Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 299 7. Shackles World

Dick sat alone in the room. He moved a chair and sat by the window, watching Theramore, who was gradually darkening outside the window, in a daze quietly. The ebony pipe was in his hand, and Orsis With the scepter in his hand, it could be seen that he was also under pressure, but this scene was much better than the worst that others had estimated.

At least he didn't just walk away.

After the meeting, many people tried to come to see him or sound him out, but Liadrin, who was guarding the door, turned them away on the pretext of Dick's unwell, including the worried little prince Anduin , His identity determines that he is very precocious, and he can vaguely understand what his mentor has done.

Master, you should at least eat something...

Moam sneaked into the room with a nutritious dinner from outside the room. This obsidian destroyer has now become the gardener of Theramore court as he wished, taking care of all kinds of food every day. Flowers and plants, but after Dick turned into this fragile look, Moam became Dick's human shield again.

The fact that it can absorb and counter any magic that does not destroy its body in an instant, determines that this obsidian destroyer with strange words will be the best human shield.

Dick glanced at the food and shook his head. The paladin really has no appetite now. He picked up fresh juice and asked,

Moam, how are the envoys doing now?

In the slightly dim room, the eyes under the Obsidian Destroyer mask were green and looked a little weird. This smart guy organized his language, and then quickly reported,

Kul Tiras, orcs, and trolls have agreed to send troops. Prince of Stormwind, your disciple Anduin also absolutely supports sending troops. Princess Liera has returned to Ironforge. It is reported that Magni The king may come in person, there is also news from the Moon God Temple of the night elves, and finally Quel'Thalas...The attitude of those elves is very strange, they neither agree nor object.


Dick nodded and said no more.

Moam probably saw the boredom of the master. It remembered the instructions of Mistress Liya before entering the room, so it sniffed again and said,

Actually, I don't think you need to worry about this matter, master. The life of mortals is too short, and their starting point for thinking about problems is always very shallow. Although I have not been in the human world for a long time, I see When it comes to their shortcomings, you may not know that in the eyes of us titanic creatures, the curse of flesh and blood has corrupted their bodies and liberated their wills, but an overly active mind is not a good thing, especially in the absence of a powerful When they are dominant, their overall strength is greatly weakened.

Moam secretly glanced at his master, and when he saw his pensive look, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued,

It's not that they can't see the threat of the undead, they just subconsciously run it to the back of their heads. In our opinion, this is actually a kind of evasion. You know, Titans never evade problems, although I also admit that human beings There are righteous heroes like those knights, but in our opinion,

Moam raised his voice twice,

They who have forgotten their mission are always the creations of failure! They don't realize that in this mysterious world, they are actually the weak side, and their number is their advantage. But unfortunately, after losing their unity and unified will, They will inevitably fall to the corner of the world stage, and even need a charge from the earth spirit legion, the mortal army will fall apart, they are too weak.

The corners of Dick's eyes twitched, and he instinctively wanted to refute Moam's words, because he was also a human being, but after careful consideration, he found that the Obsidian Destroyer was like a wise man at this moment, even though his voice Still as hilarious as ever.

So... what are you trying to say, Moam?

Dick leaned back on the chair and asked curiously, Did someone tell you these words?

The Obsidian Destroyer shrugged its shoulders, moved its wings on the back, and said with regret,

Actually, what I want to say is, Master, you have never straightened out your identity. You are completely unaware that after gaining the power of the Titan, you are no longer an ordinary human being, and you are always at a higher level. If you look at the problem from the perspective of ordinary people, it will be difficult to integrate into the group of ordinary people. This kind of estrangement and separation is inevitable, even without this, you will still slowly fade out of the world of ordinary people.

In the end, for you now, for the difficult things you are facing now, everything in the world is just a shackle, not a blessing.

The Obsidian Destroyer slowly packed up his untouched lunch. When he left the room, he added,

Uh, Lord Elonaya asked me to tell you these words. She said that she wanted to tell you these things a long time ago, but this situation may be more appropriate now. She also said that you have to learn to adapt to use Look at the world with a higher perspective, because the rest of your life is destined to deal with things that are hidden from the appearance of the world.

Moam left, and Dick leaned on the chair with the juice. He really never considered this matter from this angle, but he had to admit that what Elonaya, a special Titan creation said, made sense .

Facing the Northern Expedition and the non-cooperation of various countries, Dick seemed to lose his previous interest in switching between various forces, because he did have countless troubles to deal with.

The troubles of Kel'Thuzad, Yogg-Saron, Ulduar, and the will of Odin who just appeared representing Valagar, N'Zoth and his evil and treacherous servants who have been hidden behind the scenes, gradually surfaced The Mist Continent, Pandaria, etc.

It's not that the mortal kingdom can't understand how difficult these troublesome problems are, but as Moam said, the active will of mortals determines that they will have the selfish idea of ​​the sky is falling and a tall man will hold it up. It has nothing to do with justice or evil, it's just human nature, and Dick, in a sense, is now tall.

After all, in the final analysis, any matter that is close to the ancient gods cannot be handled by ordinary people.

At least we can't wait until the disaster is imminent every time before Dick stands up and leads the world forces united under pressure to fight against it, right? After taking over the burden of turning the world around 4 years ago, Dick understood that this kind of passive defense would only bring down himself and the world in the end, so he had to attack more proactively!

Try to eliminate the trouble before it comes, but this road is destined to be lonely. Now, Dick has experienced this kind of loneliness. When your footsteps are faster than most of your companions, loneliness is also Irresistible is always by my side.

This may also be the reason why those guys who were once dubbed Guardians will eventually become withdrawn.

So did Aegwynn, so did Medivh, and now it was Dick's turn.

But before Dick could fully figure out these troublesome things, an unexpected visitor arrived. It was a flash of teleportation light like fire, when Kael'thas' handsome face appeared in Dick's room At that moment, the three watchmen jumped out from the shadows, and were dismissed by Dick with a wave of his hand.

There was no joy or anger on Kael'thas's face, but Dick could probably guess why he came here.

There is no need to doubt the magical attainments of the Sun King of Quel'Thalas. For him, such things as fixed-point teleportation are as simple as eating and drinking.

After Kael'thas stood still, the Sun King also waved his hand, a woman wearing a black hood came out from another ball of light, and stood behind Kael'thas,

Lana Thiel, go outside and watch out, don't let anyone get close until I finish talking with Knight Dick!

Yes, Your Majesty!

The archmage of the Sin'dorei walked out of the room, and Kael'thas breathed a sigh of relief. He waved lightly, and a chair was quietly moved to the opposite side of Dick. The Sun King sat on it, His blood-red robe is elegant and luxurious, coupled with his carefully groomed hair and face, and finally the elemental phoenix standing on the hilt of the sword, which is no different from a real bird, he looks like a big man at first glance.

Dick was holding the juice and looked at the Sun King sitting in front of him. To be honest, although the two of them hadn't met many times in the past few years, because they had fought side by side, they exchanged a lot of letters, and they could be regarded as friends. up.

Before Dick could speak, Kael'thas stretched out two fingers,

Two things are very troublesome things, and you guys provoked me.


Dick looked at Kael'thas with an innocent face. The latter breathed a sigh of relief, tapped lightly in the air, and a glass of red magic drink appeared in his hand. Then the Sun King said slowly,

The first thing is about Syndra. First of all, I have to make a statement. Dick, it's not that I don't want to use my strength to avenge the undead. You should know that my hatred for them is not much weaker than that of the paladins, but It's because we really can't draw enough power. Of course, this is related to the second matter. In short, according to the news I bought from the Assassin League, just this afternoon, the night elves in Feralas expanded their defenses. Almost the whole of Feralas was surrounded, and they came out in full force, relying on normal methods, it is already difficult for me to contact the descendants of Syndra, even if you give me a specific location!

Speaking of this, Kael'thas sighed helplessly, his voice was full of complaints,

For such a big event, you should at least let me know in advance, but I can also understand your current situation, and I can see that you are about to be driven crazy by those short-sighted guys, so let's not talk about this for now, but I can promise you that I will send the last standing army of Quel'Thalas, including 10,000 rangers and nearly 4,000 mages, to join the Northern Expedition. If necessary, I can even send fire wing guards to help, but you have to use a safe Help me contact the descendants of Syndra, if possible, you have to find a way to get them out of the siege of the night elves.

Is it that serious?

Dick frowned, Almost 7,000 years have passed, the grievances between Syndra and Kaldorei should have disappeared long ago, right?

You don't understand, Dick, the descendants of Syndra mean something different.

Kael'thas simply explained, I can tell you this, if the legendary city of the Highborne, Ed Salas, is really hidden in the forests of Feralas, then the 7,000 years of exploration by the night elves is justified. It is worthwhile, because Syndra means the family of the hidden whereabouts in Salas. They were responsible for guarding all the secrets of Queen Azshara in ancient times. It is no exaggeration to say that the city The things in it scare the night elves!

You and I both know, and they also know that Azshara is not dead yet. The Battle of the Ancients and the Battle of Mount Hyjal have made them fearful. If Azshara appears again, it will be an out-and-out disaster. And after the War of the Ancients, although there was never an official statement, the Syndras made no secret of their contempt for the night elves, you know, the upper elves have an inexplicable sense of superiority, so I think.

Kael'thas knocked on the cup in his hand, showing a very strange smile, The night elves will not wipe out Syndra's descendants because of this, but obviously, they will not let Syndra Those forbidden knowledge spread all over the world, and they are even more worried that Syndra will return to Azshara's rule, so confinement is a good way, believe me, that's what they did 7000 years ago.

But it's a pity that Syndra and the Sunstrider had a brotherly alliance back then. My ancestors made an appointment with them to escape from the Kaldorei rule. However, on the day of departure, Syndra disappeared, and he did not keep the appointment. But I will not betray the Sunstrider's covenant because of this, since his descendants still exist, I have the responsibility to take them out of the confinement of the night elves.

Dick's expression didn't change much. Apart from being his friend, Kael'thas is also the ruler of Quel'Thalas. He has his own way of thinking about problems, but as the king of a country, he can come here to explain in person This incident has already proved that Kael'thas valued Dick, which touched the paladin a little bit.

The longevity species is indeed much more sensitive than humans on this issue of standing in line. Although Dick has never shown his background, Kael'thas has already keenly felt that Dick is different. When Dick and Dick clashed, he immediately stood by Dick's side.

Second thing... have you ever heard of a creature... the naaru?


This is the trouble I'm talking about, a guy who only makes trouble for others, he sent a naaru to Quel'Thalas, and it is said that a group of powerful trackers are coming from another world Save it, so that's a hot potato, are you interested in taking over?

(Thank you brothers for your support. Frankly speaking, when I posted the first two chapters, I was still worried about whether I would be disgusted. Thank you everyone! I will go back to my hometown for the Dragon Boat Festival, and the outbreak may be a bit uneasy. If I have time, I will write two short stories. , let the brothers take a look ~ thank you everyone!)

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