Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 293 1. Anduin's Promotion Ceremony

Time flies, and inadvertently, history has turned a new page. The 23 years of the Dark Gate have always been magnificent. Whether it is the war of quicksand or the battlefield of the undead in northern Xinjiang, there have been satisfactory results in this year. result.

In the eyes of the general public, the order of the world seems to be returning, and everything seems to be getting better. Just like the story says, justice will eventually defeat evil, and peaceful days of peace will eventually come.

After all, there is never a good war, and there is never a bad peace.

The seaside city of Theramore has been very lively recently. On the one hand, it is the imminent migration to return to the homeland. After Princess Kalia announced that she will rebuild Lordaeron, many civilians who miss their homeland are ready to return home. Especially the civilians at the lower level, they also found news that made them ecstatic in the notices posted by the soldiers.

The eldest princess will re-divide the land in the northern border. She used her identity as the royal family of Menethil to make a guarantee that the common people who are willing to return to the northern border with her will unconditionally get a piece of land that is sufficient for farming. The eldest princess will also build a national farm , to make ends meet during the difficult first year after returning home.

The tax in the first three years was so low that people could hardly believe it, and the tax in the fifth year will return to the original level of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. This is already a rare rule.

And the careful guy also discovered another decree. It is said that the princess will not collect even a penny of taxes from farmers and craftsmen who are willing to take the risk to follow the great knight Lord Mograine to Northrend to open up wasteland. All the land cleared on that far continent belongs to the farmer himself.

Even the country will help them arrange everything they need for migration, give seeds for free, and druids help manage the land.

But to be honest, this intoxicating decree, except for those who really have nothing and those who are restless by nature, few people will be tempted. Thanks to the undead war, almost all civilians in Theramore We all know that Northrend is the stronghold of the undead. Maybe it is not an invincible opponent for the knights, but for the farmers, it is undoubtedly too difficult.

But there are always some people who like to make this kind of gambling choice, so half a month after the decree was posted, more than 300 people in Theramore, Arathi Highlands and South Sea Town have already signed up for the pioneering group in the north It is conservatively estimated that when the great knight Mograine sets off with the Scarlet Crusade, this number may exceed 1,000.

This is enough to meet the self-sufficiency needs of the knights. In addition, the Brotherhood of Stonemasons rebuilt by Mr. Alex, the architect of Stormwind City, has accepted the employment of the Silver Hand and will send experienced stonemasons to the Northrend, build forts and garrisons for the vanguard.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, including some things that had been planned long ago but were delayed due to the sudden war.

Just today, the morning of March 27, 24, at the Dark Portal, a special promotion ceremony will be held in the courtyard of Theramore Palace.

Compared with other knight apprentice promotion ceremonies, the specification of this one has undoubtedly been improved too much, whether it is the surrounding luxurious and solemn venue, or the astonishing number of attendants and coming and going, wearing ritual armor, representatives from different forces , it is destined that this promotion ceremony will not be too ordinary.

It belongs to the promotion ceremony of Anduin Wrynn, the crown prince of the Storm King and the future king of Destiny. This identity alone determines the gold content of this ceremony. In fact, the list of people attending the meeting today is enough to dazzle anyone. human eye.

The leaders of the three major Paladin organizations in the civilized world, the Silver Hand, the Scarlet Crusade and the Silver Dawn will all be present, as well as representatives from the royal family of Stormwind and the Cathedral of Light, the Commodore of Kul Tiras, the rebuilt Representatives of Dalaran, the city of mages, as well as Kaldorei elves, Quel'Thalas elves, and even representatives of orcs, tauren and trolls, it is said that the goblin consortium will also send people to attend.

Of course, the fact that these latter organizations sent people here was not for the sake of little Anduin. In fact, this grand and fascinating scene was more because of Anduin's other identity: Dawn Knight, The Earl of the North, the only disciple of the Legendary Man.

In other words, little Anduin was actually in Dick's favor.

Today's protagonist, the little prince Anduin is standing in the palace of Theramore right now. He is wearing a set of silver armor that fits well, and he has no weapons in his waist. During the knight's promotion ceremony, he will get a new Weapons, to prove yourself the beginning of the road of knights.

Princess Kalia stood beside Anduin, carefully tidying up the corners of his armor. Recently, good news came one after another from Northern Xinjiang, and the eldest princess was also in a very good mood. The news that she would wake up made Her Royal Highness a little hard to accept, but considering the complicated relationship between her and Alsace, maybe this Her Royal Highness, who has become more stable in recent years, has never regarded her younger brother as an enemy in her heart.

Little Anduin has really grown up. I remember when you first came to Theramore, you were only this tall.

Princess Kalia took two steps back, looked at Anduin's image, nodded in satisfaction, then jokingly raised a height, and reached out to smooth the little prince's blond hair. This action made Anduin a little shy, However, Princess Kalia has always been very kind to him, and he also regards the eldest princess as his elder, and he still has a little sustenance about his mother.

Speaking of which, Anduin just passed his 11th birthday this year. He should still be a child, but he may be from the excellent blood of the Wrynn royal family. In short, his body has developed very well in the past two years, and now he looks like a child. There is no difference between 15 and 6-year-old children.

After putting on the well-prepared armor, he naturally has a certain dignity, but after all, he is only a child. Facing today's big scene, he still lacks confidence. Kalia saw Anduin's hesitation, and she pulled the child's hand, walked to the window, looked outside the palace, and saw the lively scene in Theramore City, the Eldest Princess took a deep breath and said with a smile,

Actually, when I was rescued from Lordaeron by Jaina and Mr. Rhonin, I was a princess who was really ignorant of the world. I couldn't imagine standing here now and shouldering the mission of revitalizing Lordaeron, my little one. Anduin, do you know how I felt when Ser Moens and Dick asked me to become Lord of Theramore?

Seeing the hopeful eyes of the Eldest Princess, Anduin hesitated for a moment, and guessed,

I guess, at that time, you must really hope to see the revival of Lordaeron?

Not stupid boy.

Kalia patted Anduin's head lightly, closed her eyes, and said in a low voice, At that time, I was very panicked, and I would even be awakened by the pressure in the middle of the night. When you didn't make it to that step, you really I can't imagine what it feels like to have tens of thousands of people and a country on your shoulders. It was also at that time that I understood the sighs of my father and my brother. Why did he make such a crazy move.

Son, our lineage is not the reason we were born to be kings, it is the shackles and the spurs that keep you from stopping your progress. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight of the country. That is the expectation of thousands of people , you can’t let them down, so no matter how hard you are, no matter how wronged you are, you have to bravely hold up the torch and lead thousands of people forward.”

The eldest princess stretched out her hand, gently stroking Anduin's hair,

I've read some secret documents submitted by Dick Knight. Son, the situation in Stormwind Kingdom is also very complicated. Before Varian's situation improves, you will be under a lot of pressure, but you have done very well before. Dick said he believed you would make the best knight and king, and I believe it now.

Go bravely to participate in the first big event in your life. Your name, child, don't forget the meaning of your name. You will become a hero like Marshal Lothar. We never doubted this.

The little prince hummed. He seemed to be much more confident than before. However, no one knew what the ceremony would look like now.

Thousands of miles away from Theramore, it is a mysterious place surrounded by the blue ocean, hidden from the sight of civilization. Above the giant floating city wrapped in golden light, bloody ribbons fluttered. Wa'kyr, who was patrolling this sacred place with flapping wings, was fully armed, and countless warriors and heroic spirits were singing.

Valarjar, the sky fortress, is where the eternal beings outside the world live, where the kingdom of the gods in mortal legends is located.

On the throne in the deepest part of Valarjar, a majestic giant sat recliningly on the throne. He was wearing a golden and red battle armor with a gorgeous pointed war helmet on his head. Countless magic lines shone on the armor. , by his hand was a silver long spear, the top of which was shining with the power of lightning that never sleeps.

His beard is like scorching lava, and every time it shakes, it will bring scorching air. The most eye-catching thing is his face, which is full of majesty, and the right eye is a blindfold decorated with blue gems , while the other eye, which is half asleep and half awake, is all-encompassing, and it seems to contain the reflection of the entire world.

In front of this majestic giant, a tall and strong figure was half kneeling there. He was not a heroic spirit, but he stood in this place with flesh and blood that only heroic spirits could set foot on. This was enough to prove his specialness.

Especially the two hideous axes hanging from the waist, with the blood-colored light lingering on them, the whole of the axes is a shrunken giant dragon skull, and on the top of the blade, there are two protruding dragon horns, sharp There was a faint bloody aura lingering on the blade of the ax, but the shape and power of this ax determined that non-braves could not use it.

Gavincent Scovald, the inheritor of Tyr has appeared, and I see the end of the chaos in Ulduar from the reflection of the world. The order of the world will return to its original place again, and the Hall of Valor needs more Warriors, come to face the possible crisis, Hela's strength is weakening, but Valagall still can't break through this rule, so I choose you, one of the strongest warriors among the Vrykul, you will shoulder the burden of Valagar Gall and I have a mission to walk in this world and lead the souls of the brave into the Hall of Valor.

The majestic giant stopped, he stretched out his hand and tapped it in the air, and a bright one-handed sword appeared in front of the figure,

Take it, find someone who can inherit the will to protect the truth, and test them in your own way! If the situation permits, you can form an army to attack Hela. Tens of thousands of years are too long.

The tall Vrykul took the long sword in front of him respectfully with both hands, wrapped it carefully with the sword cloth he carried with him, and finally carried it behind his back. He patted his chest vigorously with his left hand, making a sound like a war drum .

Great Odin! I will live up to your expectations! I will spread the name of Valarjar's bravery throughout the world.

Very good, then go! Overturn the whole world with your bravery, hahaha! I give you the name of courage, go! Let the world tremble! My warrior!

At the same time, in Kalimdor, on the road from the barren Thousand Needles to Feralas, the newly promoted champion of the Bloodmaul competition, the ace gladiator Lagosh who is famous throughout the broken Draenor, suddenly stopped. After taking a step, he raised his head and looked in Theramore's direction as if feeling something.

What's the matter? Lagosh, is there something you are familiar with?

Beside him, a tall and wild high elf asked curiously. She was sitting on a kodo beast, and a dark green twisted dagger appeared in her hands from time to time. On the other side of the ace gladiator, a silent night The elf is looking at a book, and it can be seen from his attire that it is a druid.

I don't know how the druid fell into this gladiator's team.

It's nothing, Valeera, I just... just feel that there are unusual things in that place, probably related to my lost memory.

Lagosh smiled at the high elf. The two scars on his face that crossed his cheeks looked more ferocious, but they did not destroy his original face. In an unimaginable way, the black-haired fighter added A different kind of wild charm.

The high elf assassin lightly jumped from the Kodo to Lagosh's horse, and stuffed her tall body into Lagosh's arms. She buried her beautiful face in the gladiator's chest, and whispered,

Hasn't Rhaegar already promised? As long as we can win the Dire Maul gladiatorial championship, we will be free. At that time, Xiongpi and I will accompany you to find your memory. Don't worry, my dear, everything will get better.

Lagosh was a little unaccustomed to this kind of intimacy, but in the end he reached out and hugged Valeera's shoulders. He snorted coldly, bursting out with an unruly and wild aura,

It's just the championship of Dire Maul. Haven't we won enough championships in the past three years? From the moment we stepped into Azeroth, the championship is ours, Bearskin, you are right wrong?

Lagosh looked at the quiet druid. The latter turned his head and pulled a smile on his peaceful face, which immediately turned ferocious.

Of course, you are absolutely right, my brother.

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