Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 294 2. Boys and Men

While little Anduin was preparing for the ceremony, Dick, who was wearing a black ceremonial robe, was talking to two special guests.

His current physical condition has hardly improved compared to before. Let alone fighting, even daily walking requires Jaina and Liadrin to support him. There is still no pressure from the Dawn Knight before, but his The mentality is not bad. In fact, after being busy for more than 3 years, he is quite satisfied with the current days of taking a break from the busy schedule, especially recently, he has spent a lot of time with his two confidante friends. Calm beyond irritability.

And Dick had a hunch that Shengguang... the guy who asked Fording and Mograine to give him a message, shouldn't ignore him.

This is probably the benefit of being covered by a big boss.

During the most intense period of the northern border war, Anduin stayed in Karazhan. With the protection of the undead and Merry who are currently loyal to Median, that tower is already one of the safest places in the world. one.

And the two mysterious guys who escorted Anduin all the way back to Theramore from Elwynn Forest are sitting opposite Dick right now, and Madian who came with them has already gone to talk to his grandmother, Ms. Aegwynn It's still the same weird temper, at least in this court, apart from giving the eldest princess the necessary respect and giving Jaina the necessary teaching, she has almost no interaction with other people.

Ahem, I heard about Anduin's child. I have to thank you, upright pandaren monk. If it weren't for you, my disciple and I would have had a very difficult time.

Dick coughed twice, his face was still as ugly as before, but after getting used to this take your time mode of action, his demeanor became much more peaceful. The murderous aura cultivated was slowly dissipated, and replaced by an awe-inspiring aura. In the words of Captain Senxia who returned from the South China Sea two days ago, it was more and more dignified and dignified.

Moreover, Dick could see the true origin of the bear people that the two Galonas were talking about at a glance. Where is this bear man? Race.

And the two sitting in front of him were also plot characters that Dick had liked very much: Chen Stormstout, a powerful monk from the Wandering Isle, and his niece Lili Stormstout.

These two pandaren are very popular in the game. In the original history, Lao Chen was a traveler and wine connoisseur who traveled around the world. He helped King Magni repel the incoming Dark Iron Dwarves, and even held a The first wine festival in the world also helped Thrall, Rexxar and others to kill the admiral Dailin who tried to destroy the orcs. A few years later, the second orc warchief Garrosh Hellscream When trying to assassinate Wojin, he was rescued once by Lao Chen.

In short, this is a truly free traveler and a hero who has left his footprints in the history of Azeroth.

It's a pity that in the new world dominated by Dick, Old Chen missed too many things. Maybe he has traveled all over the world, but there are not so many famous legends left, but this can't change Dick at all. That kind of joy, after all, this was also his favorite character in the past.

Facing Dick's thanks, Lao Chen wanted to stand up and respond very politely. This traveler is a good-tempered person, and he doesn't have the weird habit of treating the rich and powerful like dirt. Pandaren and Pandaria on the Wandering Isle Although the pandaren have been separated for thousands of years, they all worship chivalrous heroes in their bones. After learning about Dick's significance to Theramore and even Lordaeron, as well as his legends, Lao Chen I feel that this hero who is seriously ill in front of me is also worthy of my respect.

After all, it has been many years since I have seen such a truly brave person.

The paladin waved slowly to Old Chen and Lili who were sitting on the chairs, indicating that they don't have to be too polite. He whispered something to Liadrin who was standing behind him. The high elf paladin was stunned for a moment, and then He walked out of the room quickly, and a few minutes later, the slender beauty of the paladin walked back to the room with several bottles of wine packed in bamboo, rocks or even white bones.

Smelling the faint fragrance, the eyes of Lao Chen, who was telling Dick about his past adventure stories, lit up immediately. The pandaren's cheeks were all black, but only the eyes were white. , It seems that there is a surprising sense of affinity. Of course, if you don't ignore the sharp fangs sticking out of your mouth, this guy is still very intimidating to ordinary people.

This is my personal thank-you gift to the heroes who have fought for righteousness.

Dick smiled and helped his left hand. Liadrin put the bottles of wine in front of Old Chen, and then heard Dick introduce,

It contains the essence of the first batch of fruit wine brewed by the Sunstrider royal family when they first arrived in Quel'Thalas 6,800 years ago, and the berry wine brewed by Kaldorei to celebrate the end of the War of the Ancients, As well as the high mountain spirits secreted by the royal family of the Dark Iron Dwarves and the mysterious voodoo wine of the Zandalari trolls, they are all in my collection, Mr. Chen, please be sure not to be polite.

After finishing speaking, before Lao Chen refused, Dick turned his head to look at Lili, who was sipping delicious dried fish. This lively pandaren girl inherited the spirit of adventure inherited from the core of the Stormstout family. Destined to be an excellent adventurer, Dick also smiled and said to Lili, who was a little reserved,

And you, little hero, Anduin said you like to collect mounts and small pets? No problem, Prince Kael'thas sent two noble white chocobos as a promotion gift to Anduin not long ago. I decide to give you one, and a cub of the thorn boar with its meager blood that the demigod Agamagan left behind in Theramore. If you are interested in adopting it, the demigod will be very happy too. of.

But it's too expensive! I can't have it!

Lili hurriedly waved her hand, Chocobo is acceptable, but a little pig, forget it, Lili, who loves cleanliness, doesn't like that pet, even if it has the blood of a demigod that is beyond noble!

It's okay, it can be seen that you will be a very careful breeder.

Dick waved his hand, that little pig was almost becoming a troublemaker in the palace, Dick saw it stealing his lunch more than once, so he just took the opportunity to send it out, and before Lili objected, Dick took out He looked at the pocket watch, stood up with Liadrin's support, and took over his unique cane.

The Orsis scepter is the cane obtained in Uldum. It can be changed in length at will, which is just suitable for Dick to use, especially when walking every step. It will emit a brilliant light like starlight, also in the words of Captain Senxia,

Just in line with the noble temperament of the Earl.

Although Dick didn't like this kind of ostentation, but in terms of convenience, there was nothing more suitable than this scepter.

Mr. Chen, the time is almost up. As Anduin's mentor, I invite you to attend his promotion ceremony.

Faced with Dick's invitation, Lao Chen, who had received the most precious gift, had no reason to object. He readily accepted, then took his unique hat from the maid, put it on his head,

It is my pleasure, Knight Dick.

A few minutes later, when Dick appeared in the venue following Princess Kalia and Anduin in military uniform, Old Fording, who represented the Silver Hand, Bridget, the representative of the Scarlet Crusade, and the dwarves of Ironforge Stand up with Princess Liera, the common representative of the Dark Iron Dwarves, Sentinel Commander Barnes, the representative of the Kaldorei elves, Halduron-Brightwing, the representative of Quel'Thalas, and Brigadier General Matthew, the representative of Kul Tiras Welcome, and on the other side that is clearly separated from them, many people also stood up in unison.

Overlord Saurfang, the Grand Warlord from Orgrimmar, Warlord Lokhan (Rokhan), the representative of the Darkspear trolls, the representative of the tauren, and also the representative of the druids Hamuul-Rune Totem, and finally It's Gazlowe, the goblin representative of the Bilgewater Cartel, and it looks like the Bilgewater Cartel has indeed established a deeper connection with the orcs.

This made Brigadier General Matthew a little worried. The war between Kul Tiras and the Bloodsail Pirates has reached the most critical moment. As we all know, the Bilgewater Plutocrat is one of the benefactors behind the Bloodsail Pirates. If any orc pirates appear At sea, that's really not good news.

But today's occasion is not suitable for talking about those things. Besides, these heavyweight representatives came here not just for Anduin's promotion ceremony. It is no secret that the Northern Expedition hosted by the paladins is at the top of the civilized world, and Dick is also secretive. They have sent invitation letters to all major forces, and after the promotion ceremony is over, everyone will sit together and discuss this matter.

That's the real big deal compared to the promotion of a crown prince.

The auditorium at the rear was also full of invited nobles and celebrities from all over the world, including many old acquaintances of Dick, Dr. Harrison Jones, big goblin businessman Lauren and Mr. Northenfogg, Xinluo Wilfred, the royal warlock of Danlun, Prager, the owner of the Black Iron Bar, and Sen Xia, the pirate captain who recently dominated the South China Sea, and his loyal first mate, Mr. Gibbs. It is worth mentioning that these two are the spectators The most fancy-dressed of all.

Princess Kalia sat on the main seat, and beside her were Ms. Aegwynn and Jaina, and Madian wearing a veil. There was a gentle smile on the corner of the eldest princess's mouth, and she patted the prince's shoulder. Little Andu Yin took a deep breath, strode to the front of the altar, and solemnly half-kneeled in front of the bust of Alonsus Faol.

Ahem, first of all, I welcome you to take time out of your busy schedules to attend the Knight Promotion Ceremony of Crown Prince Anduin Wrynn of the Storm King!

Dick walked slowly to Anduin, leaning on a star-studded cane. He looked at everyone and said loudly, At the end of last year, with the blood of countless warriors in Lordaeron, the northern border The flower of victory has finally bloomed, the troubles caused by the undead have been resolved, and the new Lordaeron will be established on the site of the old kingdom. I have enough reasons to believe that it will be another great country, and it will be another great legend Start!

Gentlemen and ladies! Darkness is never far away from us, but neither is hope! I seem to see a magnificent era unfolding in front of my eyes. We will face everything in the future with the same firmness and courage as in the past, It doesn't matter if it's darkness or light!

Everyone should live for their own beliefs, and everyone should be a hero for themselves and their families. I am honored to fight side by side with those heroes. Although I may not know their names, in Northern Xinjiang, in the In Silithus, in Blackrock Mountain, and in Hyjal, I witnessed the birth of countless heroes with my own eyes, it was a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times!

I am honored to be a part of these heroic stories, and I know that the world needs more heroes! More than ever before the darkness of the future looms, before our peaceful lives are shattered again hero!

Today, we will witness the death of a boy and the birth of a man, a hero!

He is Anduin Wrynn, the future King of Destiny of the Stormwind Kingdom, the knight apprentice who bears the will and name of Marshal Lothar. I know his future glory, and we will witness his future glory together!

Now, I am Anduin's knight mentor, and the identity of the Order Knight of the Silver Dawn.

Anduin Wrynn, my disciple, can you abide by the knight's creed and fight for justice forever?

Yes, I can!

Anduin Wrynn, can you fulfill your duty and wield your sharp sword in the name of glory and holy light?

I can!

Anduin Wrynn, can you stick to your last hope when the darkness strikes, and become the guiding light at the end of the darkness?

I can!

Anduin Wrynn, can you shed the last drop of blood for your companions and your own people with the awareness of self-sacrifice when you run out of ammunition and food?

I can!

Very well, my disciple, then in the name of the Holy Light, I declare that from now on, you will lose your name as an apprentice and embark on your own path of knighthood. In the name of the Holy Light, I will bestow you with weapons, Armor, war horse, and holy deed, these are gifts, but also bondage. From now on, your sword will not be able to face the weak, and your shield can only protect justice. This is your belief and it will also be your way!

Dick took a heavy warhammer with blue and white rays of light from Old Fording, and handed it to Anduin with some difficulty. The cast was extremely delicate, it was a real battlefield killer, but in the surge of holy light in Dick's palm, it had a bright meaning, and the imprint of the Lordaeron royal family engraved on it was shining brightly.

When she saw this familiar weapon, Princess Kalia couldn't help covering her mouth, and tears rolled down her eyes.

This is the weapon used by the former King Terenas of Lordaeron on the battlefield. It is called the power of Menethil. It has witnessed war and peace, as well as destruction and rebirth. My disciple, may Mi Nehiser's unyielding will reappears in you.

Take it and become a legend!

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