Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 261 9. The Wound - The Dawn of West Dallon Mill

The story of Titan has nothing to do with the mortal world. It is the boundary between gods and humans. No one sees it, but it really exists. Just like the current Dick, even if he doesn't want to, he is breaking away from the secular system bit by bit. , the moment he was classified as a guardian, Theramore could no longer accommodate him.

He needs a wider stage, even the civilized world, which is not enough.

However, Dick is a special case after all. Not everyone will be related to the Titan myth. In fact, most mortals have their own lives and their own emotions.

For example, old Mograine, the actual controller of the northern battlefield of the Eastern Continent, has been quite happy recently.

After the victory in the Battle of Quicksand, the battlefield in northern Xinjiang seems to have become smoother. The knights who were transferred to Silithus returned. In the cruel war against the insects, these knights were promoted and sublimated. Returning almost immediately made the already sharp blade of the Scarlet Crusade even more dangerous.

A month ago, the Holy Light Monastery and the rebuilt Crusader Fortress started fighting at the same time! The Scarlet Crusade even ignored the embarrassment of the big fight before, and specially invited the Silver Hand, who is currently recovering well, the current leader of the Silver Hand, Tirion Fordring, and Gavin Ladd, the only surviving first-generation great knight. After repeated discussions, they finally agreed to this joint operation.

The Scarlet Crusade rushing out from the Tirisfal region was like a lion rushing into a flock of sheep. In just two weeks, it wiped out most of the undead in West Dallon Mill. They were all wiped out, and the remaining undead were huddled in Andorhal and the former sites of the Barov family, where the two liches now known as the School of the Spirit gathered together.

Facing the frenzy of the Scarlet Crusaders who fought like madmen, the irrational undead seemed to feel fear. Araki the Summoner, this cunning lich even sent his own death knight guards to fight against him all day long. Patrolling outside the ruins of Andorhal, for fear that the Scarlet Crusade would break through the defense and purify it.

But what should come will always come. On the 20th day of the war, the Scarlet Crusaders who had completed the purification of other areas, the Grand Knight Mograine, the Grand Inquisitor Isenlien, the old general Abedis, and the Archmage Du Under the leadership of Ann, they set up camp in front of the main gate of Andorhal, preparing for the final battle of West Dallon Mill!

With Araki and his damned walking corpses out of the way, we're turning our focus to Tirisfal.

Sitting in the middle of the tent, old Mograine took off his helmet a little tiredly, and handed it to the back, but there was no one familiar with him to catch his helmet. The old knight looked back, as if this Only then did he think of his beloved adopted daughter, Whitemane, who had been sent to Theramore by him to serve beside Princess Kalia.

The old knight sighed, and sending Whitemane to Kalia's side was not purely for the girl's future future. After Dathrohan's incident, for a while, even the old knight himself would People around are very wary.

As he said, what Balnazar destroyed was not just a great knight, he completely dug the root of the Silver Hand.

This is also the reason why the Scarlet Crusade followed a set of strict mental training at the beginning of its establishment. Old Mograine knew that people with weak will are most likely to be bewitched by this kind of demon, so in the past two years Here, he tried every means to forge the Scarlet Crusade, whom he had given high hopes, into a real Iron Legion.

All the paladins were determined to the point of coldness, they showed no mercy to the undead, and even sneered at the weakness of the paladins of the Silver Hand from time to time. Although this kind of training method was too cruel, old Mograine thought it was It should be, and it is worth it. This can be seen from the combat effectiveness of the Scarlet Crusade far surpassing the Silver Hand.

Facing the old Mograine's speech, General Abedis nodded while stroking his stubble,

The problem of Tirisfal is much more serious than that of West Dallonmere! Especially after the withdrawal of Gatheris' Fourth Legion, the area from Subcher to Lake Lordamere was almost handed over to The undead, and those disgusting Gilnean monsters! They are hunting our soldiers while hunting the undead, damn it! I knew 2 years ago that Greymane was crazy, now it seems that my The guess was correct.

The old general's face became ugly, he looked at the few people present, lowered his voice,

My spies reported that within the walls of Greymane, you know? Old man, those monsters in Silverpine Forest have also spread in Gilneas. They slaughtered villages and used evil methods to transform civilians. , A few months ago, there even appeared in that ghostly place was a guy named Head Wolf, that lunatic tried to restrain all werewolves, but undoubtedly failed, and many people died.

Archmage Duane looked in terrible condition compared to two years ago, but faced with the news of Abides, the old mage coughed twice and explained seriously,

Abbendis is right. I was able to contact Arugal a year ago, but in this year, Arugal seemed to disappear. The mage castle in Burnwood Village was also destroyed by werewolves. Occupied, if we want to retake Tirisfal, it is likely to confront those monsters head-on, they are horribly contagious, and the soldiers injured by them will be transformed into new werewolves, and we are not too good at this Solution.

Isenlien, the great judge, is also much older. It should be because of the strict laws of the Scarlet Crusade. He almost executes several paladins who have made serious mistakes every month. This kind of psychological pressure has accumulated over time, and it also made him It feels like I've aged ten years.

However, his mind was still as sharp and cold as before.

We might as well try Fording's method in West Dallon Mill, and the measures of those elves in the Land of Ghosts seem to be good.

Old Mograine took the conversation, his brows raised,

My brother, you mean, those adventurers? Those scum... I really don't want to bother with those rat-like guys, but if we really need it, we can also build a mercenary hall in Tirisfal, or simply Hiring those adventurers in East Dalomere, as long as they can block the attack of the werewolves at the critical moment, it doesn't take too long, maybe only two months, and we can push the battle line to the ruins of Lordaeron!

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of several commanders immediately lit up, and they looked at each other tacitly. Soon, old Mograine's eldest son, Renault, took a copy and signed the order for the life of the commanders. order, and went out.

Speaking of which, this kid Renault has changed a lot in the past two years, and he is becoming more and more like a real paladin.

General Abedis looked at Renault's leaving back with satisfaction, rubbed his chin, and said to old Mograine,

Why don't you just let my Bridget marry your Renault? That girl has broken my heart these past few years.

Mograine seemed to be a little moved, he sat on the chair and changed his posture, his eyes showed a light of thought, while the old mage Duane said with a smile,

Don't say that, Abbendis, Bridget is a good girl. We have seen what she has done in Stratholme in the past few years. To be honest, her growth has exceeded our expectations. In the future, After the Kingdom of Lordaeron is rebuilt, Bridget will definitely become the new spokesperson for the military, she has truly inherited your will and character, if she were a young man, she would probably be as famous as Dalyan in Northern Xinjiang by now.

After finishing speaking, the atmosphere that was still good just now froze in an instant. After Duan was reminded by Essenlien, he realized that he had said something wrong, and old Mograine's face completely turned cold. Well, the old buddies here don't know that now Dalyan's name has completely become the reverse scale of old Mograine.

However, Dalyan has done a lot of great things in northern Xinjiang in the past two years, whether it is personally leading the team to recapture one-third of the frontal battlefield in the land of ghosts, or helping Tylan Fording snatch back from the hands of the undead. Occupied Hearth Valley, which made Dalyan's name more and more famous in northern Xinjiang.

Although this guy is not a paladin but a warrior, when people talk about him, they will subconsciously call him the Knight of Honor. He is currently stationed in Hearthglen with Tyran Fordring, leading the Silver Hand And part of the Paladins of the Silver Dawn, this time the siege of Andorhal, Dalyan also participated.

Of course, given his bad relationship with old Mograine, his command camp was naturally set up on the far side.

Old Mograine was in a bad mood, and naturally the topic could not be discussed any further. Everyone broke up unhappy, and nothing happened the next day. Until dusk, the orderly sent an urgent battle report, and there was a large number of undead The elite are moving from Tirisfal to Andorhal. The Scarlet Crusade's defense line in Tirisfal is about to be breached, so they come here to ask for support.

After getting the news, old Mograine led a Scarlet Crusade to the junction of Tirisfal and West Dalomir without saying a word. It used to be a very prosperous gathering place of small farms, but Right now, it's just off the beaten track.

Raynor and Mograine's loyal squire Fairbanks went out with the old knight. No one thought that such a powerful army would suffer defeat, especially when the Ashbringer led the team himself.

But 10 minutes later, when the old Mograine led the team to set off and the news of the deep danger was sent back to Dalyan's camp, the young soldier hesitated rarely.

He has been stationed in northern Xinjiang for the past two years, and his growing age and strength made him less and less willing to stay in this peaceful place, but because of what he promised Dick at the beginning, he had to suppress the anxiety in his heart, Honestly honed his strength in northern Xinjiang.

He has never forgotten what Dick told him, but it has been 2 years. Maybe it is just a guess, and the guess may not necessarily become a reality. Old Mograine is already one of the top powerhouses in the human world. Dalyan couldn't imagine that in the northern border, no one could hurt him who was wielding the Ashbringer.

Dalyan's hesitation was quickly discovered by Tylan Fording. During the two years of fighting, Dalyan took good care of this little brother who was slightly younger than himself. Tyran also inherited the first generation of great knights. Tirion Fordring's powerful talent, he has become a new knight star who is about to enter the lord rank at a young age.

Especially after Dalyan brought the paladins to help him and his father regain the family fief Hearthglen, Tyran and Dalyan quickly became good friends who talked about everything.

What's the matter? Dalyan, you look a little hesitant, this is not like you usually!

Tai Lan, who was wiping his long sword with a sword cloth, jokingly said to Dalyan. The latter took a deep breath and said to Tai Lan very seriously,

I have a question, Tailan, if a guy who is powerful but has a bad relationship with you, there is a little chance that he will be in danger, but there is a high chance that nothing will happen, will you to help him?

Tai Lan is a young man's mind, and he didn't think too much, so he asked simply,

Is that guy righteous or evil?

The orthodox paladin way of thinking, Dalyan shrugged,

Of course it's just, the kind of justice that some people can't accept.


Tai Lan nodded, and answered as it should, Then we should help him, you know, in this ghost place of northern Xinjiang, there are not many people who really want to be righteous, and the damn adventurers simply put It's filled up here, and I lost a dagger yesterday that my father gave me last year... What the hell are you going to do? It's getting dark, dude!

Dalyan carried his bloody giant sword on his back, and smiled back at Tai Lan,

I'm going to see that guy. If he's in danger, I'll save him. Do you want to come?

Of course! How can the just cause be without me? Wait a minute, I'll go to the kitchen to get something to eat, and then we'll go!

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