Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 505 38. The Wrath of Frostmourne

On the Ice Throne, under the dark sky, the Lich King is swaying his power wantonly. The cold wind is like a knife, and death is like a shadow. It is thick and suffocating, and it is deep and desperate.

Hmm. Not just hyperbole.

When Frostmourne waved, the first one to rush forward was Uther, the death knight lord whose entire fate was entwined with Arthas, who couldn't suppress the killing intent in his heart, old Mogg Lenny followed closely behind, and two huge energy swords, one black and one gold, slashed at Alsace, but the seven-color runes on the blade of the magic sword, the ice-blue Frostmourne, completely disappeared at this moment. Lights up, and there are two dark purple edges on the blade.


Death Judgment and Frostmourne collided, and the two vicious magic swords buzzed at the same moment. The meeting between the brothers was obviously more enthusiastic, and the gazes of Arthas and Uther were also here. In a moment of meeting, the pair of master and apprentice drew back their swords almost at the same time, and collided again.


I crossed the sea of ​​death to find you. Alsace, I swear by my name, you are dead! Today!


As soon as Uther's words fell, a scorching long sword shining with golden light pierced Alsace's chest from the front, but Mograine's face showed no joy of beheading his opponent, because Alsace didn't Without defenses, it was as if he was letting the Ashbringer pass through him.

Hehe. What a big talk.

Alsace turned his head to look at the long sword pierced into his chest. He tilted his head and looked at the dignified Mograine and Uther with a cruel smile on his lips.

Do you really can kill me on my 'holy' land? Do you really think that the death I possess has so little power?

Oh, how stupid!

Back away!

Saurfang sensed something was wrong at the first time, he rushed to the rescue, faster than him was Dick who turned into lightning, and Velen raised his hand to cover the thick shields on the bodies of Mograine and Uther, But the next moment, a penetrating black light flashed through everyone's eyes, like black lightning passing through the sky.

Uther, Mograine, Saurfang, and Dick, who combined together can almost break through any capital in the world, were forced to retreat by Alsace's sword. The word forced to retreat is too commendable. It can be seen from Mograine's broken armor, the scar on Uther's chest that almost runs through his chest, and the panting Dick who appeared in the position just now, and Saurfang who was holding his arm. The combined offensive was completely driven back by Alsace's sword.

This is impossible!!

Uther's dry voice was full of unbelievable anger. He looked at Alsace, who was recovering quickly, like an enraged tiger, How could you be so strong!

Hehe. Do you think I'll tell you?

Alsace laughed and chopped Fording away with his sword, like an adult waving a bat bullying a group of helpless children. Obviously, he didn't go out to fend off the enemy before. The reason is here, within the Frozen Throne, he is almost invincible!

He wanted to rush towards the crowd, a golden barrier rose from the ground, blocking him from the center, Velen maintained the golden barrier with his left hand, and tapped the staff in the other hand in the air, restoring the previous situation for everyone Injuries caused in an instant.

Ahem. It's that sword!

Dick rubbed his chest, stood up with the flame of justice, and said quickly in a low voice, Do you still remember the news from Prager? It seems to be true now!

The paladin's eyes fell on Frostmourne, who kept screaming, We all underestimated that every time the sword kills a person, it will absorb a person's soul and bless the sword holder with a bit of power. How many people did Arthas kill? No one knows.

Well, you're right, Dick!

Alsace also heard the paladin's explanation, he shattered the golden barrier in front of him with a sword, and let the golden light spot fall on him, stirring up bursts of black vortexes, he laughed, as if As if the winning ticket was in his hands, he stretched out his left hand, two smears of white light converged into a high-speed spinning ball of frost in his palm, and he threw the thing towards the crowd,

Frostmourne is the most powerful artifact in the world! Blood is used to show its sharpness, and soul devouring is used to show its power! Under the blessing of the strongest power in the world, who can be my opponent? No Man! Even the gods must fall before me!

The high-speed spinning ball of frost exploded around everyone's bodies, but failed to hurt anyone. The most powerful warriors of Azeroth gathered here. It's not that simple for Alsace to kill them. But at this moment, he felt like a cat playing with a mouse. He casually summoned dozens of tall Vrykul undead, wrapped the others around, and then walked quickly in the wind and snow with his sword in hand. Walking towards Velen, he instinctively told him that this demigod-rank old priest of Draenei, who can heal almost any injury in an instant, is the most critical person in this battle.

Of course, while rolling up the dark hurricane to annihilate the Hammer of Light that old Fording smashed over, while summoning groups of gargoyles to harass the attacks of those heroes, he did not forget to taunt,

You have to kill me more than 2 million times for a weak attack like just now, but I don't think you have that chance to kneel down to me! Otherwise, die!


Frostmourne, which was slashing towards Velen, was blocked by the war hammer burning with silver flames. The silver flames collided with the dark light and shadow. Under the flood of thunder, Dick's head lifted up, and the edges of his eyes sparkled With the golden streamer, behind him, three pairs of golden wings flapped continuously, and the sound of hymns resounded throughout the audience. With the blessing of 50% of the power of the Holy Avenger, Velen quickly threw it to Di Under the surge of super blessings on Ke's body, this was the first time that Alsace's blade was blocked by a stable grid.

It looks like you are not as strong as you think! My Lich King

Dick looked under the Helmet of Dominion, his indifferent eyes seemed to see another desolate world, The human body is still bound to you, even if Frostmourne can infinitely bless your power, your body is already gone. Determines the upper limit of your strength. See, you are nothing more than that.

So what? Dick. Even if you see through this secret, so what? In my eyes... you are just a little stronger... ants... ants, how can you kill me? Don't be kidding !Accept your fate!

Alsace didn't panic, he retracted his blade, and slashed across again. The dark storm pierced Dick's holy light shield in an instant, but just before cutting the paladin's body, he was caught by a side The tattered iron shield covered with scars firmly blocked it.

Under the heavy blow, Dick's body took a step back. He gritted his teeth and endured the numbness from his arms.

Not so good! But I want to say that you really underestimated us!

The next moment, the paladin's voice resounded in the cold wind that roared like a storm throughout the Ice Throne, resounding in everyone's ears,

Destroy the ice peak on the throne and cut off his connection with the soul furnace! Frostmourne's soul storage is limited, don't be fooled by him!


As soon as Dick's words fell, Arthas became really angry. The Lich King held the sword in both hands, and the dark edge of the sword could not even be seen in the air. With three heavy blows in a row, Dick was completely removed from Velen's body. Frostmourne was not enough to destroy the strength of Aggramar's shield, but Dick's arm was still bleeding out. Arthas is a demigod after all, even if he couldn't kill him with one blow, But the strength of every blow he has now is about the same as that of Dick in his full state.

Without the support of Old Velen, the strongest priest in Azeroth, the paladin would have collapsed due to his injuries.

But just when his dark blade was about to pierce Velen's shield, Uther's dark bat wings filled the space where Dick was knocked away, and Death Judgment and Frostmourne came together again. After a collision, Uther took several steps back to stabilize his figure. At this time, Arthas was really like an unstoppable beast, and his brute force was terrifying.

Alsace repelled Uther and appeared in front of his eyes. It was the same tattered shield. This time the shield hit harder, and the scorching holy light also tore through his dark shield. Dick The huge force smashed Arthas' head to the other side, and there was a crisp cracking sound on his neck, but the Lich King didn't care!

He won't die, so at the first moment, he launched a counterattack.

Frostmourne's sword shadow whizzed past Dick's chest, the paladin took a few steps back as if struck by lightning, and was covered by Velen's left hand who rushed over quickly, and Frostmourne rubbed against his chest. After that, a wound full of the power of darkness was left behind. The darkness and the holy light collided and fought frantically.

And the next moment, from the palm of the silent Velen, the beating holy light instantly smoothed the wound. Dick took a deep breath, mobilized MAX's holy power, and after Uther was chopped off by a sword, , once again filled his position.

The trio has formed, not for killing or destroying, just to stop Alsace's attack!

At this moment, Dick lost his aura of a hero, and he rushed up again and again without fear like a real soldier.

Uther also became a reliable side T, stepping forward to stop Arthas when Dick retreated.

The wave of holy light rolled up by Anveena struggled to kill the siege of more and more undead spirits. Dick himself cooperated with the chain of holy light thrown by Velen in the cold wind. Uther's death Holding a heavy shield with a warhammer, his posture is ugly, even similar to a stalker, trying to entangle Alsace, who is currently unshakable, on the other side, Old Fording, Mograine and Saru Farr, Vol'jin, these people also lost their aura of heroes, like pawns driven by others, desperately attacking the five solid ice mountains.

The power of holy light, the power of death, the power of anger, and the power of voodoo. Light and shadow flying all over the sky completely illuminate this eternally dark sky. All of these, on this throne, there are no heroes but everyone is a hero, For a great goal, a noble sacrifice is necessary, but it is just a mere name, and from the fact that Alsace has not said a word, and is struggling towards the throne under the obstruction of Dick and Velen, it is obvious that It explains everything. This is his Achilles' heel!

Don't even think about it. Go!

Dick held the shield of Aggramar in his hand and blocked it in front of him, and in the other hand held the short-handled Flame of Justice. The holy light was burning like a golden wall of fire, blocking in front of Alsace , behind him is the ladder leading to the top of the throne, behind him is his companion, he will never back down!

Go away! Ants! My patience is exhausted!

Arthas swung a stream of extremely cold ice, hitting Dick like a gust of wind, but under the almost invincible defense of the shield of Aggramar, Dick was only pushed back by two steps, and he walked up the steps of the throne, Dick turned into lightning and rushed forward, the golden thunder shadow smashed into the thick wall-like blood shield on the surface of his body, creating a crack.

Uther rushed out from the cold wind beside him, and Death Judgment precisely slashed at the crack, completely tearing away Alsace's spiritual shield, and the blade of Death Judgment pierced the Lich King's chest again. chest.

The force was so violent that Alsace stepped back down the steps. As for the fatal injury, he didn't care!

It's all said! Give it to me, get out!

Frostmourne roared and slashed over. This blow was mixed with Alsace's real anger. In the air where the blade touched, even a black space crack appeared. Uther's expression changed drastically, and the bat behind him The Lich King spread his wings and retreated quickly, but the Lich King no longer cared about his grace. He angrily pointed Frostmourne at Dick. The next moment, the ice coffin that appeared once on Dragonblight appeared again. , but a trick that has already been used once is no threat to the paladin.

The moment Frostmourne's blade turned towards him, Dick's figure immediately turned into thunder and dissipated on the spot, and this ice coffin fell through!

But Alsace, who was tirelessly pestered by Dick and Uther, also got a break!

The magic sword in his hand is raised to the sky, black lightning is constantly dancing on the blade, the purple soul is flying from the blade, like a purple shadow, spinning around Alsace rapidly, and his indifferent voice , and Dick's extremely solemn face, he knew what Alsace was going to do.


Frostmourne. Hungry!

Accompanied by Alsace's extremely low voice, he thrust Frostmourne straight into the large platform under his feet. At this moment, almost endless frost storms rushed in all directions from the moment the sword pierced the ground. In the past, it was like an invincible iron hoof stepped over everything in front of him, the entire Ice Throne was shaking, and even the entire Icecrown Glacier was shaking.

Countless purple soul storms are mixed in it, like the gate of hell being opened, smashing into everything around like a howling dragon, tearing and screaming constantly, like the ultimate anger , just like the destruction storm that has never appeared in Azeroth, the entire ground of the Frozen Throne was completely torn apart in this storm, no one can survive under this kind of attack, this is no longer Al Sath's attack alone is the collective offensive of the endless souls in the entire Frostmourne Blade.

Hehehehe I no longer have questions or doubts. You, you are the strongest warriors in Azeroth. Not even the power of thousands of souls can defeat you! Your tenacity makes me surprise.

Arthas stood up amidst the purple and frost-white storm, holding Frostmourne in his hands, a triumphant laugh mingled in his deep voice,

But is justice really driving you? I'm curious, Fording, Mograine, Dick, you all joined forces and sent the most powerful warriors in the world to me. This is exactly what I want!

Your silent sacrifices will be rewarded by me. Behold, I will transform you from corpses to my greatest warriors. Azeroth will be thrown into chaos at your hands! To destruction! And you, Dick .You traitor, you will be the first corpse.

Hahahahaha! I would enjoy the sarcasm! I would

Alsace's passionate voice of announcing victory came to an end after the purple endless storm came to an end, but just as he held up Frostmourne and was about to revive those corpses, he suddenly felt something, and went down For a moment, the light pierced through the diffuse soul storm, and Alsace couldn't help but let out an uncontrollable exclamation,

How is this possible! You guys are still alive!!

Ahem. I've said it all. You underestimate us! That magic sword can't kill us...Alsace! In order to kill you, how could we be killed so easily by you?

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