Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 255 3. Encounter

Traveling eastward from the snow-capped mountains of Dun Morogh, Dick has walked this road more than once. The last time he set off from here, he went to the city of Darkforge and the series of things he encountered with Nefarian. .

However, unlike the previous group of people, this time Dick was riding alone on the back of the Star Pegasus, flying towards the other side of the Dun Morogh Snow Mountain in the snowflakes, and the icy snowflakes were approaching him. When the body is in the body, it will be blocked by an invisible diaphragm. After nearly half a year after getting the Naaru Shield, Dick has become more and more proficient in using the Atama crystal.

It only needs a little power input to maintain this form, although with his current physique, even if the snowflakes really slapped down, it would not have any effect on him.

But Dick hates the feeling of snowflakes dripping into his neck. The Judgment Armor has been completely damaged, so now he is only wearing a hunting suit leather armor. He is not dressed like a paladin, but like a dusty adventurer. A person does not come here for fun, he is going to a hidden place.

A titan ruin that has not been discovered by the Dwarven Explorers' Association at this point in time, and there is something he wants to take this time.

The second phase of the Titan's Path opens, The Name of the Dead.

Get the Norgannon Disc.

Explanation: Do you want to know all the secrets behind this? Yes! I left it at the end of the world! Go find it! - Norgannon, the Keeper of Mysteries.

In the great desert of Silithus, when this task jumped into Dick's eyes, the paladin's breathing became more rapid. He has been in this world for 6 years, from being penniless to being famous all over the world. You know, now, as long as he completes this task, he can face the existence behind it, the giant light and shadow that has been lingering above his head since he appeared until now.

Norgannon, Keeper of the Mysteries of the Pantheon, the one who planned it all.

At one point, the shadow lay horizontally in front of him and he couldn't even touch it, but now, it has come to him from an inaccessible place. Dick wanted to clear this layer of fog, but it was not easy.

Dick knew very well what was standing in front of him, but the experience of these six years had already changed him, and he would not stop just because the road ahead was difficult.

Across the Dun Moluo Snow Mountain, across the lush Locke Lake and the Valley of the Kings, at the depression of the Gray Claw Mountains that straddle the hinterland of the Dwarf Kingdom, there is a barren entrance hidden. The great desert is not much better than the barren land, which the dwarves call the barren land. It is said that a disaster thousands of years ago led to the end of life.

This is also an area where the forces of the Black Iron Dwarves and the Bronzebeard Dwarves are intertwined. After expelling the Fire Demon King, the attitudes of the Black Iron Kingdom and the Bronzebeard Kingdom are somewhat ambiguous. The top leaders of the two countries have started secret meetings, and there seems to be a dawn of an end to the hostility.

But Dick knew that to really eliminate the hatred between these two rival kingdoms that have fought each other for nearly 300 years, at least wait for the noble child with copper beard and black iron blood to be born in Liera's belly, but the dwarf gave birth The period is very long. According to the original historical calculation, the dwarves probably have to wait another 3 years.

The place Dick was going to was in the center of this barren land.

It was now controlled by the cunning Dark Iron dwarves, but to Dick it was a friend nonetheless.

So without wasting much time, Dick landed at the entrance of the big stone cave that had been used as a mine by the black iron dwarves amidst the neighing sound of the stars.

The leader of the black iron dwarves stationed here, after seeing the black iron royal emblem on Dick's right little finger, immediately dispersed all the dwarf miners who were working in the cave respectfully, and finally returned not far away Fortress of Pain, left the large mine and a detailed underground map to Dick.

After everyone left, the mine that had been developed by the Dark Iron Dwarves for nearly 20 years suddenly became deserted. The darkness and silence naturally couldn't affect Dick's mind, but he walked into a winding tunnel. At that time, the paladin stopped briefly, as if he was observing the road in front of him. After a few seconds, he strode forward again, stepping into the darkness.

The air in the mine can also flow, especially for creatures like the black iron dwarves who naturally like to move underground, how to build a ventilated underground tunnel is simply the most basic work. The wind moved towards the dark tunnel, and at another bend, the flow of air was temporarily suspended.

The next moment, a blade wrapped in the power of wind and thunder bloomed from the air, and at the moment when it was about to cut into the empty midair, sparks of metal impact lit up in the air.

This fleeting light illuminated Dick's gloomy eyes under the gray hood, and Galona's slightly surprised expression.

The spark flashed away, but the next moment, four golden wings, two halos, and three blessings illuminated the dark cave like daylight. Under the holy flame, the orc assassin left behind An afterimage quickly dissipated in the air.

In the next second, the afterimage was cut into four pieces by the sharp blade of the Wind Chaser Sword, but Galona's figure never appeared. Dick glanced behind him from the corner of his eyes. At the same moment, the howling wind made his hair stand on end However, the paladin did not turn around to defend, but swelled up the holy power in his body, a ring of light lit up around him, and then the surging holy light accompanied the sword wielded by the paladin, transforming For the sake of the five exquisite, lifelike Hammers of the Holy Light, they quickly spun around Dick's body in the golden storm.


Bang bang bang bang!

The speed of the hammer of light that suddenly appeared was astonishingly fast, and the orc female assassin who emerged from the shadow behind had only time to cut off the two hammers on the left and right with a dagger, and had to retreat into the shadow here. Due to the difference in rank, she didn't have to worry about the energy attack of a high-ranking lord, but in the state of the Holy Avenger, Dick's power has approached the terrifying level of 800+, which is enough to compete with a real hero!

If she doesn't hide, she will get hurt! Even if it's just a minor injury.

Three years later, the little knight who could wipe his neck with a dagger when he first met him has grown to the point where he can threaten her. His fangs are already sharp enough!

After the remaining three war hammers couldn't find their target, they quickly searched around the paladin a few times, and then turned into holy light and dissipated in the paladin's body.

The skill of a high-level paladin with both offense and defense is also the skill given by the last layer of Dick's talent template.

The paladin didn't attack again, but waved away the light wings behind him. When the light feathers disappeared into the air, Galona's figure appeared not far from him, and the female orc also inserted the kingslayer back From the belt, it could be seen that she had no intention of actually fighting Dick.

Compared with the battle with Lao Chen in Elwynn Forest 3 days ago, today's battle is not even a warm-up.

You are very good, paladin.

Galona's right hand was on her waist, and her left arm was hanging by her side. As a veteran, the paladin clearly felt the abnormality of the orc assassin's left arm. It seemed to have just been injured. Inadvertently leaked a trace of breath.

Dick didn't notice Galona's hostility, so he simply inserted the Wind Chaser Sword back into the belt on his back. Facing the orc assassin's admiration, Dick didn't respond, but asked straightforwardly,


Hmm, it's me.

Galona's eyes narrowed. Her appearance was not as ugly as described in the game. In fact, the combination of the nobility of the draenei and the wildness of the orc made the petite Garona full of a special charm , no wonder Medivh fell in love with her.

But Dick was obviously not attracted by Galona's charm, he thought of another person, a person with whom he had a very good relationship, who could be regarded as his first disciple besides Anduin—Median.

Standing in front of him was Madian's mother.

Seeing the paladin standing there guardedly without saying a word, Galona seemed to get tired of this confrontation very quickly. She leaned her right hand behind her, took out something from her backpack, and threw it at Dick. Come over, the paladin took it in his hand, and the next moment, the momentum of his whole body exploded again.

That's Anduin's scepter! A status symbol that the little prince is almost never without.

You captured Anduin?

Dick's voice lowered, as if he had become more dangerous, but he quickly guessed the purpose of the orcs, so he calmed down again.

You and Anduin have no grievances... so I guess, you are serving the League of Assassins again?

Galona nodded, she seemed to have lost any interest in this conversation, she just turned over and sat on the stone next to her, spread her hands, and said bluntly,

I have to find something to do, if it's not too boring, it's really annoying peace. Tell me, Dawn Knight Dick, the employer wants something in your hand, give it to me, and I will release your disciple immediately.

what would you like?

Your spoils in Silithus!

Galona drew a circle in the air with her finger, Don't lie to me that the thing was taken by the dragon. I have personally been to the Magic Hub, and there is no such thing there.

Dick rubbed his teeth, and 2 seconds later, an exquisite box was thrown to Galona, ​​who took it in his hand, and just as he opened the box, an unbearable chaotic breath burst out, Galona As soon as her face changed, she immediately closed the box again. Obviously, she knew what that thing represented.

So, your employer is Twilight Church?

Dick put Anduin's scepter into the storage ring, and asked in a low voice, Is it Cho'gall? Or the Twilight Prophet?

After completing the task, Galona moved her body in satisfaction. She looked at Dick and tilted her head.

You know a lot, Knight of the Dawn, and for my poor son's sake, I must tell you that those lunatics have found new masters, and of course most of them have been in Kalimdor lately. activities, so if you are going there, you should be careful! Also, your disciple is very lucky, he is the first little one who has escaped my pursuit in the past ten years, and now he is with a difficult The entangled bears are together in Karazhan, so I lied to you!

Galona's figure disappeared in place, and her voice reached Dick's ears like the wind,

But you are helpless! Hahahaha, this is really my favorite thing to do, Dick, take care of Madian, or I will trouble you! I will do what I say!

The paladin's expression collapsed for a moment, but soon a smile broke out again.

Sure enough, it was Choogall.

He can probably guess what Cho'gall is going to do with C'Thun's eyes. It really is an ogre with a unclear mind. In two different destinies, he actually made the same choice. If the believers have all gone to Kalimdor, then there should be only one destination for them!

The last orthodox ogre clan entrenched in the old tribe of Feralas, Dire Maul!

There are also those reclusive Syndra highborne, presumably His Majesty Kael'thas will be very interested in those fellow sufferers.

A preliminary plan was quickly formed in Dick's mind, but he immediately forgot it. After confirming the news of Anduin's safety, he had to continue to do his own thing.

Look for the Titan ruins hidden deep underground in the barren land, where the Titan treasures brought back by Tyr, the king of order, are stored, and the creation ruins of the Norgannon disc-Uldaman.

(Brothers! How are you doing recently? I haven’t talked to you for a long time. Things are not going well recently, but it’s not a big problem. I saw the comments from my brothers. The dark style of writing? Doesn’t exist! This is a bright and uplifting story, All stories will have a happy ending, thank you brothers for your support during this period of time! Thank you for walking with me on this road of memory! I will try my best to write every story well! Finally. Ask for votes, ask for support!)

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