Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 680 36. Azeroth of Steel (Part 1)--add more for ☆Fallen Angel Brothers

Chapter 680 36. Azeroth of Steel (Part 1)——Add more for ☆Fallen Angel Brothers

Draenor, Netherstorm, Falenlon Wasteland training ground.

This is a large training ground built by various forces after the failure of the Burning Legion's attack on Draenor. It is different from the Illidari's training ground in Shadowmoon Valley. This place is not surrounded by ecological domes at all. , the training subjects are only the same.

Star Wars!

To put it another way, it is a training station that simulates the cosmic environment. Every country and every faction has its own training area in this training ground the size of a province. Especially after Ulduar decided to After the Argus War, after the news that the blueprint of the assault starship was traded to various countries, the place was almost overcrowded.

The shadow of the 8th War has dissipated in Azeroth, and the long-term peace finally has a sign of coming, and the territory inside Azeroth has been divided. In the next two generations, at least all countries will Busy about restoring national strength, it is foreseeable that the 20-year period of chaos from the beginning of the Orc War to the present has come to an end, and a new era has arrived.

At this juncture, the emergence of Sharkan civilization made Azeroth, who was still very young, realize one thing: they are definitely not the only ones in the vast star field. This is equivalent to a door being pushed open in front of everyone. They have never seen the scenery outside the gate, and not every civilization is as friendly as Shakan, for the purpose of self-protection and expansion, the first batch of advocates of interstellar colonization have appeared among the people.

Dick didn't hide the news of Ulduar's expedition to Argus. Now, people with a little weight in the whole world know that the gods who are pressing on their heads are fighting for them in a distant world, and some of them are naturally indispensable. Short-sighted fools think they are free at last, and worse, they think it is better for them to die in that unknown world.

The existence of gods will always make some people panic, especially those who are born with paranoia of persecution. They always feel that the world should be theirs, not a group of powerful people who can destroy everything with a wave of their fingers. Even if there were no gods, they would still fear the king and the chiefs, unless they were allowed to enter that privileged class.

Some people like money, some people like beautiful women, some people like peace, and some people like watching the world burn.

The inferiority of short-lived species is fully displayed at this moment, but fortunately, the Argus expedition has passed the resolution long ago, and Dick has predicted these surging undercurrents that will inevitably appear, so this time the expedition Most of the soldiers are undertaken by the Iron Legion and the Illidari. He just selected a group of commanders from various countries to be the commander of the Iron Legion.

As early as in the battle of attacking Ulduar, the might of the combination of the incomparably brave steel soldiers and the experienced commanders had already been shown. It was definitely not just 1+1=2. In other words, Dick didn't care at all. The undercurrent of those sad persecuted delusional people in the mortal world, after all, he led the guardians and heroes to fight hard in Argus, not for those clowns who can only be disgusting.

That was his agreement with the world, that was his war with his allies, they chose self-sacrifice for some higher purpose, never for those idiots.

The 27th training of the 11th team of Paratroopers has begun!

Accompanied by Anduin's clanging sound, the light of the portal opened in front of the eyes of the 20 warriors wearing assault armor who had completed the entire team. The seven recruits in the second row couldn't help but clenched the steel guns in their hands, and their rapid breathing was very obvious in the communication channel.

Schmidt, Alfred, Lewis, strengthen your will, these demons are afraid of being beaten, bastard, they can't even scratch your skin!

Anduin's indifferent voice rang in the ears of several recruits, and they immediately calmed down, not just because of Anduin's special status, but also because the crown prince had almost started his career in the battlefield since he was a child, and he even led the team Participated in the first expedition to the alien world in Azeroth that year.

Compared with him, the soldiers here are all rookies. The army does not have the bad habits of those nobles. Whoever is strong is the boss. In the landing training ground in Stormwind, Anduin Wrynn He is the real boss, his achievements are more awe-inspiring than his surname and the blood that bleeds from his body.

Get ready! The enemy has appeared!

When the first demon guard appeared from the portal, Anduin squeezed the trigger of the heavy gun in his hand, and the powerful metal bullet shot out from the barrel, precisely hitting the still dizzy head The body of the felguard ripped open.

Then, a full 200 demons of all kinds rushed out from the three large portals. They were prisoners of that battle and have been imprisoned until now. They have been tortured to the point of madness. Their eyes are red, Wielding all kinds of weapons, most of them are their own claws, they want to tear these 20 weird-looking steel bumps into pieces!

All team! Defensive formation! Fire!

Bang bang bang bang

The steel storm brought by the metal bullets made the first row of demons seem to have crashed into a layer of air wall. Their bodies were hit and torn by the latest high-explosive gunpowder propelled by the oversized bullets. None of them are complete, but this kind of massacre alone can't defeat the demons. They surge towards the cross-sprayed vitality assault armor team one after another, like a group of freaks thirsting for flesh and blood.

Anduin was still driving his special assault armor, firmly blocking the front of the team. After experiencing too many wars, this kind of easy massacre could no longer make the 17-year-old young man in front of him feel overwhelmed. There are turbulent waves, but he has faced opponents more difficult than these demons.

While the evil lives were being harvested one by one, the prince was thinking about another question.

His mentor, Dick, the world manager of Azeroth, took the heroes of Ulduar to Argus for almost a month, and no news came back, which made him a little worried. Back then, Anduin had seen a real demon swarm attack, a terrifying scene of thousands of horrific creatures rushing towards them.

And what Dick had to face was the counterattack of the entire demon camp. The pressure they had to bear was almost unimaginable to Anduin, but they had less than 20,000 people.

It's just sending you to death!

Anduin muttered to himself, but in the deepest part of his heart, his respect for Dick continued unabated. He knew that his mentor was someone who dared to be alone when he was not so powerful. Leading the team to face the ancient gods that mortals cannot resist, he is the kind of person who will put all the pressure on his shoulders.

The path that fate arranged for him makes people feel excited just thinking about it, but only a mortal like Anduin who is close to Dick can know what kind of pressure Dick is bearing on his shoulders.

He is using his power to buy time for the entire Azeroth! He never tried to be a lone hero, even after becoming a world manager, he never gave up uniting all the forces around him.

In the face of Argus' all-out attack, he still handed over the power to decide the outcome of the war to the hands of the world he guarded, but he... Dick's only disciple, when he knew that his mentor was head-on with death , but can only bring a group of recruits here to do the hellish combat training!

What the hell!

Anduin cursed a foul language that didn't fit his identity, and shot the last bullet into the heart of the mephit that flew in the sky and jumped towards him, at the moment when the corrosive flesh and blood spilled , the prince turned around and looked, and the remaining more than 100 demons had surrounded them.

He slammed the gun in his hand towards the demon guard in front of him, and then pulled out a heavy-duty saw chain sword for assault from the weapon suspension system behind his backhand, activating the energy circle, and the cruel weapon doubled The fast-spinning saw chain on the blade turned like a weapon picked up from hell.

Go away!

The prince was oppressed by the double pressure of frustration and worry in his heart. Like a berserker, he swung his saw chain sword and rushed towards the surrounding demons. The city hammer tried to block it, but the sparks created by the friction between the handle of the hammer made of steel and the saw chain made Anduin's face flash with murderous intent, he raised his left leg, and with the help of the hydraulic system, he kicked at the ground with 10 times his own strength. It touched the demon's belly, and the moment it staggered back, the black saw chain sword with blue patterns flashed on the fierce demon's neck.

The ugly head smashed to the feet of the commandos behind him like a football, and His Royal Highness ignored the fallen opponents at all, manipulating the frenzied assault armor, and rushed more than 20 meters away.

It's like a god of war!

This is what King Varian expressed after seeing the paratrooper's war mode with his own eyes. If this terrible combat weapon appears on the battlefield of Azeroth, at least 30 skilled knights are needed to fight it. Facing a battle armor veteran like Anduin, as long as he takes the lead, the entire knights of the coalition army may not be able to keep him.

The most terrible thing is that this kind of war weapon from Ulduar does not need the manipulator to be very powerful. Theoretically, even a 12-year-old child can manipulate it into the positions of demons or the heavily guarded palace Therefore, this kind of armor is strictly prohibited from appearing in Azeroth itself, but each faction has purchased varying amounts of armor from Ulduar for future interstellar colonization.

It is said that after the Battle of Argus, the production technology of this armor will also be opened to the forces of the civilized world, which is good news for everyone.


Anduin arbitrarily grabbed the last succubus who was trying to escape into the shadows from the space. The scorching golden holy light surged between the steel fingers of the armor. This special armor of the prince was modified , as long as he wants, he can release the power of the paladin through the battle armor, which will be increased, but the energy consumption will increase, and it can only be used at critical moments.

Seeing the petite succubus screaming and turning into a charred corpse amidst the five steel fingers and the surging holy light, Anduin felt that the boredom in his heart was slightly weakened. He let out a sigh of relief, and left his hands away from the control system of the armor. A few seconds later, the special porthole on the top of the armor opened, and Anduin, who was wearing a golden one-piece combat suit, lifted his sword and shield from the armor Standing up, without the help of the ground crew, he jumped off the 5-meter-high battle armor.

This is the habit developed by the first batch of commandos. They are always ready to use the sword and shield in their hands to fight the demons to the death or to win a decent and honorable death for themselves after there is a problem with the armor. It's only Anduin who does this, and even the Warlord Garrosh on the orc side is said to have retained this habit.

The prince held his combat helmet under his arm. He stood where he was. The air here is absolutely unpleasant, full of the disgusting smell of demon corpses. ODST has never been a defensive force. They are called Steel Demons Crawling Out of Hell by those terrified locals because wherever they go, they will turn into a bloody hell.

The team members are all veterans selected from various units of the Storm Kingdom. No one will be afraid of this scene. Everyone's training results are very good, but with the two news brought by the royal clerk, the prince's expression changed. Cloudy and sunny.

Pfft working hard to code words, let me experience the pain of liver FGO back then.

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