Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 696 52. The End of Sacrifice Is Hope (Part 2)

The light of the third round of shelling finally dissipated. It was clearly a destructive light that could destroy everything, but it just couldn't shake the life of the poor man who had lost all protection.

This is a higher level of protection, woven together with sacrifice, justice, mission and hope, and an unshakable enchantment of will. In the dark age, he is extremely fragile, but in the place where hope shines, it is again. So unshakable!

Damn it!

Kil'jaeden didn't care about Velen's pride. The corners of his eyes were twitching. All this made him unable to think. Maybe he could understand these meanings in the past, but now, he just thinks it's quite stupid! The evil energy distorted not only his appearance, but also his soul and will. This distortion was deep and weird. He took over him, and he was no longer the same as other times.

But this noble sacrifice did not change the terrible situation they faced. On the contrary, this kind of demonstration-like action made Kil'jaeden feel humiliated. He grabbed the old prophet's neck with one hand, and roared furiously with the other,

Then show me your will! Show me all of this! Bastards! Your sacrifices are useless, your will is worthless!

Let me see how many of you can die!

The great demon roared and stretched out his finger, pointing to the sky, and the light once again gathered among the stars, and this time, even Kin'garos and Varimathras summoned by Kil'jaeden no longer hindered the movement of these guardians. Sacrifice, on the contrary, with malice on their faces, it seems that they want to see this so-called noble will.

but not.

The only guardians who followed Dick were Freya and Aurelia. Neither of them were guardians who were good at fighting head-on. In the Valagar Fortress, Heimdall and Al also shouldered the duties of the commanders. The heroic spirit's mission, once they sacrificed, the entire Krokuen Plain's battle situation would collapse in an instant.

If there is anything bad about beings like Heroic Spirits, it lies in the synergy of their wills. Once there is a problem with Valagar, Heroic Spirits may not even be able to maintain their own form.

The situation has become so bad that it is unimaginable!

You told me that Azeroth has accepted you? Very well, let it lose you today!

Kil'jaeden lowered his finger inch by inch with a smirk, and the light gathered above the clouds became more and more stagnant. At the moment when his finger suddenly lowered, the gatekeeper of God's Realm swung his left hand to remove the command authority of Valagar and Heroic Spirit. Put it in Al's hands.

Courage has never been far from my heart, and it is time for me to receive this honorable funeral!

Heimdall's figure was entwined with golden anger and rushed to the sky. His firm voice sounded in Valkyrie Al's heart,

Protect Valagar, this is the first coordinate at the beginning of the war. Without it, it would be very difficult for the fleet to locate successfully! It is all our hope for counterattack, protect it well, at all costs!

The golden light wrapped around Valkyrie's body beat more and more violently. The moment she saw Heimdall's figure was about to be swallowed by the light, she screamed, and the spear in her hand slashed at To Varimathras who stood between her and Kil'jaeden.

The Dreadlord was punished after returning to Argus because all the things he was in charge of in Azeroth were a mess and brought unimaginable failure to the Legion. The master of the will and soul, now it is more like a puppet.

And puppets are not afraid. Facing the crazy Valkyrie King, Varimathras stood in front of Al in a sacrificial form. The combination of dark green flames burning on his body and his pale body made him It looked like a burning corpse.

You can't stop all of this, this is the order of the God of Destruction, this is your destiny! Destroy, start now!

Kil'jaeden was like a nagging magic stick, he watched the light descending from the sky, his eyes were full of fiery determination, he muttered to himself,

Look. All of this will eventually come true!

Velen who was caught by him was already extremely weak, he couldn't even maintain his own holy light, but at the moment when the destructive light was about to swallow Heimdall who was like a golden meteor in the sky, a touch of Velen's spiritual world The fluctuation made his eyes widen suddenly.

Ahem. Here they come

What? What did you say?

Kil'jaeden turned his head to look at Velen, whose eyes were raised to the sky,

They are coming! The fire of hope is lit at this moment, you lose!


The moment Velen's voice ended, a dark green star point appeared in the dark sky of Argus, and then expanded into a space vortex covering the sky, like a dark green star point storm.

Kil'jaeden locked his eyes on the Starlight Storm, he knew what it was, the Sagrit Keystone, but he wasn't worried, he also knew that there would be an Azeroth army coming with him, but he didn't I am worried that 60% of the starships in the Argus star field are gathered here, which is enough to destroy any elementary civilization.

I don't think the Legion will lose!


Don't hurt him!


Golden and silver lights flashed, and at the moment when Heimdall's body collided with the destroying light of the starship, Odin's roar resounded through the sky, and the light of the Judgment Gun pierced straight from the sky to the beam of light in the sky. With a powerful blow, the beam of light was cut off from the center. Heimdall, who had already made up his mind to die, opened his eyes and saw the figures of Odin and Dick.

No longer in the form of a simple angel of order, the six wings of light behind him have also become brighter wings of the starry sky. His body is taller, and the armor in angel form is more gorgeous. Above the silver-white hood, a The golden crown was floating impressively, and the radiance of the holy pattern of order shrouded this more powerful angelic form.

In his left hand he held the shiny new Aegis of Aggramar, and in his right he held the flaming sword that Kil'jaeden couldn't believe.

Tisracher's Flame Ripper with intertwined blue and white light, and the red and silver intertwined flames formed the edge of the broken blade. The Angel of Order looked up at the beam of destruction that was attacked by the main cannon organized by Odin in situ. His With a wave of his right hand upwards, the whip of flames was like a scythe that swept across everything, cutting off the plane of light and reality, and the dark space rift spread to the extreme at this moment, devouring the bombardment and devouring of the main cannon that destroyed everything.

The angel floated in the air, and behind him, the bright starlight illuminated the night sky of Argus, and the dark green space storm swelled to the extreme at this moment, like a curtain of dark green flowing water, covering the starry sky of Argus. shrouded.

That sword, why is Tisracher in your hand! What did you do to Aggramar!

Kil'jaeden couldn't care about Velen anymore. He spread his red wings, flames enveloped his body, and flew into the sky like a real great demon. He roared and questioned loudly, but Dick responded with silence.

The blade of Tisracher in his hand drew a brilliant light curtain in the air, pointing in the direction of Kil'jaeden, and his metallic voice that became more like the original voice sounded,

Azeroth Allied Forces, enter!


The more terrifying buzzing sound, like the sound of thousands of giant bees buzzing at the same time, became the main theme of this broken world at this moment, no matter who it is, whether it is a demon, or those Broken who have witnessed the noble sacrifice, or those who have already The will of the decisive battle was pushed to the highest point of the Heroic Spirit, and everyone looked up at the sky.

The first starship appeared from the dark green water screen portal. It was the flagship of the coalition forces. It carried the last group of Holy Light believers to leave Argus 2W5 thousand years ago. The starship, naaru spaceship, purple crystal storm fortress, Hatton Seeing the starship that had abandoned them and taken away their last hope, tears welled up in his eyes.

They are back. After 10,000 years, the hope of Argus, the hope of all, is back!

Turalyon, who had already put on the uniform of the supreme commander of the starship, was sitting in the command hall of the Tempest Keep. Guided by Valarjar's beacon, the most powerful portal of the Sagerite Keystone was directly on Krokuun. The top of the mountains is opened, so that the fleet can avoid the embarrassing situation of being attacked by demon starships as soon as they enter Argus.

But the situation in front of him was not optimistic. He saw the land of the Krokuhn Plain that had been completely destroyed at first glance, and he also saw the soldiers of the Burning Legion regrouping further away.

Order, the first, third, and fourth fleets are ready for bombardment! Coordinates XXX, XXX, XXX, send immediately!

Turalyon yelled across the fleet's comms, and countless voices answered him.

The Second Fleet is preparing for a ground attack! Storm Fortress, open the landing pod!

The exit of the landing pod under the purple starship was opened, and nearly a thousand black attack ports of the landing pod appeared. The Hell paratroopers were ready, but at this moment, Kil'jaeden's roar broke out,

What are you waiting for! Attack!

The main guns of the Demon Legion began to quickly adjust their direction. At the same moment, light spots like stars burst out on the left and right sides of the dark green portal, densely packed and dazzled everyone's eyes. More than 70 Azeroth ships with greater firepower , the more advanced defensive assault starship appeared in the starry sky of Argus in the form of teleportation, and they were ready for battle the moment they jumped out of the teleportation.


Boom boom boom boom

The scorching light of the horizontal sky illuminates everything under the starry sky. The light spots created by the collision and friction between the light of the main gun and the defensive shield of the demon starship look like a meteor shower, faster and more accurate The bombardment determined the direction of the battlefield, and one-fifth of the demon starships that were originally dominant were penetrated in this round of bombardment.

Kil'jaeden ordered them to open the defensive barriers before the battle, and they did so, but no one would believe that Azeroth, a civilization that had just entered the star field, would have a fleet that could confront the Burning Legion head-on. The people in Argus didn't believe it, but until the coalition forces composed of four fleets actually crossed the endless galaxy and appeared over Argus, they knew that they were wrong.

And the price of this mistake is that the battle situation, which was originally dominant, slipped to a level similar to that of the Azeroth Expeditionary Force at this moment. The starship brought a burning flame like a fireball in the air.

When they finished adjusting the main guns, the second round of shelling from the Azeroth fleet came again.


The blazing flame lit up the sky, illuminating Kil'jaeden's extremely distorted face. After seeing the size of the fleet crossing the star field, he knew that he had made a mistake in his judgment, even though they had already collapsed in Azeroth. After sinking the sand three times, they still haven't learned to treat Azeroth as a real opponent.

After two rounds of shelling, the demons finally launched a counterattack, but now, the balance of victory has been tilted towards Azeroth, at least in the sky over Krokuun. When one side is tough and the other is careless, the direction of the war, has been identified.

Just like Velen said, the moment he saw this fully armed fleet, the fire of hope was ignited.

When Dick's eyes in the darkness fell on Kil'jaeden, the great devil knew that he was doomed today.

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