Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 256 4. The Legacy of Tyr, the King of Order

Following the map given by the black iron dwarf miner leader, Dick walked all the way to the deepest part of the mine, which was a dark entrance sealed with crude wooden boards.

Dangerous! Go back! written in crooked dwarf language.

It seems that these black iron dwarves haven't noticed all of them.

The paladin shrugged, stretched out his hand and pushed away the rotten wooden fence, followed the tunnel all the way down, and soon came to an abandoned mine pit, the dirty pool was illuminated by the torch in Dick's hand From time to time, a strange bubble appeared, and there were strange forest green things on the water, and the smell here was also very bad.

The paladin inserted the torch into the abandoned lamp socket on the stone wall, covered his nose with his right hand, and touched the stone wall blocking the way with his left hand. The holy light penetrated into the cold stone wall. According to the feedback vibration, the black iron dwarf miner They probably inadvertently dug through this stone wall long ago, but encountered danger, so they simply sealed it up again.

The stone wall is only 2-3 meters thick, obviously not formed naturally.

Dick withdrew his left hand, touched the storage ring, and the cold flame of justice jumped into his hand.

The paladin stretched his arms, used the Naaru shield to prop up a fairly solid shield on the surface of his body, then swung the hammer with both hands, and slammed it fiercely towards the stone wall in front of him.

450 points of power, in the most common way, each blow is worth more than a dozen ordinary people working together, and the calculation of this kind of power is not so simple, in short, when Dick really wants to destroy Even solid stones, after being smashed 4 times, appeared densely packed cracks.

Stones and dust fell from the top of his head from time to time, but it didn't affect Dick's movements at all. He took a deep breath, and hit the center of the impact-shaped depression on the stone wall with his last blow.


The stone wall collapsed, large and small stones were thrown in all directions by this huge force, and even the torches inserted on the stone wall were extinguished, but when the stone collapsed, a dim light shone from the inside. It came out, it was not the halo formed by the burning flame, but a unique light.

The paladin put the holy hammer back into the storage ring, and held the wind chasing sword behind his back again. In most battles, a sharp long sword is more lethal than a blunt weapon, and after losing Anveena, Di Ke has a vague resistance to the flame of justice, but when he holds this weapon tightly, he will feel sad.

That war hammer is no longer complete.

The paladin strode into the world behind the stone wall, and the stench made him frown.

He looked around and found many corpses of dark iron dwarves, as well as the corpses of some ugly guys who looked like baboons.

Dick probably understood why the Dark Iron Dwarves closed this place again.

It's a trogg! These first-generation earth spirits created by the Titans are ferocious creatures that have completely failed. They have no signs of perfect civilization at all. They are more like cruel beasts, killers of life hidden under the ground. These monsters are distributed in a very wide area. After the failure of the Titan creation, these creatures were not exterminated, and now they are almost flooded underground.

Three years ago, the gnome technology city Gnomeregan was invaded by troggs, coupled with internal rebellion, which led to the complete fall of the gnome city, and more than a quarter of the gnome civilians died in that disaster , Grandmaster Mekkatorque fled to Ironforge with the remaining dwarves, and is still licking his wounds.

It is not uncommon for these troggs to appear in Uldamantic. Too many things have happened in ten thousand years. Except for the inner temple area, this closed city has been completely occupied by troggs. , I don't know how many precious Titan relics have been desecrated by these beast-like guys.

These ugly guys are like moving disasters. Just after Dick walked less than 10 steps, the ground shook. Mao, the trogg like a baboon rushed towards Dick frantically.

Look, these idiots don't even have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

They are not whole, they lack a part of mind to be intelligent beings.

For this kind of guy who can't communicate at all, Dick has no mercy at all. His right hand hangs down, and a thick and delicate shield of holy light appears on his arm. Layers of golden sharpness stand out.

Facing these subterranean troggs who had just reached the elite level, the battle ended very quickly. Two minutes later, Dick flicked the hilt of the Windchaser's sword, and a few drops of blood slipped from the blade made of source matter ingots. The shield disappeared, Dick didn't stop, and strode into the collapsed palace. Behind him was a hell that had been chopped into blood clots.

The tunnels inside Uldaman have almost formed a real spider web under the excavation of the troggs for thousands of years. In this case, even with a map, Dick couldn't find the direction at all, so he simply chose One of the easiest paths.

All the way to the depths! When you encounter obstacles, break through them by force!

Simply this titan relic has lost the ability to defend itself, otherwise such a large-scale destruction alone would be enough to attract a counterattack from the relic.

Ten minutes later, Dick, who was irritated by the crooked road, slaughtered a tribe of troggs again, but this time he had a harvest. At the other end, he was at least two times larger than the other troggs, and he On the throne of the fancy-dressed guy, Dick found a complete ancient staff.

Dick held this staff in his hand, and after wiping away the stains and dust, the silver-blue light on its surface reflected its extraordinaryness.

Stand of Elonaia

Use: Guide and open Elonaya's halls.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Dick's mouth. He gently placed the staff on the ground, and lightly input the power of order from his left arm into the staff. After letting go, the staff did not fall down directly. Instead, it pointed obliquely in one direction of the dark tunnel.

The paladin picked up the staff and walked quickly into the darkness. When he crossed the tunnel full of dirt, a silver light came into his eyes. It was a real intact palace, although it was still surrounded by a group of stone jaws. It is occupied by monsters, but it is quite well preserved. There is a gemstone chandelier on the dome, and in the center below is a white stone platform with many buildings densely placed on it.

Dick stepped forward, but just before approaching the stone platform, there was a crackling sound from behind him, and the paladin turned around. In the corner of the palace, there were four stone statues used as decorations, They all shook their bodies and walked towards him from where they were.

They are stone giants made of special white stones. They are not the same as in the game, but are carved very finely. They are very similar to humans, but they are taller than humans. The armor is also completely different. The weapons are huge and full of ancient barbaric style.

Seeing these stone statues that had come back to life from a slumber for thousands of years, Dick immediately thought of another creature.

The origins of the humans of Azeroth are powerful beings known as the vrykul who band together can even tame dragons! Because the guardian was corrupted ten thousand years ago, the vrykul and earth spirits who fled with Tire, the mechanical gnomes suffered from the influence of the curse of flesh and blood.

The powerful vrykul degenerated into humans, and the earth spirits became dwarves. The mechanical gnomes are undoubtedly the ancestors of the gnomes. In short, this curse hidden under the history has greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of these creatures, but it has also formed today's pan-human civilization.

Facing the four huge stone statues coming from all directions, and seeing their weapons raised high, Dick didn't panic, and didn't even make any fighting moves. Instead, he took off the leather glove on his left arm and put order In the battle with the ancient gods, his whole body was exposed to the purest titan energy. Dick felt that the Silver Fist was like a weak battery, and now it has been fully charged.

When the power of order floated in the hall, the weapons held high by the four stone statues did not cut off. They froze in place. After a few seconds, they slowly retreated, then possessed themselves, half-kneeled, and put their weapons on the ground. on the ground in front of you.

This is an act of surrender!

Paladins have slowly felt the second function of the Fist of Silver, especially after unlocking the primary titan guardian authority. For these titan creations left over from ancient times, Dick can control and order them, just like It's the same as the Anubisaths who have now been transferred to Theramore and become the bottom of the box war weapons.

These Uldaman stone statues have a lower status than Anubisas in the sequence of Titan creations, so they obey Dick's orders almost unconditionally.

Get out, seal this place! Get rid of those troggs!

Dick waved his hand lightly, like the commander of an army, together with other stone statues including these four Vrykul stone statues, there are more than 20 stone statues of various kinds, some with wings, four All kinds of legged ones escaped from the exit of the palace, and after a while, faint screams reached the paladin's ears.

Trojan is in trouble, but it has nothing to do with Dick. He put his hands on the side of the white jade platform and looked at the exquisite map in front of him. It was the topographic map of the entire Uldaman. Under the silver-blue light, Dick could see every inch of Uldaman, down to the stone statues of the titans battling the troggs.

This is a large monitoring device!

The paladin took a deep breath, retrieved the staff from the side, and slowly placed it on the hole in the center of the map. He took two steps back. At this moment, the light of the entire palace gathered together, from the air The shot hit the top of the staff in the middle, and then turned into streamer and penetrated into the map.

Right in front of Dick, the dust-covered wall slowly cracked, making a loud cracking noise, and silver light came out of it. After the wall was fully opened, accompanied by the vibration of the ground, a tall Out of it came a female giant in a robe intertwined with silver and yellow.

She was the most exquisite sculpture Dick had ever seen, and even had a pair of moving eyes, and the long white hair on top of her head. She was not completely rigid of stone, but like a living thing, although it was still stone.

She seemed to be at a loss for the current situation, probably after being alone for thousands of years, that kind of yearning for freedom was no longer so deep. When she saw Dick standing in front of her, her first reaction was anger, because Inexplicable creatures broke into the Titan ruins guarded by her.

The left hand of the female giant grabbed the ground, and the white stone quickly changed its shape like flowing water, and finally turned into a stone sword like a tuning fork, floating in front of her. The giant held the long sword in his hand , just when she was about to kill this madman, Dick raised his left hand, the silver palm opened, it was the power that haunted her and made her feel extremely at ease.

That is the power of the king of order, the power of the noble one she once followed!


The stone sword in the female giant's hand shattered, and returned to the ground in its original form. She herself was a little surprised, with a mixed expression of joy and sadness on the face of the stone.

Great King of Order, after ten thousand years... you are finally back!

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