Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 712 5. Pyramid

The Governor's point is correct.

In the Puruk star area, in the vast area with a radius of millions of light years, the federal government controls about one-half of the area, and the remaining part is controlled by the vanguard of the Zerg, and the other part falls into those fanatical AIs. In the hands of the Ruida people.

What the Federation needs are resources, what the Zerg people need is the growth environment of the holy tree of Kypa, and the Eredars, these guys who escaped from the broken Argus 2,000 years ago, their twisted bodies contain With the blood of some demons, what they pursue is more pure power control and hegemony.

This is probably due to the racial humiliation after losing their homes, being forced to flee, and the nature of a civilization caused by the inherently chaotic thinking. After Eredar returned to Draenor with the Azeroth fleet, they They were placed in the Nagrand Grassland and Hellfire Peninsula. The initial number was only 120,000 people, which can be called a pocket race.

Under the skillful and wise leadership of the first king Nestor Ores the Great, the New Eredar Empire was almost the first group of forces to break into the starry sky. Nestor deeply realized the shortcomings of the Eredars, so he He chose to unite with the Draenei commanded by the Prophet Velen, and finally formed the existence mode of the Twin Kingdoms.

The Draenei are kind, tolerant and wise, while the Eredar are vicious, reckless but stronger than their strength. The two sides formed a complementary form, and finally succeeded in re-establishing the civilization of Argus in an area far away from Azeroth. It revived on a planet not far away, and then expanded its influence to as many as 18 large star regions in 1700.

The Eredar's greed for territory is the most incomprehensible of all the races in the Federation, and their desire for victory comes more from the deepest will in their blood. After his assassination and death, his sons still can't control this wild empire. That dangerous desire is gradually affecting the future of this civilization, but as long as the prophet Velen exists, they will be our most trustworthy allies!

This was 200 years ago, after Emperor Nestor was assassinated and died in the battlefield of the Dolmos sector, the then federal speaker Owen Proudmoore said at the alliance meeting. The development of these 200 years also proved that the early The precise gaze of the late Mr. Owen.

Velen firmly controls the new Eredar Empire. He carefully uses his ancient wisdom to imprint the development of the people. Nestor's son also grows rapidly under the teaching of the prophet and the hidden Eredar twins. It is foreseen that this empire will maintain this brutal and rapid development for thousands of years in the future.

Although for high-level people, the New Eredar Empire is a sharp blade for the Federation to expand its territory, but for other civilizations in the Federation, it is a bit uncomfortable to get along with such a civilization that is keen on power and conquest.

The eredar are not difficult to deal with, as long as you can accommodate their reasonable or unreasonable demands.

But in fact, this is impossible, their appetite is too great, as the governor of Pruk's big star area, the power established by Eredar in the star area is definitely one of the most troublesome things for Huron.

There are news of conflicts and frictions between the human garrison and the Eredar army almost every day, and sometimes bloody conflicts will break out. Huron must grasp the strength of that kind of relationship, neither too weak nor too tough, the former It will make those guys look down upon, and the latter will irritate those guys who are not very normal.

However, if there is a war, they will become Huron's most trusted comrades-in-arms. These fanatical fighters will carry out their pursuit of glory and victory to the end. In short, this is a troublesome but indispensable race.


The vibration of the starship transition appeared in the star field of the star of origin, and 27 special starships came from the sky. The hull of the battleship is made up of huge crystals, and the other parts of the starship are supported by complex and peculiar alloy structures, which look like shining gems floating in the starry sky.

In addition to the most common purple, there are also crimson, light green, yellow, and amber. From a distance, it looks like the most beautiful jewel palace, but anyone who dares to underestimate these jewel starships Opponents will pay a heavy price.

The Eredars did not lose their innate talent for jewelry processing. Based on the starship information provided by the Federation, they developed this unique starship structure, which is more offensive and defensive than Federation warships. It is stronger and can form a special joint attack phalanx, but the disadvantage is that the production cycle is quite slow, and it is impossible to form a large-scale sea of ​​starships.

But when the two cooperate, they can form a tyrannical effect of 1+1=11.

General Rakish, we have arrived at the origin star!

A secretary in a starship uniform reported to the officer sitting on the command chair of the flagship Hammer of Eredar, Humans and Zerg came earlier than us, and they have already landed!

Then what are you waiting for? Let's land too!

Lakish is also the son of Velen. This eredar still has a demonized body, but after the father and son recognized each other, under the guidance of Velen, he returned to the embrace of the Holy Light. His dark red skin On it, densely packed holy patterns are carved, and when walking, there will be thick holy light escaping.

During the thousands of years of war, Lakish has become the first-line general of the new Eredar Empire. He was still slaughtering those demons on the battlefield of the Dormos star field yesterday, but a transfer order from his father, just Let him bring the most powerful assault fleet under his command to the Puruk star area, and it took half a month to complete the journey of ordinary fleets in 14 hours.

Of course, this multiple transitions at the expense of the stability of the starship is worthwhile. As a long-lived species, Lakish has seen Dick's most glorious era with his own eyes. He knows very well what this name means to the Federation. What.

Rakish carried his command knife and put the battle flag from the command chair. The adjutant immediately brought him special combat armor. The armor of the new Eredar civilization adopts a retro design, which looks similar to that of 2000 years ago. There is no difference in the armor, but actually the interior has been changed too much by advanced technology.

But no matter what, the military uniforms of the new Eredar civilization are very popular throughout the Federation, and the blood, victory and glory they preach are also the most attractive to young people.

Lakish reached for the blood-red helmet and buckled it on his head. The demon horn on the left side of his head was incomplete. This is the symbol of the new Eredar Empire. The great retreat 2,000 years ago Too many things have changed, but no matter how powerful the Eredar Empire is today, the ruling class has never forgotten Nestor Oryth's declaration.

They are free, and they will no longer live as someone's servants.

This incomplete long horn is the proof of the freedom of the eredar!

Narke, you stick to the anchorage here!

The moment before he walked into the teleportation beam, Lakish in military uniform said to his adjutant, Pay attention to maintaining communication with the human fleet. I heard that demons have appeared in this star area recently. You must cheer up 12 points!

Yes, General!

Nalke responded quickly, and then asked, General, don't you need to bring more people? Both humans and bugs are there, and only 50 people will be brought. If something unexpected happens

Don't worry, Nalke.

Lakish's footsteps paused, No one will take up arms against their companions in this exploration. It will be a blasphemy against the truly great. The only thing we need to worry about is the devil. I have a hunch that this time It won't be that peaceful, all fleet weapon systems remain on until we return!


Lakish stepped into the teleportation light beam with his fully armed guards. In the faint teleportation dizziness, his feet touched the ground, but what followed was thick sand and dust, which almost covered the sight in front of him. everything.

This damned place! It smells like death.

Rakish cursed, reached out and opened the purification device in the helmet, and it was not very fresh, but at least it could ensure that the breathed air entered the nostrils. The general stretched out his hand to look at the instrument on his wrist, and then took The guards moved forward quickly in the wild, stormy dust with visibility of less than 3 meters.

On the other side, the team of bugmen and humans also stood outside the never-ending dust storm of the Star of Origin. The iconic landscape of the Land of Origin is even famous in the entire Puruk star region, but no one dares to enter to see the scene of the dust center.

In fact, no one can get in either.

This dust tornado is not as simple as it appears on the surface. According to the indigenous civilization of the Zhiyuan Star, any creature that enters it will be regarded as a provocation to the gods and will be punished by unimaginable gods. This statement is too superstitious .

However, including the members of the Explorers Association from the highest parent star last time, they were unable to figure out what was contained in it using the most advanced instruments. According to the report they sent back to the parent star, there are more or less Everything contains a trace of power that mortals cannot comprehend.

They call it Divine Waves, but in reality, that energy should be called Titan energy.

On today's supreme mother planet, in the secret base at the bottom of the city of Uldum, the holy land of travel, there is still a huge amount of Titan energy. In fact, Huron himself made up his mind to bring the fleet to the Origin Star after getting a specific comparison of the two forces.

Huron estimated that Colonel Kelman was the first creature in the history of the Origin Star to actually step into this sandstorm, and his stepping into it might be the proof that the existence was about to wake up.

Facing the dust storm like a huge tornado on the sea, Kil'ruk the Wind Reaver had a special nostalgia flash in its compound eyes. He stretched out his hand and took it from the black-robed attendant beside him. A wooden box with an ancient medal in it, Yingjie turned his head and glanced at Huron, his voice sounded in Huron's heart.

are you ready?

Huron took out a silver pendant from his close pocket, while Gris raised his left hand, which was a string of black bracelets.

These items seem ordinary, but they are actually a special identification item formed by the energy scour of Ulduar. For example, there are some secret agencies directly under the Federal Council in each star area, and it is through these identification items that they can into it.

They took a step forward, and the sandstorm that had blocked countless beings for thousands of years let out a wild roar that had never been seen before, as if warning these entrants, but when they moved forward with these identification items, The storm was finally no longer obstructing, the tornado dust was still hovering, but after they strode into it, three holes appeared around the hovering tornado.

Strange, blank, without any obstruction, but without affecting the integrity of the entire big storm, it is like three passages into the pyramid. The colonel and the colonel hurried to keep up. They walked in the void and looked up. To the left and right.

But the sight is not the barrier of the sandstorm they imagined, nor is it the kind of flowing sand, it is more like a special halo, covering the road ahead in the sand, beyond the light is Special silver and seven-colored phantom lights, as well as occasional red flames, are like scenes that only appear in the most fantastic imagination.

It's like entering another world.

Sure enough, he still knows us and he can remember the breath and taste of his hometown. He is welcoming us!

Huron's heart surged with that special perception, as if he felt a pair of warm hands brushing over his heart, even though he knew that it was an ancestor 2,000 years ago, and he knew that he and he were only Some connections are in the blood, but when he is getting closer and closer to that existence, all his maturity and decency are defeated by the deepest joy.

At this moment, Huron felt a mission! Indescribable feeling.

If he was born, grew up, and everything he experienced had a predetermined destiny, then it must be for this moment!

In the name of Menethil, he is about to welcome back the most ancient legend for Azeroth.

God among men!

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