noisy now?

Although these words were very soft, they reached everyone's ears. The next moment, the entire hall fell silent.

It's just Qiraji worker bugs. If you can't even deal with these weakest bugs, then you will be dead when the second wave of full-time combat bug crystals fall.

The old troll let out a quack laugh, and when everyone was looking bitter, he said in a cheerful tone like a child,

Don't worry, just smile and be happy, my friends, there won't be a second wave of worms, the power of the Qiraji is not enough for them to launch the second wave of fighting worm crystals, so, I was scaring you just now of.

The sudden change of painting style of this respectable old troll made everyone a little unacceptable, but Malfurion quickly took over the conversation,

As Mr. Goraya, the spirit-binder, said, the wall of beetles in Silithus is still intact. The bug swarm this time is just an accident. In fact, we have already talked to Mr. Goraya before you come here. Now, he will send the priests of Zandalari to help everyone here get rid of the current plague, believe them, they are the real experts in this kind of thing.

These words dissipated some of the dark clouds in everyone's hearts, but the next words of the bronze dragon Chromi who suddenly spoke made everyone's hearts rise again,

But the Beetle Wall is complete now, which doesn't mean it will last forever. In fact, according to the personal inspection of the Cavern of Time, according to the current energy fluctuations, after 3-5 months at most, the Beetle Wall that has protected you for a thousand years The wall will crumble, and at that time, the entire qiraji's accumulated evil power for 1,000 years will reappear in this world.

So, although it is very abrupt, but gentlemen, I have to regret to tell you that the time of peace is over, and two years later, there will be another war in this world.

Malfurion's eyes scanned everyone present,

A war from which no one is spared.

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