Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 37 6. Differences in Ideas

The fierce battle continued until the next morning. When the first ray of sunlight shone into Stratholme, it illuminated the battlefield full of stumps and blood. Without the cover of the dark power, the corpses that had begun to decay Under the sun, it melted rapidly, and soon, only piles of white bones remained on the messy battlefield.

The knights who fought all night, although physically exhausted, were still in high spirits. They wore armor with a chance of knife marks, and held the battle flags of their respective teams, proudly in the streets and alleys of Stratholme, which was completely recovered. Patrol back and forth, cleaning up those fish that escaped the net.

Every undead was dragged out of the dark shadows, and there was a burst of cheers. After this victory, the spirit of the entire Stratholme warband also reached a new height.

When a mighty foe is defeated, a warrior can be reborn, and the knights of the chapter seem to be born again, backed by a powerful self-confidence.

The protagonist of this battle, Dick, was naked to the waist at this time, allowing the priest next to him to carefully treat the wounds on his body. Although the Paladin template has a 100% damage bonus to non-order creatures, it is absolutely impossible to guarantee that he will Not injured, especially in the melee of that scale last night, after killing Rivendell, Dick felt the pain from all over his body.

The Holy Light is not omnipotent, especially when it is still very weak, it can guarantee that Dick will not be infected by the plague, which is already the limit of what it can do.

This is also the reason why Dick did not participate in the follow-up battle. Although Miss Whitemane still had a cold face, she pulled him away when she saw that the Patriarch under her command was a little restrained, and took over the fight against Dick herself. Gram dressing and treatment.

Eric Gore sat opposite Dick, and Rivendell had a bloodstain on the old knight's chest. This was an injury that needed to be dealt with as soon as possible, so the deputy captain was also absent from the follow-up battle.

On the table in front of the two of them was a black and blue-striped long sword and a gray fluffy cloak, which were the trophies left by Rivendell.

Rare monsters will drop additional loot. Dick already knew this when he killed Ramsden, but when he saw the sword in front of him, Dick couldn't help but secretly praised it. own character.

Sword of Rivendell


Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Powerful Armor Breaking, Powerful Sturdy

Effect: Command aura, increase the combat energy recovery speed of allies within 20 yards.

Explanation: There's only a 0.1% drop rate, bastard, you actually got it out the first time, how good is your character!

Take it, Eligor, it's a good sword, and you deserve it!

Dick stretched out his hand with some difficulty, and handed the heavy two-handed sword to Errigor. The latter froze for a moment, then stretched out his hand, took it over, and tapped on the blade with his fingers. Hearing the crisp buzzing vibration, he opened his mouth wide, and wrapped it carefully with his blood-stained robe.

This is also a misunderstanding. Epees generally do not have scabbards. Azeroth warriors will wrap them with cloth strips made of special materials so as not to hurt others.

Dick got another loot.

Black Knight's Cloak


Strength +10, Dexterity +10, slightly increases movement speed.

Explanation: This is a classic Lordaeron-style aristocratic cloak, one of Rivendell's collections, and it is also his favorite cloak. Not only will it not affect the battle, but it can also be used as a quilt when necessary.

Ms. Whitemane bent over, wrapped the last bandage three times around Dick's chest, and at the end, gave a hard strangle.

Dick bared his teeth immediately, but he still nodded to Miss White in a gentlemanly manner to express his gratitude. Without wearing any armor, he directly split the black cloak on his body, and walked out of the room with the flame of justice on his back.


Dick put his left hand in front of his eyes, blocking the oncoming sunlight. After Rivendell was wiped out and the evil shadow sky circle was destroyed, the sunlight fully shone into Stratholme for the first time. Dick never I feel that this city is so beautiful.

Captain! Commander Abedis of Tyr's Hand is waiting for you! She has brought another 1,000 recruits!

Herold, who had been fighting fiercely all night, trotted over carrying his ax that was dyed red, and stood respectfully behind Dick. Hearing Herold's voice, Dick turned around. The chiseled upper body, matched with a black cloak, unexpectedly gave Dick a sturdy temperament.

Seeing this match, Herald, a paladin who advocates wild battles, suddenly brightened his eyes. Dick patted Herold's shoulder with his left hand, and encouraged him loudly,

Good job! Herold, you are now a warrior of the Stratholme Chapter!

Hearing these words, Herold immediately puffed up his chest. After Dick left, he proudly walked back to the warrior team's station under the envious eyes of everyone.

Dick walked into the headquarters of the original defense line. After seeing Dick, Miss Abedis in military uniform immediately stood up to pay tribute. Miss, she blushed again, but she was also the daughter of General Abides, so she quickly corrected her mentality.

Welcome, Miss Bridget, oh, you came a little late, otherwise you could catch up with last night's decisive battle! We killed Rivendell, Stratholme, and recovered!

Dick put the Flame of Justice by his feet, and leaned back on the chair. Bridit, who had a good figure and an outstanding face, first glanced at the miraculous Flame of Justice that was now spreading inside the Silver Hand, and then turned his gaze to Put it on Dick.

But from the dense wounds on Dick's chest, Bridget could see the intensity of the battle last night. She was born in a military family, and she was taught by her father since she was a child, and she was never afraid of war. Bridget did not hesitate to praise the victory.

Knight Dick, congratulations to you and your warband, you have accomplished a feat that would make us ashamed!

Dick smiled, waved his hand, and asked,

Then Miss Bridget, I will use the fastest speed to train these 1,000 recruits into qualified fighters, but I think if it is just to transport the recruits, it is not enough for you to come here in person. What is the important thing? ?

Bridget Abbendis, the figure who took over the position of general after the death of General Abbendis and commanded the Scarlet Crusade, although she was young at this time, she had already relied on her serious and rigorous work style , became the person in charge of the Tyr Hand training base. To be precise, in the Silver Hand Knights, her position was even higher than Dick's.

Facing Dick's question, the smile on Miss Abedis's face finally disappeared. She took out an invitation from the purse beside her and handed it to Dick.

The Tirisfal region has been completely destroyed, that bastard of Alsace. He, he destroyed Lordaeron, and the king's spirit army with a number of more than one million is marching towards the West Dallon Mill region. Uther The knights and the Grand Knight Dathrohan have adopted a defensive strategy, but a fierce battle is inevitable, so the Silver Hand now needs the help of other forces. Tomorrow, the Grand Knight Uther will hold a meeting at the Holy Light's Hope Chapel. Dalaran, Gilneas and Alterac, even the elves of Quel'Thalas, will be at this meeting.

Well, I'll go.

Dick nodded and put the invitation aside when Miss Abedis said suddenly,

Actually, Grand Knight Uther, I hope you can host tomorrow's meeting.

What? Me? Are you kidding me!

Dick was so startled by the news that he sat up straight, and dropped the pipe in his hand on the table. Faced with Dick's surprise, Miss Abedis finally showed a cheerful smile that young people should have. This female soldier smiled It looks good, the eyes are all squinted together,

Who doesn't know now, the complete strategy of Grand Knight Uther is based on the proposal of Flame of Justice Dick, Grand Knight Uther said more than once in the pre-war meeting in the past few days, Without your proposal, it is very likely that the Silver Hand would have suffered a catastrophe, and now you are the famous wise general!

Ah, headache!

Dick made an exaggerated movement, stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, this movement made Abbendis lean back and forth, and the previous serious atmosphere completely disappeared.

But after thinking carefully, Dick nodded, and he looked at Abides,

Okay, I will be the host, but I can't guarantee the effect!

Well, Grand Knight Uther also said that this time the situation is urgent, so you can say whatever you want. After all, in the last meeting, almost all of your predictions have come true.

When Bridget said this, she was somewhat embarrassed, thinking that she only considered Dick's prediction as alarmist at the time, but now that she was slapped in the face by reality, the lady was also a little embarrassed.

By the way, Miss Bridget, I heard that General Abbendis has always had disagreements with Grand Knight Uther. You know, I'm just a newcomer, so...

Dick spread his hands and made a helpless gesture, Please tell me, what is the reason for the disagreement within the Silver Hand?

Faced with this request, Abidis also had a hint of helplessness on his face. Probably the relaxed atmosphere brought by Dick infected her, and the lady's military style was also revealed. She raised her legs and leaned on the chair. Then, following Dick's example, he rubbed his delicate forehead, and then said,

In fact, the differences between my father and the great knight mainly arose on the battlefield that year. The final battlefield of the Second Orc War was in the Black Rock Mountain in the south. Marshal was crushed, the Marshal died, and at the critical moment, Turalyon, the Grand Knight of the Silver Hand, turned the tide and insisted on winning that battle.

Father has witnessed all that, so from that time on, he believed that human power is limited, and even a great man like Lothar would die on the battlefield. In order to make himself stronger and make his army stronger Strong, so he began to study the offensiveness of the Holy Light, which coincides with the purpose of Lord Alexandro, and the Prosecutor of Isenlien is also one of the high-level officials who advocate making the Holy Light more aggressive , so the few of them gradually became a small group.

However, Great Knight Uther insists on the purity of the Holy Light, and does not advocate manpower to change the nature of the Holy Light. This is the biggest disagreement within the Silver Hand. As you said, it is a difference in ideas. Because of the high reputation of the Grand Knight of Sir, this kind of disagreement has remained in the debate stage.

Then Miss Abbendis, do you think this disagreement will lead to the split of the Silver Hand?

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