Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 536 24. Dick the Logger

You told me Freya wasn't a belligerent guy, right?

The transformed Ysera fluttered her wings in embarrassment, dodged the whipping of three giant vines in the air, turned her head, and sprayed out a mouthful of corrosive and poisonous dragon's breath, melting the forest elves who were constantly throwing spears below into Then she grumbled to Dick, who was jumping back and forth beside her, angrily, You still tell me that she is sober! But look! This is what you call sobriety!

Sorry. I didn't know things would be so careful!


Ysera's claws stretched out, grabbed the drawn vine, crushed it, and before the second vine shattered the air and came roaring, the two guys rushed out in two directions.

There is a reason for the Green Dragon Queen's rage.

5 minutes ago, she and Dick walked to the deepest part of the Greenhouse of Life with an outing mentality, where there was a small pavilion. In it, they saw Freya, the guardian of life sleeping on the edge of the earth, just as Di Ke As Ke and Ysera guessed, this life guardian uses the energy in his body as a supplement to maintain the balance and integrity of this ultra-small life world.

Dick decided to wake her up, but just after he awakened the sleeping Freya with the authority of the great guardian, what greeted him was not Freya's thanks, but a thorny barb full of thorns, containing a poisonous vine whip.

Dick disappeared in place as soon as he dodged, dodging the blow, but Ysera, who was watching the excitement, was caught off guard, and could only transform into a dragon to resist this unexpected attack. The price was that he was now huge There was an ugly black welt on the chest and abdomen of the Green Dragon Queen. Freya's aura was absolutely dangerous. The blow was caught off guard and almost shattered one-twentieth of the scales on the Green Dragon Queen's body. If she hadn't escaped into the dreamland in time, she would have been seriously injured with a whip of the law of life.

This is not to say that Freya is so strong that the two top guys in Azeroth are helpless, but simply defenseless.

Yes, Freya's situation is not as good as Dick imagined. The corruption of the ancient gods is all-round. The brothers are not much better, the eyes are full of chaos and anger, she walks on the ground, furious like an angry beast, where can she see the majesty of the goddess of life?

Faced with Queen Ysera's complaints and roars, Dick could only choose to accept it with a silent head. After all, he was at fault for this terrible thing, and now Freya has obviously lost her mind. The small world of life has been destroyed by one-third in her anger, the waterfall was cut off by the whipping of the vines, and the huge trees seemed to have encountered a terrible, scythe-like storm, and they were all broken. At the edge of the life greenhouse, plants have withered. It is obvious that too much power has been drawn from this place.

Her situation is not right, her strength is awakening bit by bit, we have to solve this trouble before she fully wakes up!

Dick appeared around Ysera's neck and shouted to her, I see her shield energy node! It's on the edge of the Greenhouse of Life!

Before Dick could finish his words, a giant green spore appeared out of nowhere and exploded beside them. Ysera's wings spread out violently, and her body, which was moving at high speed, forcibly stayed in place with the help of the resistance from the huge wings. Dangerously avoided the explosion and eruption of the spores, and Dick jumped out of this place a second before. This kind of battle was extremely aggrieved, as Ignis said, in the halls to which they belonged , the strength of these guardians has been greatly strengthened, and the huge force carried by the waving vines is simply much stronger than the strongest Alkavon. This is obviously abnormal, but it is not that they have not tried to fight back.

Freya's body shape is about the same as Aurelia's. She is the same as the guardian. Although her body is made of stones, her expressions and movements are no different from real life forms. Her hair is short gray and white. The back of her head is braided, and she is wearing clothes mixed with green and brown grass leaves. The robe is covered with graphics about the meaning of life, which looks very simple. On the position of the wristband, belt and boots, five The Titan Gem filled with energy also gave her the ability to control lightning, but compared to this long-range attack method, Freya's attack method is more direct.

It's the whipping of the vines and the green spores bursting in the air from time to time. Those dusty things, neither Dick nor Ysera, were willing to touch even a little bit.

Help her! Ysera, I'll get rid of her troublesome energy source!

A golden flash of lightning appeared above Ysera's head. Dick held the epee of order in his hand, and cut off the long whip of thorns drawn from above with one sword. After the 30-meter long whip was cut off, it quickly It turned into a smear of yellow fallen leaves and floated in the air. Dick's body spun lightly in the air, and when he turned around, he threw out a sun spear. A beam of light shot out from Dick's palm, but the Titan Guardian below did not dodge at all, allowing the spear to penetrate her abdomen, blasting a wound, and stopping Freya's body in place.

It's now!

Dick's figure suddenly disappeared, and Ysera, who had been dodging the vines, turned her body deftly in the air. Instead of using magic or authority, she whizzed down from the air with her huge figure, hitting Fuu like a cannonball. On the energy shield in front of Freya, the life guardian who snarled was staggered, and the sharp dragon horns on her head also left three bone-deep scars on the hard skin of Freya's arm. scars.

However, in less than 2 seconds, the wound from the sun spear and the scar from Ysera recovered as before, and three thorny green light bands gathered on Freya from three directions in this small world of life. The top of her head, pouring the vitality of this small world into her body, this life guardian holding a thorn stick in his hand does not need defense at all.

Facing Ysera, who was trying to fight melee, Freya just waved her left hand, and three giant vines drew forward. The aggressiveness of the authority of life generally has nothing to do with leaving the toxin, and the guardian of life is naturally the same, and this kind of Even Ysera, who is the Queen of the Green Dragon, cannot be exempted from the poison!

Dick was sure that as long as he was drawn once, he would definitely lose his combat effectiveness.

However, once a dragon king like Ysera has made up his mind, he will not retreat easily. Facing the attacking whip, the Green Dragon Queen roared, and the emerald green mist wrapped her body like an escape. As if entering another plane, she used her dream power. At this moment, life and dream collided violently. The collision of two powers and two rules caused agitation stronger than expected. Green The halo of light constantly fluctuated around the two giant creatures fighting together, devouring everything.

Any creature in the green halo will be melted silently, even including the sturdy small pavilion where Freya slept.

At this time, Dick had already appeared at the edge of the greenhouse of life in the leap of lightning. When he raised his head, he saw a tall treant standing in a small magic circle full of magic lines, guiding the whole The power of the life greenhouse, obviously, this is one of the sources of Freya's power, and it is said that she is the first tree person born in the world.

Of course, they are real treant elders now. These guys are not the same as the treemen that Dick saw in Mount Hyjal. They are bigger, nearly 25 meters tall, even taller than Freya himself. It is taller and more energetic, and its actions to guide magic are no different from that of a human mage, and besides the lifelike old face on the canopy, the branches behind it have been in a long time, Became a real crystal.

This means that the treant's use of magic power has reached an unimaginable level, and even formed a substantial crystal of magic power in his body.

Normally, Dick would only be protective and curious about such a precious species, but now, he has no choice but to kill him. Ysera alone is definitely not the opponent of Freya who is now dominated by nightmares. He must Get rid of these three treants before the Green Dragon Queen gets hurt!

Mortal, there is nothing here that you are looking for Get out of the paradise of life!

The tree man glared at Dick. Although his old face was upright and awe-inspiring, the paladin's left hand became hotter when he approached it, which proved that the tree man in front of him also suffered from Yogg-Saron. This made the paladin who drew the epee of order feel a little better.

To kill a creature of Chaos is to win, but to slaughter real life can only bring trouble and self-blame.

As Freya's family, after she really wakes up, she will have a way to revive you, so don't worry!

Dick's icy voice was mixed with the cross starlight that jumped out of the ground nearly 5 meters high. The ancient treant summoned many magic flowers with fangs and sharp teeth to try to delay Dick's offensive, but at the same time Under the surge of the holy light, those magic flowers persisted for less than 10 seconds before they were burned. This treant didn't have the shield like Freya. It raised its arms to block Dick's sword However, what Ignis bestowed on this new long sword, besides the newly born soul, was also unparalleled sharpness.


Duh! Duh! Duh!

The branch was cut off directly, and the next moment, golden lightning flashed around the body of the tree elder. Accompanied by the sound of felling trees, the tree man let out a painful roar, but a few seconds later, an unimaginable golden thunder danced. The epee of order pierced the heart of the elder tree man, and the last wave of holy light and lightning completely destroyed it. The moment Dick jumped out in another direction, the crystallized magic power behind the elder tree man thumped. It was shattered, and together with his upper body, he slowly fell to the ground along a slanted plane.

The magic circle on the ground also lost its controller at this moment. Under no one's guidance, the moment Dick turned around and threw the Sun Spear that pierced the magic circle, it reached an energy overload. In a ball of dazzling light, The first magic circle lost its effect.

And she was fighting with Freya. To be precise, Ysera, the green dragon queen who was beaten by the furious Freya, felt that the force of the thorny whip was weakened by one-fifth. It made her mentality change drastically, and she flicked her huge tail immediately, separating Freya's arms, and her sharp front claws cut several bloody wounds on the life guardian's chest.

Well, blue titan energy, that's their blood.


The upper body of the treant elder with the blue crystallization fell to the ground. It was not dead yet, and those originally bright eyes also turned into resentment, I curse you! You will die here and you will die in endless in the darkness!


The sun lance that lit up again shattered the tree man's body and the magic circle on the ground. Dick stared coldly ahead, I don't need you to worry about my business.

Two minutes later, the energy from the explosion of the last magic circle destroyed the last magic power node of the entire life greenhouse, and the situation in the entire life greenhouse began to deteriorate violently. The creatures that were forced to be peaceful by Freya began to attack each other frantically , those lush trees and life began to wither, and in the center of the life greenhouse, Freya's fury seemed to reach its peak.

She gave up the long whip of thorns, grabbed her cane instead, and smashed her head and face at the Green Dragon Queen whose scales were broken by a third in front of her. Ysera was also completely aroused by the pain, and did not blink. He rushed up unavoidably, the dragon's claws danced wildly, and there was a poisonous breath from his mouth. It is rare to see a dragon king desperately fighting. Even the noble guardian of the titan is under the attack of such a beast. Be confused extremely.

Ahh! Go away! Provocateur!


The thorn stick hit Ysera's body and sent the Dragon King flying. This blow also made Freya panting. She is not a guardian who is good at fighting. It has been nearly 100 years since the start of the battle. In 10 minutes, she was about to take a breath of air, when a dazzling thunder appeared from the air. Dick stood in the air with his hands raised above his head, and a huge sun spear appeared in his hand, aiming hard at Freya's neck. He stabbed hard.


It went straight into the guardian's skin, and before the guardian of life could send out the pain, the lightning and holy light contained in it completely exploded.


The paladin was swept away by the scorching air waves, while the guardian of life staggered under the explosion, and fell to the side. She was only seriously injured. For her, it only took a little time to recover. It was back to normal, but the disappearance of the magic power node of the life greenhouse also meant that this closed place was reopened. When Freya fell to the ground, a shiny green shadow flashed away in the air.

The guardian of life opened her eyes, and saw another self standing in front of her with a smile. Before her chaotic brain knew what happened, that shadow opened its arms towards her, and then merged into her body.

Struggling and trembling.

There shouldn't have been such a violent reaction when the avatar returned to the main body, but due to the existence of chaos, Freya's restored sanity and the ubiquitous chaos started a fierce competition for the body of the guardian. His body was used as a battlefield, and the defensive measures he made tens of thousands of years ago before he was completely lost came in handy at this moment.

But the two stalemate with each other, making her suffer unimaginable pain, until a scorching palm was placed on her forehead, that familiar breath and convincing temperament, the third-party force and Freya's own strength Reason merged into one, and chaos began to recede.

A tear dripped from the edge of Freya's closed eye

Tyl Lai. You are finally back. I've been waiting for too long.

Dick, on the other hand, stood beside Freya's huge head sadly, and said in a low voice, No, they won't come back.

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