Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 300 8. Kael'thas and Illidan

Returning to Quel'Thalas again, Dick felt like a dream.

This is not where he recalled the past battles, but because of the mysterious and beautiful creature that appeared in front of his eyes.

A tree, Akandor, is said to be a tree of magical miracles from ancient times. It is specially used to adjust the concentration of elements in the area and reconcile the fetish of the living environment. Since it was carefully transplanted by Kael'thas four years ago to the Sun-by-Sun After several years of growth, it has fully adapted to the high magic environment of Quel'Thalas, and has begun to change the environment here.

Akando in front of him is an extraordinary plant at a glance. Its branches are not green, but purple mixed with blue star spots, and it still emits a blurred light in the night of Quel'Thalas. It seems to be an ancient tree covered with neon lights, the most surprising thing is its leaves, which are completely crystal clear, similar to crystallized leaves, tinkling in the night wind, like the most precious treasure generally.

In fact, it is true. After losing the Sunwell, Akando has become the most precious thing of the Phoenix Dynasty in Quel'Thalas. The strange tree that has extended to the size of the entire square is constantly swallowing the air. Nutrients, and then exhale a unique breath with rich magic power, which perfectly fits the previous role of the sun well.

Although the tree has not yet fully grown, it cannot accommodate the magic conversion of the entire Quel'Thalas, but at least on Sunstrider Island and nearly one-fifth of the surrounding land of Quel'Thalas, the concentration of magic power is high. It is slightly weaker than before, but it is enough for the Quel'Thalas elves to continue to live peacefully.

Ah, this is really a mighty power between heaven and earth.

Kael'thas stood by Dick's side. He personally used the portal to send Dick and his two beautiful followers to Quel'Thalas. As special visitors, they could stand freely on this miracle tree. In front of them, and in the surrounding square, are full of elven mages in robes, and fully armed Spellbreaker guards.

Obviously, Kael'thas spent a lot of effort to take care of this tree of life that was almost the tree of life of the Quel'Thalas elves. What surprised Dick the most was that this tree still had its own consciousness. When Ersas approached it, one of its branches hung down gently, putting beautiful leaves on the shoulders of the Sun King, as if to welcome the arrival of an old friend.

The Sun King received the exquisite watering can, inlaid with precious stones and with a strong Sin'dorei style, handed over by Lana Thiel, the Archmage of Fire Wings, and gently sprinkled the unique water on the roots of Akandor , whispering,

I have to thank you for putting this into our hands, Dick, it's not as convenient as the Sunwell, but it's full of potential, and most importantly, it's completely manageable and won't aggravate the newborn's cravings. Demon physique, if conditions permit, perhaps after thousands of years of subtle influence, sin'dorei will completely get rid of our dependence on magic.

Kael'thas tapped the swaying leaves in front of him, complaining slightly,

However, this guy is also a big eater. In order for it to grow healthily, I even had to make a deal with Illidan. The first bottle of special liquid diluted with Eternal Well water is almost used up, but Illidan is a pretty good eater. Trading partner, the second bottle of Eternal Well Water has been sent to Quel'Thalas along with the naaru, but I may need at least one more bottle of Eternal Well Water if I want Akando to fully mature. It's a real headache.

Oh? You used eternal well water to cultivate it?

Dick glanced at Kael'thas in surprise, That's why you said you can't draw much power? You've been using your own army as mercenaries in exchange for water from Illidan's Well of Eternity?

This statement made Kael'thas frowned, and the Sun King gracefully handed the kettle in his hand to Lana Thiel,

Mercenaries are too ugly. We just take what we need. As far as I know, only that guy has the complete, undiluted essence of Eternal Well Water. My Chief Archmage Mr. Rothman After searching through the books of Quel'Danas, I managed to find some scattered records about Akandor. The highborne also used the water from the Well of Eternity to cultivate this miracle tree, and I insisted on finding the descendants of Syndra. , There are also reasons for this, as the knowledge keeper, they must have records about Akando, this thing is now the lifeblood of my people, and there is no room for any mistakes.

So you're going to get yourself a bunch of 'gardeners'?

Dick looked at Kael'thas teasingly. There was no pressure at all to get along with the Sun King. Kael'thas, who had traveled in the human world for many years, had a good grasp of the relationship between the two parties, and he didn't give Dick even a little bit of help. Pressure, this makes people have to admire Kael'thas's way of handling things, this guy is definitely an impeccable ruler, especially his attitude towards his subjects.

The Sun King nodded with a smile, reached out and took off his cloak, handed it to the respectful attendants around him, and then made an invitation gesture, letting the elemental phoenix Ao on his shoulder flap its wings and beautiful tail feathers. On the branch of Acando, the little fellow even built himself a nest in that beautiful branch.

Dick followed Kael'thas all the way forward, Jaina accompanied him, and Liadrin went to the new capital to find her former friends, the most important thing was Sylvanas, the heroic It is said that General Ranger has not been in a very good state since he was almost killed by Rothema last time, which made Liadrin very worried.

Tell me about your cooperation with Illidan. He has been in the outer domain for three years, and the news that came back is scattered, which makes people a little worried.

Dick leaned on the Orsis scepter, followed behind Kael'thas, and asked softly. This question made the Sun King silent for a while, and then he heard him say,

Actually, I don't have much news here. He has to take into account his identity. Even the mages and lawbreakers I sent out are acting as mercenaries in the dark world, but the demons don't pay much attention to it. The land of Outland, according to Rothman, is completely hopeless, and Illidan is planning to launch an attack on Magtheridon, the king of Outland, and it seems that he thinks the time has come.

Dick paused for a moment,

If I'm not mistaken, Illidan attacked those naaru spaceships, right? He also captured the naaru there?

Kael'thas couldn't help but look back at Dick, his green eyes were full of surprise, Sometimes I'm really curious, how did you get all your knowledge and news? This is a world-wide distance. , but you know it so clearly... That's right, Illidan personally led his Illidari to launch a surprise attack on the spaceship, and it is said that he needs a spaceship that can navigate the universe to reach a special place.


Dick read the name silently. It seemed that Illidan already knew the secret of the demon planet Mardum, so it was explained clearly. He needed a ship to sail to Mardun to grab the Sagrid Keystone. After all, it is the real world. Without knowing the exact location, a portal can be used to tear apart the barriers of the plane. The Great Demon may be able to do it, but Illidan cannot.

Space navigation is not that simple. According to the game, it requires a star map, and Naru's spaceship just has these two points. It can fly across dimensions. It also has a star map and even has a perfect The frigate system is simply the most perfect combat fortress.

But these cannot be told to Kael'thas, at least not now. Although the Sun King is inclined to Dick, he is not really on his side after all, so these secrets must continue to be kept in Dick's mind.

One minute later, the three of them came to a secret hall on Sunstrider Island. This was a secret room built on a cliff near the sea. Without Kael'thas leading the way, it would be difficult for others to find this place, and Dick, too. Finally here, after 7 years in Azeroth, I meet the real naaru.

The creature of holy light, he couldn't help holding the shadow of the leaves on his neck, and the shield of the naaru on his right hand. Others didn't know it, but in this world, Dick was the one who connected with the naaru Deepest people.

It was a strange creature imprisoned in the hall below.

He is like a plate made of light. The simple lines rotate back and forth in the light. It is a special rune, which Dick does not recognize. Those lines piece together back and forth in the air, and finally form an abstract shape, just like It is a figure drawn in the air with a brush, and in the purple light, there are two wings behind this naru, which makes him look like a special butterfly made of lines.

Moreover, there is a crown made of lines on top of this line image, no matter how you look at it, it does not look like a normal creature. His rotation is accompanied by a soft holy light shining in the hall, but in the center of the holy light, there is a purple The core, which is the only thing he uses to distinguish him from the other naaru, these strange creatures use color to distinguish each other.

Dick also noticed that no matter from which direction, the abstract image composed of lines was facing him, which looked amazing, and this guy was also very powerful. As a paladin, the moment he walked into this hall , he heard the faint singing from the holy light, and the calm breath sprinkled every inch of the corner with the holy light.

Although Kael'thas may not have noticed it, his speaking speed was indeed much calmer at this time. This is Naaru's special ability, the ability to go straight to the bottom of his heart.

Their power is almost unimaginable for ordinary people, and it is also difficult for Dick to imagine. How did Illidan capture this naaru?

The sin'dorei elves obviously also realized that this naaru was different, and they even carved huge runes on the mountain wall that made people dizzy, to build a powerful and terrifying mana cage, even for Dick The magic idiot can also see the powerful magic power flowing on the surface of the pink cage.

Jaina's reaction was more violent, and she couldn't help but take a step back. Obviously, the impact of this thing is not just as simple as imprisonment.

It took a lot of effort to build this mana cage.

Kael'thas looked at Naaru with some trepidation, and he whispered, But I doubt that this creature is thinking of leaving at all, very strange, very easy-going, even too easy-going, I can't imagine , Facing the opponent who trapped him, he didn't react at all, but I tried to communicate with him, and his wisdom is far beyond our imagination.

Dick moved his hands, and was about to walk down with the Orsis scepter. Jaina was a little worried, but Dick patted her palms, signaling her not to worry, and the paladin also asked asked Kael'thas a question,

Why do you want me to take over this naru... Logically speaking, I don't have that much face, right?

Kael'thas pouted,

Of course, I don't want to accept this hot potato at all. Illidan sensed the pursuers and sent him to Azeroth to lure those pursuers away. As for's him, I communicated with this creature, he Tell me that he sensed the same kind of aura in this world. According to the direction he pointed, there is no doubt that it is you...Speaking of which, Dick shouldn't really be a naaru disguised as a human? Your knowledge No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a normal person will master it.”

Dick rolled his eyes, and Kael'thas's mind was wide open.

Of course not, but Naru and I do have some connection. When the time comes, I will tell you all about it. Sun King, don't think about it anymore.

The paladin walked slowly in front of Naaru, Kael'thas waved his hand, and the mages who had been busy all the time let go of their confinement. Dick took a deep breath and walked into the light in front of him. During the warm holy light, a voice also sounded in his mind.

The Shadow of the Leaves, the Shield of the Naaru...the lost Atama Crystals, I am so lucky to see them again.

Hello, stranger, my name is Mulu.

(After the Holy Power Invasion:

Dick Don

High-level lord/common creature template

26 years old, male, frail

Strength???, Agility???, Energy???, Holy Energy + MAX

Occupation Template: Paladin - When the opponent is a non-order creature, the damage is increased by 100%

Lord Template: Stratholme, North Castle

Follower - Lord Paladin Liadrin

Follower - Lord Druid Velinde - Starsong

Follower - High Level Lord Elemental Creature - Moam

Equipment: Flame of Righteousness, Uther's Blessed Libram, Shadow of Foliage, Shield of the Naaru, Thunderfury - Blessed Sword of the Windchaser

Status: Level 4 Dragon Power, High Level Lord Power, Guardian of Light)

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