Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 291 39. It's Over

West Dallon Mill, Gaylorne Farm, this farm located in the northwest of West Dallon Mill has long been abandoned. Weeds have occupied the place where the food used to grow, and the strange noises from time to time make this place even more unpopular.

However, a small advance base has been built around the original house on Gailon Farm. The tired soldiers who just returned from the battlefield are sitting in twos and threes, resting, chatting, and waiting for the first meal after the battle. dinner.

There are as many as five advanced bases like this in the West Dallon Mill area.

The remains of the comrades who died in battle have been packed in rough coffins, ready to be sent back to their hometowns, most of which were sent to the Kingdom of Stormwind, after Archbishop Benedictus established the Royal Knights of Stormwind City 2 years ago , Every month, a group of recruits will be sent to the battlefield in northern Xinjiang.

At first they accepted the teachings of the Scarlet Crusade, but the casualties in that fanatical environment were too great, especially for the recruits, so a year ago, the royal family of Stormwind handed over the command of some recruits to The Silver Hand, it is said that this action was greatly supported by the little prince Anduin who was growing up slowly.

After the Scarlet Crusade broke out the ugly incident of Renault's patricide, many veterans in this group almost collapsed. After General Richit Abedis returned to the Hand of Tyr, the Scarlet Crusade almost spontaneously launched a cleansing operation.

This cleansing was not cruel. Those veterans who refused to accept the handshake of the Scarlet Crusade, the Silver Hand and the Silver Dawn, and who took purification of heresy as their life guide were not brutally executed, but were concentrated Together, most of them are going to follow the old Mograine Grand Knight to Northrend for a counterattack!

A small group of people were sent to the seemingly forgotten Scarlet Monastery. They were fully armed and passed through the current defense line of the undead that was full of loopholes in the night. No one knew the mission they shouldered, but one can imagine that it was definitely not It will be a pleasant thing.

It is worth mentioning that the former Admiral of Lordaeron, Barry Weswin, who played an important role in the period from the death of the old General Abbendis to Miss Bridget's return to power, played an important role in Return of the Ashbringer. Afterwards, he was declared missing again, but at this moment of his side's big victory, not many people paid attention to this matter.

At the edge of the battlefield, Darian was holding a blacksmith's hammer, naked to the waist, repairing the weapons of the soldiers. There were several other blacksmiths busy beside him. Generally speaking, most powerful fighters are powerful As a blacksmith, only the weapons and armor that you design for yourself are the most suitable for you.

Under this general trend, Darien also has a very good repairing skill, but right now he is not doing it for fun, but because the battle is going on too fast, and the blacksmiths accompanying the army are too busy. Beside the temporary blacksmith shop, there are piles of broken weapons like hills, or the weapons that adventurers just seized from the battlefield.

Half a month ago, the floating fortress Naxxramas crashed into the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, triggering the Holy Spirit riot, and the undead in the entire northern border lost all their high-ranking commanders in an instant. The undead, who seemed to be struggling, really became an opponent without wisdom.

Needless to say the flat push of the veterans of hundreds of battles, even the cowardly adventurers, now dare to go out to hunt in twos and threes. The smooth progress of the battle is shocking. Most of the undead in Dalomere were separated, and the undead who could only attack their opponents instinctively had completely become a meal for the northern Xinjiang soldiers.

According to the estimates of the high-ranking paladins, in at most 3 months, the entire West Dallon Mill will be completely restored! The rest is the Tirisfal region with a relatively complicated environment. However, after the hundreds of thousands of undead in West Dallonmir have been wiped out, it is only a matter of time before the isolated and helpless Tirisfal returns to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The dark sky in the sky of West Darlon Mill was also broken by the mages of Dalaran, and the sun finally sprinkled on this devastated land. Although the situation looked good, in fact, this land was ravaged by undead If you want to restore the land for more than 3 years to a level that can be used for human habitation, don’t even think about it in less than five years. For a severely damaged area like Andorhal, the recovery time may be calculated on the basis of 10 years of.

However, Princess Kalia, who is far away in Theramore, has already decided after hearing the news of the victory in the northern border war. It is said that her attitude is very firm, and this order has also received the full support of many commoners and old nobles.

Not everyone can leave their hometown and live on another continent. Although 3 years have passed, many Theramores still regard themselves as citizens of Lordaeron, and everyone is not stupid. Although the Northern Xinjiang area is a bit more dangerous right now, the large tracts of unowned land are enough for many people to take risks.

What is even more exciting is that the Lordaeron exiles who are still living in the Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad Hills, after receiving the news that West Dallon Mill is about to be restored, they don't even need officials to organize them. He spontaneously put on the simple leather armor, picked up the crude weapons, and, under the leadership of the former Lordaeron veterans, repented of his original hometown.

The return of these brave men satisfied the paladins who were once unable to launch continuous attacks due to lack of military strength. With the participation of these eager people to return home, the operation to expel the undead went more smoothly.

However, it is always the lower classes who cheer and cheer. Their knowledge does not allow them to know more secrets. For the real big shots, the difficult moment has just arrived.

Stratholme City, a large city located in the hinterland of East Dalomere, has become a real rear area. Since the soldiers were all sent to the front line, the city that was originally crowded with soldiers seemed much empty. Well, the new capital of Princess Kalia will be placed here, so in the past few days, there have been many well-dressed guys waving gold coins to buy real estate everywhere.

Liadrin, the current interim ruler of Stratholme City, turned a blind eye to this kind of behavior. The noble forces will never be eradicated, and Princess Kalia cannot rebuild Lordaeron without their support. Support, so when the time is right, as long as they don't do too much, no one will pursue these speculative things.

At this time, in the town hall of Stratholme, a secret meeting to determine the fate of the northern border is going on.

The number of participants was small, but the gold content was absolutely high.

The old knight Mograine, who was entrusted by Princess Kalia to fight in the northern border, Tirion Fordring, the current commander of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Bridget Abedis, the general of the Scarlet Crusade, and the Silver Dawn Dick Tang, the great knight of order, the old Marshal Gaslis who just rushed back from the front line yesterday, and the last one is Sir Moens, the Minister of State of Theramore who rushed back to Stratholme from Theramore. The current patriarch of the Barov family is a minister that Princess Kalia relies heavily on.

By the way, the one who buys the most real estate in Stratholme is also the retainer of this old nobleman with strong administrative ability.

Everyone, the battle in the northern border has come to an end! This is a precious victory for all the warriors who fell on this glorious land in exchange for their lives. Lordaeron will not forget them! We will use all the rest of this country Time to thank and remember them.

Sir Moens stood up from his chair, first said something high-sounding, and then turned the topic to the real purpose,

However, the news sent back to Theramore a week ago made Her Royal Highness very worried, which is why I came here this time, Mr. Earl, are you really sure that the news you got is true?

Dick didn't answer. In fact, he couldn't answer now. With a pale face, he was holding his chest and coughing hard. When the handkerchief in his hand was removed from the corner of his mouth, everyone present was shocked by the bright red.

In fact, with Dick's current physical strength, the impact of Naxxramas's fall alone could not make his injuries so serious, but the subsequent wave of heroic spirit eruption made Dick become Looking at the current state, the heroic spirits of the dead paladins didn't care whether Dick was a hero of justice or not. After they were stimulated by the death breath of Naxxramas, all the undead in that natural disaster floating city , were all purified into ashes.

The current wreckage of Naxxramas, together with most of Light's Wish Town, is estimated to be one of the cleanest places in the world. The holy energy that is still surging there has made it impossible for mice and cockroaches to survive.

It is conceivable how violent the wave of energy burst at the beginning was. Dick only remembered that the holy light in the eye almost condensed into a substantial ocean. He fell into it and even felt suffocated, and then broke out again The energy rushed into his body, stunned his brain, and passed out in a coma.

It was Anveena who carried Dick with difficulty and escaped from the horrible sea of ​​holy light, but after Dick was rescued, he became what he is now. To say that he is weak is to praise him. Paladins even need a cane to barely move.

Jaina and Fording inspected Dick's body for the first time, and finally came to an unimaginable fact. Every blood vessel and every bone in Dick's body gathered unimaginable The holy power was almost condensed into a solid body. If it wasn't for the Fist of Silver to help him bear more burdens, Dick would have been directly exploded by the huge amount of holy power in that wave of holy light.

Then he is probably the paladin with the most fancy way of death in the history of Azeroth.

But the problem now is that those substantial holy energies have hindered Dick's normal physiological activities. Before his physical strength reaches the next stage, he can't transform these holy energies into his own power, even on a large scale. Mobilizing the holy power will cause him the pain of being torn apart.

To put it simply, before being an advanced hero, Dick was a powerful cripple.

With his current strength of holy energy, the shield of Naaru that he propped up casually is so strong that Fording, who is between the hero and the epic hero, has a headache, but he himself does not have even a little bit of combat power, and he even lifts it. Even the wind-chasing sword can't do it. Although the high healing power of the Holy Light can fully guarantee that his muscles will not atrophy, the conditions for advanced heroes are too harsh. If Dick can't further damage his body with these holy powers Realize the essence of true power before functioning.

Then... he will not die, but he will live an extremely miserable life. Imagine that on the one hand, there is a life as weak as a candle, and on the other hand, the holy energy that constantly heals the body. He will always be on the edge of life and death , until the holy energy in the body is consumed little by little.

It is conservatively estimated that the process will last at least 100 years, which is simply the most terrible torture in the world.

Ahem, Grand Knight Mograine will take the most elite Scarlet Crusaders away to Northrend, trying to open up the farthest frontier for Lordaeron in the Dark Continent, so that the war will take place outside the land, Fording The Grand Knight will try its best to integrate all the assistance we can find, and go to Northrend as soon as the war breaks out. For this reason, the Scarlet Crusade and the Silver Hand even let go of their mutual hatred. Sir Moens, if The news I brought back is false, do you think we will gamble on the fate of Northern Xinjiang on such a large scale?

Dick said with difficulty, After the heroic spirits of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel were consumed by the evil schemes of natural disasters, we no longer have the biggest hole card to deal with Alsace. The only thing we can do is to preemptively strike. Push it over to his wicked land, and let war break out there.

But it will keep us bleeding, Mr. Earl, commanders!

Sir Moens frowned, and tapped lightly on the table with his left hand, The newborn Lordaeron needs a calm atmosphere to rebuild the country, and according to the calculations of our Minister of Finance, we may need 5 years Only by doing so can the rebuilt country recover, we cannot afford such a large-scale war!

I didn't say let Lordaeron alone...cough cough...cough cough...did not let us bear this war alone!

After Dick said a word, he couldn't go on anymore. The violent ups and downs in his chest made him a little out of breath. Fording took Dick's words and continued,

Grand Knight Mograine and the Scarlet Crusade, as well as the second batch of paladins and soldiers who are about to go to Northrend, we are guarding the gate for the entire civilized world, and we deserve the help of the entire civilized world!

Mograine and Gasheris looked at each other, and finally the old marshal made the final decision.

The Northern Expedition has never been Lordaeron's business!

But...will they be involved?

They will, trust me.

After drinking a dozen glasses of water, Dick wiped the corners of his mouth, and a sharp light burst out of his eyes.

(First of all, if you say that the Lich cannot be mind-controlled, you must have never played the task of Dragonbone Wilderness. Secondly, did I say that Ke Zong was bewitched? Finally, there is only one BOSS, the Dark Titan Sargeras, And brothers who feel that Kel'Thuzad's transformation is very abrupt, Kel'Thuzad has appeared since the first volume, and he is a guy in almost every volume. Obviously, in my plan, he must be a very important character. Why? Do you want to always treat him as a Nobody? Of course, my love for Mr. Ke is more from Mr. Bigworth and the silver coins he left in the Dalaran pool. This is a poor guy. Brother with rhythm Let's stop for a while, drink a glass of water, and read a book calmly. The world has been reversed by almost 50%, and this is no longer the original world. Finally, I ask for a wave of vote bombing and support! Thank you brothers for your support!)

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