Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 511 44. Hey, baby, salute the king!

Mishhirsa Anel, this is the ghost child that Dick found under the abyss of the Icecrown Glacier.

The childhood image of Arthas Menethil represents the only light and hope left in his heart. The Lich King threw away the heart that would make him weak, and completely tore a part of his soul, leaving Anel remained in that eternal dark ice prison.

But it is more obvious that the Lich King may not even know that Anel did not die, but survived tenaciously, just like hope, once born, it is difficult to be completely destroyed.

And after the darkness belonging to the Lich King was finally defeated, Arthas who remained in his body also woke up when he was dying.

Even though Dick had promised to save Alsace long before this tragedy happened, when he saw his current situation, Dick also knew that he couldn't be saved.

The bond between him and this body is already too deep, and the bond between him and the magic sword Frostmourne is too deep. After the magic sword is broken and the body is destroyed, this trace of soul can no longer be saved.

In the end, Dick still failed to do what he promised, and still failed to save Alsace, the poor prince, the lonely walker who made him a friend in the end, and the one who was willing to fall into the world for everything he guarded. Dark poor man.

No need to apologize. Dick, my friend.

Alsace's face was thin due to long-term exposure to death and darkness. After the dark power was defeated, the ice-blue undead fire in his eyes dissipated at this moment. He looked at Dick with difficulty, almost With the last bit of strength he grinned,

You're here, that's enough. I... didn't expect to be saved. I've done so many wrong things. Death is just the slightest punishment. Child, what's your name?

Anel hid behind Dick with some fear. The paladin withdrew the holy light and patted him on the shoulder. This move seemed to give him courage. He walked out from behind Dick, pinched the corner of his clothes, whispered back,

My name is Mishhirsa Anel, Your Majesty, I have been guarding your treasure for you! But I accidentally lost it, sorry

Alsace froze for a moment before he realized what the treasure Anel was talking about. He shook his head with difficulty, threw aside the broken sword in his left hand, and stretched it towards Anel, The latter also stretched out his hand timidly, putting it on the cold hand, and then he heard Alsace say,

You did a good job, Anel, live a good life and live again instead of me. You are free.


Just when Alsace said the word freedom, Anel let out an exclamation, and the dark blue flames continued to spread on his body. Where the flames flowed, Anel's weak The soul became solidified. Obviously, this was the last blessing Arthas gave this child. He completely cut off the connection of Anel as a part of his soul, and gave him a new existence, as the former Lich King, Alsace has enough ways to do this incredible thing.

Dick watched this scene quietly, and no one disturbed them. Until the reshaping of Anel was completed, Dick took out the small lantern that had become brighter and brighter from his arms. He looked at Alsa Adams,

There's a special soul to speak to you, my friend, and you won't want to miss it, so...just hold on.

The paladin's left hand brushed against the surface of the lantern, and a ray of purple soul floated out of it, staying beside Alsace, and finally formed the image of an old man with a crown. There are various ornaments, as well as a golden ribbon, which represent his identity.

When seeing this old man, Old Fording and Mograine exclaimed at the same time, then bowed down and knelt down. Even Uther, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help turning his head back, and then lowered his pride head,

Your Majesty Terenas!

The old man turned his head and waved to his old courtiers, Tirion, Alessandro, and Uther, it's a pleasure to see you again. But, please allow me to be selfish, I will The last time is reserved for me and my son.

King Terenas, the king who was killed by Alsace himself, his father, the old king bent down and stroked Alsace's bone-white hair with phantom fingers, a heavy look flashed across his old face and sorrow,

Alsace, my boy, look how he has tortured you, boy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you go to East Dalomere, it was my stubbornness that led you to this No way back.

No, father. This is my destiny.

The light in Alsace's eyes became weaker and weaker, but there was no hatred, no anger, no coldness in them, only peace. He looked at the old man in front of him, stretched out his hand struggling, and hold hands together.

Father, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I did. I was wrong. Forgive me.

The ghost of King Terenas sighed, and he also showed a relieved smile,

Do you still remember what I taught you back then? My child, kingship has no eternity, but we should be thankful that everything is over, all darkness and all suffering are over today.

Ahem. There used to be only darkness in front of my eyes. But now, I can at least see a glimmer of light.

Alsace looked at Dick for the last time, his eyes were full of gratitude,

Thank you for the present, my friend. Goodbye.

The farewell time is over. The moment Alsace closed his eyes, a dark white flame suddenly appeared on his body, just like the scene when Hela died again, and the dark white flame burned rapidly , almost in the blink of an eye, Alsace's body, his soul, and even the soul of King Terenas were all ignited in the white flame, burned, and finally turned into ashes, in the roaring and turning cold In the wind, from the top of the shattered Ice Throne, it blew towards the Icecrown Glacier, and further away.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers of Northrend echoed.

At this moment, the cold wind from the icy north was howling.

At this moment, the undead throughout Azeroth roared in unison.

At this moment, the whole world felt the passing of a great man.

In the far eastern kingdom, in the inner hall of Stratholme Palace, Kalia looked at the window where the breeze was blowing. She opened the window, and the mischievous wind blew into the room, leaving a smudge on her face. A soft kiss.

On the shattered Ice Throne, everyone watched the end of the scene quietly. Velen recited the condolence prayers of the draenei, and Vol'jin also lit the incense for the troll's farewell. A dark age came to an end. up.

This solemn atmosphere, until the appearance of an unexpected episode, when no one noticed, Uther, who had been standing on the edge of the throne, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and took a step forward. They all fell into the air below the throne platform.

No! Uther!

Old Fording was the first to discover this accident. He quickly rushed to the edge of the throne, but there were others faster than him. Dick seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago. He swung his left hand outward and remained silent. The 8 Valkyrie Valkyries who stayed in the sky of the throne turned into 8 streamers and rushed under the throne. A few seconds later, Uther, who was struggling, was abruptly dragged back onto the platform by them.

Let go of me! Bastard!

There is probably nothing more embarrassing than making up your mind to die, but failing to die, but Uther has no second chance to try, because old Fording and Mograine, one left and one The right side supported his body and dragged him to the center of the throne. After the battle, everyone was exhausted and wounded all over. Even the old priest Velen felt a little tired. Everyone sat cross-legged in a circle, The Lord of Death just lowered his head, and after a few seconds, he said,

You guys, let's go!

Uther's voice became less interested. He felt a trace of exhaustion that could not be concealed from his dark body. His resolute face was full of confusion. The purple storm in the lantern waved to his companions,

Let's go! Get out of here forever and never come back

What about you? Uther? Are you going to commit suicide just like that?

Old Fording looked at Uther with some incomprehension, I don't understand, when you were stabbed by Alsace, even if you chose to fall into the darkness, you had to survive strong, why did you have to survive after victory? Choose this cowardly way?

That's why!

The death knight put the bone sword in his hand on his lap. He glanced around, and finally sighed, I survived because of revenge, and it's also because of revenge, I don't know why I should survive. Alsace Dead, my existence is meaningless, the world of the living disgusts me, the whispers of the apocalypse seal my destiny, life and death can never coexist I just, just don't want to meet you on the battlefield one day. Frankly speaking, After Arthas' death, can you really accept the Knights of the Ebon Blade? In your eyes, is there really a difference between us and the undead Scourge?

Uther's words silenced everyone, even the wise Velen sighed at this moment, and the bravest Saurfang made a very apt summary,

Maybe we can, after all you have proven yourself on the battlefield. But the people.

Okay! Stop discussing this stupid question!

Dick suddenly raised his left hand, interrupting the silence of everyone. He raised his head and looked at Uther with serious eyes.

Azeroth may not be able to accept the Ebon Blade Knights, but another world can! Uther, you have met Illidan, and I think you have heard about the current situation in the world of Draenor from the refugees who returned not long ago, I didn’t tell you many things before because the time was not right, now that the natural disasters have been cleared, it’s time to put this matter on the table.”

The paladin's eyes were slightly closed, but his voice became lower and lower, Uther, you have participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal and seen the destructive power of the Burning Legion, but that was not the first time, and it will definitely not be the last time. From that terrifying shadow, Azeroth has never been safe! The Scourge is but a small wave in the face of an ever-present threat.

Illidan and I have a complete plan, and it has reached the most critical moment. You said that the Knights of the Ebon Blade have no reason to exist, so I will find a reason for you!

Even if the Scourge of the Undead loses the control of the Lich King, the Scourge of the Undead will swallow the entire world, so it cannot exist in this world, but I will give it a new mission, a mission that no one can refuse, the Legion of the Dead , will change from a shadow that threatens the world to a sword that protects the world, and most importantly, it will always be in our hands! And it will never threaten Azeroth again!

Dick opened his eyes, and Lady Anveena, who had just recovered a sliver of strength, ran to a distance, picked up the dimmed Helmet of Dominion, and put it in Dick's palm. hold it high,

What I hold in my hands is a cruel fate, but it does not belong to Azeroth, nor does it belong to the living. Uther, are you willing to accept this fate until your soul dies forever? Are you willing to live forever in the future? In time, are you fighting for eternal peace? Are you willing to give your all just to protect the world under your feet?

Everyone's expressions became serious. Mograine and Saurfang seemed to want to ask something, but they were stopped by Old Fording and Velen. Everything that happened in front of them could not be disturbed, because it meant that the next A legacy of the Lich King.

Yes, even though they had just killed the second Lich King, but now, they had to choose the third Lich King, just because Dick was right.

Without the control of the Lich King, the violent undead disaster will devour everything. With that amount, the whole world cannot avoid it, and it seems that Dick already has a complete plan on how to arrange the undead disaster.

Facing the Helmet of Dominion that Dick sent to him, Uther's eyes were tightly closed. Obviously, this death lord was also fighting fiercely in his heart, but in the end, Dick's sentence The new mission of the Ebon Knight still moved him. Uther is not a real undead, he still has his own complete feelings. For those loyal and fearless subordinates, he really can't bear to see them end up with a The fate of betrayal.

So after 3 minutes of silence, Uther opened his eyes, the confusion had dissipated, replaced by a resolute gaze,

Yes I do!

Dick took a deep breath, took out the Wind Chaser Sword from his ring, and motioned for Uther to kneel in front of him, like a knight awarded by the king. Dick held the Helm of Domination in one hand, and the other Holding a long sword in one hand, Velen, Old Fordring, Vol'jin, Saurfang, and Mograine stood on both sides of the shattered Ice Throne as witnesses.

exclaimed Dick,

Death Lord Uther, above the sky and the land of Azeroth, under the gaze of all spirits, under the witness of the most noble warriors in the world, you will take over a heavy mission, please follow me I swear!

The long night is coming, I will watch from this night until I die!

I will not back down, I will not be afraid, I will not back down.

I will not wear a crown, and I will not fight for honor and favor. I will do my duty faithfully, and live and die here.

I am the sword of death in the dark, the silent blade against evil, the undead guardian of the shattered world, the eternal light at dawn, the bone horn that awakens the sleepers, and the immortal legion that guards Azeroth.

I dedicate my lost life and silent glory to the Night's Watch!

Tonight, and every night.

Dick said something, and Uther followed suit. The voices of the two became louder and louder, until finally, even Saurfang and Mograine could not help clenching their fists. With endless solemnity and solemnity.

After finishing the last oath, Dick raised the long sword, pressed it lightly on Uther's left and right shoulders, then handed the long sword to Anel who was beside him, held the helmet of domination with both hands, and swung it placed on top of Uther's head,

In the name of Dick Bronzan Don, the Council of Titan Guardians of Azeroth, the temporary Grand Guardian, I grant you this responsibility. From now on, there will be no undead disasters, and you will become the Night Watchman Legion Leader, go to the broken world of Draenor, and do not return to Azeroth without reason until the threat of the Burning Legion is eliminated!

The eyes of Azeroth and the guardians are watching you, Uther, use the power in your hands carefully! If you can't bear this responsibility, then you'd better end it yourself, I don't want to see my comrades degenerate into A real monster!

At the moment when the Helmet of Dominion was connected to Uther's spirit, the Death Lord groaned, and the Death Judgment he was leaning on in his hand also roared, and his body kept trembling until 10 minutes later, Uther Searle opened his eyes, and two light blue lights flashed in his eyes.

The Night's Watch is in place When are we going to Draenor?

Facing this question, Dick shrugged, and pushed Anel, who was confused behind him, in front of Uther,

That's not in a hurry. It will take time for the mages to restart the Dark Portal, but before that, Uther, this is your new disciple, and also your best deputy and successor. You'd better train this child well, he The potential is astonishing.”

Why? Just because he has some relationship with Arthas?

Not because of Frostmourne, this child has already reached a special connection with the fragments of Frostmourne, I believe you will not be willing to give up such a help, will you?

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