Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 513: Spring of 1.26

Dark Portal, March 17, 26, at the port of Nanhai Town, Tarren Mill City, Hillsbrad Province, Kingdom of Lordaeron.

This port was originally only used as a relay station for civilian ships, but it was also used for military purposes during the Northern Border War, so the size of this port has been expanding, especially after the wise and benevolent Queen Kalia After taking office, in order to accommodate the old citizens who had just returned from all over the world, Nanhai Town quickly began to expand, and even the port was at least three times larger than before.

It is said that Her Majesty the Queen is very concerned about the development of Nanhai Town, so the administrative efficiency of the local bureaucrats is also very high. In just three months, the construction of the port has been completed. It was just in time for the end of the Great Northern Expedition. The constant flow of trade ships and troop carriers quickly revitalized the port, and even the entire South Sea Town became more prosperous than before.

ding ding ding

As the port bell rang, the dockworkers who were sitting on the pier, chatting and waiting for work immediately started to act under the scolding of the foreman. Not far away, a merchant ship marked with the emblem of the Stormwind Kingdom was slowly moving. Docking, there were crowds of people on the deck. Obviously, this was a ship transporting pioneers. In the past month or so, this kind of ship has received the most guests at the port of South Sea Town.

But this ship looked a little different, because the mayor of Herney Mareb personally came to the edge of the port with his guards to welcome the arrival of some important people.

Seeing this scene, the thieves who were mixed in the bustling crowd at the port walked away in other directions. These three hands who will never disappear are the best at observing words and deeds. Just judging from the current situation, the upcoming They are the real big shots. They will not take risks to do something. The veterans of the Northern Expedition have just returned to their motherland, and there are many returning veterans in Nanhai Town. The veterans who had recovered were beaten up violently. Those guys who couldn't take time off even took the initiative to cooperate with the local sheriff half a month ago to wipe out a group of Gilnean bandits entrenched in the Jasper Mine. It is said that those poor bandits, Rivers of blood flowed from the veterans who killed them. According to the legend of the nearby villagers, until now, there is still a lingering smell of blood in that place.

The bad guys living in the port, some unlucky ones were even killed by accident. Of course, no one would go to trouble those veterans because of such a trivial matter at this time. Two-thirds of them died in the Northern Expedition. Soldiers, all those who survived have received medals from the major kingdoms, and more than half of them have received the title of knight, which symbolizes their status, and have entered the noble class.

All the citizens of Lordaeron know that the queen gives special treatment to these veterans who fought for the country. The royal family and the leading nobles, the Mograine family and the Fording family are the solid backing of these rude veterans, even if things go wrong Well, these veterans who like to stick together have nothing to lose, no one wants to mess with them, especially when they have just won a brilliant victory for the world.

A few minutes later, the ship slowly approached the shore, and the wooden steps were lowered. The first person to step down from the deck was a burly guy. He was wearing a decent long suit, a fluffy cloak, and a A long sword, gray hair, but sharp eyes, he looks like a guy who has experienced the battlefield. Behind him is a seven or eight-year-old child and the child's mother. Obviously, this is a family.

Behind him, there were servants dragging their luggage. When the middle-aged man set foot on the port, he looked left and right, and then saw the mayor of Marebu walking quickly. He greeted him with a laugh. Going up, the two came to a firm hug.

It was obviously old friends meeting up.

Du Han, you bastard, I haven't seen you in six years, and you only wrote me a few letters. I thought you died in that corner.

The mayor of Marebu, who has always been kind to others, is like a rude veteran at this time, and the middle-aged man opposite him counterattacked, not to be outdone,

I am writing to you to confirm that you, the old man, are still alive, and not died in the hands of those undead for no reason, so that I will come to avenge you as soon as possible. I owe you a life in the Burning Plains. , old brother, I never forgot.

Mareb smiled and waved his hands, then reached out and patted the head of the boy hiding behind the middle-aged man, Little Duhan, don't you know your Uncle Honey?

Of course he doesn't know you, he was only 2 years old when he saw you last time!

Duhan rubbed his son's hair, and then noticed the formal robe on his old brother Mareb, he asked curiously,

What? Is there still business to deal with today?

The mayor of Mareb smiled, and said in a low voice, Let me tell you something about you, Duhan, the last time you rushed into Stormwind City with Marshal Windsor to rescue the king, you also got a title of Lord. But you still can't learn the rules of this circle. You didn't even know that there was a big man coming on the same boat as you?

Du Han's expression was a little weird, he scratched his head,

Uh, I really didn't notice this, who are you talking about?

Mr. Heney is talking about me. I'm sorry, Mr. Doohan. I didn't intentionally conceal my identity. It's just... due to my responsibility, I have to act cautiously.

A clear voice came from behind Du Han, and several people looked back. A young girl in a sky blue skirt was holding up the hem of her skirt and walking down the stairs. When Du Han's son saw this girl, he laughed. ran over

Sister Taiya, you are so beautiful today!

A girl with blond hair giggled and picked up Little Duhan, walked to several people, and introduced herself,

Let's get to know each other again, Lord Doohan, Lord Herney, my name is Althea, Althea Ebonlocke, the new mayor of the newly established Amberpine City in the Stormwind Kingdom's Grizzly Province, um... if I remember correctly , Lord Doohan should be my deputy in the future.

This girl's name is not surprising, but what is really important is her surname, Aebrock, there is only one Aeblock in the upper-class circle of the Stormwind Kingdom, and the old gentleman's title is... Duke, that is from the former king of Ryan, Even earlier, the true nobleman who appeared along with the Stormwind Kingdom, the young girl in front of him, no accident, should be the next generation patriarch of the Aebrock family.

Her future title will be the Duchess, but now, she is only an Earl, but even so, this is a big person that Duhan and Heni usually cannot get in touch with.

I salute you, my lord!

Duhan and Heni leaned over to salute at the same time, Althea waved carefreely, and then, led by Heni, walked to the lodging place prepared for the big man. Behind them, the pioneers from the western wilderness of the Stormwind Kingdom led With the only salute I had, under the farewell of the sailors cursing, I set foot on the port of Nanhai Town with a trace of uneasiness. Their faces were mostly ignorant and frightened, but there was still a trace of expectation for a new life .

Most of them are the poor class in the western wilderness where Defias and the people's army are fighting. No matter how prosperous the magic civilization of Azeroth is, the productivity of this world itself is still at a very low level. In fact, If it wasn't for the Northern Expedition, in order to better integrate into the civilized world, the panda people from Pandaria sold a large amount of food to the Alliance tribe at a very low price. Just the hunger during the successive wars would be enough to shake the kingdom. The base rioted.

Not long ago, the uneasiness caused by the Defias bandits had just been pacified, but under the ravages of war, it would take at least three years for the original granary of the Stormwind Kingdom, Westfall, to resume production. The homeless and poor people had nowhere to go, so they were simply packed by the royal family and sent to a new province, far away in the Grizzly Hills of Northrend.

The climate there is cold, and there are savage furbolgs and trolls, but the land is extremely fertile, and the land is huge enough to accommodate at least 100,000 citizens. As long as it is well cultivated, it will not be a problem to become the second wild west.

The same practice is not limited to the Kingdom of Storms. In fact, three months after the end of the war, the entire world set off a wave of immigrants to the New World. Among them, the largest number of immigrants were from the Kingdom of Lordaeron. In the area that was quieted down the first time, Queen Kalia even built the first administrative district there. The success of Zhiyuan County encouraged the nobles who were eager to share the cake, and the people's demand for land was endless. Under the combination of the two, in just 2 months, more than 20,000 farmers chose to go to the Borean Tundra Province.

Frankly speaking, Northrend is not a very safe area now. Although the new Lich King, Uther the Night's Watcher, has tried his best to keep the undead in Icecrown, there are still some who do not obey his rule. The bad ones are raging across Northrend, but the place is safe enough for rulers eager to satisfy their internal needs.

Optimistically, even if the wave of immigration continues like this, it will take at least 10 years for those territories that are isolated overseas to truly integrate into the rule of each country. During these 10 years, the general environment of Northrend must be It was chaotic, just like when another world chose to open up a new continent, it was bound to be accompanied by many contradictions and bloody wars. The development of Northrend must not be a one-off thing.

Fortunately, after the shadow of the undead natural disaster dissipated, everyone had enough time to do this, at least on the surface.

Herney Mareb is an old bureaucrat, and under his arrangements, the dusty Althea finally got a good reception. After Marshal Sol participated in the operation to expel the black dragon, he also received a title of Lord. This time, he was the leader who led the third batch of Western Wilderness pioneers to the Grizzly Bear Province, and he will soon serve as the leader of Amber Pine City. Chief of the City Guards, this position was sought by Marshal Windsor for him. In fact, it is one of the last shelters for those veterans who squandered money and ended up in poverty.

As for the identity of Ms. Althea, she should not go to such a wild place overseas to serve as the mayor at this time. The more reason is that Althea, who is born free, has had enough of those endless marriage proposals. Or, as a single woman of the right age in the upper circle, Althea is a real throb.

Of course, part of the reason is because of her loved ones.

Later, when Althea walked into the private manor arranged for her by Mayor Heni to rest, she saw the figure sitting by the fireplace without any surprise. It was a woman with a black hood under her black hood. She has strands of silver hair, wears a thick gown with magic patterns, a hideous bone wand hanging from her waist, and holds a black magic book in her hand, studying it carefully by the warm flame.

Talaenia, can you stop being so elusive next time? I'm just an ordinary girl, and I'll be scared to death by you.

Althea rolled her eyes, took off her coat, and sat opposite the elf warlock wearing a close-fitting short jacket. The warlock turned a blind eye to all of this. Facing Althea's complaints, her gaze never left. Own grimoire, only whispered,

You know. This is your brother's order, and I must personally protect you.

Tch, that bastard Kanrethad!

Althea scolded in an extremely unladylike manner, then took a glass of wine, savored it carefully, and said to the warlock, Please send me a message to my dear brother, next month will be your father's Birthday, I was far away at the border of the kingdom at that time, so he must remember, it is necessary! I must go home, my poor old father has been guarding the east for the kingdom for decades, and what he is most worried about now is that bastard safety.

You know, Althea, your brother is very busy. He is dealing with very serious affairs in another world, so it is difficult for your expectations to come true.

The elf warlock named Talainia stretched out a finger and swiped in front of Althea's eyes, But I will send this letter for you, it's hard to say if I can get a response.

He has to go back!

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Althea's mouth, I know he will work for Duke Theramore again. If he doesn't go back, I'll just go find Mr. Dick. He's in Northrend recently, isn't he?

The really great man can't find time to see a little girl, my Althea.

Talainiya closed the grimoire in her hand, took a glass of wine as well, and looked at the girl opposite. There was a turquoise light in the deepest part of her eyes. Every time she looked directly at it, Althea's body would be shocked. There was a tremor.

For the sake of our good relationship, let me give you a suggestion, my Althea, stop foolishly pursuing everything related to the Duke of Theramore, that is not a circle that you or your father can step into , go deeper, even your elder brother can't save you. If you still don't understand, then treat him as a god, when you look at the god, the god is looking back at you.

But he's not interested in you.

The Ulduar roll has officially started! Ask for support, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support, ask for all kinds~ It’s the end of the month, and the monthly ticket is about to be voted~ I also recommend a book, I am a Fisherman from the cute little angel Book Tiger, um, others catch the ancestor dragon, Others fished for the Dragon King, but I caught a lobster. The above is just a rant, I care about writers like me, and a big forest will grow in the coming year~

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