Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 38 8. Northern Xinjiang Conference (Part 2)--Jiagen 2

Chapter 38 8. The Great Northern Xinjiang Conference (Part 2)——Gageng II

The applause rang out in the hall. Dick smiled at Jaina, then strode through the crowd and onto the podium. He stretched out his hands and pressed them down, indicating that everyone can calm down.

Before speaking, Dick glanced at the people sitting in the first row. Well, they are all second-rate or even third-rate figures in their respective countries, except for the representative of Dalaran, who is not angry and pretentious, with white hair on his head. Except for Antonidas, the other forces didn't seem to have much reaction to the Silver Hand's request for help.

Dick shook his head lightly, no wonder Uther wanted to push himself to the front, because he had no time to waste in this meeting, in his opinion it was probably a formal meeting, Uther didn't even have a second Zhong didn't want to delay. After Dick took over the responsibility of hosting, he walked out of the hall with his guards. The battle on the front line was about to start, and there were too many things to be busy with.

I know people don't know me, so I don't need to introduce myself, let's get straight to the point!

Dick's first sentence caused people in the hall to talk a lot. When did these top figures from various countries see such a meeting opening statement? The short-eared elves of Quel'Thalas even showed a look of disdain.

The news everyone has received is true. The Royal City of Lordaeron and the Tirisfal region have been turned into ruins. An army of millions of undead is taking shape. According to my estimation, after they are assembled, the number It is likely to exceed 200W, and the commander of these enemies of all life, as you guessed, is the former prince of Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil.


Dick's second sentence directly made Whitemane and a group of young commanders sitting in the back row stand up one after another. She looked at Dick who was uncharacteristically revealing his secret in surprise. Now she suspects that Dick is Not already crazy.

I was also surprised, and it was Grand Knight Gavinrad who participated in the meeting on behalf of the Knights of the Silver Hand. However, compared to Abbydis, this Grand Knight's observation skills were much sharper. He noticed the corner of Dick's mouth. With a smile, he was sure that this newly rising paladin had his own plan.

So Gavin Ladd decided to trust Dick for once, hoping he could repeat what he had done at the last Silver Hand meeting.

Dick looked at the people who were whispering, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and continued,

Then I invite you to come here this time to discuss the issue of facing the undead army's offensive this time. We need support from each country, whether it is directly sending troops or providing supplies.


A middle-aged aristocrat in an old-fashioned tuxedo stood up from his chair. He was polite and arrogant and said to Dick and the others,

My humble opinion is that this is Lordaeron's domestic affairs, and we in Gilneas have no need to participate. Of course, I also want to believe that the Knights of the Silver Hand, as a first-class army in northern Xinjiang, can shoulder the responsibility of protecting the people. My busy schedule , please allow me to leave first!

The old nobleman nodded politely towards Dick, then turned around and left with his attendants. This appearance was extremely rude, and since the ambassador of Gilneas had set an example, other ambassadors who were not interested in this war at all would also They got up one after another, anyway, Lordaeron's royal city and king were dead, the country was over, and no one would hold them accountable for their rudeness.

But at the moment when the old nobleman was about to walk out of the gate, Dick's slow voice sounded again in the hall,

Well, what the Gilneas ambassador said is good. I also think this is Lordaeron's internal affairs, so I will suggest that the army of the Holy Light Monastery defend firmly, and the fourth army of Lordaeron will also withdraw to West Dallon Mill, no longer To prevent the gathering of the undead, we will mobilize all the troops to strictly guard the West Dallon Mill area, I believe that with the strength of the Silver Hand, we can still stop it for 2 months.


If the eyes of everyone looking at Dick just now were just suspicious, the eyes now are completely looking at the eyes of a lunatic. On such a formal occasion, this Warrior of the Holy Light actually threatened him in front of the public. An ambassador, is he crazy?

As we all know, the southern part of the Tirisfal region is the Silverpine Forest, which is the dark forest that Dick passed through alone, and outside the Silverpine Forest is the land of Gilneas. The mysterious Silverpine Forest can stop large-scale armies, But it can't stop the undead from marching, their numerical advantage is too obvious.

And once the Silver Hand sticks to the West Dallonmere area, the undead who can't get an inch will inevitably change their targets. At that time, Gilneas, which was originally far away from the battlefield, will suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

The footsteps of the old noble also stopped, he turned his head to look at Dick, the cold light in his eyes overflowed, like an aging wolf king.

You... you're threatening Gilneas?


Dick nodded, the smile on his face faded away, and that face became serious, even chilling, the ambassador he fearlessly looked at each other,

The Silver Hand can't stop the undead army. It's not worth laughing at, because Gilneas can't stop it either! If you plan to abandon your allies in this precarious time, why should we shoulder the responsibility for the white-eyed wolf? This gentleman , Lordaeron has no king! We are now a group of refugees, a group of refugees who have lost hope, a group of lone wolves who have lost their homes and been driven to a dead end, want to watch us being killed by hunters, yes, but just watch Readers, be prepared to be dragged into hell by us, and you better hope we don't go crazy!

The originally noisy venue became quiet. Jaina looked at her sharp-edged boyfriend, her eyes were full of joy, and Antonidas, who had been closing his eyes to rest from the beginning of the meeting, also At some point, he opened his eyes and looked at Dick with interest.

Contrary to Antonidas, the worry on Gavinrad's face has disappeared. He even closed his eyes. Since the destruction of the city of Lordaeron, Gavinrad has hardly had a good night's sleep. He decided to take advantage of Take this time to rest.

Uther found this guy somewhere... Well, lone wolf, I like this idea!

Dick's gaze swept across the crowd, the coldness in it was like a sickle, everyone he saw, those who had stood up and planned to leave, all sat back on their chairs in unison. An old nobleman stood stubbornly at the door, glaring at Dick.

But Dick ignored him at all. Anyway, he was already regarded as a lunatic, so Dick didn't care.

Be crazy, go crazy, as long as you can create a future from being crazy!

Drip... triggers a large task, the wheel of history stops

Description: Completely change the ending of the undead natural disaster invasion!

Requirement: When the task is completed, the integrity of the order in northern Xinjiang must reach more than 60%.

Reward: 2%-7% of the world's twist rate

Drip... the first ring of the mission, the King of the tongue battle group

Only relying on the Knights of the Silver Hand can't solve the undead natural disaster that has already formed. You need help!

Description: Pull Gilneas, Alterac, Wildhammer clan, Dalaran, Quel'Thalas and other forces into the battle.

Dick, who was prompted by the task, moved his shoulders, stretched out his hand to loosen the tight tie around his neck, raised his head, and all eyes fell on him. Dick glanced at him and closed his eyes to rest. Gavin Ladd, suddenly asked,

Grand Knight Gavinrad, before I came here today, Grand Knight Uther promised that I can freely say everything I want to say, and now I need a promise, the Knights of the Silver Hand, and the remaining army of the Kingdom , will you change your strategy because of my decision?

This question was asked so domineeringly that even Gavin Ladd couldn't help but glance at Dick when he heard this question. He felt that this guy was going to make a big deal today, but when he hesitated At that time, the door of the hall was opened again, and this time it was Dathrohan, the silent great knight, who walked up to the podium, holding the big Crusader sword in both hands, and stood directly behind Dick.

Although he didn't say a word, Uther's attitude has been reflected in this action.


Dick licked his dry lips, and a feeling of history is in my hands surged in his heart. He looked at the audience, took a deep breath, and said loudly,

Since you can't make decisions, please invite someone who can make decisions. The meeting will be adjourned for an hour. Master Antonidas is here. I believe that one hour is enough for you to go back and forth.


The ambassador of Gilneas, that polite old nobleman, slammed his fist on the table, and he gave Dick a resentful look,

You crazy!

Dick shrugged, paying no heed to his slander.

Seeing Dick's look like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, although the envoys of other forces were equally angry, they dared not take any risks when facing the Knights of the Silver Hand who had apparently lost their minds, and could only beg Master Antonidas Opening the portal, the old mage was cheerful and easy to talk, waved his hand without saying a word, and in just five minutes, all five portals opened outside the hall.

This Dick Knight... very interesting chap.

Antonidas touched his white beard, glanced at Jaina beside him, and said with a smile,

Anna, contact the Council of the Kirin Tor and get the battle mages ready, we are about to start defending our territory.

Not to mention the ambassadors who took action, just as Dick stepped down from the podium without taking a sip of water, he was surrounded by several young knights led by Abides,

You lunatic, what on earth are you trying to do? Are you going to ruin the reputation of the entire Knights of the Silver Hand?

A tall young man grabbed Dick by the collar and was about to lift him up with one hand. Dick frowned. This guy has a lot of strength.

Enough! Colfax! Put him down!

Dick was a little surprised that this little girl, Whitemane, was actually the leader of these young people. It seemed that this future long-legged prosecutor was very attractive, but she let it go in Colfax. After that, Dick stretched out his hand, patted the dust that didn't exist on the clothes, looked at Whitemane,

What's the matter, Miss Whitemane?

Whitemane gritted her teeth with hatred. She found that even though she had stayed in Stratholme for almost 3 months, she still hadn't fully seen this guy. She lowered her voice and asked,

You guy, what are you going to do? Do you know that if we offend these northern border countries, even if we survive, they will boycott us! You are betting on the future of the Silver Hand Knights!

Hearing this, Dick narrowed his eyes. If Jaina was here, she must know that Dick was angry, because when Dick was angry, he would narrow his eyes.

Am I overdrawing the future of the Silver Hand?

Dick asked, You actually think that the Knights of the Silver Hand still have a future? What gives you confidence?

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