Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 260 8. Dusty Uldaman-Titan's Useless Work

The golden giant of light has only appeared twice in the history of Azeroth in recent years. The first time was in the battle of Mount Hyjal three years ago. Dick summoned the giant of light to stab the great demon Archimonde The second time was shortly after the end of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, on a battlefield where nearly all the high-level combat power of the civilized world was gathered, Dick summoned the Giant of Light for the second time, destroying the undead belt in an instant Come full force.

This is not at all a natural birth ability in the world of Azeroth! It is no exaggeration to say that this power, like the authority of the Titans, has already surpassed this world.

Powerful things are bound to be rare. Dick's world reversal rate has reached 43%, and almost half of history has been changed. So many people who should have died were saved by him, and so many things were not completely eroded. was dealt with, but even so, he only ever got three cards.

There is no doubt that they are powerful, but their number determines that it is impossible for the paladins to use them as cards. Ke, Ailonaya, and the earth spirits will definitely be overwhelmed by the constant stream of stone statues.

Just like the process set in the game, this is a battle for a quick win.

The card named Paladin-Humility was triggered, the same giant of light, but this time it was probably because the strength had improved a lot, so Dick's sense of this giant became clearer, and there was that dissatisfied hum , made Dick a little frightened, he knew who it was.

He still owes him a persuasion.

However, there is no time to worry about so much right now. The giant of light is still the same as before, holding the hilt of the lightsaber in one hand and a balance in the other. Under Dick's control, his left hand Pointing to Azadas, the balance in his right hand suddenly shattered, and the next moment, the endless holy light disappeared, like a golden rain of light.

The paladin, whose consciousness returned to his body, looked up and saw that four chains of holy light composed entirely of golden light were locked on Azadas' limbs. Every time he wanted to attack, the chains from nowhere would be stretched. Straight, dissipating most of his strength.

When Azadas yelled with difficulty and smashed Dick's head with the casting hammer in his hand, the paladin stretched out a finger to touch the slowly falling casting hammer, feeling no pressure at all. It was as if Azadas was playing with Dick, the strength on the casting hammer was simply not as good as that of an ordinary person.

Facing the fear in your heart, you can overcome it!

Dick moved his hands, the silver Holy Flame of Order rose around his body, and the hammer surface of the Flame of Justice was also covered with a hot flame. He looked at the bound giant in front of him, took a deep breath,

If you can't, I can help you...but it might hurt a little!

After finishing speaking, Azadas let out a roar, unwilling and crazy, Dick shook his head regretfully,

It looks like I'm here.

The battle ended sooner than others imagined. After Dick used the only mysterious card at hand, the power flowing in Azadas' body was canceled out, and he was like a large sandbag , can only let Dick attack, he can't even defend.

But is the paladin's attack so easy to bear?

Especially when Azadas itself still shows signs of being corroded, the power of order will only do more damage to him!

Ten minutes later, when the chains of light dissipated, Azadas was lying in the middle of the hall in a state of embarrassment. This was probably the first time this brave Titan Guardian had fallen into such an embarrassing situation after he stepped out of the Creator Engine. His limbs have been completely smashed, in fact, except for the source of energy in his chest and the source of wisdom in his brain, Azadas can't drive any part of his body.

Dick didn't mean to torture him. In fact, after smashing Azadas' limbs, the paladin, with the help of Aronaya, opened the energy source in Azadas' chest, trying to use the power of order to Clean the corruption from his body.

Yes, Azadas left Ulduar at the early stage of being corrupted, which made his symptoms not serious, at least not beyond the range of Dick's coping. Ossirian the Scarred will naturally be able to restart Azadas.

When Dick's left hand touched the core of Azadas's chest, which was constantly roaring, the giant's blue core surrounded by blood-red light seemed to be cut off, and all the light was quickly suppressed. , but traces of pure blue lightning are breeding in it.

The recovery of the Titan Guard needs a process, and both Elonaya and Dick know this, so after the giantess sincerely thanked Dick for his help, she stayed by Azadas' side, and Dick was alone. Walked into the secret room behind the throne of Azadas, which only Elonaya and Azadas knew at that time.

Now, of course, it was open to Dick.

The paladin walked into this resplendent and resplendent secret room, and it could be seen that even though Azadas was trapped in corrosion, he never relaxed in cleaning up the place. There are few things here, but each one is absolute. Boutique.

Most of them are books made of special rocks, which are the secret knowledge for the guardians to read, and there are some special instruments. Dick can't understand the function of those instruments, so he didn't touch those things rashly, but went straight to At the end of the room, there is a platinum disc floating slowly in the air.

This is the Disc of Norgannon, a true treasure said to have come from the hand of Norgannon, a true Titan and keeper of the mysteries of the Pantheon.

In the game, this original disk records the information on the creation of the Titans and the origins of the various Titan races. For historians, it is definitely a supreme treasure, but for paladins, it is of little use. That's why he never came to Uldaman to get it.

But now, no matter how stupid Dick is, he should realize that there must be some unknown secrets in this disc that he has been neglecting all this time.

Just when he touched the surface of the disc with his left hand, a virtual light curtain appeared. It was the image of Norgannon, with a starry body and starlight flowing in his body. Dick couldn't see him face, but he knew that this was exactly the image of the Titan that appeared when he first triggered the mysterious power in his body.

As soon as the light curtain appeared, Norgannon began to tell a lot of knowledge in the mysterious Titan language. Dick could barely understand some of it. He immediately realized that he might not have triggered the real answer to the mystery, because these knowledge were very similar to those in the game. official knowledge.

He gritted his teeth, aroused the power of order again, and pressed his left hand emitting high temperature on the surface of the disc. Norgannon's narration stopped immediately, as if the pause button was pressed. After 10 seconds, The phantom that was stagnant in place suddenly became alive again.

He even sighed!

Dick realizes that the time to reveal the mystery has come!


The four Titan language characters flashed across the light curtain, and Dick's heart immediately rose.

Sure enough, after this vivid image appeared, his tone was no longer as rigid as before, but became clear and slow, and a serious atmosphere soon emerged in the secret room. This kind of aura fits Norgannon's identity very well, because according to the legend, the guardian of the mysteries who has seen almost all the secrets is a very serious titan himself.

Whoever you are, if you hear these images, it means we have failed!

Dick was taken aback by the first words Norgannon spoke, and he immediately understood something, but he didn't think about it, but continued to listen.

My brother and I are about to go to Neharan, the land of peace, to negotiate with Sargeras, although I personally think this is completely unnecessary, Sargeras has already become crazy after being exposed to too many secrets of the void, he His paranoid personality and commitment to justice twisted him into something more terrifying than darkness.

I'm not optimistic about the outcome of this negotiation, so I have secretly deployed a lot of backup measures. I don't want these contingency measures to be activated, but if things don't go well, these may be our last hope.

Only selected creatures can activate the message I left, please write down the following words, they are very important!

Hearing these words, Dick immediately raised his ears and let go of his excitement. When the secret of the Titan above the sky wants to unfold by itself, who can not be excited?

The timeline is the protection of the world, as well as our protection. My elder brother Aman'Thul has used his great power to arrange a nearly infinite timeline world for each planet we choose. There is no need to doubt, where you are now World, is one of these timeline worlds! But that doesn't mean they're unreal!

The endless world leaves us with endless choices! And endless choices will converge into destiny, and endless destiny will eventually reverse everything! You are not alone, no matter which planet you are on, please remember that at the same time , and countless comrades-in-arms are working with you to reverse this desperate situation.

I will not let you challenge Sargeras alone, that is to die! On every titan planet, we have left a large number of guardians, and they will be your most trustworthy allies. Of course, Azeroth The situation is special, the minions of the void have already taken root on that planet, so your pressure may be even greater!

But compared to this, the help you can get is the greatest! Take this disc and go to find the disc I left in Uldum, the Origin Furnace, where there is a part of the power left over from the creation of the world, where There is also a world blueprint for restarting the world, get it, and when you have enough strength, go to Ulduar, the loyal Raiden and Odin will give you Valanir, that is my brother card Scepter of the Blessing of Zgroth

There is also the power in your body. The forced twisting is the shackles of power. Fate magic is a wonderful thing. Whenever you change your fate, those cut pieces of fate will be transformed into Your growing strength!

And only if you help the planet under your feet completely change the fate of destruction, it will truly agree with you! Holding Valanir, the world blueprint, and the approval of the platinum disc and the will of the world Elune, the four are combined into one, you You will obtain the highest authority under the Pantheon, and all creatures in Azeroth will help you!

Eliminate the pain left by the ancient gods on that planet, and let Elune grow rapidly. That will be the strongest Titan born after us. She has enough potential to fight against Sargeras. She will also help you complete the next step. things.

Dick stood there stunned. He seemed unable to bear the impact of the truth. His expression at this time was like a fool, but what Norgannon left behind was only a phantom. Naturally, Dick would not stop talking because of Dick's sluggishness. Simply this narration has come to the end, and Tai Tan's last words leisurely passed into the paladin's ears.

At this moment, the allies of the Pantheon are blocking Sargeras' footsteps at the far end of the universe, and there are also mysterious void forces. You have plenty of time, but when you reach a certain level, you will find that, There is too little time left for us, so hurry up, chosen creatures, if you are lucky enough, maybe in the future, we will meet again one day.

I'm looking forward to that day!


The disc in Dick's hand returned to silence amidst the soft humming sound, and all illusions disappeared, but Dick's expression did not show any joy. He took a deep breath, then turned around and punched the on the wall.

Norgannon had planned everything, and this should have been the most suitable path for him, but... even the omnipotent titan seemed so humble in the face of fate.

The leader of the Titan Guardians, the Great Guardian Raiden, fell into a mental breakdown because he learned the news of the complete destruction of the Pantheon. The aforementioned Valanar, the artifact used to create the world, has also been shattered.

Worst of all, even the Furnace of Origin had already been activated tens of thousands of years ago. That activation completely turned Uldum into a huge desert. The share of Norgannon should have been left to him The strength of it is likely to have been consumed long ago!

The only good thing is that Dick had already obtained Elune's approval, but Elune also fell into a deep sleep because of his weakness. Norgannon's plan was perfect, but unfortunately, it came too late!

Everything has changed!

Dick unraveled the secret of Norgannon. However, he once again recognized his situation. When all the arrangements left by the Pantheon were almost invalid, he could only rely on himself to save the world single-handedly.

Fortunately, he's probably used to it.

Drip... The second phase of Road of the Titans is completed, and the third phase Sealed Land

Description: Go to the Origin Hall of Uldum and get the World Blueprint (Azeroth)!

Reward: Increased authority, world twist rate +3%

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