Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 265 13. The Wound - When the Wolf Howls

Tai Lan wiped the muddy water on his face, his breathing was somewhat short of breath.

Facing a guy like Dathrohan, tricks are almost useless. When he was still a paladin, he was a famous violent element. Now that he has lost all the shackles of prestige and glory, Tyran has no doubts, maybe In the next moment, Dathrohan's giant sword would slam over, smashing himself into a ball of mud.

He took two steps back cautiously, looked left and right, there was no way out!

Ghouls slowly squeezed up from the darkness, and gargoyles fell on the branches. The dark area in this jungle has been completely sealed off!

Tai Lan put Mograine under the tree, and he held the sword hilt at his waist. At this moment, he should take the life of the old knight, because it has become clear that there is no way to escape. If he died here, he would be transformed into a death knight along with the old knight.

Dathrohan stood aside, he didn't make any movement, and watched Tailan's choice with great interest.

Even though it was the child he watched growing up, for Dathrohan now, these pasts have become meaningless burdens, remembering the souls of the past is painful, Dathrohan is a simple person, suffering, Don't try to remember.

When indifference becomes the norm, there is no pain from emotional entanglement.

The rays of light from the shaded trees are cold, and those rays of light fall on Tailan's face in pieces, without temperature, very cold. This jungle that has long been covered by darkness is a place full of darkness and despair. place.

Tailan's breathing became even, and he reached out his hand for the last time to straighten Mograine's body, then stood up, straightened the joystick, and blocked the old knight.


The long sword was out of its sheath, and the blade was facing Dathrohan. After making up his mind, Tai Lan felt that his arms were no longer trembling. The flame ignited from his heart made his will stronger. For a young paladin Said that he is not afraid of death, as long as the death is meaningful.

Countless heroic souls have been sprinkled on this land. Tai Lan firmly believes that the warm sun will shine here again. If the flower of victory needs to be watered by the blood of the brave, then he will not hesitate to sprinkle his blood on this land. on the ground.

Farewell, father!

The paladin looked to the far east, where his father may still be commanding the paladins to resist the invasion of the undead. He has followed his father as an example since he was a child, and that is the hero in his mind. Now, he will also become a hero. Such a hero only hoped that his father would not be too sad when he received the news of his death.

He will die as a warrior rather than a coward. This place in northern Xinjiang is already a rare honor.


Seeing Tai Lan rushing towards him with a long sword in hand, and seeing the young man gather the holy light in his body into a ball and slash towards him, Dathrohan snorted, the heavy sword in his hand seemed to have no weight , turned around on his wrist, and easily smashed Tailan's long sword in half, and sent the paladin flying by the way.

Yes, Dathrohan did not use the blade, but raised the epee horizontally. This blow would make Tailan very uncomfortable, but it would not hurt his life. It is hard to say what Dathrohan's psychological activities at this moment, However, after Tailan was shot flying, the death knight ignored him, but waved his hand, and a group of ugly, dirty and disgusting ghouls surrounded Tailan.

Dathrohan strode towards Mograine who was about to die. He looked at the pitiful appearance of his old brother who was seriously injured and dying, and shook his head.

You shouldn't be like this, it's not your end but that's okay, you're going to be soon

Aw! Aww!

The howling of wolves that suddenly sprang up in the forest interrupted the silence in the jungle and Dathrohan's soliloquy. The death knight turned his head and looked at the depths of the jungle where the continuous howling of wolves came out.

A few seconds later, Dathrohan drew the heavy sword from behind, he felt something was wrong!

Ordinary forest wolves are extremely smart hunters, and they will stay away from places where the undead exist, but right now, Dathrohan can feel that those black forest wolves, like crazy, are scrambling at the two huge giants, one black and one white. Led by the dire wolf, it was frantically rushing towards him.

That number. This is probably all the coyotes in Silverpine Forest!

Dozens of black shadows shuttle back and forth among the wolves, with Dathrohan's eyesight, he can easily see the true colors of those black shadows, they are werewolves!

The savage creatures entrenched in the southern part of the Silverpine Forest and even hindered the attack of the undead Scourge, what are these ignorant creatures doing here?

The death knight sensed that something might have gone wrong. He bent down, carried Mograine's body on his shoulders, and was about to leave. His goal had been achieved, and there was no need to stay here to fight those beasts.

But just after Dathrohan took two steps, in front of his eyes, several black shadows had already walked out from another direction amidst the howling of wolves.

It was a tall werewolf, stronger than the ordinary werewolf Dathrohan had ever seen, with black hair all over, and even wearing a special leather armor! The already sharp claws are surrounded by metal claw blades that emit a cold light, and the most eye-catching thing is their eyes.

That's not chaotic and crazy red, but green, a kind of green with wisdom and reason!


These werewolves, when.

Dathrohan took a step back cautiously. Behind him, two huge dire wolves, one black and one white, roared, leading the forest wolves like a black tide into the crowd of undead. Ghouls and walking corpses faced this An attack of this scale cannot be effectively defended at all, and it almost disappears at the touch of a button.

These ferocious beasts attacked those undead crazily, but ignored Tailan who was holding a broken sword. The young paladin felt like his heart was about to jump out. Surrounded by at least thousands of forest wolves, he watched He has never been so afraid of the green fluorescent lights in his eyes.

Those strong black wolves leaped from the ground and tore off the gargoyles that couldn't dodge from the branches. After a burst of frantic biting and tearing, the gargoyles' bodies were smashed into rubble. The wild offensive made Tai Lan's eyes straight.

For Dathrohan, the current situation has changed to another form. He saw those tall werewolves stepping out of the way, and a slender figure with a green scythe on his back came out of the dark mist, as if With the power of the wind, wherever she goes, the mist is blown away.

It was a female werewolf, with gray mane, sharp and terrifying claws, and a few dashes of white hair on her cheeks, making her look petite and cute. Dathrohan also noticed that this female werewolf and Other werewolves are different!

She has pricked ears and a wagging tail.

She is the leader of these werewolves and thousands of Timberwolves. She is a wolf!

The eccentric werewolf who has recently gained fame in the Gilneas region, it is said that she tried to achieve a coexistence of humans and werewolves, but in the end failed.

But now it seems that this wolf has not failed, at least the werewolves around her have all been restored to their senses by her in a special way.

The thought of a werewolf who can keep his head clear and harness his wild hunting instincts is truly terrifying.

Put him down, death knight!

The voice of the chief wolf was hoarse, accompanied by the wolves that had completely dispersed the undead, forming a big encirclement circle around them, and there were more and more werewolves, those guys who jumped out of the forest, Dathrohan He stretched his neck and leaned on the epee in front of him.

An equally cold smile appeared on his cold face,

Want him? Yes, come and try to defeat me!

A trace of tyranny flashed across Velinde's face, she uttered a threat, the claws of her right hand popped out one by one, while her left hand held the sickle behind her back.

This action is the signal to start the war. The tall werewolf standing behind Velinde looked up to the sky and screamed. His vigorous posture was like a shadow. He broke through the surrounding fog and his legs shot out like sharp arrows off the string. , One by one, they rushed towards Dathrohan, as well as the surrounding wolves, and those wild werewolves who felt the call of Goldrinn's emissary. All the creatures present moved at this moment. scene.

Tai Lan almost suffocated watching this scene! The wolf howls of thousands of wolves made the paladin's hair count down. Is this the mysterious power behind Dalyan? Is this the power of the Argent Dawn? They can actually mobilize werewolves?

Dathrohan swung the epee, and the energy of death struck overwhelmingly, mixed with the icy cold wind and ice cones, sealing the space around his body into a death jeopardy, but even so, facing the extremely fast werewolf During the siege, Dathrohan's body was caught with many wounds in an instant.

Those werewolves in leather armor are difficult to deal with. They don't fight alone like those wild werewolves, but attack in a very organized group, which makes them dangerous to a higher level in an instant. Under the wild hunting attack , Dathrohan even had to choose defense. After all, two fists are hard to fight with four hands, and even a large-scale explosion of death energy, it is difficult to hit these guys who are as agile as the wind.

After Velinde joined the battlefield, Dathrohan's situation became even more difficult. She may not be as strong as Dathrohan, but the sharpness of the Goldrinn scythe in her hand has become her biggest killer. After only four hits , There was an obvious crack and gap on Dathrohan's great sword on the door panel. Once the weapon was cut off, this battle was destined to become more difficult.

So Dathrohan chose another way of fighting!

He broke through!

Breaking out in the direction of Tirisfal, in the spiritual connection of the natural disaster, Kurtaz is rushing in this direction with another undead. As long as Dathrohan joins the undead, these werewolves will no longer be a threat!

The heroic death knight wants to break through, and no one can stop him!

The wolves opened a canal within a few seconds, and Dathrohan strode forward. The thick blood-red mask helped him resist the attack of the wolves, but it was not easy. When wolves hunt, they rarely fail. These top predators in the wilderness are well versed in the way of hunting, so it is very difficult for Dathrohan to break through.

From time to time, a werewolf passing by would stand in front of him, seriously delaying his progress.

The death knight could only use large-scale howling blasts and death coils to repel them again and again, and even swept the surrounding ground with pure death energy to clear the way forward for themselves.

After you chased me for ten minutes, Dathrohan's face was delighted by the strange chirping sound from the sky. It was the chirping sound of a bone griffin, the standard flying mount of the Death Knight Legion, but when the dozens of When the skull griffin landed slowly, Dathrohan's expression changed drastically again, because from these death knights, he didn't feel the same kind of breath!

Although they are all warriors who wield the power of death, the death knights who belong to the undead natural disaster and lead a power are obviously not companions.

Thassarian jumped off the bone griffin, and the other death knights jumped off with him, as well as Dalyan. Granny, the blade of anger in his hand was also clenched tightly.

Put him down, or kill him! Dathrohan.

Thassarian's voice was very cold, and he couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations at all, You and I both know that a paladin like Mograine can only be transformed by Frostmourne, you don't have that ability, so you Try to kill him, maybe all we get is a corpse.

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