Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 497 30. Second Stage: Fangs Piercing Blood Vessels

Adjust the artillery, three o'clock, and blast those nerubians back to their hell!

Muradin shouted to the herald beside him. He held a fine black iron warhammer in his left hand, and waved it without looking at it. Below, the heads and bodies of vrykul ghouls trying to climb were shattered.

One minute later, the artillery roared, and five shells exploded, completely sealing off the hole just dug by the Nerubian not far away, and blasting into the sky together with the surrounding undead.

The dwarf prince snorted in satisfaction. He picked up the binoculars in his hand and kept scanning the entire battlefield of Echo Valley. It has been 50 minutes since the surprise attack. They cleaned it up, and the earth spirits also built this medium-sized fortress 10 minutes ago, resisting the attack of the frost dragon in the sky.

This fortress is right at the entrance of Echo Valley, and on the only way to the big snow field behind. There is no need to doubt the talent of the earth spirits in construction. At least two sides of this fortress are bordered by the storm cliffs and mountains Yes, that is to say, the dwarf warriors who stick to it only need to deal with two opponents at the same time.

The secret passage leading to Frost Fort was sealed in the fortress, and those who were seriously injured would be sent into the tunnel as quickly as possible.

But even with the protection of a fortress, during the 30 minutes after the second wave of undead arrived on the battlefield, the Dwarf Legion suffered heavy casualties. They rushed into Echo Valley and broke through the protection of Icecrown Glacier. The direct result was the angry Arsa The sea of ​​undead driven by Si refilled the entire Echo Valley.

Their number far exceeds the limit that these dwarves can handle, but the dwarves have withstood this terrifying battle loss ratio with unimaginable tenacity, and they can also launch a sharp counterattack. With the help of the black iron drill, dwarven soldiers can appear anywhere on the battlefield without breaking through the front line.

These black iron dwarves who can use magic are cunning and vicious. They ascended to the ground on a drilling machine and never fought those undead. When the battle line is at its most critical, even the dwarven shield guards on the city wall will use this extreme method to fight against the undead approaching the city wall.

Anyway, with the earth spirits around, the damage to the fortress will be repaired in the shortest possible time.

The Eagle Knights of the Frost Dwarves and the Griffin Knights of the Wildhammer Dwarves also took off from Frost Castle, carrying kerosene and explosives, and raided the undead from the sky. At first, this method was very effective, and it was easy to suppress the attack of the undead. But when the frost dragon and a large number of gargoyles enter the battlefield, this support method becomes difficult, but fortunately these undead will not use explosives, otherwise the situation will definitely be worse.

But before the Northern Expedition, the entire civilized world has been fighting against the undead for nearly five years. The generals have already figured out how to deal with the sea of ​​undead. Although the sea of ​​undead is terrifying, it is not invincible. It is impossible for Alsace Precisely command every undead, that kind of command system distributed layer by layer, you only need to kill all the commanders at the bottom, the stupid, brainless undead sea will actively expose its flaws, and then be divided, and finally completely destroyed wipe out.

Those dwarven sharpshooters who rely on the solid fortress walls to carry out precise sniping are doing this kind of work non-stop.

They are equipped with special firearms made by engineering masters, and use special bullets filled with compressed holy water. This expensive bullet is surprisingly lethal to undead. Every low-pitched gunshot means that a high-level undead has been found. , and then it will be destroyed by concentrated fire.

After losing 27 front-line commanders in a row, the sea of ​​undead finally became chaotic. Without Alsace personally intervening in the battle here, the defense of the dwarves and the attack of the undead can barely reach a balance, which is very dangerous balance.

With the opening of the gate of the fortress, heavily armed dwarf goat knights rushed out of the fortress. The leader was the dwarf prince Muradin. This brave warrior held a dragon spear made of fine steel in his hand. Behind them were heavily armed dwarven cavalry, and finally five steam tanks that had just been assembled by the master engineer. Two teams of Griffin Knights who had just returned from the battlefield took off again, flying at low altitude to cooperate with the cavalry. rushed out of the fortress.

Coming out to charge at this time is not just to satisfy Muradin's battlefield slaughter, but also has more realistic problems in front of him.

Echo Valley is very close to Mordresa, one of the four dark acropolises. They form a triangle with Ymirheim and stand in the southeast of Icecrown Glacier. The second phase of the attack has already begun. Alsace must have received Mordresa. The news that Dereza was attacked, and he is very likely to mobilize some of the undead who are besieging the dwarves to block Modereza.

After all, for the ultimate safety of Ice Fortress, the fall of Echo Valley was just a trivial accident.

Muradin cannot allow this to happen. In the second phase of the battle, Echo Valley is positioned as a bait for the undead. He has to ensure that after Modereza's raid is completed, the undead will not be outflanked from the back. Block it straight.

In order to continue to attract Alsace's attention, he must continue to increase his threat, at least let Alsace see the danger after the fall of Echo Valley, or more directly, completely trap the undead who have entered Echo Valley here !

The dwarf prince's eyes fell on the far entrance of Echo Valley, a gap between two mountain peaks.

He's going to blow it up! Keep these undead in this valley forever, before Arthas dies, they don't even want to go anywhere!

This looks like a crazy suicide plan. There are at least 40,000 undead in Echo Valley. At this time, there are less than 7,000 dwarves who have fought fiercely for more than 50 minutes. Once the entrance to Echo Valley is completely sealed, they have to Facing the mortal attack from the undead.

Such an ending, for the dwarf soldiers who are still standing firm in the fortress, is simply equivalent to a catastrophe.

But Muradin had to! For the final victory, for the second stage that is about to end and the third stage that is about to start, he has to make some sacrifices.

On the battlefield of Angasa, 110,000 soldiers sacrificed their lives to buy them time for the raid. Now, it was the turn of these raiders to make the same sacrifice.

Cavalry! Charge with me and make a way for the steam tank!

The speed of Muradin's goat has been raised to the highest. Under the charge of this speed, he doesn't need to wield the dragon spear at all, he only needs to stand it upright in front, the completely accumulated kinetic energy and the surging anger around his body are enough to help him He does the rest.

Especially in the case of losing the command of low-level commanders, the chaotic thinking of these undead makes them unable to make any effective defense against the charging knights. On the battlefield in northern Xinjiang, the knights of the Silver Hand used to be To deal with these mindless walking corpses in this way, this tactic has been thoroughly carried forward after entering Northrend.

Under the charge led by the epic hero warriors, there was almost nothing that could stop this group of dwarves, whether it was nerubians or vrykuls, they were all completely knocked down under this rushing charge. crushed.

The griffin knights flying above the cavalry kept throwing kerosene and bombs on the land in front of the knights to clear the way for them as much as possible. An army with scattered soldiers at the bottom is not enough to fight. The same applies to the current undead. Under the guidance of Muradin, this cavalry is almost in the form of reckless piercing the army formation, rushing all the way towards the outermost edge of Echo Valley.

The black iron drilling machines with better concealment are not enough to drill through the solid rocks and frozen soil at the junction of the mountains. More importantly, the continuous use of the ten drilling machines has already put the ten drilling machines in an extremely unstable state. With so many explosives, it is very likely that people and cars will be destroyed underground, so he can only do all this on land.

And any bravery comes at the price of sacrifice.

Even though the entire fortress was helping them achieve this great event, when they arrived at the scheduled location, there were still less than 140 cavalry left, with a loss rate of more than 40%. Even the sturdy steam tanks were only left After picking up 3 vehicles, Muradin wiped the ice, snow and blood stains on his face, before he even had time to be sad, he waved his hand,

Get ready to explode! Keep these damned guys here forever!

Muradin's roar was like a whip, urging the dwarf engineering master and the earthlings in the steam tank to act quickly. A large number of explosives were integrated into the mountain by the earthlings. What Muradin needed was Echo Valley The temporary closure of the mountain pass does not permanently change the terrain, so it only needs a large-scale directional blast to get it done.

Even 10 minutes of preparation is not required, but everything is risky. Muradin is standing at the outermost edge of Echo Valley, leading the soldiers to rely on steam tanks, and cooperate with Griffin Knights to resist those undead When he recoiled, a powerful, barbaric, and dark aura suddenly appeared outside the Echo Valley, and it was approaching quickly.

Accompanied by the deep dragon roar, Muradin suddenly turned his head, and then saw the huge ice dragon lying on the top of the entire mountain range, observing the entire battlefield with its black eye sockets and blood-red undead fire, and Behind him, there were hundreds of bone dragons.

The sky was blocked out, and the temperature dropped by more than 5° at this moment.

Muradin subconsciously took a step forward, and the activated god descended to make his body bigger. This ultimate fighting stance unique to the bronze beard dwarves had just been completed, and Sindragosa's death breath was in this small The top of the little commando's head exploded.

The 34 griffins lost two-thirds in an instant!

The breath of frost and death is like a turbid stream of ice falling from the sky, with an extremely wide range, and the beating white light on Sindragosa's new body also makes the breath cooler and more deadly, like a silvery white The scythe swept across the sky full of smoke and darkness, and everything was divided in two under the deadly frost.

Frost Queen's unique skill Frost Halo!

Wherever the silver-white light went, whether it was undead or warriors, whether it was obedience or resistance, they all turned into groups of meaningless ice cubes under the extremely low temperature, cold, delicate and terrifying.

More than half of Muradin's expedition team was destroyed by this blow, which caused the King of the Hill under the pressure and anger to completely explode. Thunder and fury throbbed around the spear, like the last shot into the dragon's heart.

Give me...die!


The head of the Frost Witch was shifted to the left by this blow, and the long spear almost spread up along with her frosty breath, piercing her hard skull, and the spear was swaying, with an uncompromising sharp point. Howling, pierced into the head of a bone dragon that was flying over the valley of echoes farther away,

Blood-red anger exploded in that head, and the head of the unlucky bone dragon was blown off in an instant, and fell from the sky to the ground like a meteor. The huge body hit the ground in the sea of ​​undead. In an instant, it turned into a mess of bones.

Boom, boom, boom

The arrival of the bone dragon didn't interrupt Muradin's plan. At the moment when the King of the Hill roared through the death breath with his battle ax and hammer, and charged towards the Frost Queen, the mountains behind him... collapsed.

At the same time, Alsace screamed in shock and anger,

Cunning mice, you broke my door!!

Damn you!

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