Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 713 6. First Fleet, Departure!

The world of Draenor, once a broken land, is now one of the two lines of defense of Azeroth, the supreme mother star. Due to the existence of the almost natural space crack, the Dark Gate, the Azeroth Federation The world has invested unimaginable resources, and almost every inch of the available land is covered with traction structure devices, abruptly reorganizing the broken continent.

The other line of defense is located in Sharkan, that world is now replaced by the Artevis Empire. The original king of Sharkan died more than 1,700 years ago, but thanks to his maintenance with Azeroth civilization during his tenure After his death, the Artavis Empire was officially accepted into the nascent Federation of Azeroth and became one of the first accepted civilizations.

Now the Xiakan civilization rules a large star area, which was unimaginable for them in the past. Of course, the current Xiakan people have already regarded themselves as part of the civilization of Azeroth. For them , the supreme mother star is similar to his hometown.

The reason why these two places can be called defense lines is that they are still the star ports where the first and fourth fleets are moored, and the second and third fleets are moored on both sides of the planetary synchronous orbit of the highest parent star. The role of the Guards.

The first to fourth fleets are not as simple as the permanent troops stationed in each large star area. They have inherited the name of the original fleet, and also inherited their history and thickness. These four fleets are no longer the pitiful 15 Each fleet consists of 154 Whale Shark-class assault starships, 25 Sea Beast-class spiritual assault ships, 15 Devil Ray-class comprehensive command starships, 24 supply ships and Composed of 20 medical ships and 4 Leviathan-class super flagships, they are absolutely huge.

Each fleet, including ground crew and combat personnel, has more than 150,000 people, and 5% of the federal annual tax revenue is invested in the construction of these four fleets. You know, that is the tax paid from 137 large star regions. Gold coins of the same denomination are enough to fill 10 Azeroths.

This kind of investment, regardless of the cost, has created four absolutely terrifying monster-class fleets. Each fleet can guarantee the destruction of any large star area without support. After the real fleet, no grass will grow , can be called the four sharpest swords in the hands of the Federation.

It is precisely because of the existence of these four nearly invincible fleets that the Federation can subdue hundreds of civilizations with completely different civilization habits and customs internally, and almost single-handedly fight against the Burning Legion's all-out attack. Do battle with mysterious void forces.

In the history of 2000, the four major fleets have never been defeated after the battle of retreating from Argus, but that retreat has become a dark history shared by the commanders of the four fleets.

Marshal Dalyan's sentence Today, we have become cowards. is a shame that almost every commander keeps in mind. They always want to wash away this shame, but in the middle of 2000, they and Sargeras The number of battles between the personal guard fleets can be counted on the fingers, and each time is an undefeated scene, which makes the four major fleets even more angry.

They are so eager for a victory, it is driven by this will, these four swords have never been dull for a minute or a second in 2000 years.


The world of Draenor, Char Star Port, the hidden immigration inspection hall, the warning sound representing the entry of foreign visitors made the guards in the hall take up their weapons immediately, but when the beam of teleportation light was opened, the tall figure that caught sight It made them straighten their bodies.

Welcome, Your Excellency the Marshal!

Amid the loud greetings from the guards, Cuvier Wrynn, who has been uniformed all his life, strode out of the teleportation beam. On his shoulders, the golden epaulets representing the Marshal shone in the light of the hall. He held his command knife in his hand , the well-made and heavy marshal uniform fits perfectly without any wrinkles. Just like the members of Wrynn in the past, Cuvier is a person who pays great attention to image.

This is also the demeanor that a royal family should have. Although he is not the emperor of the contemporary Stormwind Empire, every time he travels, he also represents the majesty of the Stormwind royal family that rules the seven large star regions. He has long been used to this A necessary move to bring majesty to every scene, but beyond that, Cuvier is an excellent commander and fighter.

Born in a top-notch aristocratic family, he is destined to pay more than other peers, to prove that he is better than 99% of his peers, to set off the breathless glory.

But today, Marshal Cuvier is not the only big person who walked out of the beam of light. Behind him, there are Marshal Hudel Greymane from the Second Fleet, and Marshal Tarantina Sunstrider from the Third Fleet. Admiral Derek Proudmoore of the Fourth Fleet.

Behind them are the guards of their respective fleets, nearly a hundred people packed the hall to the brim.

At this moment, all the staff in the hall were stunned. Four marshals gathered at Starport Char at the same time. The Titans, could it be that Sargeras, the Lord of Darkness, came personally?

You must know that even in the joint rebellion of the 13 large star regions before 547, only the third and fourth fleets were dispatched, but what surprised these staff members was still to come.

After the four marshals walked out of the teleportation beam, they did not leave immediately, but stood on both sides of the teleportation beam with the etiquette of the juniors. The next moment, the beam of light of the teleporters changed from white to a touch of pale gold, just like in the myths and legends. The Gates of Heaven in general.


Kuvier gave an order, and the four marshals and the surrounding guards saluted in unison. Then, a tall figure walked out of the color-changing portal. He was wearing an old-fashioned armor from 2,000 years ago, and he looked extremely heroic. But it shone with a faint golden light, and his face was no different from that of ordinary humans, except for the long sword on his back that caught his attention.

It was a broken blade, and the gentle holy light formed the first half of the broken blade.

At this moment, sharp-eyed people recognized the identity of the person who walked out of the portal. It was a little girl who liked to read ancient myths. She screamed and fainted from excitement, but the voice Echoing back and forth in the quiet hall.

That's... the first commander of the First Fleet, Marshal Turalyon!

Yes, the one who walked out of the portal was Turalyon who had already turned into a heroic spirit. No hero, no matter how great, could escape the ravages of time. Fortunately, when they were getting old, it was the time when the Ulduar system was completely rebuilt. After Odin's proposal was approved by Elune, in the years after that era, those who made outstanding contributions to Azeroth will exist in the form of heroic spirits after death and return to Uldu In the Hall of Valor in Erli.

That was the beginning of the second period of life, but as the price of rebirth, they can no longer intervene in secular affairs other than foreign wars, but each heroic spirit has its own legendary story, so although ordinary people may not be able to see it in their lifetime Even once, the real heroic spirits, but these legends who continue to guard the supreme mother planet with the bodies of heroic spirits are indeed the most admirable existence in the entire Federation of Azeroth.

Almost every one of them can represent a glorious past.

After Turalyon, there was another Heroic Spirit. He looked younger than Turalyon, but when he played, Marshal Cuvier was so excited that he shed tears on the spot.

That was the person who single-handedly pushed the glory of the Wrynn family to the highest peak in history. The greatest emperor of the Stormwind Empire, his grandfather, Anduin Wrynn, was an ancient figure who was active 1300-1800 years ago.

The last person who walked out of the portal was no longer a heroic spirit, but a middle-aged Quel'Thalas elf with excellent demeanor. His golden hair was mixed with gray and white. So conspicuous.

Tarantina, the famous Iron Marshal, bowed down respectfully when she saw him, but the middle-aged elf nodded indifferently and ignored him.

Kael'thas Sunstrider, the only surviving ancient on the supreme mother planet, the supreme ruler of the 12 large star regions, after his friends died of old age, this majesty became much lonely, and even His temper became quite indifferent, and his daughter Tarantina had long been used to her father's indifferent attitude, so naturally she would not complain.

After all, emotions became more and more weird, which was an unavoidable ending for all long-lived species. For Kael'thas, this was already a fairly mild change.

The appearance of these three heavyweights silenced the entire hall, and they were unwilling to waste too much time, so they quickly went to the landing area of ​​the First Fleet, which was ready to go at any time, under the escort of the guards. All the captains and commanders of the commanded First Fleet stood in the landing area wearing combat uniforms.

Five minutes later, Anduin Wrynn issued a top-secret combat order. The former little prince had passed his destiny as a mortal through the tempering of time. Now he is an immortal The spirits of Azeroth exist in the time of Azeroth.

The bravery of the past has turned into legends and exists in history. What has settled down is getting closer to his father and the same temperament as his mentor. The heroic spirits are not idle. In fact, in the development of the Federation and major battle During the operation, 70% of the commanders are these immortal heroic spirits. In areas unknown to mortals, these great ones are still using their own methods to serve their beloved world.

Soldiers of the First Fleet!

Anduin's voice sounded in the landing area, followed by the sound of saluting in unison. Looking at the legion that was as sharp as an unsheathed blade in front of him, Anduin nodded in satisfaction, his voice became more solemn.

You all know me. 1400 years ago, I led the First Fleet to open up 17 star regions in 30 years and defeated tens of millions of opponents. That was the most glorious moment in my life. At this moment, at the end of the Serpent sector, there is still the surveillance tower we erected there, I am proud of the First Legion! I believe that this fleet will also be proud of me!

I'm sure all of you here have never forgotten our shameful day, the darkest day in all of Azeroth, when we abandoned our great warriors and evacuated Argus, 2,000 years ago but our name of coward remains unwashed... an eternal shame upon the Four Fleets.

But today, we're going to scrub some of it!

Today, I, Marshal Turalyon, His Majesty Kael'thas, we will lead the First Fleet to the remote Puruk star area, where we will pick up a great man whose hometown has been lost for 2000 years, yes , is the great existence who once stayed alone in the land of despair for our civilization and confronted the Dark Titan!

There was a trace of nostalgia in Anduin's eyes,

That's my mentor, that was the world manager of Azeroth, that stalker who single-handedly held the fate of the entire world on his shoulders, that blocked all the darkness for us, let us We can enjoy the existence of light, the world owes him too much, even after 2000 years, we still cannot let this bleak fate fall on this great being.

We will return to Azeroth with his pride and glory, and we will draw a happy ending to the regrets of the past.

Now, in the name of the Ulduar World Congress!


Countless sounds of heels coming together sounded in the landing area, and Anduin opened a scroll from his hand that was covered with the seals of all major forces, and read aloud.

Order all the members of the First Fleet to go to the Pruk star area, the star of origin, as quickly as possible, to pick up the lost world manager Dick Bronzan Tang, and use Azeroth's world spirit Ai In the name of Luen, Iona, the spirit of life, and Argus, the spirit of the earth, you must complete the mission, even if you are the last one, at all costs!

This extremely tough order shocked all the commanders present, and they immediately realized that this must be a scene recorded in history.

An hour later, in the command hall of the unfallen proud Stormhold, the flagship of the First Fleet at Starport Charle, Turalyon sat in that familiar position, looking out the porthole at the ship that he had seen countless times. times, but every time he would be fascinated by the starry sky, he took a deep breath, reached out and stroked his captain's cap.

Memories of the past and everything he has experienced are surging in his mind. After becoming a Heroic Spirit, he has not experienced this kind of excitement and anxiety for a long time. His hands are habitually placed on the armrest, and his voice is low At this moment, the sound spread throughout the communication channels of the entire fleet.

First Fleet! Target the Pruk star area, open the weapon system, and prepare for the void transition!

We... set sail!

Well, thank you Antarctic Ice Wolf Brothers for their huge reward. I can’t make any more changes for the time being. Please don’t mind. I will write some extras about unique characters after finishing this book. If you don’t mind, after my new book is out, Count Gaga in the new book. Thanks again for your support guys!

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