Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 512 45. The Last Book of the Undead - The Great Migration of the Dead

On the Great Battlefield of Angasa, the brutal battles spread across the gray snowy field like a sea of ​​bright red blood.

Looking down from the sky, the dark tide is constantly hitting Angaza's defense line. It was originally a semi-arc defense line, but now it has been torn to pieces. The home field of the coalition forces is like A dying giant beast can only use its last strength to drive away the infesting insects, but its body that fell on the ground has indeed lost its final counterattack power. The flesh and blood that belonged to life were violently torn by those insects.

The cold wind that dripped into ice kept hitting the ground. The soldiers at the front of the defense line were waving their weapons almost in a numb posture. Massacre is also a tiresome thing, especially in the face of those bastards who have already died. Make killing pointless.

Killing and being killed on this snowy field has become a trace of coldness that will never fade. The battle has been going on for a full three hours, and the coalition army has a total of 110,000 troops, and now less than one-third is left. The adventurers from all over the world who spontaneously came to participate in this jihad were almost 100% killed in battle. Wave after wave of troops were sent to the battlefield, and then they were like ink dripping into the sea, and there was no more news .

A total of 70,000 people are buried in this place thousands of miles away from home, but there is still no sign of the end of this war.

The coalition forces have not yet failed, but they are only holding on with their last sliver of strength. Fortunately, the cowards died as early as the first wave of charge, so the people left behind are all soldiers truly favored by courage. It was like steel, but even real steel would be melted into dross in an instant when thrown in such a cruel battlefield.

In fact, if it weren't for the special nature of this war, after bearing such a terrible battle loss ratio, the coalition forces would have collapsed long ago. From the beginning of this war, everyone who stepped on the battlefield knew that there would be no surrender, no defeat, that retreat meant death, and collapse meant disaster. It was a confrontation between life and death, or victory took away All, or lose everything if you fail, there will never be a third way to go.

Natural disasters will not accept compromise, and compromise means death. The first truth taught to recruits in this battlefield is: either kill the corpses on the opposite side, or become one of them.

Hold your sword tight, swing it with all your courage, and hope you'll make it to the end.

Luck is useless on such a battlefield. Wherever the undead go, there is a desolate desert.

Hold on, my brother!

Tai Lan half-kneeled on the ground, his armor had become tattered, the blood on his face had dried up, his helmet had been thrown there long ago, and he was holding a handful of dead bodies cut down by him in his hand. The heavy ax snatched from the knight, his original saber was broken long ago, and he didn't even know how many weapons he had changed.

The general who was still struggling to stand at the forefront of the direction stuffed his only remaining bottle of holy water into the hands of his adjutant. Shizheng was leaning against the low wall of the defense line that had turned into ruins, the corners of his mouth were twitching constantly, and blood gushed out of it, he didn't accept Tailan's holy water, but held his arm,

Cough, kill me, kill me, I don't want to become a monster, kill me, give me a face!

No, my brother, hang on, we're almost winning!

Tai Lan firmly held the adjutant's hand, and he shouted to him loudly, Don't fall asleep, bastard! Wake up, we're about to win!

A difficult smile appeared on the young adjutant's face,

I know but, but I may or may not see

The hand in Tai Lan's hand lost its strength at this moment, and the young general's expression froze on his face,

He lost another brother, damn it hell

Tylan! Behind!

Dalyan's roar awakened the general. He suddenly turned around and struck out with an ax without looking at it. He cut off the arm of the death knight who rushed over and tried to sneak attack. Tyran turned his head to look around and followed him to the south. Of the 2,000 paladins in the Northern War, less than 200 were still standing. A sense of sadness rose in my heart, but it was followed by deep and extremely deep anger.

Ah!! Ah!! Go to hell! Go to hell!

Tai Lan held the blood-stained battle ax in both hands, and slashed at the body of the death knight in front of him one after another, chopping it into five sections, and then rushed to the jumping ghouls around him. The ax roared in a voice that no one could understand, and chopped down those dead bastards one by one, fighting tirelessly.

Until a few minutes later, all the undead, all the undead on the entire Angaza battlefield, whether it was the abomination who had just stepped out of the gate of Angaza, or the ghouls who had already entered the final headquarters of the coalition forces, all the undead, from the last From the noble lich to the lowest walking corpse, at the moment when the string in the mind broke, at the moment when the immortal will was completely silent, all the undead looked at the Icecrown Fortress in unison. direction, and then let out his own roar.

It was like a storm of sound sweeping across the battlefield, like a bell ringing at this moment, like some kind of hope.


Dalyan was struggling to defend against the attacks of the four death knights, but just as the last rune sword was about to fall on his neck, the owner of the long sword suddenly stopped attacking, giving up the possibility that it might be within easy reach. It was not just him, Dalyan woke up from the initial shock, he looked back, the sound of fighting on the entire battlefield stopped at this moment, the undead, the vicious, silent , the undead that seemed to never be defeated, also stopped the tide of death that was constantly charging forward for the first time at this moment.

It was like a running clock stopped at this moment.

The undead offensive stopped. Why?

This question rushed into Dalyan's mind at this moment, causing his extremely exhausted brain to congest for a while. Not only him, but also the surviving soldiers at this moment, the entire battlefield was confused at this moment, why?

Suddenly, an idea rushed into Dalyan's mind, like a flash of lightning splitting the fog, like the sound of a grand bell, waking up the sleeping people, making him fully understand the meaning of the current situation .

Arthas is dead. He is dead!

Dalyan said to himself, the next moment, endless joy surged up from the bottom of his heart, he cut down the death knight in front of him with a sword, and then raised his arms and shouted,

Arthas is dead! We won! We won!

Tai Lan heard the voice, and he was also shocked. He watched Dalyan who was slashing and laughing wildly as he dragged his long sword like a madman into the stagnant undead group on the opposite side, and saw those who were laughing like Dalyan The knights still had blood on their faces and lingering exhaustion, but at this moment, it was as if their souls had returned to their bodies, as if they had been resurrected.

we won?

Tai Lan shook his head, he stared blankly at his hands, which were already covered with blood and wounds, and then he heard cheers from other places on the battlefield, like a prairie fire, bursting out from a spark Come out, and then swept the entire land quickly, everyone went crazy!

The calmest paladins are like the craziest savages, grabbing something from the ground and throwing it at the death who will no longer resist, and those mages have completely abandoned their calmness and elegance. Hugged with the rude warriors, they cheered in unison for the arrival of the difficult victory. In the far distance, where the battle was most anxious, King Varian wiped the blood from his face and looked back at his son, he was angry. Panting, but his performance on the battlefield for the first time made the king unexpectedly satisfied.

Varian laughed and put his blood-stained hand on Anduin's shoulder, and raised his other hand, pointing to the dark sky that was slowly opening in the distance, that was the Icecrown Glacier of Eternal Night, and now It opened, and the golden halo with a cool color stood out above the dark clouds, and the road to the sky of the Valagar Fortress that Dick specially borrowed, lay horizontally outside the sky like a sword.

It's like a real signal to tell the warriors who are still fighting that victory is coming!

Son, look! We won!

King Varian raised his head proudly, like a lion patrolling the battlefield. He held up the Saramani in his hand, and the shining blue-red light was like a rising flag. Behind him, The bloody Union soldiers cheered in unison.

Arthas is dead! We won!

On the other side of the battlefield, Thrall held up the Doom Hammer in his hand, and dancing blue lightning kept flying on the hammer surface. Behind him, Garrosh, Dranos and the warriors of other tribes also Cheers in unison. Opposite them, the originally aggressive Nerubian was like a frightened mouse, fleeing quickly and panicking.

They are still numerically superior, they are still powerful, but victory is far from them.

Tyrann was basking in the joy of this sudden victory, but he couldn't smile, his heart was empty, and he saw his adjutant, the brave man who died in the minutes before the victory came, with a look on his face. He made an expression that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Staggering forward a few steps, Tai Lan knelt down in front of the young man's icy corpse. He held the palm that had lost its life and warmth. He lowered his head, as if praying.

We won. Hawke, we... won.

Warm tears fell from the corners of Tailan's eyes, and soon covered his face. He didn't know why he was crying, but it didn't matter. He was not the only one crying bitterly on the whole battlefield. In the scene of victory, even Crying also has a different taste.

Maybe it's the uncontrollable joy, maybe the escape of sadness, maybe it's the feelings that have nowhere to vent. In short, they won, and everything is over.

Tylan, my son!

A mage with a bloodstained arm came to Tai Lan and handed him a sound transmission stone. Tai Lan's thoughts were interrupted by a tired voice. It was the voice of his father, Fording.

We have won but now is not the time to celebrate. Organize the surviving warriors to evacuate the battlefield and try our best to treat the seriously injured. Our war is over!

Then these undead?

They will return to Icecrown under the will of the new Lich King no, the commander of the Night's Watch, don't worry, my son, the undead Scourge is past history, and all this is happening under our witness , the war is over, we will talk about the rest, in short, enjoy the hard-won victory.

Old Fording's voice ended here, and Tai Lan was still puzzled until his brother Dalyan came to him and asked in a low voice,

Have you also received the order to retreat?

Yeah but I don't know what's going on here?

Tai Lan pointed to the undead who had already started to walk towards the Icecrown Glacier. They looked like the real dead. Even if they were cut down by fanatical fighters, they would not fight back.

Shouldn't we continue to attack and completely defeat them?

Dalyan seemed to know more, he reached out and patted Tyran on the shoulder,

Okay, my brother, look around, we only have so few people left, and their number is still several million, tens of millions. The upper management will properly consider these issues, but I am very curious about the Night Watchman Legion ,what is going on.

There, boys!

As the light of the teleportation technique shattered, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, the old Marshal Windsor, who appeared next to the young commander, interrupted the whispering between Dalyan and Tyran. This old soldier had obviously experienced a fight just now, This can be seen from his blood-stained armor. He stretched out his hand and patted the necks of the two young men hard, just like the way those veterans greeted.

Marshal Windsor glanced at the two generals,

Don't talk about these things that have nothing to do with victory. Enjoy the victory. This must be a great battle that will be recorded in history. We are soldiers, so we should do what soldiers should do. Now it's time to relax, understand?

The deep look in the old marshal's eyes made both Dalyan and Tailan understand his hint, just like what Old Fording said, now is not the time to discuss these things.

The battlefield was still noisy, and the surviving warriors watched the undead who were still fighting just now fell under their weapons without resistance, but silently and stubbornly moved towards the direction of Icecrown Glacier, like a silent battle. migration.

History has turned a new page at this moment, from the beginning of the 20th year of the Dark Portal to the end of the 25th year of the Dark Portal, the history of the natural disaster of the undead has completely ended in this great migration.

Just like the history at the end of many stories, a new page has been opened.

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