Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 661 17. Beyond the World - Homecoming

After nearly a day of secret talks, Dick left the star hall exhausted, and this exhaustion was more reflected in his soul.

Not long ago, he knew from Norgannon's deathbed image that the mysterious guardian had used a special spell to store the souls of the titans together at the last moment, but now the information from Zela Here, you can see that Norgannon's efforts may not have completely changed the tragic experience of the Titans. At least not all.

Aggramar's soul was eventually captured by Sargeras, and Aggramar had been transformed into his same state by the Dark Titan.

This news also made Dick realize a problem. His prophet is over.

After forcing the plot forward by 20 years or so, he has exhausted the future of the plot and the world, but this is not a big problem. Dick is very grateful that at the end of this inevitable future, he already has Power enough to change, whether it is changing the fate of Azeroth or the fate of this universe.

He's done enough. Nobody could ask for more.

The moment he walked out of the Star Dome Hall, Dick looked up at the starry sky. In Ulduar, on the top of the mountains, the place closest to the starry sky in the world, he felt a sense of relief and a touch of pride , now, even without relying on his foresight, he can calmly face everything in the future.

Just like an old saying, since you have chosen a distant place, the next thing to do is to go through both wind and rain.

The paladin heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and walked into Ulduar. He still had a lot of things to deal with, and he had other arrangements for the Turalyon couple who were about to return.

On the other side, in the world of Argus, the ruins of Mac'Aree, the ruins of this city are one-third of the continent that Argus is currently divided into, but together with the barren Krokuun region, and Antor, the garrison site of the Burning Legion. Unlike the orchid wasteland, this city is suspended outside the broken continent, like a floating city.

This super-large city was once the administrative center of the world of Argus, inhabited by millions of Eredar civilians. When Sargeras came, not everyone was willing to surrender to him and abandon their faith, but Those innocents still failed to escape the doom of destruction in the end. Even though they opened the protective barrier of the entire world at the most critical moment, Sargeras was far beyond the power of the world and swept across the entire planet wildly. As a result, Mac'Aree, the former city of Argus, became what it is now.

In most parts of the city, the souls of Eredar civilians who were directly killed by Sargeras wandered around. After being infected by darkness, these souls became crazy and aggressive, coupled with its own ominous This means that even the eredar who have become demons are unwilling to get too close to this city ruled by death. They just built a super-large teleportation area here, not like the Antoran Wasteland. , stationed a huge number of legions.

This also provides a foothold for the Legion of the Holy Light led by Turalyon, but to be honest, it is not a simple matter to hide in a world that has been ruled by demons for 2W5 millennia. He and his army don't stay in Mac'Aree's camp all the time. In fact, they just use it as a resting place, and they don't stay here for more than one month in a year.

As for what they do on weekdays. Fighting, endless fighting, almost eternal struggle with demons in a way that mortals can't believe.

However, in the past two days, in the Mac'Aree camp, these strong and brave warriors of the Holy Light have had extra rest time. It is said that the archbishop has inadvertently received news from his hometown, including news of his son , This made Turalyon have a heartfelt happy smile on his face in the past few days, and Ms. Alleria, who is known for her indifference, has also become a lot more kind these two days, which surprised the soldiers. However, some mysterious people also started to wander in the camp.

They are all women, but the 14 boys in the Legion of Light, in a friendly contest, were knocked down one by one by Nasha easily. The contempt of the ladies, and after Maiev sent the news, the Azeroth infiltrators who were active near Mac'Aree also had an additional station where they could hide and rest.

To this, Turalyon accepted.

In fact, when you are facing the demons that destroy everything, you will welcome all soldiers who dare to fight the demons. It doesn’t matter whether they look like you or not, whether their living customs are the same as yours or not, these are not important up.

And the rest of the Holy Light Legion is not only because of the arrival of Cirvanas and his party. As the archbishop personally recognized by Zela, Turalyon himself knows about Zela's adventures. In fact, a long time ago, the Holy Light When the Mother asked Turalyon to dismantle her body and throw the Heart of Light into the world rift, Turalyon firmly opposed it, because the Mother of the Light had an inescapable significance for the existence of the Legion of Light .

Turalyon even knew that Zela's destination was Azeroth. In fact, until now, he still believed that Cirvanas and others entered Argus because the adventure of the Mother of Light was successful. It gave the archbishop the confidence to persevere.

Sylvanas and Maiev did not reveal too much information about the current situation of Azeroth to Turalyon. Senxia has sent back the news from the spaceship hidden in the gravel belt. Soon, there will be people from Azeroth The envoy of Xerath arrived in Argus, these things are more suitable for the envoy to talk about.

General Ranger was also immersed in the joy of the reunion of the sisters. She and her eldest sister had almost endless conversations, from Vereesa who was disobedient and found a human mage, and gave birth to two children, to Quel'Thalas The undead wars I have encountered, from the death of the old king, to Kael'thas taking over the throne, rebuilding the Phoenix Dynasty, from the magic of Akandor, to the attachment of Syndra, and the magic addiction sent by Quel'Thalas The elves, and most recently Cairne Sunfury, those irascible demon hunters who are surprisingly deadly.

Alleria always hugs her younger sister and listens to her talking about her hometown with high spirits. Windrunner has fought with Turalyon for a long time, and she has not experienced this kind of warmth for a long time, but in After listening to the story, Alleria frowned. She stroked her sister's hair and whispered in her ear,

Dick. Who is this?

Cirvanas' face turned red immediately, she hesitated and couldn't speak, Alleria smiled and patted her on the head, In every story of yours, there are About his long explanation, from when you met, to when you went to Marton together, tell me, my sister, is he the lover you choose? When will you get married?

He is just a man I admire more, he will not be my lover.

General Ranger sighed in relief, then leaned his head into his sister's arms, and said in a tone that sees through everything, The pressure on his shoulders is too heavy, and there are other outstanding women, I don't want to be a burden for him , and don’t want our relationship to sour under such pressure.”

I'll probably never think about marriage again in my life.

This explanation made Alleria dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that her proud younger sister, who never knew how to bow her head, would one day be willing to be a man's vassal, and it was the kind of vassal that would not be made public. Who the hell is Dick's man?

What kind of ecstasy soup did he pour into her sister?

But no matter how she asked, Cirvanas was unwilling to reveal Dick's identity. In fact, General Ranger was worried that once Dick's identity was exposed, her sister would think that she was clinging to the powerful. This is not an exaggeration, With Dick's current status, any woman who appeared beside him would be treated with this kind of gaze, and even Kael'thas' attitude towards her became different.

Cirvanas didn't like this kind of discrimination. She and Dick were together, but she didn't want Dick to affect her life, or in other words, she didn't want Dick to use special methods to help her career.

And when the two sisters were sitting on the edge of the ruins of Mac'Aree talking, Turalyon's voice sounded in Alleria's heart,

My dear, come to the central hall, the envoy of Azeroth... has arrived.

Alleria's expression became serious at this moment. She patted Cirvanas on the shoulder, and then walked quickly into the central hall with her sister who was about to fall asleep. The tall draenei in armor have put the central hall under martial law. This is the first communication between the two forces, and this kind of martial law is a must.

Well, most of the Legion of the Holy Light under the leadership of Zela are Eredar fighters who escaped their lives in the disaster of Argus. They are the most elite legion in the world of Argus. Under the banner, they are not hesitant to perish with the demons. Turalyon will also choose some warriors from the Krokuun tribe in Hatton to join the legion. A supreme honor.

At this time, Chief Hatton and Turalyon were already standing in the center of the hall. Opposite them was Algalon, the observer of the worlds, who had shrunk in size. Don't care, if it wasn't for Dick's order, he wouldn't take the initiative to pay attention to these fighters fighting against demons. This is not because of his arrogance, but because of his soul and character.

But Turalyon and the Holy Light Legion were indeed members of the Titan system for the first time. Algaron's body was composed entirely of pure starlight, and the bones made up of starlight nodes in his body, as well as his body. The orderly and convincing atmosphere that came from them became the focus of these brave soldiers' whispering discussions.

Mysterious and powerful, this was Algalon's first impression on these warriors.

After seeing Alleria also coming, Algalon nodded, his indifferent, metallic voice sounded in the hall,

In the name of Dick Bronzan Don, the administrator of Azeroth, I will bring the three of you back to Azeroth. In addition, Zera, the Mother of Light, is waiting for you in Azeroth. Please Get ready, let's go right away!

Turalyon and Alleria's hands were tightly held together. From the moment the couple entered the world of Argus, they never thought that they would be able to return to their hometown one day, and in Hatton's eyes Shining with an inexplicable light, he knew that Velen was in that world.

The chief's anger was burning inside, but he suppressed his feelings, and he knew what he was going to do.

When everyone was preparing the arrangements before the trip, Algalon walked up to Cirvanas, and besides Dick sending him to pick up the Turalyons and Hatton, he also asked him to pick up another person.

Ms. Sylvanas, Mr. Dick was very angry with you for going to Argus without permission. He asked me to take you back to Azeroth. I personally think that your current state is not suitable for fighting, especially in the When a great life is conceived in your body.

Algalon's voice made Cirvanas's expression dull. She stroked her flat stomach in disbelief. She looked at Algalon, trying to see a trace of teasing from that face. , but no, she asked in a trembling voice,

How is it possible! I didn't notice it at all.

Mr. Dick has embarked on a magical and great road. His life form has already transcended the shackles of ordinary people. Not only you, but the other two mistresses also have this kind of life conceived in their bodies, but this It is not the same as the birth process of mortal life as you understand it. It is a long and sacred process. From our point of view, this is an unimaginable honor. Mr. Dick has shared this honor with you, and I hope you will bear it Take up this sacred duty.

There was no room for bargaining in Algalon's voice,

You must return to Azeroth with me, especially in this place where void energy escapes. You are irresponsible to yourself and that life.

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