Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 535 23. Greenhouse of Life - Freya's Ark

As the direct agent of the Titans in Azeroth, the guardians have all kinds of strange powers, and basically have their own responsibilities. In fact, frankly speaking, every time Dick thinks about the composition of Ulduar, he always looks at the mess in the mythology. The feeling of the gods.

For mortals in the world of Azeroth, these guardians are actually no different from gods, but fortunately, the basic mission of these gods is to maintain the safe existence of this world, so mortals don't need to worry about sudden changes. There is an oolong such as the destruction of the gods.

But within an established system of gods and spirits, there must be a goddess of life who is in charge of the rights and responsibilities of life. In Ulduar, a system with a complicated division of labor, there is also such a goddess of life, Freya, who is born from life. , the guardian who walks on the earth, truly acts as a goddess of life in the entire evolution of Azeroth's civilization.

Among all the guardians, she probably has the greatest influence on this world. Not to mention anything else, it is just that all the demigods of the wilderness in the world are inseparable from Freya. The demigod of the wilderness is basically the life that Freya walked on the wild land and had contact with before everything appeared.

For example, the black panther Asaman she raised with her own hands, and the wolf spirit Goldrinn who also had an intersection with her. It can be said that in the era when all things first opened, the guardians maintained the order of the entire world, and the life Order was built bit by bit by Freya.

Dick and the dragon kings walked in the huge inner ring of Ulduar's front hall. How wide is this space? Just looking down from the edge of the inner ring, the layers of surging darkness and the sparks of Titan energy make people feel like facing the entire universe, but only the ring part of the inner ring, It's the size of the entire Stormwind City, not to mention the four halls around the inner ring.

This is a vast and unimaginably magical place, coupled with the current environment here, it is dead silent, so quiet that you can even hear the voice of your heart.

I never thought that the quiet Ulduar could be so scary.

The Red Dragon Queen looked left and right, and said to Ysera beside her, It's like a sleeping giant beast. What it breathes out is substantial barrenness. This is not a good place.

But it holds many secrets!

Nozdormu looked at the ground covered with mysterious patterns, his penetrating eyes seemed to go straight to the bottom of the ground, This place cannot be known by the civilized world, mortals are too curious, they will eventually dig out Something that cannot be released.

The Bronze Dragon King meant something, and Dick knew what he wanted to say. In fact, there are indeed many tricky things underground in Ulduar. It can be seen from the ambush of Tyr by Loken and the ancient gods. Inside, there is at least a large ancient battlefield, where the evil servants of the ancient gods are buried, and Dick also knows that at the bottom of Ulduar, near the bottom, there is an office of Raiden, and there is also a secret about this inside. The secret of the world.

What's more, ever since he walked here, Dick could vaguely sense a familiar aura coming from Azeroth, or in other words, the aura of Elune.

If the guardians did not have the mission to observe Elune's growth, Dick would never believe it, so as Nozdormu said, even after the threat of this place is cleared, the paladins will not open it For mortals, this is probably the closest place in this world to the protoss.

Mortals are ignorant, and no one knows whether they will do things to hurt the protoss.

Here we are!

The paladin didn't join the conversation. He knew more than the Dragon Kings, so he didn't feel like revisiting the old place. In front of a closed green gate, Dick stopped. He looked at the Dragon King,

Let's divide up the troops here. Your Majesty Ysera and I will deal with Freya, and I will trouble the others to deal with Hodir. After Heimdall is busy with other things, he will go directly to Troim. Finally It's Mimiron, and that's a tough opponent, so we'll have to fight together.

Well, a reasonable distribution!

Nozdormu nodded. This King of Time seems to be indifferent to everything. When he speaks, he always has a kind of indifference that makes people uncomfortable, probably because he has seen through the fate. Other Dragon Kings, including Di Ke, including Dick, didn't complain too much about this matter. Nozdormu's burden was much heavier than their responsibilities. In fact, Nozdormu standing in front of Dick was just himself. In the world line, at the same time, there are countless Nozdormu who are busy fighting endless battles with the Eternal Dragon Army.

Omniscient and omnipotent is not a blessing, it is a kind of shackles, a kind of torture, to find the last ray of light amidst countless failures, and being able to persevere for tens of thousands of years is enough to show that Nozdormu's mind is firm.

Two minutes later, the other three dragon kings disappeared from Dick's sight, and Ysera's voice came from behind him,

Dick, do you have anything to ask?

Yes, I want to ask you, is the recent Emerald Dream as stable as before?

The paladin put his left hand on the seal of the gate in front of him, and with the silver light flowing through every magic pattern of the rune gate, the gate in front of him slowly opened to both sides. During this process, the Green Dragon Queen's The answer came to Dick's ears,

I know what you want to ask, Dick, but N'Zoth and its nightmares are as quiet as ever.

Ysera's beautiful face didn't show much expression, as if she was talking about something insignificant, After the tragic incident of Brother Usol, I specially strengthened the monitoring of the entire Emerald Dream by World Sleep, but Unfortunately, I did not find any signs of the nightmare, and I have a hunch that outside the dream, N'Zoth has already started to move, but I just don't know what it wants to do?

Perhaps after this operation is over, you can shift your focus from land to sea.

Dick turned his head and smiled at Ysera, You and I both know that under the deep sea of ​​Azeroth, there is another empire. An empire that can overthrow the civilized world.

But before he finished speaking, the expression of Ysera, who had been staring ahead, suddenly became surprised. This change made Dick couldn't help turning his head, and then he saw the scene after the door opened, although I have seen it countless times in the game, but the paladin still opened his mouth slightly at this moment.

This is really, unbelievable!

Every inch of the ground is covered with all kinds of plants, and in the sky, on the ground, in the rivers, in the waterfalls, there are all kinds of plants. All kinds of creatures are living peacefully. The giant bear is lazily lying on the beach, and a poisonous snake is lying at its feet. The tail of the poisonous snake keeps shaking, as if it is teasing the little fox behind it.

In the sky, an owl fluttered its wings and flitted across the sky silently. Above it, a huge green dragon soared, and a rare eagle crouched on a branch. Under the waterfall, a funny murloc was fighting with The fish in the waterfall are playing, and not far from the waterfall, an ultra-miniature volcano is still flowing with magma, lava scorpions are crawling in the magma, and outside the volcano is a desert, two camels are eating leisurely Grass.

There is no hostility, no hunting, all creatures live quietly in this ultra-small world, which is far more shocking than what you see in the game.

This is...another complete ecosystem!

Ysera bent down and touched the blooming flowers at her feet with her hands. She stood up straight and said to Dick seriously, This place contains at least 70% of the creatures in the entire world of Azeroth! And they all appear in pairs. Yes! Freya obviously collects lives on purpose, and then expends a lot of effort to maintain all of this, but in a place full of dangers in Ulduar, all of this is meaningless, what is she going to do?

Dick took a deep breath, and he strode into it. Ysera froze for a moment, then quickly followed, and then she heard Dick explain, Everything here, this is Fleur The ark Ya made for Azeroth!

Ark? What's that?

Ysera tilted her head curiously and asked, Dick had a brainstorm, he forgot that the Ark was a legend in another world, so he changed his approach, This is what Freya did for the lives of Azeroth. The last backup! Once the outside world's ecological circle is completely reshaped, relying on the life samples here, she will soon be able to replicate the original appearance of Azeroth!

The voice of the paladin was full of emotion. Standing among the vegetation and animals that had never appeared before, he opened his arms towards Ysera and said loudly,

This is the Ark of Life, the last hope of the world! Freya knows everything, she knows that once what happened in Ulduar is seen by the observers, Azeroth will be reshaped, but she used her own way to fight method, trying to save the last hope for this world, she is not crazy! No, she is more awake than any guardian! What a great thing is like the ark of life that carries all life and drifts in the chaotic flood, She's literally Noah.

Dick let out a sigh that Ysera couldn't understand, but this did not prevent the Green Dragon Queen from understanding the meaning of Dick's words, and she couldn't help but sigh with emotion. She and Alexstrasza are in charge of dreams and The authority of life has never used all of herself to serve the life of this world as purely as Freya. No matter what the result is, this kind of conduct and behavior itself are worthy of respect.

The Green Dragon Queen couldn't help asking, Then will she succeed?

The paladin shook his head and sighed, No, she won't succeed. The creator of the Furnace of Origins told me that once the Furnace of Origins is activated, everything in this world will be reshaped and erased. Toure itself would cease to exist and it would never have worked out from the start.

However, the paladin raised his head, stretched out his hand and gently wiped the mimosa in front of him, and turned his head to show Ysera a gentle smile, But this does not hinder her greatness, does it?

Okay. Let's be the pigeon that was released to wake up Noah who was on the verge of being lost.

The paladin stretched out his hands and pushed aside the thick palm leaves in front of him, and walked into the depths of this extremely dense life forest without looking back, Freya has been sleeping for too long, now we need her to wake up!

(Noah’s dove, this is the end of the story about the ark in the Bible. After the great flood receded, Noah released a dove to observe the changes in the world for him. This is a metaphor for awakening Freya and telling her about the changes in the world. , In addition, when I played ULD for the first time, I saw the Greenhouse of Life, and I actually had this brain hole. And don’t just extend it, emphasize: I don’t believe in Christianity, to be precise, I’m an atheist, I just watch the world myths occasionally, just to open my mind~~~ So brothers, don’t guess casually, because I saw some guys playing this kind of rhythm, so I put this statement here after all, brothers who watch pirated versions can’t see it Author's words. Forgive me.)

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