Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 662 18. Hatton and Velen, Two Leaders, Two Paths (Part 1)

It is actually not difficult for Algalon to lead four people across the star field. If necessary, he can lead nearly a hundred people forward at the same time, but in that case, his fleeting speed will be reduced to An unbearable level, and it will also greatly consume the energy of this observer of all worlds.

There is actually another reason why Algalon can serve Dick wholeheartedly. After Algalon joined Ulduar's system, he accidentally discovered that his own race is yes, another observer of the worlds , Hablon, the soul shepherd who was captured by Dick from the Kingdom of Shadows and obeyed Hela.

Hablon's form is not complete. According to Algalon's observation, Hablon should be the wreckage of a complete observer of the worlds. It was probably when the Pantheon was destroyed and went to Azeroth to pass it on. According to the news, a certain warrior evolved into a special form after his death. The ignorant Hablon himself didn't know the great mission contained in his body.

However, after Algalon recalibrated Hablon's core, this forerunner also had the ability to travel through the world as an observer of all worlds. He was given another mission by Dick, and that mission itself was Olga The root cause of Long's willingness to dedicate everything to the Ulduar system.

Of course, this is one of the deepest and supreme secrets that Ulduar hides. Algalon will not talk about it everywhere. When I went to the land of Ulduar, it was already 3 days later.

This trip made Algalon feel exhausted, so he quickly went to the Hall of Stars to rest. For observers of all worlds, bathing in starlight is the best way to rest, and the four of them also got different benefits. Welcomer.

When the door of Ulduar's front hall was pushed open by the respectful earthen attendants, the first thing Turalyon saw was the old face of Old Fording, his former comrade-in-arms, The partners who were baptized together as the first generation of great knights, as well as Gavin Ladd, who was standing behind Old Fording and wearing a priest's robe, and Alessandro on the other side, the moment they saw these old brothers, Layan, the real tough guy, still couldn't stop the tears of joy, and they hugged together.

Old brother, I never thought that the holy light would care for us so much. I never thought that we would meet again this day! Thank you holy light! Thank you for still protecting you in the distant world!

Old Fording was also in tears. He patted Turalyon's back and looked at the face that had also become old. He was filled with emotion, while Mograine laughed and gave Turalyon a warm hug. The outburst old man shouted angrily,

I knew they couldn't kill you, Turalyon, and I knew you'd come back one day! That's good! I knew it!

Turalyon was speechless, tears were streaming down his face, he felt the joy of these old brothers and the kind of pride he had once fought on the battlefield, he looked at Gavinla who was standing quietly by the side De, the most peaceful old brother, although he didn't rush up to give him a hug, the tears in his eyes and trembling hands also proved his excitement.

Gavin Ladd, I said long ago that you are more suitable to be a priest. I was right, old brother!

Turalyon hugged Gavinrad involuntarily, slapped him twice on the back, and then let him go, shouting loudly,

It's good to see you again! Brothers, we won't be drunk tonight!

You forgot to welcome Turalyon to us.

A cold and gloomy voice sounded behind him, and the great knight in joy felt the indifference of death, his face changed drastically, he turned his head suddenly, and the scorching holy light shone on his fists, he saw two Guys in black armor and black rose battle helmets, they stood not far away, the luster of death and frost whizzed around their bodies, wantonly spreading the kind of ferocious and terrifying to everything around them. breath.

Death! Death Knight! How dare you appear in front of us!

Turalyon has seen death knights before, and in the orc wars, he has fought against death knights more than once. In fact, his disappearance in Outland is also because of the battle between him and the strongest death knight of orcs, Talon Gorefiend, in Shadowmoon Valley. It was caused by a decisive battle, so he was no stranger to death knights, but also because of this, he didn't have any good feelings for these guys who wielded death.

Old Fording wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mograine, and Turalyon was about to rush up to fight these two death knights who seemed extremely powerful, but at this moment, they took off their The helmet revealed the bone-white hair, the thin face, the appearance changed by death, and the great soul who was immersed in death but still guarded the light.

Turalyon's roar was cut off at this moment. He looked at the two death knights who took off their helmets in disbelief. His body was shaking, because of anger and sadness, which made his voice dry.

The Holy Light. Uther, Dathrohan, you... how did you become like this? What kind of bad luck did you encounter?

No, no, no, my brother Turalyon, this is not bad luck, this is just a crueler blessing, let us continue to defend this world in another form, the world we love and the world we hate .”

Uther showed a sinister smile with difficulty, This is due to fate. Although we have become strangers, welcome back, my brother.

Dathrohan standing beside him was more silent, but when facing Turalyon, he also showed a difficult smile,

I buried some wine in Stratholme, waiting for your return. Now it seems, it's time to drink wine together. Welcome back, my brother.

The first generation of great knights reunited after nearly 11 years, but they have changed, and have been changed too much by this cruel time. The surprise on Turalyon’s face disappeared. He shook his head with a wry smile, and then Stepping forward, dissipating the holy light, holding Uther and Dathrohan in his arms,

No matter what. You will always be my old brothers.

Feeling the coldness that went deep into the bone marrow, Turalyon's smile was somewhat bitter, but Uther and Dathrohan could no longer shed tears.

The world has changed, but fortunately, the human relationship remains the same. Even if it has changed its shape and face, this friendship has been honed to become more radiant with time. In 11 years, three completely different paths, reunited, they will only thank the Holy Spirit Light, and will not go to cast aside the cruelty of time, there is no need.

Uther patted Turalyon's shoulder a little uncomfortable, and on the other side, Alleria also had a welcome from her hometown.

Vereesa was holding her two children, and her husband Ronin stood beside his wife with some anxiety. The archmage had felt the malice towards him from Sylvanas, the second sister of the Windrunner, more than once. I am very worried whether this eldest sister who has returned from a distant world will have the same attitude. This is the current patriarch of the Windrunner family. If she also opposes his marriage with Vereesa, it will put a lot of pressure on her wife .

However, Vereesa is very confident about her older sister. In her words, Eldest sister has found a human husband herself, so she won't blame me.

In fact, the moment Aurelia saw her youngest sister, she burst into tears. Why did she care about Ronin who was standing aside? He could only hug his twin sons and look at his wife And her sister cried into tears.

Second sister said she would definitely bring you back, I want to go with her, but I can't. I'm a coward, eldest sister, I didn't follow second sister to Argus to find you, I was afraid to hear the bad news, thank God, You are finally back, sorry, big sister.

Vereesa hugged Alleria while crying and talking, Alleria comforted her sister gently, she patted her on the back, It's okay, it's all over, it's okay, my Vereesa , it's over, I'm back, I won't leave you again, don't cry, my sister

Women are indeed made of water.

Luo Ning couldn't help complaining a little, but the warm scene also made the archmage very emotional, so he decided to just stand quietly so as not to disturb this beautiful feeling.

Cirvanas is not here, the Ranger General has already gone to another man to ask for an explanation, and beside Rhonin, a half-elf in armor kept wiping the corners of his eyes. This is Altora, Turalyon The son of Aurelia and Ronin's nephew, he looked at his father and mother, watched them return to Azeroth, and his inner love was beyond words, but Altola was a good boy, he didn't go Disturb the gathering of my parents, relatives and friends, but stay quietly aside.

It wasn't until the tall man walked towards him that Altola really tensed up.

In Altola's memory, his father was a serious man, a real soldier. When Turalyon disappeared, Altola was still a child. When he came back, Altola had grown into a real soldier. manly.

But standing in front of this man, Altola still felt a little nervous. His father, the father he had been away for more than ten years, was looking at him with scrutiny. Altola stood up straight like a soldier. body, and then felt his father give him a warm hug,

I'm sorry, son, I came back too late.

At this moment, all of Altola's maturity and stability were crushed by tears,

It's okay, Dad, just come back.

At this moment, Ulduar is full of warmth. Of course, there are also places that are not very harmonious. For example, in front of Hatton, the prophet Velen, who was supported by Maraad, had a painful expression on his face. He recognized Ha Dun at the first sight. Dun, his subordinate that day, the once heroic eredar awakener, has been tortured by magic energy and suffering for 20,000 years, his face is ugly, his eyes are cold, and this ugliness and coldness, It was like whip after whip, lashing Velen's heart.

Hatton. Me.


A slap was severely slapped on Velen's face, but Maraad didn't stop it. In fact, the garrison officer who had experienced all the sufferings had no reason to stop him.

Velen, you betrayer, you betrayed us, you betrayed the whole of Argus!

Hatton's body was also injured, but at this moment, he was leaning on the staff made of the devil's bones. He looked fiercely at the prophet in front of him, at his old and affectionate eyes, and at that kind of penitent eyes, but he didn't let go. The anger and suffering in his heart decreased even a little bit. On the contrary, the moment Hatton saw the former leader, the anger in Hatton's heart could no longer be suppressed.

This slap was just the beginning, Hatton leaned on his body and cursed in the most vicious language,

You are gone, no worries! But look at us, those who are not willing to succumb to the devil and I can still, we have persisted in the hell of Argus for 2W5 millennia, we have been tortured and lost everything we once had, lost Everything that ever was!

Do you know what those kids call me? Chief! Chief!!! All of our civilization, everything, is destroyed! We're down to a barbaric age, how do you make me support it all, you know me Every time you see those children, how painful is your heart? This should be your responsibility!

Velen, if you were still there, and your spiritual link was still there, we wouldn't have fallen to this point! Our world, our Argus, wouldn't have come to this. Look at me, Velen, look at me .Then tell me you were right in everything you did, tell me you were right in taking away the backbone of civilization and throwing us into the hell of Argus, tell me O Velen!

Tell me we brought it all on ourselves! Tell me we brought it on ourselves!

tell me!

Velen closed his eyes in pain. What stood in front of him was not Lakish, but the suffering of a world. Even though he told himself ten thousand times that he had helped the world of Argus leave the last spark, but after seeing At that moment, Hatton's self-reporting was like a beach castle, washed away by regret and that unspeakable torture.

He didn't know how to face Hatton, didn't know what to say.

Was his original choice correct?


But is it fair?

No. All the difficulties on the way to escape are nothing to Hatton and the natives of the Argus world. The people of Exodar’s life in Azeroth from scratch is nothing to them. It was like heaven.

And they are not even qualified to look up to heaven.

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