Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 504 37. The Holy and the Fallen

At the top of Icecrown Citadel is the Frozen Throne, where Arthas is.

After Dick and others rushed into Icecrown Fortress, Arthas uncharacteristically did not step out of his throne to defend against the enemy, and did not even call back those subordinates who were distributed around the entire Icecrown Glacier. People are happy, especially for the soldiers who have already rushed into this dark fortress, this unexpected situation makes people a little worried.

But there will be plenty of fights. No one wants to be locked in Icecrown Citadel by his bloody underlings against Arthas.

Varana is dead and you killed him. Even though I don't like him, I feel it is my duty to avenge him!

In front of the scarlet hall, a deep voice echoed in the hall. The voice was dark and eerie, and it made people's whole body goosebumps keep shaking, but it was not because of the cold.

The high elf in black robes stood on the edge of his high platform, his narrow eyes swept towards the paladin who entered the hall, the sharp teeth at the corner of his mouth were exposed outside his lips at this moment, while on the other side, his companion raised his A longsword inlaid with green jewels,

Okay, Keleses, this is not an opponent you can kill casually, we'd better find some companions.

Saying this, Salein, who was wrapped in a green robe, swept Dick's body with malicious eyes, but the paladin didn't look at him, but set his eyes on the orbs on the heads of the two blood princes .

It was a giant sphere watered by blood and made up of flowing blood. It was full of the power of blood and suspended on the top floor of the Scarlet Hall, like a light, spreading the dark red light to the entire hall. For this kind of Salein who live by sucking blood, it is definitely a real treasure. Bathed in this blood, their bodies can hardly feel hunger or thirst.

But what the paladin cares about is the extra effect of this orb.

After 2 seconds, his eyes finally fell on Keleses and Tadaram in front of him. He pondered for a moment and asked,

I guess this orb blocks the way to the Frozen Throne, right?

The two blood princes looked at him and clenched their weapons. Obviously they knew where this paladin came from and what kind of person he was, but they didn't seem to intend to answer his question. After killing those high-level undead, he was somewhat tired. After all, it was a real effort to kill Alsace's elite army alone. He didn't want to fight meaninglessly, so he continued to ask,

Then can you help me open the way to the Frozen Throne?

The Blood Prince also didn't speak. The next moment, the closed doors on the left and right of the Scarlet Hall suddenly opened, and the bodies of the Salein who rushed out from the resting place turned into blood shadows in the air, scurrying in the air, and finally landed, killing Di Ke Tuan was surrounded.

So... this is your answer?

Dick put his left hand on the hilt of the Wind Chaser Sword behind him, and a golden light spirit and a blue water spirit also appeared on his shoulders from left to right. The paladin glanced at him and strode from the high platform The blood prince who stepped down shook his head.

Looks like there's still going to be a fight.

We have the advantage in numbers! Dick, you are just a paladin of the heroic rank, and this is your burial place!

Faced with Keleseth's provocation, the paladin tilted his head and said to Anveena who was sitting on his shoulder,

He said they had a numerical advantage

beat him!

Ten minutes later, Dick's long sword pierced the chest of the Salayne soldier standing in front of him, and then he took a step forward and pressed his hot left hand on the forehead of Keleseth who was trying to escape, the face of the paladin There were still several wounds on his body that were scratched out by these damned vampires. Behind him, nearly a hundred Salein vampires were turned into charcoal in the surging tide of holy light, while Prince Ramtar, who was in the fight just now, , was pierced through the chest by Anveena and Lei Shi one after the other, the elemental energy exploded in his body, and he died extremely miserable.

Look, that's your number advantage.

Dick stepped on the chest of Salaine who was still struggling at the bottom of his feet. He looked at Keleses with frightened eyes, and suddenly lost interest in joking with this guy. His left hand and With a slight force on his right foot, the scorching holy light pierced Keleseth's forehead and the cold heart of Salayne under his feet like a knife.


The last mouthful of blood was sprayed on the ground of the red hall, and the blood prince's godless eyes finally scattered in the dark red hall. His numerical advantage became a joke. The Tide of Light is a sharp weapon against any group of undead, and the speed of the paladin's own thunderbolt body is almost as good as Kesaline's agile fighting style. It can only be said that they chose the wrong opponent.

Dick doesn't need an army. Because he can fight an army by himself.

An Weina flapped her wings and flew to the side of the blood orb. She waved the flame of justice in her hand, let out a few hey-hahs, and knocked down the front of the bright red, constantly flowing orb with a hammer, completely The opposing energies kept clashing and disappearing in the orb, and finally exploded the orb. At this moment, the dark red light sprinkled all the corners of the scarlet hall.

At the same time, behind Dick, a low click sound also sounded from the inside of the giant icicle that penetrated the entire Icecrown Fortress.

The paladin looked back, and a icy white light had begun to flow on the icicle inside the Icecrown Citadel, which represented the opening of the road to the throne of Arthas.

Ah, righteous warriors, I have been waiting for you for a long time, come, come to me and I will mercifully grant you the final death, you are worthy of my own hands!

At this moment, Alsace's voice rang in the ears of everyone inside Icecrown Citadel, old Fordring, Saurfang, Velen, and Mo who had just pulled Ashbringer out of Dr. Putricide's heart. Greine, at this moment, turned their attention to a higher place. Alsace had sent out an invitation, and now they should give him an answer.


The Ashbringer, shining like a beam of light, was carried behind Mograine's back. He turned and left from the hall. Behind him, the distorted corpse of Dr. Putricide was in the gradually spreading flame of holy light. , continued to burn, and soon, the flame became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into ashes all over the place, and was blown into the filthy air in the cold wind of Icecrown Citadel.

In the clearing below him, the troll chieftain Vol'jin, wielding mysterious shadow powers, emerged from behind a gigantic, green ooze-squirting Stitch, his wooden spear engraved with ancient runes slamming through it. The brain of the disgusting creature called Rotten Intestine, when the monster fell, the shadow hunter's body also reappeared in the open space on one side.

He shook off the green ooze on the spear, carried it behind his back, then picked up his red warblade from the ground, and walked towards the icicle in the deepest part of Icecrown Citadel.

Before the icicle, Vol'jin met Uther, who ended the battle earlier than him. The indifferent death knight lord glanced at the troll chief, snorted, and strode into the surface of the icicle Amidst the surging white cold light, Vol'jin didn't care. The trench between life and death is not so easy to cross. Although he is in the same camp, Uther is undoubtedly the most special one, but this kind of gap does not exist for a day It's been two days, still the same sentence, there are more important things to do right now.

Then, he also strode into the surging light. Behind them, the elite raid soldiers, whether they were orcs from Orgrimmar, tauren from Thunder Bluff, or soldiers from Ironforge The dwarves, or the proud elves, under the leadership of their respective commanders, struggled against every defense line of Icecrown Citadel.

Soldier to soldier, general to general, everyone has their own opponents, before Alsace gives the head, they must persevere, and win the last time for these most fearless and brave warriors, outside Icecrown Fortress On the Angasa battlefield, in Echo Valley, and in the entire Icecrown Glacier, hundreds of thousands of people are fighting side by side with them, and the result of their battle will undoubtedly change the fate of the entire world.

At this time, when Vol'jin recovered from the brief dizziness of teleportation, on the ground in front of him was the Frozen Throne towering above the Icecrown Glacier, on a large platform with a diameter of nearly 300 meters , his companions stood in front, holding swords, and on the other side of the platform, in the center of an ice peak that looked like a palm open to the sky, a carved Frost Throne stood there.

It is nearly 10 meters higher than the platform, and in the center is a vertical ice ladder, which looks abnormally thick in the cold wind and falling snow. The figure of Frostmourne holding the magic sword just sat there like a king sitting on the throne. The cold wind blows his bone-white hair, and the light shining in his eyes is stronger than any ice wind. cold.

It's like the endless whistling of this northern land.

Alsace. Here we come!

Old Fording stepped forward, and there were still scars on his body that were blackened by Lord Margalore's soul flames, but his old and firm eyes were not afraid of the one sitting on the throne. The King of Death looked at each other without flinching. Behind him, Dick, Mograine, Uther, Vol'jin, Saurfang, Velen, the most powerful people in the world stood there, Formed a more powerful whole, issued a challenge to Alsace.

Hehehe, the self-proclaimed Holy Light of Justice has finally come. I've been looking forward to it for too long, but I have a question.

Alsace stood up from the throne, and he stood there with his arms outstretched. The howling wind and snowflakes suddenly inflated several times at this moment, blowing up everyone's hair and clothes, among which Alsace was mixed. With a mocking voice,

Should I put down Frostmourne and beg your forgiveness? Fording, oh, yes, and my dear teacher, Mr. Uther, and my Lord Mograine, my most loyal friend and Subordinates, Knight Dick... and you, dirty beasts, and a creature I don't know, am I honored that you all join forces with the beasts in order to fight against death?

We'll kill you, Arthas!

Old Mograine got the news of the death of his rebellious son Raynor from Dalyan. He was not sad about Raynor's ending, but seeing the culprit in front of him who had induced his son to degenerate, the old knight's anger could not be overcome. Yan Yu, and Uther took a step forward, his voice was extremely cold, and the death verdict kept humming in his hands, this magic sword was also looking forward to meeting his brother again,

For you who have committed many crimes, this is the greatest kindness!

Hehehe, kindness!

At this moment, Alsace's voice became low, as if adding a vibrato, the entire Ice Throne began to shake, not only the black energy, but also the purple soul, all came from the Ice Throne behind him. It soared up, accompanied by a thick ice and snow storm, wrapping around Alsace's body.

Let me tell you what kindness is! When everything is over, you will kneel down and beg for my forgiveness. And I will refuse you mercifully. Your painful wailing will become the best of my endless power. Proof! Don't worry. I'll let you live to see it!

The Lich King strode down the stairs, his voice became thicker and thicker, like thunder in the sky, accompanied by the swaying of the entire Ice Throne, constantly bombarding everyone's ears, just like before the end of the world, Like the cry of the whole earth,

You will become the sharpest swords in my hands, and you will completely subvert this weak world for me. I want a world of death. Start here! Start now!

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