Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 537 25. Mimiron's Steel Colosseum

After the battle, the land is devastated. Unless it is a special case, there is rarely a situation where one side wins the battle. In most cases, it is impossible for both parties to win a sweet victory, and it will inevitably be accompanied by the pain of loss.

Like now.

The frail Freya leaned on her thorny stick, her whole body was covered in distress, standing alone in the middle of a messy greenhouse of life, she looked melancholy at the withered life around her, her pair of eyes recovered The eyes of the sea blue light are full of pain and self-blame.

It took me nearly 2,000 years to make it all.

Freya's tone was full of remorse, At that time, I already realized that something was wrong. When Mimiron had an accident, Odin ran away in anger, and Lai's whereabouts were unknown, the whole of Ulduar was filled with some kind of embarrassment. An uncomfortable breath, at that time I didn't think of the worst situation, but listened to Loken's nonsense, although I finally felt Loken's weirdness, but it was too late, and Hodir completely closed the winter After the temple, I realized, we've been the darkness that exists between each other.

So the countermeasure you took was to make an ark of life?

Dick was sitting on a tree branch that was mostly withered, moving his body while receiving treatment from Ysera. In the last wave of explosion just now, he couldn't completely dodge, if it wasn't for the protection of the tenacious power of the gods Looking at his back, I am afraid that the big explosion just now will hurt him.

Facing Dick's question, Freya froze for a moment, then shook her head mockingly,

Ark? This statement is very interesting. But I have to admit that what the great guardian said makes sense. After realizing that Hodir's actions were only for self-protection, I also had an idea, and I quietly separated a strand of consciousness , fell into my proving ground, and collected life samples from this world as much as possible to prepare for the possible life cleansing. When this ark is about to be completed, the confrontation in my mind has already Near the end, that voice, that dark voice overwhelmed me, so I used my last strength to ask the three tree elders to seal me up to protect my ark. Unfortunately, it still failed. These lives were born in Ulduar At that moment, it was already invaded by Chaos.

Actually, I'm curious. Where did you get the news about the reshaping of the world?

Dick's eyes fell on Freya, and he narrowed his eyes, As far as I know, a high-level guardian of your level should not know anything about the Furnace of Origin.

This. I don't know either.

Freya sat on the ground, rubbing her forehead, desperately remembering the past, her voice was full of doubts, I don't know who told me, but I know very well that once Ulduar's When things are revealed, there will inevitably be a great cleansing of life in the entire world. I am sure that the answer is true. So during the period of fighting against chaos, I spent almost all my energy on building a life greenhouse.

Dick's fingers tapped lightly on the branch, and after Freya finished speaking, he closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and then said,

Then have you ever thought about a question, if the reshaping of the world really happens. All the life in other parts of the world will be ablated, and only the life in the life greenhouse can continue in the new world, but all the life in your place will be destroyed. What kind of scene will chaos infect the newborn Azeroth fall into?

Freya was startled, the wooden stick in her hand fell to the ground, and Ysera stood there in a daze. Dick's words directly depicted an absolutely hopeless future, even though he himself Knowing that this is impossible to happen, because even Ulduar can't prevent the reshaping of the world. The process itself is the ultimate means to deal with the ancient gods, and there is no such possibility as he said.

But Freya didn't know that the future Dick had described had completely shut down her thinking processing core. She couldn't imagine that kind of situation happening. The paladin wiped the purple bark off his hands and stood up. , pulled out the epee of order from the ground, carried it behind his back, tilted his head and said to Freya,

It seems that you have figured it out? It's not that Yogg-Saron can't corrupt you. It deliberately keeps you awake, and then gives you a message to make you unswervingly do what you think is right, and finally ruin the world completely. I hope it is an ancient god! The most evil god, every word and every word of it is the deadliest venom of a poisonous snake, Freya. Be firm in your will, don't give it a second chance to defeat you.

The paladin put the heavy fist of Alkavon that Ysera handed over to his left hand again, looked at the guardian of life who was standing still not far from him, stretched out his hand, and snapped his fingers loudly in front of her, knocking this the giant woke up,

Hi, are you awake?


Are you ready for battle?

. Mmm! Done!

Okay! Wait for my news, let's kill Yogg-Saron together and end your nightmare completely! Are you confident?


Louder! I didn't hear you!


Very good, Good Girl!

Dick waved his back to Freya, and strode on the dead purple leaves that had lost their vitality and fell to the ground. He was very busy, and there was a more troublesome Mimiron that hadn't been dealt with yet.

But Dick turned and left, stepping on the back of the purple earth, but left a thick silhouette in Freya's eyes, the power of the gods fluttering behind him, and the shining epee of order, just like a real veteran rushing to the battlefield , in addition to the heaviness, there is also a ray of real chic.

Is this the new Great Guardian?

Freya lowered her head, looked at her hands, and finally clenched her fists tightly, looking at a starry sky, Lai, you chose a guy who looks incredible.

On the other side, Ysera silently followed behind Dick,

That's good encouragement, Dick, you seem to be much more proficient.

No, Freya's mind should be the weakest among these high-level guardians. This has something to do with her fighting style. You have seen the battle just now. But if one has a stronger will, the two of us will not be able to survive the final counterattack. time, so I have to give her a psychological defense in advance to avoid any accidents during the decisive battle.

So, you lied to her? Including the future that shocked me too?

Of course! How could the creator allow the ancient gods to continue to exist? Life reshaping is a very serious matter, and it was originally the last resort to deal with the ancient gods, to give our Titans a little confidence. They are all-knowing and omnipotent, not as we imagined. Simple.

The paladin raised his head and glanced at the starry sky above his head. He did not intend to reveal the secret of the wall of stars to anyone. This world needs to maintain pressure to move forward quickly. The paladin did not intend to bear that burden alone. This world The future of life requires the participation of every life. He would rather be one of a group of mane dogs than a lion leading a group of sheep.

Fifteen minutes later, the figures of Dick and Ysera appeared on the edge of the transmitter of the spark of wisdom. The other three dragon kings have not yet arrived. It seems that there is a problem with Hodir, but the paladin looked up Looking at the deep tunnel in front of me, I shook my head,

I'm going to clean up these machine sentinels first, you are waiting for other dragon kings here! But be careful, this place is very close to the edge of madness that seals Yogg-Saron, and you must be careful of its interference with your mind.

Ysera nodded and made an OK gesture to Dick, Don't underestimate us, paladin, as Nozdormu said, we are not as fragile as you think!

I hope so!

Dick walked into the tunnel in front of him without turning his head. After stepping into the darkness, his field of vision became a little darker, but a long time ago, the darkness could no longer stop him from moving forward. When he saw the corner After those seemingly invisible sounds, the paladin took down the epee of order from behind, and with his right hand turned outward, a holy shock spread across the road in front of him, like the bright moonlight shining in the dark night.

The scorching holy light almost shot through the spider-type robot hiding in the corner and trying to sneak attack. The energy core was blown up, and it didn't even have the ability to self-destruct. Strange mechanical creations suddenly fell from all directions, even from the sky above the head, and the sound of missiles, flames and explosions accompanied by the hustle and bustle of battle, almost instantly tore the quietness in this passage to pieces. It made Dick feel like he was on the battlefield of hot weapons.

But looking at himself in armor and holding an epee, he didn't quite match it no matter what he thought. Afterwards, the paladin shook his head, expelling this indifferent fantasy from his mind, and the long sword in his left hand fell into the air. A sword flower, the next moment, his figure disappeared in front of the mechanical creations pouring bullets and explosives towards Dick in the golden thunder and lightning jump.


The golden long sword pierced the core of a biped robot, and the beating lightning triggered a chain explosion, involving all the surrounding mechanical gnomes.

Tch, stupid biped robot!

Lei Guang jumped again, and the spider tank, which was frantically swaying golden bullets towards the empty sky in front of it, was cut into two pieces from the center. The dazzling light vibrated violently in the darkness. The shield-wielding robot on board was decapitated by a lightsaber.

The golden thunder and lightning ran rampant in the hail of bullets. These Mimiron's family members, the iron army made with unimaginable engineering attainments could slaughter an entire legion together, but they were meaningless to Dick, even if he stood In the same place, these robots could not penetrate his shield, so soon, Dick completely lost interest in this kind of one-sided massacre. His figure appeared in the center of the corridor, with his long sword resting on the ground, his left hand Slightly raised, the golden, scorching holy flame that could melt steel rose up around his body, like a storm of flames, getting bigger and bigger, and finally, under the control of Dick's will, the golden flame flew fast He rushed out in all directions, engulfing everything along the way.

It was like an irresistible storm swept through the entire corridor. When Dick's flame dissipated to the last flickering spark, there was only a piece of molten iron and a miserable residue in the entire corridor.


Dick turned his epee back, and strode down the slanted stairs. At the end of the stairs, there was a large brightly lit palace, which was Mimiron's large laboratory.

He should stop here, waiting for the support of the dragon kings, but for some unknown reason, Dick finally hesitated on the spot and quickly walked into the palace.

But unlike the laboratory full of various mechanical artifacts in the game, Dick found nothing valuable here. To be precise, there is nothing here, only a piece of cold energy shining with steel sparks The transmission device, it seems to have been emptied here.

No Mimiron, no Pyrotron, nothing

He was cheated!


Dick frowned tightly. If Mimiron is not here, then where is he? Most importantly, where should I find those two fragments that only he knew, the fragments of the ancient Hammer of Kings?

The paladin walked to the very center of the big palace. There was a blue energy well covered with dust, but there seemed to be some characters. Dick looked at it, then squatted down, and wiped off the dust on the energy well. , as a result, I saw the above characters, which are in Titan language, which looks crooked and has some grammatical errors. It seems that the person who carved the characters has lost his mind.

Haha, you've been fooled! Look up at the sky!

Dick's first reaction when he saw this line of words was naturally not to raise his head, but his whole body turned into lightning, trying to leave this ghostly place, but the surrounding area of ​​the palace, which was empty just now, was still firmly blocked by a circle of invisible barriers , not even lightning can penetrate.

The body of the paladin appeared a little backward, and with a wave of his hand, a solar lance pierced the barrier in front of him, but after the dazzling explosion, he failed to penetrate it, and at this moment, a sharp Yes, a high-pitched, lunatic-like voice, accompanied by a damn, loud music, sounded behind him.

Haha! The first idiot to be tricked by Mimiron's trap!

But it's okay to have fun!

Welcome to Mimiron's Iron Colosseum, intruder, come and please me with your battles and blood! Flesh and blood. Well, it should be a product of the curse of flesh and blood, but it doesn't matter~ I like watching battles! I love watching the world burn! Let it burn!

Your first opponent! The Flame Leviathan! Yes, I shrunk it down, this is my personal version of the Flame Leviathan! Trust me, you'll love it, provided you don't get crushed by it Meat. Ah ha ha ha ha! I'm looking forward to it!

Let the fiery battle...begin!

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