Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 679 35. The Light of Hope for Life

After Iona's body was shrunk, she was almost exactly the same as Freya, but the robe she wore was engraved with all kinds of Titan runes that even Dick couldn't recognize, which obviously belonged to the secret of the Pantheon.

Dick looked at the creator, she didn't look more gorgeous or powerful than the guardians, just like ordinary guardians, but when Iona moved forward, the flowers that bloomed at her feet The radiance of life, the vines and flowers flying up rapidly, showed the extraordinaryness of this creator.

Freya can also do this, but she relies more on her authority as the guardian of life, and Iona is different. The rapid growth of these flowers and plants has not been guided by any guidance, just that she is about to go there , Those flowers and plants will actively grow up.

Iona didn't even mention the slightest bit of power. This is the law of life to the extreme. She herself is the most concentrated embodiment of the greatest life in the universe. One thought of creation is Iona's most powerful ability. .

This is also what Sargeras valued most about Iona. Once Iona becomes a Dark Titan, just her ability to infinitely increase her life rank is enough to make the already terrifying Burning Legion increase several times in an instant. fighting power.

She can make demons stronger, wilder, and unstoppable! She can give demons more powerful life, and even change the inheritance method of demons out of thin air, so that their number will expand more than ten times in a few years.

Iona also knows this, so she has been enduring the devastation from the Witch Council of Destroyers, and must maintain the existence of this space. Once her sanity reaches a critical point, the Creator will not hesitate to let this space run on its own. Collapse, erasing her existence together.

She will not tarnish the glory of the Pantheon until she dies, that is the most important thing in her life!

Fortunately, Dick and Elune appeared when she was weakest.

While Dick was looking at the creator, the creator was also looking at Dick. From Dick's body, she felt the supreme authority in the planet, the manager of the world, but she could still feel it in him. Obvious mortal life information, it is hard to believe that this is a world manager promoted by a real mortal.

Iona is very aware of the difficulty, so she is even more curious about the existence of Dick. What kind of turbulent fate did the native mortal of Azeroth in front of her experience to make Elune pass this kind of fate? Where is the supreme authority given to him?

But Iona also knew that this was not the right time to ask these questions, so facing Dick, she just nodded slightly,

Is Elune thriving? I remember that we left a seal from the minions of Chaos on that planet. We planned to go back and deal with it after Neharan's negotiations were over, but... no one can think of the former Bronze Titan Will degenerate to this extent, do you know they exist? That is more terrifying than demons...

We have eliminated the existence of the old gods, Elune has returned to full health, and in fact, the protoss can take shape freely.

Dick interrupted Iona's words, not because he was not sincere and polite, but it is really inappropriate to say so much now, and his answer made Iona's eyes widen,

Really? A mortal body can fight... Oh yes, your power, Order! Yes, Order, the enemy of Chaos, abandoned that power in Sargeras, and Aggramar lost that power After the power, I never thought that there are still creatures that can regain its identity, this is... destiny.

The paladin stepped forward,

Lord Iona, it is inappropriate to say so much now. Countless warriors of Azeroth are fighting with the demon army on the land of Argus. They are buying us time... Please follow me, I will take you out of here !

There are lackeys of Sargeras outside, don't you need to take a break? You just experienced a big battle!

Iona is indeed, as Elune said, a very kind titan, even if Dick appeared to be so rude, she didn't care, and Dick shook his head,

There are three demigods outside, one of whom is the guardian leader left behind by the Pantheon. You should have heard of his name. His name is Odin!

Odin! Yes, I've heard of him!

Iona stood up straight with Dick's support, she breathed a sigh of relief, her face relaxed, Those are the guardians who accepted the power of Aman'Thul, I personally gave them life, really It is unimaginable that I will be saved by my creation and my children.

Her left hand patted Dick's shoulder lightly, her figure quickly dissipated, and finally formed a green leaf-like emblem on Dick's shoulder, and her voice sounded in Dick's heart,

Losing the body of a titan is actually not a bad thing. Although it makes us weak, at least we can exist among living beings in this form. My child, let's go, let us get out of here! ... Oh, There is also a little girl here, so cute.

Anveena was terrified by Iona. This lawless light spirit was frightened by the creator's terrifying rank when the creator was attached to Dick's body in a special form. As an energy creature, In this respect she was more sensitive than Dick.

In the eyes of the paladins, Iona is just a kind and friendly elder, but in the eyes of Anveena, Iona is like an unimaginable giant, just touching it can make her will tremble, However, after Iona took the initiative to restrain that power, Anveena also took a breath, which also allowed Dick to regain the authority of the Angel of Order.

Yes, without An Weena's cooperation, he still couldn't take the initiative to enter that state.

This light spirit is like a switch now.

Then Master Creator, open the space blockade!

Dick took two steps forward, and the silver flame quickly ignited his body. After completely enveloping him, the silver angel of order reappeared. On the peak of the mountain, and after the creator left, the mountain, this floating island, began to collapse rapidly.

It didn't look like a mountain fell down, but it collapsed silently, just like a Buddha disappeared.

The biggest support for the existence of this space is the power of the creator. When Iona began to withdraw her own power, it naturally entered a state of collapse.

The moment the Angel of Order soared to the highest point of this fog-wrapped world, a dark vortex suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then shattered the surrounding space. The next moment, Dick's body shining with silver light jumped into that void.

The space is broken!

Together with all the remaining demons in the creator's secret room, everything completely dissipated into the void.

And at the moment when the silver light appeared in the starry sky, a large, purest crystal hidden among the starships of the Burning Legion also exploded under Velen's control, which contained a person who had a strong desire for the Holy Light. The incomparably sincere crystal of demigod power exuded a tremendous light at this moment. It was a scorching, crazy storm of holy light. The old prophet had probably never manipulated the peaceful holy light in his body so violently in his life, but when he When he really saw the scene of his hometown being destroyed, Old Velen was also angry.

The wave of holy light rolls in all directions from the place where it erupted. The scorching golden energy swept across the hulls of the assault ships. The power diluted to the extreme could not destroy them, but as Dick imagined, in this It interfered with the attack of all starships for a moment, opening a way for Dick to leave.

The fastest responder was the demonic strategic battleship far away from the blockade area. Its huge hull, which was the size of a ray from the abyss, was completely opened at this moment, revealing the densely packed gun barrels. Dick's flying speed Soon, but still locked by it.

But at the moment when the main gun was about to fire, another bright gun shadow appeared from the void, and precisely hit the shield of the strategic-class starship. During the full blast, the heavy shield of the starship was smashed with a crack that left the demon commander dumbfounded.

Fight against the strategic starship with bare hands!

How could these barbarians from other worlds be so powerful!

The opportunity is fleeting, the demon commander ordered to fire, and in the next second, endless light and star points, all kinds of attacks, magic, technology, and even the most primitive energy storm, were at the place where Dick stayed It surged wildly and exploded, but the illuminated khaki-yellow light curtain resisted such an attack forcefully, tearing a path forward in the starry sky.

The Chamber of Secrets is open! But we are under attack! All fleets, fire! Block everything in your sight!

The bombardment from the strategic-class starship returned in vain, but the next moment, the crazy voice of the demon commander sounded in the command rooms of all the starships cruising in this starry sky, and then the entire cold and quiet starry sky was shaken. Frightening firepower fully illuminated.

From waking up to now, Dick has never had such a life-threatening experience, even if he jumped into N'Zoth's body, even if he was facing Archimonde, he has never had such an experience, every second, Countless attacks exploded less than a hundred meters away from him, and the silver light that his body turned into quickly passed through this dense death firepower.

In the real hail of bullets, although being hit will not endanger life, once the speed drops, it will be immediately targeted by the main guns on those assault ships that are powerful enough to tear apart the planet. Even Dick is now fouled by those powerful guns. There is also a risk of injury when bombarded by the main gun.

This is a vicious circle, as long as he is hit once, it will lead to a complete collapse. Dick obviously knows this too, and he doesn't even dare to be distracted in the slightest, like a bird flying in the flow of flames. Like a butterfly, it is difficult to keep moving forward amidst the artillery fire covering the entire starry sky.

The cover offensive of Odin and Velen has never stopped. Almost every second, the starship pierced by Odin's Judgment Gun explodes, and Velen's Holy Light Crystal is constantly thrown out. Illidan has changed In the form of a demon, he rushed into the deck of the strategic-class starship brutally, and began to wreak havoc.

The demon hunter is very clear that he does not have the long-range attack method like Odin, nor the large-scale blinding method like Velen, so he can only be used as a sharp knife to penetrate the deepest part of the enemy.

Straight to the heart! This strategic-class starship is almost the core of this firepower network. It is the attack it launched that locked Dick in the starry sky, unable to escape. The demon hunter also realized the critical situation. After Dick jumped out of the space, The sealed chamber has dissipated, which means that Dick successfully rescued the Creator.

How much change can a titan's soul bring to Azeroth and this war?

no one knows! At this moment, Illidan really went crazy. The evil fire brought by the pair of moon blades instantly melted the deck of the starship. The king grinned and swept two extremely hot dark green eye ridges across the entire interior of the starship, almost penetrating the entire floor of the starship from the center.

The 3-minute frenzied massacre temporarily blinded the starship for a moment, giving Dick, who was already feeling tired, a chance to breathe. The silver light finally broke through the fire blockade of the starship with a final flash. The moment Dick relaxed, a crimson shadow broke through the void and appeared directly behind him.

Go to hell, Dick! Are you showing off in my world?

Did you ask me?


Kil'jaeden's sharp claws slapped the Angel of Order's back with a flame that shone like the sun. This demigod-level blow sent Dick's figure flying like a shooting star. The incarnation of the Angel of Order was released in the middle of the attack, and this unexpected blow almost completely tore his back. Illidan's figure flashed in front of Dick, and he took the knocked-off paladin into his arms.

Kil'jaeden wanted to pursue the victory, but was blocked in the starry sky by two figures rushing towards him.

Odin held the extremely scorching Judgment Spear, while Velen looked at his best friend who had completely changed his appearance with a complicated expression.

Ah, Velen... we meet again, do you know that I have a lot to say... to you!

Kil'jaeden moved his claws, as if he was about to pounce on him in the next moment, but a green fluorescent light lit up between the star fields, enveloping Velen, Odin, Illidan and Dick, Kil'jaeden His complexion changed drastically, and he quickly backed away. The fluorescent light swept over everything around him, swallowing everything, including the star field itself.

Dick's almost scratched back recovered at this moment.


The paladin spat out a mouthful of blood. He glanced back at Kil'jaeden in the green light, shook his head, wiped the blood off his mouth, and then pressed Velen's shoulder.

Let's go! Let's get out of here!...The decisive battle, not here! Not at this time!

When the green fluorescence dissipated, there was no one there, only Dick's cold voice echoed in the starry sky,

Wait! Deceiver, this blow... I will return it sooner or later!

Kil'jaeden opened his mouth, stretched out a finger, and stroked the air,

Block the entire Argus star field! I want them to come and go... As for revenge? Haha, I'm waiting for you!

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