Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 292 40. Coming Soon

Not to mention the discussions going on in the Stratholme Council Hall, in the Agamand Mill in Tirisfal, a black figure with an epee and a longbow was standing in the blurred night, letting the endless ghosts here A cold wind blew through his gray hair.

Unlike the undead wandering around, when the wind blows his hair, you can always see the sharp ears hidden under the hair, as well as his slender and powerful body.

This is a high elf undead, judging by the way the walking corpses around him avoid him, this is still a tyrannical guy.

He has stood here for a long time, and in more distant places, in the dark and desolate night, there are always some cold lights that light up in the dark. No one knows what it means, and no one is willing to explore there. Now In Tirisfal, only those who are not curious can survive, but all adventurers and scouts who enter here will keep this sentence firmly in their hearts.

Lor'themar Theron looked down at his own pale face reflected in the small pond at his feet. Judging by the constant red light in his eyes, he seemed to be in a state of restlessness. Lost mind in his memories, this is almost impossible for a ranger of his level, but it really happened.

You're the only one left?

A sinister and weak voice appeared not far behind Lor'themar. Along with the sound of bats flapping their wings across the air, Balnazar's huge body appeared on the edge of the deserted farm. It moved its claws uneasily, one of which was almost completely cut off from the middle, and judging from the horrifying wound that was still beating on its chest, this guy's escape journey was not pleasant.

Admiral Barry Weswin was already dead, of course, and Barnazar was about to stage another drama of seducing the leader and corrupting an army, but this time it went botched. When Diss disappeared, it vaguely realized that something was wrong, but at that time, the Dreadlord felt that the matter could continue to move forward. Anyway, old Mograine was seriously injured and dying, and it only needed a little trick to get it from the source. Take control of the entire Scarlet Crusade.

But unfortunately, regardless of the fall of Naxxramas or the death of Kel'Thuzad, all of this happened too quickly, so fast that even Balnazar didn't even react, and the angry old Mo Granny is stuck in Tyr's Hand's office.

Frankly, at that moment, Balnazar felt like he was going to die.

But it escaped in the end. After all, the old knight's body hadn't recovered to its full strength. In addition, Bannazar, a life-saving guy, made a lot of preparations when he arrived at Tyre's hand. At the price of serious injuries, In the end, he escaped in embarrassment amidst the overwhelming holy flames.

Then the Dreadlord really saw the power of the third-party paladin group under the iceberg. The Silver Dawn dispatched 7 watchers and countless assassins to the entire thing, Dalomere, within 3 days. , Balnazar almost encountered no less than 20 assassinations, which made him have no time to recover, and finally had to flee into Tirisfal, hiding his body in the chaotic sea of ​​undead, and then he recovered a life.

This is the most embarrassing time for this demon during its journey in Azeroth. It has vowed countless times to lead the iron hooves of the undead Scourge to completely flatten this damned place in the coming year, but the facts are always cruel. Right now, the entire Northern Xinjiang The situation in the world has been turned upside down, relying on its seriously injured body, even going back to Northrend is an extravagant hope.

So even though he was not familiar with Lor'themar-Theron, after finding out the whole story, Balnazar came all the way. It urgently needed a powerful guardian to escort it back to Northrend.

Dathrohan and Kurtaz died, Sergey was beheaded by Tirion Fordring, Farina and North were captured by mistake, Anubrekhan died on the spot, and Kel'Thuzad also died You're right, I'm the only one left.

Lor'themar's voice is very hoarse, but probably because he is a high elf, his voice is considered to be a relatively pleasant one among the undead Scourge, with a special magnetism.

But he didn't move yet, he just quietly looked at the pool of water under his feet, as if he was distinguishing the difference between his current self and his previous self. Balnazar didn't notice this. Therma shouted,

Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you command the undead in the Tirisfal region to stop those crazy paladins? Do you know that in just half a month, the battlefield of West Dallon Mill is almost overturned! If there is Your command, we will definitely not fall into such a miserable situation, don't tell me you can't control them, a guy like you is more than enough to replace Kel'Thuzad's command. Unless unless

The Dread Demon King rebuked a few words angrily, and a brain-opening idea suddenly jumped into its mind full of cunning schemes. This idea was so frightening that even Banazar couldn't help swallowing. Now the miserable Nathrezim demon found that he seemed to have done something wrong, and it took a few steps back cautiously.

Until this time, Lor'themar, who hadn't responded to Balnazar's scolding, turned his head. He moved his arms, but he didn't see any movement. The black rose war bow behind him fell into the palm of his hand.

Unless what?

Theron's indifferent inquiry made Balnazar feel that something was wrong. It didn't answer, but stared at the body of the dark ranger in front of it, ready to turn into a bat and escape at any time. At this point, everything is clear , There must have been some changes in Theron's body that the Dreadlord was not aware of, and this change made him a little frightened.

The next moment, under Balnazar's watchful eye, Lor'themar Theron, the powerful dark ranger who was killed by Arthas himself and whose soul fragments were sucked into Frostmourne, deftly used his left hand from the He took out a broken purple crystal from his arms and crushed it lightly.

Slightly floating purple light floated around Lor'themar's body, and finally returned to the already icy body.

And the blood-red light in the dark ranger's eyes gradually disappeared at this moment, like a slowly extinguishing bonfire, which seemed to represent the coming of eternal darkness, but at the moment when the king spirit's fire was completely extinguished, a touch of green The light reappeared in the eye sockets again, which seemed to represent that a new time was about to begin.

Lor'themar Theron is still undead, but after filling the last piece of his broken soul, he is free!

The next second after seeing this scene, Balnazar's body exploded, and countless blood-colored little bats flew out screaming in all directions, but it was also at this moment that he had been hiding in Amanga The plague tarantula under the De Moulin farm, the mother of spiders, McNus, broke through the ground, pushing its huge body with eight powerful legs, and under the master's will, it rushed to the sky.

When the white, huge, and highly toxic spider webs bound most of the blood-colored little bats to the ground again, Lor'themar also opened the black rose war bow in his hand, without even looking at the pitch-black night, He shot seven arrows casually, and accurately headshot the seven escaped bats.

The bats that were constantly struggling in the white sticky web finally regrouped into Balnazar's body. The Dreadlord looked at Lor'themar Theron who was walking towards him step by step with vicious eyes mixed with fear. , like a dirt dog being cornered, yelling frantically,

You can't kill me! The existence behind me stretches out a finger and can easily crush you to death!

You bastard! You betrayed us, and Arthas will kill you with his own hands! He will not allow traitors to exist!

Theron's eyes didn't waver at all. He put the black rose bow back behind his back, and then pulled out the black sin'dorei sword. The energy of death entwined wildly on it, forming a colder dark blade. His indifference Looking at the clamoring Dreadlord, the cold eyes made his whole body chill.

Then let him come!

A cold light flashed, this might be the last voice Balnazar heard in this world, it was cold to the bone.

At the same time, the square in South Sea Town was crowded with people. On this day, the civilians in the entire Hillsbrad Hills who heard the news all rushed to South Sea Town with their families, and even people from far away in Arathi Heights Came here on horseback just for one thing.

Today, here, the reorganized Scarlet Crusade will publicly judge the evil servants of the undead Scourge, the scum of those who have taken human body to serve the villains of death.

Grand Inquisitor Isenlien, who had just recovered from serious injuries, was wearing a blood-red priest's robe, holding a paladin's advice in one hand, and a scepter for condemnation in the other. Beside him, the Scarlet Crusade The knights were in groups of two, escorting more than a dozen guys in black robes, the most eye-catching of which was a beautiful woman with forbidden magic chains on all four limbs, and a paralyzed man who needed the help of a paladin to stand up. man.

At this time, Nanhai Town was already crowded with civilians who came to watch the execution. In the solemn scene, the whole square was quiet, but this quietness was like ripples on the surface of a deep pool. Deeper, an unimaginable storm was brewing. It's like a suppressed fire, when it breaks free from restraint, it will inevitably burn everything in the darkness in front of it.

The black witch Farina, in the undead invasion, massacred nearly 300 civilians with extremely cruel means. At the same time, she was guilty of 17 crimes such as desecrating corpses, spreading plagues, and disseminating forbidden knowledge. Sentenced to death by fire!

Noth, the plague messenger, infected at least 1,200 civilians with an evil plague during the undead invasion. At the same time, he was guilty of 23 crimes including spreading taboos and desecrating holy images. His crime is unforgivable! Sentenced to death by burning!

Gavin, the leader of the acolytes, was sentenced to be burned at the stake with extremely cruel means during the undead invasion!

Acolyte E'afel. Sentenced to the stake!

Pip, the mercenary captain of the Cursed Sect, is sentenced to be burned at the stake!

In the solemn and cold voice of Isenlien, the scepter in his hand slipped again and again, and every sound of sentenced to the stake could cause a burst of cheers from the civilians. At the last moment, when those who were struggling, The atmosphere reached its climax when the screaming, crazy, or peaceful cursed believers were chained to the stake.

The paladin who was dragging the black witch Farina didn't notice for a while, but was bitten by this lunatic-like beautiful woman. She was like a desperate she-wolf, biting her mouth tightly. This act of resistance suddenly angered the people below. civilians, countless people shouted,

Kill her! Kill that lunatic!

Purify her!

The voices full of hatred formed a substantive wave. If there were no guards to stop them, the excited civilians would even rush to the trial platform to strangle those bastards who committed unforgivable crimes against their fellow citizens with their own hands.

Another paladin raised his fist, and the gauntlet wrapped in steel smashed three times on the head of Farina, whose whole body was imprisoned by magic power, before saving his brother. A piece of meat was bitten off the paladin's arm. , and Farina, who was already covered in blood, had the craziest smile on her face.

Come on! You inferior creatures, I will get the eternal life I want in the flames! You will all die, I curse you, curse you with my life!

She's mad, under trial and fear, the mage... mad.

When more than a dozen stakes were lit at the same time, the sound of chanting the Holy Light Prayer sounded in the square of Nanhai Town, and countless civilians who lost their families because of this disaster knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

The blazing flames are like some kind of symbol. When the sun's rays shine on this icy trial ground, the coldness seems to be dispelled. Maybe the next moment, the warmth will return here.

No matter what, no matter what will happen in the future, at this moment, the battle in northern Xinjiang has come to an end, and a new time is coming.

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