Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 697 53. The farewell of ten thousand years

Storm City assault force is ready, request to land!

Orgrimmar Assault Troops request landing, if you don't win, you'd rather die!

The Silvermoon City assault force is ready to enter the battlefield at any time!

Sentinel striker is on standby!

A series of combat requests were gathered on the projection screens in front of the captains of the starships through internal communications. Supreme Commander Turalyon analyzed the battlefield situation. The fourth round of bombardment by the Azeroth fleet had just ended, and the loss of the demon fleet had already passed. Above 30%, they look a bit disorganized and ready to disperse.

After capturing this, Turalyon immediately issued an order,

Hell paratroopers, the Iron Legion is starting to land!

Thirdly, the battleships of the Fourth Fleet are dispatched to suppress the group of demons! The main guns of the other starships are recharging, and the large defensive shields are opened! Prepare to withstand the attack!


Turalyon's order was issued, and dozens of small shuttle-type starships located on the edge of the four fleets rushed towards the demon fleet like unsheathed sharp knives. The small starships have smaller bodies and are easier to avoid attacks. They use fast-fired large-caliber burst guns as a means of defense for recharging the main guns.

After these sharp-bladed shuttle-shaped spaceships flew out, the defensive wall of the starship opened, and after a while, the dark sky was illuminated again. Turalyon's head turned to the porthole, and four or five groups of flames shone in the phalanx, making people's heart ache. broken.

That's the Felwood, the night elf's fourth ship, and it looks like its engine was shot through.

Commodore Matthew, who was the second officer of the flagship, whispered, There are also the Mountain and the Echo Islands.

Okay, keep fighting, this is war.

Turalyon reached out and patted Matthew's shoulder, and sat back on the command chair. A war cannot be won without damage. It is just a fairy tale. And death is especially tolerant of the brave.

Send a rescue ship and try to rescue the personnel on those ships. Other starships, do a good job of defense and evasion!

Swish Swish Swish

The black landing pods were fired from the lower decks of the starships like bullets, and smashed down towards the other side of the Croquen cliff. The demons were still gathering there. At first glance, it was almost densely packed. The darkness, they haven't woken up from the magic storm disaster just now, they are extremely chaotic, and Kil'jaeden can't care about them anymore.

And this formation is the favorite of the Hell Paratroopers, as long as they fall down, they can cause extremely terrible damage.

But this time, in addition to the roar of the small landing pod of the assault team, there was also an extra-large black landing pod in the sky.

That is the landing mode of the Iron Legion. These steel soldiers are more resistant to impact. Each large landing cabin is lined with 100 steel soldiers and their commanders. As long as they land safely, they are a complete force that can fight.

Considering that the Battle of Argus must have been carried out in the mode of confrontation at the beginning, and in the situation where people could die at any time, it is definitely unrealistic to require the ground troops to land slowly on Risstripe, so in the end the fleet adopted this more advanced mode, directly drop the squad to the designated battle location.

But it's also risky.

Aim at those black boxes and destroy them for me!

Although Commander Eredar doesn't know what those black dots in the sky are, but with the thinking of a normal person, on the battlefield, no one would want those things to hit their head. In a second, the huge magic fireball rushed towards the sky. This scene made other demons react. After just a few seconds, half of the sky was covered with this spontaneous air defense firepower.

There were also sporadic roars of fel cannons in the middle. The largest fel cannon position in the Krokuun area had been completely destroyed in the big explosion just now. This had to be said to be the luck of the landing team, otherwise it was just a The anti-aircraft barrage of a round of artillery is enough to increase their casualty rate by 5 percentage points.


A landing pod carrying steel soldiers collided with a mephit that couldn't dodge in the air, and its direction was seriously deflected. What's more fatal, it was hit by three fel energy fireballs, and a dazzling flame exploded in the air , Those iron soldiers and commanders didn't even have time to step onto the ground of Argus, they just disappeared into the sky.

This cruel war mode almost stunned Hatton and the heroic spirits who were watching all this on the ground. It was almost charging against the scythe of death. Those who were not truly brave would not choose such an attack mode.

Continuous flames lit up in the air, each time representing the death of a warrior, like a roar of mourning, but more landing pods still reached the ground safely, landing freely at an altitude of several thousand meters, and The propulsion of the booster rocket made these solid landing pods fall to the ground, not much different from meteorites.

Their shells were burning red, and they hit the ground with huge kinetic energy. The already conservative land of Argus could withstand this kind of blow, and the cracks on the ground made it easier to be smashed out of the depression. After this round of landing, the land of the entire Krokuun area was like the moon, full of various craters and smashed demons.

The dense formation left them no place to hide, and the wreckage of the starships that fell from the sky was like a dead place wrapped in blades and flames. Roaring, the steel goblins and ferocious steel warriors who came out of the landing pod on the ground, and dozens of small support starships dropped flames and death bombs above their heads. The demons had no way to break through the blockade and escape. .

When did these creatures, who are naturally powerful and span the universe, suffer such an embarrassing massacre?

But they can't fight back!

At the beginning, the combination of 2W steel soldiers and heroic spirits persisted for 40 days under the siege of demons. Now the number of registered steel soldiers is .18W. In front of these silent, fearless and crazy opponents, the demons are proud Strength is nothing to mention, and their chaotic nature makes it almost impossible for them to organize an effective counterattack when facing the Iron Legion commanded by an experienced commander.

They're going to lose, maybe not so ugly, but they're going to lose.


Varimathras' body shook for a moment, and after the flash of silver light, he knelt on the ground. In his chaotic eyes, the last light of life was rapidly collapsing, and on his pale chest, there was A ray of light encased in magma and holy light.

That was the terrible wound left by Tisharache. This magical weapon that has truly returned to its original body can no longer be described as sharp. It is more like a kind of advanced law gathered on this blade, and it is like a ray of light when paired with an angel of order. The speed of the puppet-like Varimathras is no match at all.


The demon's corpse fell on the ground of Valagall. It couldn't close its eyes until it died. The Angel of Order stood on the edge of the corpse. A melted hammer of the North, a shattered frostmaul, and a badly twisted blacksmith.

That represents the three guardians who have dedicated everything to this victory, and the Ulduar system is one-third empty at this moment.

Dick stretched out his hand, his hand was trembling slightly, touched three things lightly, then turned around, strode towards Kil'jaeden who was wrestling with Odin and Illidan, and accepted Agra After Ma's power seed, the temperament that belonged to the former revenge titan, the crazy and deadly killing intent swept across the entire dome of Valagar at this moment.

Give it to me!

The voice of the angel of order sounded, Odin and Illidan looked at each other, and immediately chose to retreat. The great demon looked back at Dick who was standing on the edge of Valagar. Feeling terrified, he flapped his wings and threw three spinning flaming orbs with his hands.

Turn around and tear open the space, you are about to escape.

But at the moment when the dark space rift just appeared, a big silver hand with a gauntlet scratched the open rift from above.

The big devil's eyes blurred, and the dark, invisible face of the Angel of Order appeared in front of him. The distance between the two was less than 2 meters, and Kil'jaeden subconsciously waved his claws to pat It landed on Dick's body, but the burning flames on his claws went out the moment they touched the Angel of Order.

This is crushing from a higher level of power!


Kil'jaeden's figure lost his balance, and under the punch full of anger and hatred, he staggered backwards. His energy shield lost all effect at this moment, and Dick's punch had no effect. It attacked his body without destroying his protective barrier.

But when he raised his head, the Angel of Order was still standing there, not moving at all. Dick raised his left hand and swung it in the air. His cold voice entered the ears of the Great Demon.

You want to know where Aggramar is, don't you?

He pointed to his heart, Do you know what I want to do now?

Kil'jaeden stared at Dick, he gave up the idea of ​​running away, this weird world manager was too fast, there was no possibility of him escaping, he decided to fight to the death!

He flicked his hands outward, and two long swords composed of flames appeared in Kil'jaeden's hands. He charged towards Dick. At this moment, dark green flames, hot flames, and The shadow of chaos, the power from the darkest gathered together and gathered in his hands.

A demigod who is ready to go all out is terrifying, but under Dick's dark veil, the manager who looked at the great demon coldly without a trace of emotion has also come out because of the tragedy of the guardians of Ulduar. In Li's anger, he folded his empty hands together, and a brilliant blue and white intertwined broken blade appeared in his hands amidst the light.

Burn, Tisaracher, and let the evil in front of you see your wrath!


This bright pillar of fire shrouded Dick. This is almost the most terrifying temperature that an ecological planet can be born in. Tisharache still remembers the breath of Kil'jaeden, which also died of Aggramar's fall and death. Anger, this double anger blends together, and what erupts is the deadliest and most terrifying blow.

Our destinies meet again. On Mount Hyjal, Archimonde died in battle. In Outland, I defeated your army. Now I come. You have lived too long on Argus, and this world can no longer Contain your darkness and filth!

Dick's voice sounded in the rising pillar of flames, and as he changed his power, the crimson flame turned into a silver-white pillar of fire at this moment, almost like a totem erected between heaven and earth.

This time, Argus will be your graveyard! I swear you are dead!

Don't think about it! Listen to the madness of these thousands of souls, and I will release the anger of these thousands of souls!


The sharp blade like a pillar of fire slammed down when Dick's energy accumulated to the highest point, and the purple soul storm also exploded completely at this moment, but the purple energy did not surpass Saracher's blow no matter in terms of quantity or quality. Even more tyrannical, after nearly 5 seconds of stalemate, the storm of thousand souls suddenly dissipated.

Kil'jaeden didn't escape, he couldn't escape, at this moment, he even felt a kind of imprisonment from the deepest part of this world, which was the anger of this world itself, for everything he had done.

This world is the most just judge, it did not forgive Kil'jaeden, but at this deadliest moment, it gave the arch-demon a blow in the back.


The dazzling, all-enveloping light exploded, and then quickly disappeared.

Kil'jaeden's body flew upside down, and just one blow tore his armor, his body, his wings, and his broken body hit the top hall of Valarjar heavily, rebounding a bit , and finally fell to the ground.

The wings of the star river on Dick's back flapped gently. Behind him was the image of the Azeroth fleet that had pushed the battle to the end, like a god hanging above the earth, indifferent and without any emotion .

Kil'jaeden struggled to get up from the ground, but at the moment he stood up with difficulty, he spat out a mouthful of scorching dark green blood, his arms went limp, and he lay on the ground again, and then he A pair of feet appeared in front of my eyes.

Velen, who was supported by Hatton, looked at Kil'jaeden who fell on the ground. The great demon lost everything, and now he is an out-and-out loser, but Velen doesn't look like a winner. Looking at his best friend from thousands of years ago, he knew that Kil'jaeden had something to say to him.

I've always been very jealous of you! Ahem.

Kil'jaeden vomited blood and said with difficulty,

Your gifts, your beliefs, and your prophecies...

The wounds all over the big devil's body began to glow with dark green scorching light, which was a symbol of his inability to control the rampant energy in his body. The light became brighter and brighter, like a bomb about to explode, but Velen Still not walking away, he knew that Kil'jaeden hadn't finished speaking.

I never believed that someone could really stop Sargeras.

Kil'jaeden raised his head. He looked at Velen, and his eyes met. On that ugly, distorted face, he struggled to reveal a smile, a peaceful one, and a smile that might be called penitent.

Perhaps... dear friend, you can prove me wrong...

Velen sighed, stretched out his hand, and placed it tremblingly on Kil'jaeden's forehead. The next moment, Dick's figure disappeared in place with the great demon.

Farewell My Brother


In the distant sky of Star Wars, a group of dazzling green flames soared into the sky.

When watching the CG, I seriously feel that there is some special connection between Kil'jaeden and Velen, which probably goes beyond simple friendship.

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