Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 496 29. Breakthrough! Copresa

When darkness reaches its deepest point, it is often the time when light is born.

When the first ray of light pierced the darkness, the dark age ended.

Dick's figure is like a radiant dragon, passing through the land full of undead, behind him is a huge and extremely huge holy light, that scorching, crazy, golden holy flame that burns everything, engulfing him wherever he goes Everything in the place was completely ignited, leaving behind a thick path of ashes.

The main attacker of the Shadow Vault is Dalyan, the leader of Odosa is Prager, and the Draenei garrison Maraad is in charge of Mordretha. Dick's goal is the last dark acropolis. SA.

However, unlike the other three acropolis, Dick has no reinforcements, he only has one person.

It sounds unbelievable for one person to attack a city, but judging from the current situation, everything doesn't seem so bad.

Manpower is in short supply, especially now that the pressure on the battlefield ahead is the greatest, the high-level coalition forces have used almost every available guy to the extreme, and must ensure that Alsace is caught off guard. For the attack on the four dark acropolis, the same Time begins and ends as quickly as possible.

Raid, the shortest time, is the essence of raid. Once there is a mistake in a certain link, Alsace reacts, and he only needs less than 10 minutes to put all his cards together and completely crush those young people who besieged the Acropolis to death.

So it must be linked one by one. Now it seems that the whole raid went very smoothly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the battlefield on the other side of the storm cliff couldn't get more people out, Dick even planned to take the mogu army to storm Angaza, but that was obviously impossible.

Titan Creation has its own set of behavioral views. Although Dick can force them to join the mortal war, it is very likely to lead to internal divisions, especially for Azadas, Heimdall, and Elonaya. For the high-level guardians, they would even choose to disobey their orders. In the face of the threat of Ulduar, this kind of forced order is obviously not worth the candle.

But the point is still in front of the eyes, the paladin holds the Windchaser Sword in both hands, and the roaring holy warhammer beside him whirls in the air, forming a golden storm in words, forcing all the death knights and abominations coming up from around to retreat, and then swung it again. Long sword, a golden blade is like a sharp edge shining in the air, sweeping away the undead within 20 meters in front of him, like a scythe for cutting wheat, fast and deadly.

The Acropolis of Kopresa in front of me is connected to the center of the dark wall. The sharp spikes on the top make this steel fortress look like a giant beast dormant in the darkness, ferocious, dark, and tyrannical.

However, unlike other acropolises, this fortress is not so much a defensive setting as it is a gate, the gate connecting the southwest and southern regions of Icecrown Glacier. A giant suture monster 15 meters high guards the gate with a heavy ax in its hand. No one is allowed to pass through the center of the gate.

It is definitely the largest undead creature Alsace assembled from the bones of the storm giant. It moves slowly, but its attacks are extremely deadly. For such a huge creature, its huge body is the strongest defense. He used this A giant beast guards here, more than any army.

Now it was Dick's trouble.

The paladin didn't want to waste time, his body turned into lightning, and disappeared in place before the surrounding undead rushed over fearlessly. Then, a golden beam of light rushed into the dark clouds and split in it , evolved, and finally, under Dick's control, it smashed down from the sky in the form of a rain of light.

The scorching raindrops are like fire falling from the sky. When they collide with the dark air of Icecrown Glacier, bright sparks are brought up in the air, like a gorgeous meteor shower falling from the sky, dragging its golden tail, hitting the sky. On the ground, while destroying the rushing undead, waves of frozen earth storms were stirred up on the ground.

And in this brilliant light rain, Dick's figure was like a golden battle angel, dragging his long and narrow tail flames, and smashed into the structural undead standing outside the gate of Kopresa. The silver armor, the wind chasing sword dragged upside down in his right hand danced with thunder and golden light blades, the undead giant in front of him also felt the danger coming, it roared and raised the black heavy axe, just the axe, It is more than 3 meters long.

It began to move, and every step would cause earthquake-like vibrations on the ground. If this creature really appeared on the battlefield, Dick couldn't believe how many ordinary soldiers' lives would be needed to bring back the death of this creature. It was too huge Yes, this alone is enough to make it a real life killer.


Dick's left hand clasped two fingers together, and swiped down fiercely. The giant holy light blade fell from the sky, and slashed at the head of the undead beast that was rushing over. The light blade blocked the top of the head, but in the next second, the paladin in the air held the wind chasing sword with both hands, and drew a perfect arc in the air, and the burning holy light on the blade turned into a lightsaber to cut horizontally again. out.

It couldn't defend against this blow, and could only let the scorching light blade cut into its body. One-third of its waist was annihilated by this blow, and the burning holy flame adhered to its wound. Sexual energy fought against the surging darkness around his body, sparking balls of blinding light in the air.

Its movements were slow, facing a nimble opponent like Dick, it was almost like meeting a natural enemy.

The paladin didn't intend to entangle with him anymore. His figure flashed, and the wind chasing sword in his hand cut into the monster's left arm. After agitating the holy light in his body, the hotter holy blade burst into the sound of bones breaking. , grazed the monster's arm, and completely removed its left arm holding the axe.

The monster even lost its balance because of this, but the next moment, Dick's figure appeared on the dark city wall of Copressa. He held the Wind Chaser Sword in his right hand, and opened his left hand. Golden lightning bolts intersected and elongated continuously in it. In the end, a golden spear overflowing with lightning was formed.

This is what he learned from Thorim's attack. The guardian who also has the power of thunder often uses such a lightning spear for long-range attacks. Dick also plans to learn it.

He raised his arms back, his body leaned back slightly, and his eyes narrowed. The next moment, his tense body suddenly bounced back, and the holy light spear in his hand was in the midst of the thunder, piercing the air, and flew out with a howl. Seconds later, the head of the giant undead beast that had just straightened up completely exploded in the golden lightning.

It whimpered and uttered its final mournful cry, then fell down feebly like a hill, and threw a cloud of flying dust on the dark ground.

Nice blow! What is this move called?

A voice, as if frozen in ice, sounded behind Dick from the entrance to the deepest passageway to Copresa. Dick turned his head and saw the short figure wearing a dark green cloak coming out of the darkness. He carried an ice-blue war hammer in his hand, and the thick frost covered his armor and his beard, making him look like a real war fortress.

His emotionless eyes looked at the paladin in front of him, as if looking at a stranger,

I never thought, Dick, that one day we would meet in this form, in this damned place...We are on both sides of death, I know what you want to do, but you have to beat me first, My disciple!

Dick's left hand moved slightly, and the Wind Chaser sword disappeared in his hand, replaced by a warhammer overflowing with silver light. The crystal hammer surface filled with holy light reflected Dick's face, and there was a trace of nostalgia for that pair of hands. eyes,

Mr. Kurtaz, I have never forgotten the scene where you taught me how to use a warhammer in the Crusader Fortress. I have never forgotten the scene where we fought against the undead together. My mentor, I am sorry for you Everything that happened, I can guarantee that from now on, you will not suffer this kind of pain that you shouldn't have to bear.

The warhammer in Dick's hand slid down lightly, and the next moment, the holy flame that pierced the sky and the earth sprang up behind him, as well as the golden rain of light, the hymn fluttered, and the paladin raised his eyes full of firmness,

I'll set you free...give you real freedom!

Hehe...I've been waiting for this day for too long, come on, Dick, my proudest disciple, come and let me see how far your martial skills have come?

Kurtaz stretched out his hand, threw his dark green cloak outward, and held the warhammer lit up with runes in both hands. The energy of dark death surged behind him, sweeping the sky full of snowflakes, blowing the entire city wall of Kopressa to pieces. The snow on it was swept away.

The darkness is thicker than the darkness, and the light and shadow are brighter than the light. The two opponents who are about to start a life-and-death battle seem to be the two sides who are about to start a fight in the martial arts field. They hold the hammer in both hands and put it in front of them. Cold and firm.

The cold icy wind, wrapped in flying snowflakes, blew across the sky, gently blowing the robes of the two people's armor, and the two nodded their heads, just like they were in the martial arts field of the Crusader fortress five years ago.

But it is no longer disciple and mentor, but adversary, light and darkness, life and death.

Never so clear, never so brutal.

After finishing the etiquette, the next moment, the steel ground under the two people's feet collapsed at the same time. Amidst the howling of darkness and the singing of hymns, the two war hammers collided, one black and the other white, completely shattering the icy cold wind and falling snow. blow off.

A weapon like a warhammer, unless it has reached the pinnacle of martial arts, will never become light and agile. As if making an appointment, the individual gave up defense almost at the same time, and attacked the opponent with the most ferocious posture.

Golden flames and black ice flowers continuously blow in all directions. In this confrontation between forces, Kurtaz felt more and more pressure. He looked at Dick, that paladin, that five years ago A paladin who appeared on the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang.

Like a shooting star across the sky, completely illuminating the surrounding darkness, and this is only the beginning of the legendary epic, Kurtaz knows, he believes that the paladin in front of him will end this dark and sad time, Bring the past and the present into an unknown future.

Unfortunately, he... can't see it.


The moment Kurtaz's war hammer broke through Dick's sacred barrier, the flame of justice was also imprinted on Kurtaz's heart. The tide of light swept from behind Dick, completely submerging Kurtaz.

The old dwarf didn't struggle, and even took the initiative to stop the attack. He leaned on the warhammer in front of him, like a sculpture, as if he couldn't feel the golden flames licking around his body at all, his hair was burning, his beard Burning, his soul was burning.

He looked at Dick, looked at Dick standing there praying for him, and waved his hand lightly, just like when he sent Dick to expedition to Mount Hyjal in Southsea Town.

I'm the dwarven heaven, or continue to return to that cold hell, end it all, Dick, I believe you can do it...Go bravely and burn yourself into a burning ball , an unquenchable fire, to light the darkness of this world's march.

I really want to have another sip of Thunder Ale...I really want to go back to Thelsama's tavern...the hometown in my memory, the songs in my memory...I...go home...

Dick stood alone on the spot, watching the old dwarf who had enthusiastically invited him to drink and taught him martial arts completely dissipated in the golden flames. He half knelt on the ground, took out a small jar from his arms, and put Kur Taz's ashes were poured into it, and carefully put back into the storage ring.

After doing all this, he turned into lightning without looking back, and dissipated in this dark place, and then a brighter sun spear pierced through the darkness, piercing into the dark hall of Copressa, the scorching golden saint Flame, thunder and lightning beating wildly, at this moment, in Dick's uncontrollable anger, completely destroyed this dark fortress.

The steel melts, the darkness dissipates... It may be the beginning, but it's more like a bell ringing as the prelude to the end.

The death knell tolling for the Scourge.

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