Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 266 14. Wounds - Sorrows of Northern Xinjiang

In the dark silver pine forest, in a silent forest, the three forces are confronting each other.


Dathrohan found himself trapped in the siege once again, and the number of high-ranking lords here has already exceeded ten. It is not impossible for such a combination to ambush a hero.

Worst of all, Kurtaz was at least 10 minutes away from here, but he couldn't understand why Mograine's matter would involve werewolves and these rebellious death knights! Before that, they had no connection at all.

But right now is not the time to think about these things, just like what Thassarian said, the transformation of Mograine cannot be done by a random death knight, it must be done by Frostmourne himself, but the current situation has already It was destined that Mograine would not fall into the hands of the Scourge.

As you wish! Ashbringer may not be a member of Death, but he is also doomed not to survive! Northern Border, this sad land, is destined to be a natural disaster!

Dathrohan lowered Mograine from his shoulders, and strangled his neck with his left hand. The death knight's eyes were cold. For a death knight like him, he didn't worry about the destruction of his body. If the soul left in Frostmourne doesn't dissipate, he still has a chance to be resurrected.

Amid the exclamations of Dalyan and Tyran, his palms were clenched violently, the strength of the hero level made the bones of the old knight crack, and the next moment, Mograine's neck would be broken.

However, when Velinde roared and rushed forward, the deep shadow behind Dathrohan moved strangely, and then a bright knife light shone from Dathrohan's shoulder, swiftly as if slashing across Lightning in the night sky.

After the thorn blade wheel passed by, the death knight's arm and Mograine's body fell to the ground amidst Dathrohan's uncontrollable cries of pain. He kicked Dathrohan's chest, kicked the death knight down, and then used the recoil to catch old Mograine's body in his hands.

Sorry, I'm a little late.

The watchman's tired and cold voice sounded in the forest, Next time, maybe you should call for help earlier. Do you know how long it takes to get here from Stratholme?

This questioning made Dalyan a little embarrassed, but facing this aura of watchman, Dalyan could only honestly take over old Mograine, and whispered,

I'm sorry, Ms. Merlene, it's just

Okay, let's talk about the rest after finishing the fight. The defense line of East Dallon Mill is under fierce attack. Miss Bridget needs you to rush back and lead the knights of the war group to dispatch. Herold and Myra have already rushed to the front line, so We better hurry up!

The watchman lowered the knife wheel in his hand and jumped into the shadows. This was the signal to start the war again. After rescuing old Mograine, everyone could finally attack freely. In the wolves of Sarian and Velinde, Dathrohan, who had lost his right arm, swung the greatsword with difficulty, but after Goldrinn's scythe shattered the long sword, Dathrohan's fate was already doomed.

Ten minutes later, when the dwarf death knight Kurtaz rushed here with the elite death knights, the battlefield had already calmed down. Dathrohan once again lost his order and knelt on the ground. Well, the death knight fought to the last moment. He leaned on the broken sword with his only remaining hand to support his body so as not to fall, but the shocking wound on his back almost pierced his chest.

All around him, trees had been toppled, and the ground smelled of death, as if it had been plowed over.

Kurtaz inspected the battlefield indifferently. Not far away, he found a lot of forest wolf corpses, among which were some wild werewolves. This discovery made the dwarves frown. How did Dathrohan get into these beast?

Kurtaz couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter. After Dathrohan was reshaped again, all the mysteries would be revealed.

Take it, let's go!

Kurtaz got on his horse, said something to the death knight beside him, turned around and led the group and disappeared into the darkness of Silverpine Forest. Another round of war in the northern border has begun, and the gate to East Dalomir will also close. Being opened, he also has no time to waste here.

On the other side, Dalyan and the others are quickly retreating towards the hills of Hillsbrad. The reconstructed Dalaran is nearby. Through the portal there, everyone can quickly return to Stratholme. They ride on the On the giant wolf supported by Velinde, galloping in the forest, the watchman Mai Lin was beside Velinde, and the two seemed to be talking about some secret things.

Aren't you going back? Everyone is very worried about you. Before I switched defenses and left Theramore, Princess Kalia asked for your news more than once.

Mai Lin's body was still very straight on the Mercedes-Benz giant wolf, but Velinde was a little looser on the other hand. There was a trace of unconcealable sadness on the female werewolf's face. She shook her head,

I can always recall the memory of Anveena in that place, which made me very painful. If I could be stronger at that time. Thank you, but I can't go back recently. The werewolves here are wild and untamed. They attack civilians like crazy. , only the Moon God Scythe can control them a little bit, once I leave, the situation here will be even worse, civilians are always innocent.

Dick is looking for a way to revive Anveena recently, maybe you should help him.

Mai Lin saw the defense line of the Hillsbrad Hills in the distance. She said one last word to Velinde, and then drove the giant wolf towards that direction. Velinde and her wolves stayed behind. At the edge of the Silverpine Forest, the female werewolf regained her night elf form, with a green scythe on her back, gazing at the crowd in the distance.

There was a trace of longing in her eyes. When Harleken, the snow-white giant wolf who followed Velinde from Blackstone Mountain to Silverpine Forest, rubbed Velinde's leg affectionately, let out a comfortable whimpering sound, The night elf stretched out his hand, gently rubbed Harleken's head, turned his gaze to the west again, and finally shook his head.

She turned and walked into the dark forest, and the wolves followed her like guards defending the king.

There will always be some people who will put shackles on their lives, not for the purpose of living more meaningfully, maybe just simply unwilling to forget the beauty of the past, people with delicate feelings are certainly indecisive, but when they really make up their minds, even if they are Thousands of mountains and rivers can't stop their footsteps.

On the other side, when the tired Dalyan and the others stepped out of the portal and returned to Stratholme, the city, which had been quiet for two years, was in a rare state of war.

The knights of Quel'Thalas, the knights of the Silver Dawn, and the soldiers conscripted from the Hillsbrad Hills walked out of the city gate one by one, and went to different places under the leadership of the commander. Lian entrusted the nearly exhausted old Mograine to the priest of the Silver Dawn, and then hurried to the command hall.

Bridget Abedis, the titular ruler of Stratholme, has put on a set of battle armor to make her look more heroic, but this beautiful girl is currently reading with a frown. According to the battle report from the front line, it is obvious that the battle is not going well.

I'm back, Bridget!

Dalyan yelled, and Abedis raised her head, her brows stretched, but then they frowned again,

What the hell are you doing? Dalyan, do you know that the undead rely on the damn floating fortress floating in the sky to launch an attack again, and the mages of Quel'Thalas resisted very hard. Into the skies of East Dalomere, all defenses here are finished!

Sorry, Bridget, but I have bad news for you!

Dalyan lowered his voice, The Ashbringer was set in an ambush by the undead and was seriously injured and dying. We rescued him and is now placed in Stratholme. That bastard Renault is colluding with the undead. Bridget, we are in trouble!

This sentence made Miss Abbendis' complexion change drastically.

What! Hell, the Scarlet Crusade has taken over at least one-third of the defense of the Crusader Fortress, as well as Andorhal and Hearthglen, once those two places fall

That's what I'm worried about! Gather all the Griffin Riders, we have to get there as fast as possible!

Dalyan grabbed Bridget's arm, Do you have a communication stone here to contact the front line? I have to tell them to evacuate as soon as possible. Once Renault does something unforgivable, the 3W people will soon be overwhelmed by the undead. !

Bridget immediately took out a white communication stone engraved with magic runes from her drawer, and handed it to Dalyan. in the individual's ears.

Anyone hear? Quick answer, anyone?

Dalyan dragged Bridget out of the command room, and shouted at the communication stone, Get out of there, it's not safe!

A few seconds later, a tired voice came over,

Darian, is that you?


When Bridget heard the voice, she immediately grabbed the communication stone and said anxiously, Father, get out of there quickly, Renault betrayed us, that bastard colluded with the undead, and he even set up an ambush for Grand Knight Mograine.

Miss Abedis's voice was hoarse due to the pressure, but on the other side, General Abedis, who had cut down a ghoul with great difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked back at the barracks and the burning barracks. The tragedies of killings were happening everywhere, and the hope in his eyes was losing a little bit. He said to his daughter with difficulty,

Bridget, my child, it's too late. Reynolds tricked the barracks' defenses, and led the death knights to rush into the barracks. This place has collapsed, that lunatic. He is hopeless, my child, listen to me , don’t come to die! Take care of yourself and go to Theramore to find Princess Kalia. We failed to fulfill our promise to her and the former king, but we will fight to the death here. Before we die, we will not let the undead take a step forward!”

Son, I'm sorry I can't attend your wedding, Bridget, be strong, you're a good boy, you've done a great job over the years, I haven't praised you enough, but you'll always be my pride! You have to go your own way.


The long rune sword stabbed from behind pierced the chest of General Abidis. The old general roared and swung the sword in his hand, exhausting his last strength, and beheaded the death knight behind him. This action exhausted him With all the will, the white-haired old general leaned on his body with his battle sword, and looked at the undead who were approaching step by step in the twisted flames. In his eyes, a touch of softness finally emerged.

I wish you happiness. Goodbye, child.

No! Father, no!

Bridget held the broken sound transmission stone in her hand, tears and despair welled up in her heart, and Dalyan also turned his face away in pain, he couldn't bear to watch this scene, the female general cried heartbreakingly The echoes outside Stratholme's command hall signaled that a new wound had opened on the troubled northern battlefield.

On this day, the sky in northern Xinjiang became cloudy again, because it lost many heroes who had been guarding it. The land has been soaked in blood. The flames that overwhelmed the sky and burned up all the beating evils.

But until then, everything needs to be endured, whether it is pain or despair.

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