Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 669 25. Openness and Generation Difference

The spark of wisdom, this is the most technological place in Ulduar, the city of titans.

This is the laboratory of the mechanical guardian Mimiron. It used to be a research station the size of a small town, but after getting Dick's approval, the spark of wisdom was rapidly expanded, and finally formed the current scale.

It is the size of three Stormwind cities!

And this is only the scale on the surface. When you really enter it, you will find that this place is much bigger than your eyes seem. Toure's engineering level here is able to complete the production process of a 2-kilometer-long starship from start to finish.

The drawings of the 13 starship engines obtained from Void Spirit have been completely deciphered, but unfortunately, with the current engineering level of Azeroth, only three of the low-level engines can be copied, and the First Fleet is this kind of copy products, while the third and fourth fleets that are about to roll off the assembly line are made with more advanced engines.

They still don’t have the ability to fly faster than the speed of light and jump through the void, but the starship with the new engine has increased its speed by two thirds and its energy power has increased by 80%, which can be called a big leap. The physical model is also a technical node that Quel'Thalas, Dalaran, and Suramar, the three places where magicians are born in large numbers, are desperately researching.

Once one of them is broken through, the Azeroth Starfield will truly have the power to protect itself. After all, the range of the Wall of Stars is 100W light-years. Within this range, if a starship with a traditional speed is used, Even if Azeroth is tossing forever, it is impossible to see the scenery beyond the border.

As for the appearance of the new starship and the functions of each module, it was handed over to Gnomeregan and Steamwheedle Group, and they were responsible for the design, and then Ulduar completed the construction of the first model ship. Only after the maiden voyage test in Hong Kong has passed the pain can it be promoted to the production process.

This is a very confidential process, which can be regarded as the ultimate secret of the entire century. Although Mimiron is more suitable for this job than all engineering masters in Azeroth, it is a pity that this guardian has been working since tens of thousands of years ago. After being attacked, all his wits were used to unleash lethal weapons.

Yes, it’s not that he can’t do it, it’s that he doesn’t want to do it... Even Dick can’t force him to do this, but from the perspective of soul, Dick and Mimiron are just similar, and he can’t force it The engineer did something he didn't like to do, and more importantly, Dick felt that this kind of thing should also be left to the natives of Azeroth.

Letting these smartest guys into this epoch-making project is conducive to the stability of the world, just like the steel materials of all starships are developed by the best blacksmiths in Ironforge, and all the porthole materials inside the spaceship are made of The tol'vir provided all the wood inside the spaceship, provided by the night elves, and all the magic products were provided by Quel'Thalas.

In terms of these details, the manager is not hesitant to let all the forces join in. In fact, if she excludes one of the forces in such a big event, it will definitely cause the other party to feel uneasy, which is also conducive to world stability. things.

And once all the power of a world is used for the same thing, the world will enter the road of ultra-rapid development. There is still about a month before the third and fourth fleets go offline. A group of trained officers has already assembled at Starport Char, where they will receive a full-closed training for one and a half months, and it is said that several old marshals are among them.

They have to adapt to the new mode of warfare. Although for the elderly, it is inevitable that they will be greatly uncomfortable when they enter the war mode of interstellar civilization from the magic war of the Middle Ages, but they must go through this level. Those who can sit in that position will not be idiots. They know better than anyone what Dick's series of actions represent.

A new era has arrived, and those who cannot keep up with the development of the times... will eventually be eliminated.

But now, when Dick was touring the busy assembly plant completely controlled by mechanical gnomes, almost indistinguishable from the modern assembly line production he remembered in his mind, he was thinking about something else in his mind.

Mimiron was sitting on a disc-shaped special floating console, following behind Dick, and was chattering about the situation of the factory to Dick.

After talking with those interesting mortal creatures last time, I changed this place into this kind of large-scale production line. It can assemble 4 starships at the same time. The construction period is about 15 days. Now it seems The effect is not bad, but how should I put it, I have asked XT-002 to move all the steel materials that can be used in Ulduar, but it is still a bit stretched.

The mechanical guardian stretched out his fingers and pressed the edge of the aircraft, and then complained with some dissatisfaction, After the assembly is completed this time, we are likely to face an embarrassing situation...


Dick looked back at him, Mimiron's funny steel eyebrows raised, and then said with some regret, The third and fourth fleets, a total of 30 starships, have exhausted the current civilization of Azeroth. 80% of the steel reserves, of course, I’m talking about those that have been smelted, that is to say, the world will suffer from the lack of steel for at least five years.”

...if that's the case, I have a half-baked idea.

Dick's eyes lit up, he waved his hand, and Mimiron led him into his temporary research room, which was filled with all kinds of weird engineering creations, but neither of them cared , on the contrary, after sitting down, Dick talked about his plan enthusiastically.

I plan to open the blueprints of the previous low-level engines and some starships to various forces...


In the first sentence of his opening, Mimiron almost sprayed out the mechanical sulfuric acid drink that he drank in his mouth. The mechanical guardian hurriedly wiped the sulfuric acid solution that was spilled on the table, and then he said in a bit of frustration,

Are you crazy? Do you think their current level can make this level of engineering creation?! Even if they make it, you dare to let them drive a self-made starship into the void? This is killing your life. !

No, no, don't think about it from a technical point of view, Mimiron, as guardians, we have to look at this matter from a higher level.

Dick stretched out a finger and said in a deep voice, No matter how powerful Ulduar is, it is impossible for us to drag the entire civilization into the interstellar era with our own strength. The future trend must be that each kingdom has its own set of colonial plans and systems. Instead of Let them go to great lengths to steal blueprints from us, rather than giving them away generously.

More importantly, you also said that in the next five years, they will not have enough steel to carry out this kind of attempt that is far beyond the current level of engineering, but I believe that as long as there is a chance, the kingdoms will not give up. These attempts, and once they succeed, will also enhance the strength of the entire Azeroth star field in a disguised form.

Dick looked at the machine manager,

Also, Mimiron, what do you think is the real power of a civilization? Is Azeroth strong enough now? The node prince of the ethereal once commented that Azeroth is a false space civilization, because this world All interstellar power is actually concentrated in the Ulduar system.

Once we collapse, the whole world will quickly return to the feudal magic civilization.

Mimiron was not an idiot, he immediately understood what Dick meant, his funny brows loosened, You mean, take this opportunity to let them experience the process of entering the starry sky from the earth?


Dick nodded, the world manager stood up, walked around the office, and said with some emotion, We can't protect this world to the end of time, and the main body of civilization in this world is not us, children always have to Those who have grown up, instead of letting them face everything helplessly when the situation collapses, it is better to give them a chance now, I will give them what they need, and the step they take depends on their potential .”

This sentence dispelled Mimiron's last objection, but the mechanical guardian asked another question a few minutes later,

But you have to think carefully, manager, the star domains don't want to be the mainland of Azeroth. With your speed, you can go to any corner of this world in an hour at most. Once some of them appear to be not very good A sensible guy, if he declares his separation from Azeroth in another world, or even worse, if he surrenders to the enemy in the war between this world and other civilizations... then there will be a big problem.

So we must formulate a set of practical management methods in advance!

Dick nodded, obviously he was confident about this issue, In addition to the internal management of each country, the guardians of Ulduar also need to carry out more macro management. Don't forget, our ultimate goal is to build the Pantheon. Although this goal is likely to be calculated in ten thousand years, but now, we must use the power of this world to pave the way for the reconstruction of the Pantheon.

Of course, the most important thing is that we must always ensure the oppressive advantage of the Ulduar fleet over the fleets of other my idea is, generation difference!

Dick waved his hands lightly, expounding his thoughts incisively and vividly,

At least in the past hundred years, it is impossible for the civilization level of the entire world to be within 10 light years of Azeroth, which is more similar to the civilization of near-Earth space, and we have the Sagrit keystone, which can reach any place, that's the first phase.

In the second stage, when the superluminal engine is successfully developed, we will release the second-order engine to the mortal forces. After the development of the void leap engine is completed, we will open the blueprint of the superluminal engine... Using this technical method, At least within thousands of years, there will be no mortal force counterattacking Ulduar, of course, I don’t think this will happen either.”

We have no conflict of interest with them. Thousands of years are enough for a set of ancient and effective rules to be established and passed down.

Having said that, Dick blinked,

If that country has the ability to research super-light speed and void transition engines faster than us, it shows that they have great potential and are more promising than us! The master of this world may as well be handed over to them...

Mimiron chuckled,

I don't think any mortal civilization can grow to this point. I have seen the blueprint of the void engine. It is a complex void power processing process that requires special thinking organs to understand. Apart from us, they have to evolve two more generations of talents Okay... But what you said is very reasonable, I think we can give it a try, how do we give it to them? Send it directly to them?

No no no!

Dick shook his head,

Your thinking is too simple. Ordinary people don't cherish things that are easy to get. I just came step by step from the mortal world. So, let's judge it by this war. Those who are willing to follow our expedition Argus, the races that are willing to give everything for this world, those races that will help the progress of this world, those races that are willing to live and die with this world... Ulduar's family... yes, we will use this name in the future Bar.

I will regard the laurel crown of Soaring Star Field as a reward for glory, and put it on their heads with my own hands.

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