Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 711 4. Bad companions

The nearly 1,300-meter-long Holy Light Practitioner is anchored on the ground of the Star of Origin, like a light dragonfly, equipped with the most advanced void engine, giving this beautiful starship unimaginable Super performance, even if it lands quickly from the starry sky, hovering 5 meters above the ground, there is no tremor or even a messy sound.

The peaceful one is like not belonging to this world, and the elegant one is like an observer outside of all living beings.


The tightly closed landing hatch on the lower deck of the starship opened outwards, like a crack in the most delicate eggshell.

Huron and Gris walked out of the cabin wearing combat uniforms, while Colonel Kelman and Second Lieutenant Basilone were fully armed. Although these two big men have great strength, this kind of guard itself is a display of attitude. Even if they are in danger, the colonel and major will not be allowed to participate in the battle.

At the same time as these big men set foot on the ground of the star of origin, behind the starship, the teleportation light was turned on, and a 300-member steel guard had lined up and walked out of the starship. The Iron Warriors will be the defensive force of this expedition.

Compared with 2000 years ago, the changes of the current Iron Legion mainly lie in the improvement of body materials and weapon systems. For example, the body materials of the elite Iron Warriors led by Huron this time and assigned to special tasks are all from distant lands. The Ignis Great Star Region, which was named in memory of the sacrificed stove master, is also one of the most important sources of minerals for the Federation.

This kind of metal with jet black luster on the surface can withstand a variety of extreme environments. When necessary, it can even be extended twice to reshape their seriously injured bodies through special instruments. The weapon system used by Iron Warriors, It is more powerful than the ones used by soldiers. The standard configuration is a destructive high-explosive rapid-fire machine gun with 4W rounds of ammunition, two electric axes for fighting, a concussion spear for destructive throwing, and a very destructive Destroy the grenade.

It can be said that it is armed to the teeth. Such an elite army of 300 people can fight at least 10 times more demons. If there is enough subtle command, it can create even more amazing records.

It is worth mentioning that those steel soldiers who survived at the beginning, in the long time, in the endless battles, have received sufficient supplies of souls, and will have the same complete will and emotions as the guardians. For these awakened steel soldiers, the Federation treats them very favorably, and even regards them as the native civilization of Azeroth.

The Ignis sector is ruled and maintained by these awakened steel soldiers, and it is the real rear of the Federation.

Huron was the first to set foot on the land of the Star of Origin, a trace of unconcealable joy and excitement flashed across his face under the helmet, but then he felt the lingering death in this world breath.

He looked at the dusty and desolate land, and could not see a trace of green life. When he raised his head, he could always see the dust storm linking the sky and the earth in the far distance. This place has been abandoned for 1,500 years! The world is long dead.

It was unimaginable that he would choose to stay here for so long.

Before Huron's wild thoughts were over, Gris put his palm on his shoulder,

Someone is coming, take up your weapon, be careful!

Huron came back to his senses, and subconsciously twisted his cane slightly. The next moment, the cane quickly deformed, and under the support of ancient and powerful magic, it quickly turned into a blue pole with a crescent moon on the top. and starlight emblem, a beautiful and noble staff wrapped in a blue ribbon full of mysterious runes in the center.


Huron put it on the ground, and three golden halos rose up from everyone's bodies. As an excellent battle priest, Huron can already bless this kind of buff magic on a large scale.

However, in the growing wind and sand, Huron also saw a faint visitor ahead, he relaxed his vigilance a little, and said to Gris,

Don't worry, man, it's the Twilight's Hammer gang.

It's because of them! I let you hold the weapon. Don't forget the teachings of the elders. These exiles cannot be trusted, especially those bugs!

The orc pulled out two small battle axes from his waist, and with a light wave, the dark red and ice blue battle axes expanded rapidly like Huron's staff, and finally became two hideous heavy axes , entwined with the breath of flame and frost, this is definitely the ultimate enchanted weapon from the supreme mother star, otherwise it would be impossible to withstand the blessing of this deformation rune.

The colonel and the major had already taken command of the steel guards. Under their command, the steel soldiers quickly protected the two officers, but Huron waved his hand to signal that he didn't need protection.

I was fortunate enough to meet the Master of the Twilight's Hammer in the Grand Triangle Star Region, and had a conversation with him. In fact, I don't think we need to be too afraid of them. At least in this place, we are companions.

Huron said to Gris, I have seen with my own eyes that the power controlled by the master can be called the direction of the will, and everything is eliminated. Those Zerg who obeyed his will, those warriors of Karaxivis, they can even use A pure charge destroys an entire starship, don't those old men of the Federation also admit his control over the three large star regions?

Don't worry, my brother, the Twilight's Hammer doesn't dare to think about what we are looking for. If something happens, even their supreme masters can't afford the consequences!

While the two were talking, the figures in the wind and sand on the opposite side were already approaching. Compared to the fully armed humans on the side, the Twilight's Hammer came very easily. There were only 15 of them, except for 4 who were wearing black robes and hoods. All skins, except for the human being exuding the breath of ascetics, the other 11 are all classic images of the mantid.

The leading mantid is even taller. The most striking thing is that with every step it takes, the wind and sand will be cut by the invisible wind blade, just like the ever-flowing wind staying in its body. Be around, be driven by it.

This tall bugman stood 5 meters in front of the human phalanx, and looked around carefully with those compound eyes. It seemed to disdain the steel guards armed to the teeth, and finally stayed on the leader with cold eyes. On Huron, the Governor immediately felt a bit of pressure. It was a feeling that he was almost seen through. In front of this weird mantid, he seemed unable to guarantee any secrets.

The mantid has always been a fairly mysterious race in the Azeroth Federation. In the old days, they were characterized by being alone and not gregarious. After entering the interstellar era, they hardly dealt with the Federation Legion except for large-scale wars. It is said that this warlike So far, the race has devoured more than 7 Zerg civilizations that are extremely similar to them.

It is said that under the auspices of that mysterious and terrifying master, these mantid have taken a new evolutionary direction, and a special kind of phantom energy magic is prevalent inside them, which is even more advanced than the Federation's technology in void transition However, after these Zergs occupied three large star regions connected together, they stopped their expansion and instead sent vanguard soldiers to search for planets with special environments throughout the star region.

Huron saw it in a secret document. It is said that this is to ensure the reproduction of the Kepa sacred tree on which the Zergs depend. They seem to have reached some kind of secret agreement with the federal high-level, although it seems that the two have nothing to do with each other. Occasionally, some frictions would break out, but both Huron and Gris knew that the Twilight's Hammer Zerg had a much closer relationship with the federal government than ordinary people thought.

They are not friends, but they stand together in the form of people with common interests, and it is said that the master had some stories with the legendary heroic spirits in the old days. In theory, they are actually a generation , The grievances and hatred between each other are much more complicated than the current generation imagined.

For such beings that can no longer be controlled by time, the connection between each other is beyond the so-called interests. Even though the federation itself seems to be under the control of the parliament, Huron has no doubts, Once the council offends the legendary heroic spirits sleeping in the Hall of Valor, they will lose everything in an instant.

Hehe. You are Huron? I smell Menethil from you!

The mantid let out a strange chuckle, and his voice rang directly in everyone's minds, You are pointing your weapons at me. Do you know what this means in an insect-human society? What kind of consequences will it cause?

This kind of energy manifesting posture is obviously not something ordinary bugmen can achieve. From the special coat of arms hanging on the body of this tall mantid carrying a thick and exquisite amber epee, Huron is very impressed. Almost aware of its identity.

In the face of this faint threat, he replied neither humble nor overbearing,

It's an honor to meet you, one of the legendary 12 Heroes, Mr. Kil'ruk the Void Reaver! But I stand here right now, not representing myself, but the will of the Federation of Azeroth, or what? , you brought news that the master is going to break with us?

The momentum of the windbreaker stopped for a while, and he immediately realized that he was no match for the human in front of him in a verbal battle. With his arms hanging down, with a light wave, an extreme howling storm was blown on the ground farther away on both sides. It exploded, blowing the long-lasting sandstorm to the sides, as if opening a path for everyone in the khaki sky.

Okay, boys, you and I both know who we are looking for this time, but I want to say that his senses in your eyes are different from mine!

Kil'ruk was not annoyed by Huron's toughness. He turned around and strode towards the cleared road. His voice was still dancing in everyone's minds.

Time is the most vicious poison for you, but for me, it's just a boring thing. The figure of the world manager still stays in my memory, as if it was yesterday. You who were born in this era will always Can't understand what he means to people of our time, yes, I'm a Zerg, I don't have your weak feelings.

The left paw of the windbreaker was placed in the air, as if he was feeling the breath of the air flow, his voice became low,

But salvation is salvation. What he did to that world, this noble sacrifice deserves to be remembered forever. He is not only your hero, but even those cunning eredar will remember his kindness and make his sculptures Standing on the ground of every world they can reach, so don't take this as a journey.

Think of it as a pilgrimage! This is why I came here under the command of the master. If the war with the Tok Zerg hadn't reached the most critical moment, the master would definitely come here in person, but now, he hopes to use This way, to express his joy for the recovery of his old friend.

The Wind Reaver strode forward, and Huron hesitated, then waved his hand,

Come on!

Gris whispered in Huron's ear, Do you believe what Kil'ruk said?

Huron looked at the distorted creature in front of him that had a bug body but seemed more like a human soul. He nodded,

I believe that although the worms are not very good companions, we need their power now, and to be honest, if Kil'ruk is hostile, do you think we can stop it? But the existence of starships can be torn apart with pure power. It has already surpassed the power itself as we know it.

But the behavior of the bugs in the Prouk sector is not very friendly

Come on, Gris, in the eyes of the upper echelon, all the conflicts and frictions that happened here are just child's play. Do you really believe that the meaning of the Puruk star area is as important as we think?

Huron waved his hand, and said boredly, Humans, bug-human forces, and those annoying eredars, that star sector doesn't stage such plays every day, it's just for resources and dynamic balance.

Finally, Huron ended the exchange between the two with a sentence,

This is the peace of the interstellar era, and no one wants to break it.

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