Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 668 24. Reorganize the Army and Prepare for Battle (Part 2)

The Shattered World of Draenor is slowly returning to prosperity.

Uh, I'm not wrong, even though the core of this world has died, on top of the wreckage, those who remained here, and those who were forced to stay here, started to rebuild a new one on the ruins. world.

Frankly speaking, although Draenor is barren, its territory is half the size of Azeroth, larger than the entire continent of Sharkan, and there is also an extremely livable environment like the Nagrand Grassland. Development, here can also become a prosperous world.

Moreover, the technology of large-scale ecological domes traded from Void Spirit has been distributed to various forces. Large and small ecological domes have been established on the land of Draenor, but the dominance of the world's major kingdoms is negligible. It is essentially more like a federation of warbands, large and small.

Yes, the Illidari and the guardians occupy the highest place, and the following is a dark jungle of natural selection, so since the end of the invasion war a year ago, many unwilling guys have taken the initiative to enter Draenor to engage in Smuggle, loot jobs, and wage small wars.

This is a chaotic world, but for some people, it is as beautiful as heaven, and some guys who have obtained special permission have extended their tentacles of trade to far away Xiakan, such as green goblins, hot The Sand Consortium and Booty Bay's trading posts have been established on Sharkan's mainland.

Money touches people's hearts. Merchants are always the most sensitive group of people. They are more willing to accept new knowledge and new era than rulers. They will embrace everything for money.

This world, which is set as the frontline battlefield of Azeroth, is becoming more and more prosperous in a kind of deformed prosperity. The residential area of ​​Shattrath City is already in short supply, and the loud shouts in the daily market even make Naru Adal Some are annoying.

But as in many other places, where there are normal people, there are always crazy people.

Outside the city of Shattrath, when Ner'zhul tore the land apart, the land here became desert because too much life was absorbed, and there were remains of bones from that disaster everywhere. This place is called the Bone Wilderness , outside the prosperous Terokkar Forest, here is a forbidden area for life.

However, apart from the local aborigines, few people know that in the deepest part of the Wilderness of Bones, there is a splendid palace left by the Draenei people, Auchindoun, the city of the undead.

It is said that it was once one of the most glorious cities of the Draenei, but in the world where the orcs began to slaughter Draenor, it was breached once, and then the lunatics among the orcs, the warlocks of the Shadow Council summoned one of them here Uncontrollable powerful elemental creatures, said to be wind elemental lords from the sky wall.

Sonic Storm-Moore, this powerful guy was unwilling to succumb to the summoner. During the battle, he detonated his own energy, completely destroyed the entire Auchindoun, and killed all the refugees who stayed here, but their souls Still entrenched in this land full of suffering.

Anyone with a normal mind would not be willing to approach this place. It is said that even standing in the Wilderness of Bones, you can hear the cry of souls from Auchindoun, but there are always some people who don't care about this place, or they enjoy it. Such a bad environment.

If any old local residents come to Auchindoun to take a look, they will find that the ruins of this draenei city that has been destroyed by half have begun to be rebuilt, and some guys wearing black and dark red robes and hoods are walking around They were busy going back and forth among the layers of ruins. They did not restore the appearance of the city, but used these solid ruins as a support.

They are arranging the energy generators needed for the large biodome.

Yes, from the fierce war hammer on the chest of the robes they are wearing, it can be seen that these guys are the Hammer of Twilight, a cult that everyone shouts in Azeroth, but even cultists need a similar Although they shouted that chaos is supreme, they would not be willing to let them live in hell.

For most of the cultists of the Twilight's Hammer, the chaotic world of Draenor is the most suitable for them to survive, where they can unscrupulously destroy, destroy, and worship the twisted beliefs, no one will care about them, and no one will People will interfere with their freedom of belief.

Ordinary believers are strictly divided into areas for living, studying, worshiping and activities in the four-story ruins. For Kel'Thuzad, who was born as an archmage, this kind of planning is a basic skill, while high-level believers are allowed to live below the city. , in the well-preserved subterranean palace, where forbidden knowledge of the Twilight's Hammer is also stored.

They called it the Hall of Shadows, a very fitting name.

There are four underground palaces like this here, except for the Shadow Hall, the rest are occupied by undead, arakkoa and ethereal, but after the master drives the invincible mantid army to sweep across, the remaining three are finally Falling into the hands of the cultists, both the Klaxxi Council and the Overlord himself are very interested in the knowledge left by the idiots who were killed.

But now, they are gathered in the deepest chamber of the Shadow Hall, discussing a very important matter.

Gentlemen, wise men, and commanders.

Kel'Thuzad, who had changed back to the black robe he often wore in Dalaran, hugged his precious cat, stroked its head, and said,

The most important task now is to build the ecological dome. Mr. Bigworth hates the environment here, and the environment here is not suitable for my baby to survive. Of course, the cubs of Karaxivis also need a Good environment to grow.

Kel'Thuzad turned his head to look at the Great Elder Kalakxiwa Ike standing aside, the wisest elder of Kalakxivis, the master asked,

Mr. Elder, how is the sacred tree you transplanted growing?

Ike moved his terrifying worm brain and made a buzzing sound, Very good. Those devices left by the ethereals can gather a large amount of energy. This energy has been transformed by worm crystals and can supply The growth environment of the sacred tree is very good, and it is very suitable for our survival, except that there are too few prey.

It doesn't matter!

Kel'Thuzad snapped his fingers, We'll have enough prey soon.

After speaking, he reached out and picked up a letter on the table, handed it to the elder, and then looked at the rulers of the various factions of the Twilight's Hammer standing in front of him respectfully, he knocked on the table ,

Guys, how you fight among yourself is your own business, I don't care, and I don't want to care, but in this terrible world, we have to stick together to survive, I hope you remember this, and I just got the news , there is a very good opportunity in front of us.

The archmage's voice suddenly became high-pitched,

Look at you, a bunch of idiots, fighting each other for immortality for petty gains, like wild dogs tearing each other over a bone! I never thought that I would take over such a terrible Even the most rubbish mage organization in Azeroth is ten thousand times better than yours!

He cursed in the most vicious language, but it was not surprising that the four guys standing in front of him were of different genders and different races. The Juggernaut had a little mental problem, which everyone knew, and under the leadership of the Juggernaut, they had already Consolidating one's own power in Draenor is like having one's own kingdom, which has proved the ability of the master.

In addition to those terrifying mantid who obeyed the master, no one felt any dissatisfaction with the master's insults, and they knew that this kind of insult was usually the beginning of a really big event, so everyone cheered up.

Kel'Thuzad cursed furiously for two minutes, and then suddenly regained his senses. He looked at the people in front of him with a strange and creepy soft gaze.

Do you guys really want to be a toubob in this goddamn fuckin shit world where there's nothing? No no no. I don't think so, folks, is a Bone Wastes enough for you ?My ideal is very lofty. Although Azeroth can’t go back, I can definitely find a new home and a new planet for me! Do you understand what I mean?”

Like Shakan. We control, we dominate, we rule everything, a planet. You don't come to be cultists to really serve a crazy, bloodthirsty, bad-tempered and moody evil god, right? ?”

Kel'Thuzad's slightly purple eyes swept over everyone's eyes, and he saw a trace of ambition, a trace of excitement, a trace of yearning, and a trace of hesitation in the eyes of these guys.

He nodded in satisfaction, that's it, the conversation between villains has to be more explicit.

I know what you want, and you know what I want. Twilight's Hammer, let this disgusting name be a thing of the past, and clear out those lunatics who really want to destroy the world, and kill them Let them go to their evil gods, and we will have everything left!

Kel'Thuzad stood up, hugged the cat in one hand, and opened the other hand outward, he was full of affection and seduced,

Let our idiots get ready for war, yes, Argus Argus is worthless, but it's a litmus test, understand? We'll pay some idiots' lives and get access to the space between the stars Tickets, ah, think about it when we have our own spaceship, look up at the stars, guys, what do you see?

It's a hunting ground, as long as you bring your bow and arrows, as long as you can draw your bow and arrows, you won't come back empty handed, everything we want is there. Go ahead and make the Twilight's Hammer a makeover, um, we Gotta think of a new name.

Kel'Thuzad rubbed his chin and walked a few steps, and finally waved his hands irritably,

Let's call it Twilight's Hammer, it's just a name, hell! What are you still doing here?

Uh, master, it's just that recently the group of bloodmaul ogres who don't want to obey Commander Ogrila have occupied an area on the edge of the Bone Wilderness. Shall we send them back, or?

A tall orc asked respectfully with a hint of fear, but this question ignited Kel'Thuzad's anger,

Damn it! Look at what kind of idiots I have under my command. Send it back? Why did you send it back? Did the ogres in Ogrila give you money? Hell, kill them and take their souls out to make crystals, Then go make a deal with the Night Watchman and come back in exchange for more things, is your brain full of muscles? Next time you ask me this kind of question, I'll drag you to feed the mantid cubs!

The archmage slapped the table hard,

Go away! Don't come to see me if you can't do something well!

The rulers of various factions exited the chamber respectfully, but Kel'Thuzad, who was still furious just now, sat back on the chair with a calm face, and he hugged the sleeping Mr. Bigworth in his arms. Then whispered to the elder mantid who had read the letter,

Elder Yike, why do you think Dick has done so much? He didn't need to call us and we are not a friendly force, but I got this letter, and there are others, I believe, outland The several major regiments in the world have all received the same invitation.


The mantid Ik let out a low hum before saying, In my wisdom, I can only come to one conclusion, the administrator...he wants to use this war to destroy the whole world, yes , Azeroth, the whole of Azeroth ushers in a new era, an era of dancing with the stars and competing for land with the stars.

As for the difference between the enemy and us, the ruler, even if you have the heart of a ruler, you still think from the perspective of humans. For Klaxxi, all humans are prey. Of course, that was in the past, but Do you think that in our eyes, is there a difference between you being a human and an orc? Is there a difference between being an Alliance or a Horde?

Kel'Thuzad nodded sharply,

That's right! For the Sharkans, it doesn't make a difference whether we're exiled bastards or high officials of Azeroth, we're from Azeroth, that's enough. Yeah, no wonder I'm lagging behind every time He took a step, and I have to admit that this guy's vision is at least one level higher than mine.

So, elders, will you join the battle?

Hiss. Why not? You want a world called Twilight's Hammer, and we want a world called Klaxxi, Azeroth. Too small, it's too small to hold the mantid The country of dreams, but another world, a whole world is enough! Yes, why not?

Kel'Thuzad and Klaxiwa Ike laughed at the same time, their laughter was deep and hazy, behind them was a whole piece of cold and frozen land, in that whole piece of ice, once destroyed The elemental lord of Auchindoun, Murmoore, was frozen in a roaring posture.

That is the proof of the dominant power. It is also the proof of his ambition.

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