Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 217 11. The Conflict Forcibly Shelved

The following plot is more old-fashioned. Under the oppression of powerful external forces, a group of people who are hostile to each other have to unite. Discuss a solution.

Everyone knows that facing the Qiraji alone can only be the end of defeat. No matter how frantic the people in the Eastern Continent or a little farther away are, it is impossible to plan to be alone. There are no idiots among the people sitting here. understand the meaning of it.

Insects are very similar to undead. For these creatures, surrender and appeasement are meaningless. Except for themselves, everything in the world is an enemy, and they will never take the initiative to stop their advance.

But from another perspective, this is actually a good thing.

In the face of absolute pressure, although the night elves and high elves still do not like each other, although the relationship between orcs and humans is still hatred, but now no one will jump out to stop the progress of the alliance.

Even Dai Lin, who looked at the orc and wanted to hand out a knife, clenched her fists and sat beside Kalia.

He didn't support it, but the good news is that he didn't seem to object either.

Malfurion cleared his throat. Looking at the dull atmosphere in the hall, he said softly,

Then, if you agree to send troops into the Silithus Great Desert in three months, please raise your hand!

Jarod and Cirvanas raised their hands at the same time, as well as the dwarves, and the troll tremblingly raised their thin arms. On the skin that was exposed outside the robe, the mysterious Zandalari troll His skin was engraved with dense runes.

Duke Leoric of Stormwind City raised his hand, and took a special look at Kalia and Dai Lin who were sitting beside him. The Eldest Princess also turned her gaze to Dai Lin. I don't want to piss him off on this occasion.

If he was forced to join forces with the orcs, Dai Lin might feel insulted and get up and leave immediately.

But unexpectedly, Dai Lin's face was serious. A few seconds later, he slowly raised his left hand, then glared fiercely at the orcs headed by Thrall, and then turned his gaze to Kalia, his face pale. weirdly said,

Kaliya, my niece, why are you so surprised? Do you think I am a person who can give up reason for hatred? But those beasts can't get on my boat! They have to walk over by themselves!

The eldest princess hurriedly shook her head,

No, no, uncle Dai Lin, you are as wise as you were ten years ago! I knew you would make the right choice.

After speaking, Kalia stretched out her white jade-like left hand, and finally Thrall. When the hall was filled with raised left hands, Malfurion nodded in satisfaction.

Very good. I am very pleased to see that you have made the right choice. Now we will adjourn for 15 minutes. We will explain the terrain of Silithus and the tasks you need to undertake in detail later!

Everyone got up, intending to leave the dreary hall and go outside to get some air. When Dai Lin walked out of the hall, he unexpectedly saw Warok leaning aside, as if waiting for him.

Right now, the magic of the guardian of the forest has not expired, and the two of them can't fight at all, but don't expect the atmosphere between them to be so good.

Why? Did Xiang come to me to beg for death?

Dai Lin glanced at Varok and snorted coldly, I'm busy now, so don't bother me, dirty beast! With you here, the air has become disgusting.

Enough! Dai Lin, don't provoke me!

Varok bared his teeth, then took a deep breath,

The two of us are doomed to fall, you and I both know, but I hope that the battle between us can be postponed, I have seen the ferocity of those bugs with my own eyes, so I know that this time, if the war is still behind With other pushers, we might all die.

What do you mean? Beast!

Dai Lin seemed to be insulted, he tilted his neck, his bones made a cracking sound, and his face was fierce, Do you think I will play tricks in this war? Do you think I will stab you in the back? I am Dai Lin. Lin! King of the sea! You underestimate me, orc!

very good!

Varok achieved his goal, turned around and walked out without hesitation, when he reached the door, the orc looked back, showing a fierce smile,

After the war is over, on the bloody battlefield of the veterans, I will make a settlement with you!

So cherish the little life you have left, disgusting guy, it's coming to an end soon!

Dai Lin sneered mercilessly, and then walked to the other side without looking back. There, a Kul Tiras brigadier general was waiting for him. The blue ribbon on his body represented that he had royal blood. Dai Lin approached After leaving the brigadier general, he looked back to the left, and when he confirmed that there was no one else, he lowered his voice and asked,

Matthew, how is the domestic situation?

Brigadier General Matthew, who owns one-eighth of the royal blood, gritted his teeth and replied with difficulty, It's not good, Your Majesty! Two crystals fell on the center of Guardian Island and Enterprise Island respectively. The 700 soldiers on the two islands The soldiers have been wiped out, and according to the mage, those bugs still have the ability to cross the ocean, and they will be able to enter the main island of Kul Tiras in at most 3 days!

Dai Lin gritted her teeth, with a vicious expression on her face, the admiral slammed his fist on the wooden table on one side, and said to Commodore Matthew,

You immediately send back news to the domestic parliamentarians. Soon there will be experts dealing with bugs going to Kul Tiras. Before I go back, everything must be done in accordance with the instructions of those Zandalari trolls. Be sure not to let those Disgusting bugs have entered my country!


Brigadier General Matthew couldn't help touching his command knife. He looked at his master in surprise. If he remembered correctly, the master usually hates these non-human creatures the most.

Dai Lin glanced at him and sighed helplessly,

Go! Matthew, now is not the time to rely on force to solve everything.

On the other side, Dick originally wanted to go to say hello to Cirvanas, but was invited by the red dragon Krasus to a secret small room. The moment he stepped into the room, he saw two big druids Yi, and the other three dragons, were all sitting here waiting for him.

Chromie, a bronze dragon dwarf, stared wide-eyed, jumped in front of Dick in twos and threes, stretched out his crisp little hands,

Bring it!

Facing Chromie with his head tilted, Dick couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the lovely golden twin ponytails of the dwarf in front of him, looking at the pair of yellow snake eyes shining in the deepest part, but he thought twice, I still gave up on this deadly move. Although I don't know how good Chromie can fight, but he is definitely a paladin.

So he honestly put the red crystal fragment on his neck into Chromi's palm. The bronze loli dragon snorted in satisfaction, jumped back to his chair in two or three steps, and carefully put the red crystal The fragments were put into the wooden box in his hand.

The green dragon girl on the other side, Lord Delia Sera, walked up to Dick, adjusted his clothes intimately, and then complained in the tone of a big sister,

Really, why did you bring such a dangerous thing with you? Do you know how lucky you are this time? In case Qiraji went crazy and released high-level insectoids with combat functions, they I will definitely go to you directly, with your current strength, it will be very difficult to stop those crazy high-level bugmen.

Dick scratched his head in embarrassment, and on the other side, Chromie quacked with a mysterious smirk,

Delia Sera, you don't have to worry about this villain at all. He knows what it is. In fact, I even doubt that he knew it early on. After being missing for nearly a thousand years, this thing fell into the hands of Nefarian. By the way, Dick, can you tell me where the other three crystals are?

Sorry, I refuse this rude request!

The paladin sat beside the green dragon with a blank expression. Although he had some ambiguity with Delia Sera, the green dragon girl, both Dick and the green dragon knew that it was not love, so he didn't worry about it. Gossip and the like, although the dragons are boring, they will not be so boring.

And after Dick took his seat, Hamuul spoke,

Thanks to Knight Dick's foresight, we got the red shards, now the yellow shards are kept in the Cavern of Time, the blue shards are kept in the Nexus, the green shards are kept by Lord Eranikus himself, the Scepter of Quicksand Restoration work can now begin.

The tauren, who always spoke slowly, had just finished speaking when he saw the blue dragon Kalecgos, who had been sitting peacefully on the chair, sit down on the ground.

Dick and Chromie looked at the panicked blue dragon with murderous eyes, the paladin didn't speak, and the bronze dragon little loli didn't have so many scruples, she snorted coldly,

Karec, if I remember correctly, that blue shard should belong to your kin. Isso Regus of Merry is keeping it? Why, he lost it?

A trace of tension flashed across Kalecgos' handsome face, then he shook his head hastily,

No, no, no! Azor Legos didn't lose that piece. In fact, he was pursuing Miss Azshara's soul healer recently, so he entrusted that thing to me, and I thought of an absolutely safe place to keep it. Look at it! I swear, no one will find that piece! Not even you!


Chromie let out a dangerous cold snort. The violent little dwarf turned his attention to the paladin who was already rubbing his forehead with a headache. The bronze dragons who belonged to Nozdormu's direct lineage knew Dick's special identity. Mi is also a descendant of Nozdormu, so she knows that too.

Instinct told her that this time traveler with many secrets knew some secrets she didn't know.

Looking at Chromie's gaze and feeling the gazes of others converging on him, Dick took a deep breath and put his finger down from the constantly beating forehead. He looked at Kalecgos,

I don't think it's a good idea to put something important in a fish's belly?

That's a big fish! Mortals, you don't understand, in our world, it's called a whale shark! It's a magical creature that can freely travel through the plane of reality and the plane of water elements. Can even fight dragons, that's why I say no one can find it! No one can take it!

Kalecgos hurriedly explained, a blue light suddenly lit up on the back of his hand, And I left a magic beacon on the whale shark's body, look! I can feel its trace, it is now Right next to Azshara in the deep sea,

The blue dragon suddenly got stuck while talking, and this jam immediately attracted the serious question of the red dragon Krasus. Like Eranikus, Krasus belongs to the kind of elder who is highly respected in the dragon army. Swept by his gaze, Kalecgos trembled again, and then said with a mournful face,

It just jumped into the water elemental plane just now, I swear, it wasn't caused by my activation of the magic beacon!

Trash! Ahhh!

Chromie jumped up from the chair and rushed towards Kalecgos. Although Kalecgos was barely a dragon who survived the War of the Ancients, and he was also the super powerful blue dragon king Mari Goss' younger brother, but his fighting power...


Both Krasus and Malfurion let out a sigh of headache. As we all know, the elemental lords are temperamental characters, and they are also difficult characters to deal with. Now the fragments kept by the blue dragon have fallen into the water elemental plane-hunting tide Neptulon's Throat of the Abyss, it would be too difficult to get it back.

And the most terrible thing is that they only have a maximum of 5 months to complete this matter.

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