Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 660 16. Agreement

When we are blinded by a certain person or a certain thing, we always subconsciously ignore other dangers in the whole environment besides this thing. Generally speaking, this kind of emotion is called attachment, but frankly speaking, Attachment is not a good thing.

It will make you ignore a lot of things, and if the things you believe are carefully arranged by some people with ulterior motives, then this kind of persistence may eventually destroy everything you insist on and everything you guard. This is Ze She is guided by a correct prophecy for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Dick knew that Zela hadn't considered the accuracy of this prophecy. Any prophet knew that a prophecy could not be 100% accurate. For an existence like Velen who was at the pinnacle of the field of prophecy, before confirming a prophecy, he , will always adopt more than 10 different future fragments for speculation and comparison, and finally use superb wisdom to choose the one that is closest to the facts.

All prophets do this, Zela should have done it, but she didn't or, every time she tried to do it, there was a voice telling her silently, this is right, this is right Yes, there is no doubt about it.

And in Dick's view, Zela's prophecy is indeed correct, but it lacks a part, and a part is artificially torn apart by a mysterious existence!

The part about the void.

This is really the highest deception, not a single lie, just not telling you all.

And the reason why Dick chose to negotiate with Zela in Ulduar's star hall instead of in the Exodar or other places is also because of this. Only here can the power of order reach its limit, completely isolating all conflicts with order force intrusion.

Yes Zera, Mother of Light, she is also infected by Chaos.

In fact, when Dick came into contact with the Heart of Light for the first time, he vaguely felt this. As the most stalwart guardian of order standing on the opposite side of chaos in the entire universe, this feeling is enough to confirm a certain kind of fact.

And now, when Dick points out the last piece of Zela's prophecy, that voice can no longer affect Zela himself, so, after hundreds of thousands of years, the Mother of Holy Light, for the first time, with absolute justice Seeing everything she saw from a third-party perspective, for the first time without interference, she saw what Dick said, the third party hidden outside of order and demons, the void

Therefore, she insisted on the prophecy for hundreds of thousands of years, and at this moment, it was shattered, which was equivalent to the shattering of faith and will, and even the existence of the Mother of the Holy Light was affected. Therefore, the heart of the Holy Light, the heart that carries The first crack appeared on the container of her will, and it shattered outward at a speed visible to the naked eye. The fragments of the holy light were constantly stripped from the surface of the heart of the holy light.

If it is not controlled, the breakdown from the inside out of the Holy Light Mother will completely destroy her within a few seconds.

Just like the self-doubt of the gods, once the gods doubt the existence of themselves, even if they are powerful, they will self-destruct in an instant. This kind of self-denial is the most fatal weakness of powerful creatures in the universe, and it is precisely Because of this, before accepting too much power, you must ensure that your wisdom is enough to control your power.

Once the power is beyond the control of wisdom, the most likely result is this rapid, terrifying, enough to destroy everything, self-destruction!

But Dick will not allow this to happen. Although Zela has untimely stubbornness and a stubborn stubbornness, at least when fighting against the Burning Legion, Zela and her Legion of Light who are fighting on Argus , but it is an indispensable help, so at the moment when this kind of self collapse appeared, Dick's left hand was printed on the surface of the Holy Light Heart, and the little light spirit Anveena also appeared in the Holy Light Heart the other side of

MAX's holy energy poured into the heart of the holy light in the form of a sea tide. This almost unstoppable infusion made the flickering light all over Zela's body dim to the extreme. The firewood flames once again burned vigorously.

But this is not enough. After the Three Views are broken, the best help you need is to immediately rebuild the collapsed Three Views.

Zera, listen to me. Although your starting point is wrong, it is undeniable that your tens of thousands of years of confrontation have indeed brought unimaginable confidence and strength to this universe. Without you and your holy light Legion, the entire universe will appear on the opposite side of the Burning Legion with an even more desperate attitude, and we don't even have the slightest power to fight back. You are a hero!

Even if you are stubborn, you are stubborn, you use a wrong point of view to try to change the world, and even inadvertently act as an accomplice of demons and voids, but none of this can change the reality that you are a hero. So, be strong, be wrong, Just correct it.

Everyone in this universe. Argus, they need you and us, and we need you too! Cheer up!

Dick didn't know if his words were useful, but Anwena curled her lips in disdain. If one day Dick used such words to comfort her, she would definitely jump up and slap him. Open your mouth, it's just hopeless.

However, it seemed that Zela did still have a sliver of sobriety. Under the perfusion of Dick's rotten chicken soup for the soul, the cracking on the surface of the Heart of Light finally stopped, and Zela's weak voice sounded again at this moment.

I I did the wrong thing I almost, I almost ruined everything.

Yes, you did something wrong.

Dick nodded, but then his voice softened,

But what you have done so far is correct, and it is great and cannot be slandered. In this bad era, as long as the result is correct, the reason doesn't matter. Everyone is struggling to survive, so everything Just look at the result. You are a good Naru, so persevere and choose self-sacrifice after finally seeing the correct destiny, which is a bit too ugly.

Hope. Hope is here.

Zela was silent, and after a while, she asked again,

Then Dick, the prophet Dick tell me, what is destiny?

Dick grinned a gentle smile, narrowed his eyes, and whispered,

There is no destiny at all, and there is no child of light and darkness, there is no savior, Zela, we have to rely on our own destiny, it is just the hope of the weak, the plaything of the strong, you should be a strong man, not a prostrate begging for fate to favor you Or, you did a good job before, you are the oldest, purest, and brightest existence in the universe, and you should lead everyone to a brighter future.

This is your mission, this is your responsibility, and this is your honor.

Silence, silence, Zela seemed to be thinking about Dick's words that seemed to her like a lunatic, and the palms of the paladin and Anwena also left the surface of the Heart of Light. After a while, Zela's voice ring again,

So. I understand. Thank you, Prophet Dick, for bringing hope.

The paladin smiled in satisfaction, he stretched out two fingers,

Then, tell me everything about Argus, and that voice, where did you hear that voice, a voice that can infect the most ancient Naru, this is already an unexpected visitor that we have to prepare in advance gone.

There's really nothing to say about Argus

Zela's voice was very weak. After all, she had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, and after the influence of the mysterious existence faded away, Zela's voice also had a trace of compassion that she should have, as if all the naaru spoke , will have this feeling, after all, they are born from the Holy Light, this is a certain ability they have in their instincts, and Zela's first open and honest conversation also revealed to Dick the last The veil of mystery.

However, Dick, your understanding of the Legion of the Holy Light is a bit problematic. The Legion of the Holy Light is not just the soldiers of Argus who were sheltered by me and empowered by me. In fact, there are a lot of Legions of the Holy Light. I know you've seen A'dal, it's still on Draenor, right?

Dick nodded. Naru Adal is currently sticking to Shattrath City in Draenor. That city has become the most prosperous city in Draenor after the war, and it is also the material exchange center of the entire theater. The most important thing is One of the strategic nodes, the naaru in Outland have fully cooperated with the Illidari. When facing the Burning Legion, the grievances between each other are no longer important.

Do you think those soldiers who once obeyed Adal's commander, can't they be called the Legion of the Holy Light?

There was a hint of teasing in Zela's voice. It seemed that the Mother of Light, who had just got rid of the wrong prophecy, was in a good mood. After asking this question, she didn't need Dick's answer, but quickly gave Answer,

Every naaru who fought against the Burning Legion, and soldiers who obeyed the banner of the Holy Light, they can all be called the Legion of the Holy Light. Even you, in my opinion, Azeroth, are holy A member of the Legion of Light.

Dick nodded in a sudden realization. No wonder, after hearing about the Legion of Light that was active in the world of Argus, he always felt a little weird. Isn't the Legion of Light the devil's biggest opponent? But no matter how you look at it, the army led by Turalyon is not worthy of the title of greatest opponent.

But he still had doubts, he asked,

But once, at the moment when I received the blessing of the Holy Light, through the vision of the Holy Light, I saw a galaxy. A galaxy completely surrounded by the Holy Light. The will in my heart told me that that is the real Holy Light. Legion Zera, do you know that unknown galaxy?

That's our hometown, Dick. There are many mortals who can see the Galaxy of Origin under the guidance of the Holy Light. This shows that you are a blessed saint. The original Naaru was born from that galaxy, which is the universe. The first ray of light in the world is the place where the holy light that pierced the dark age was born. In fact, your understanding is not wrong. After all, in that galaxy, there is the strongest holy light army. The real holy light army, even if It is Sargeras himself, and he is unwilling to confront that force head-on, but it guards another vast world, and it is too far away from us. It is so far away that I will never go back in my life.

All right.

Dick nodded. He looked up at Zela whose radiance had gradually recovered, and said, I will bring your Holy Light Legion Archbishop Turalyon and Alleria back to Azeroth in a few days. Si, you know, they believe in your prophecy, I have no intention of interfering with your control over them, but at least in the upcoming war, I need them to stand unswervingly on my side.

No problem. This is what I have to do, my responsibility, my mission, my honor and about that voice you said before. Dick, I never thought about it, but now I have to remind you to stay away from those who have The dead naaru, transformed into another deep and dark form, may have come into contact with the power of the void unintentionally. Yes, I have made a dying prayer for some companions on the journey. Now that I think about it, maybe it is that At that time, after seeing those deep energies and absorbing all the bright power, my compatriots who started another life.”

They are innocent, but they may have played some regrettable role unintentionally.

After Zela finished speaking, Dick's expression became serious, and he rubbed his chin,

Is it a demon?. I know!

Oh, by the way. There is another thing, something you must know!


Sargeras, in the world of Argus, is trying to form his Dark Titan Council. It's a pity, but Aggramar, the once strong and unyielding brave man, the protector of countless worlds, has become one of them!


Well, it seems to have been mentioned earlier that after death, a naru will transform into a completely dark creature called a demon. They will absorb all light to re-transform themselves, so in theory, a naru should be immortal. There is a back-and-forth transition between the form of the queer and the naaru. Well, it seems to be like this. In the plot of the king of Draenor, Velen sacrificed himself 35 years ago to purify a naru that has completely become a queer Lu, this proves it.

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