Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 80 6. Participate in the war!

Silverpine Forest, this is a place that had a great influence on Dick. In the summer 4 years ago, he traveled alone through the remote road between Pyrewood Village and the Alterac Mountains. Jungle, with his half-dead body, sent back to Lordaeron the news of the victory on the battlefield ahead.

That was the first time he appeared on the stage of this world as Dick Tang.

The current Dick has already faded from his original youthfulness, especially when he appeared in the rear position of Fenris Island in the middle of Lordamere Lake with the iconic Flame of Justice on his back, everyone who knew his name and his The soldiers of the deeds raised their hands and cheered.

Dick! Fire of Justice!

We've got Dick! We've got Dick!

Dick, take us to kick the asses of those undead!

Well, it's vulgar. After all, a group of soldiers who have almost lost their numbers can't be expected to have a high level of words and sentences. But in general, the morale of the rear guard is still beyond Dick's imagination.

It seems that Marshal Gathelis is not a useless waste!

While Dick greeted the soldiers, he also threw several balls of holy light on the seriously injured soldiers. This action made the cheers even louder.

The soldiers had just suffered a bitter defeat, but Dick knew that the reason for the defeat was not theirs.

After the fall of Lordaeron, the entire Tirisfal region was in chaos. Most of the living forces were absorbed by Alsace's undead army, but there were still some lucky ones who escaped this terrible catastrophe. massacre.

In addition to the barrel-like defense line of the Holy Light Monastery built by the old Mograine, in the southern part of the Tirisfal region, the Fourth Army led by Marshal Gathelis also withdrew into the border of Dalaran in time. After cooperating with the mages and catching the undead by surprise, these soldiers became the only 20,000 civilians left in the entire Tirisfal 60,000 civilians.

However, after the Great Northern Border Conference, when the elite Gilnean brigade of the Kingdom of Gilneas entered the Silverpine Forest to set up a defense line, Gathelis joined them decisively. The military power of the undead invasion.

I have to say that these great lads have done a good job. Under their desperate efforts, they lost the undead commanded by Arthas. In the past few months, they just couldn't step into the border of Dalaran.

But now, Arthas is back. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Gilneas Brigade, those guys who call themselves Grey Wolves and are usually brave in battle, escaped this time!

The disgraceful escape without even saying hello, such irresponsibility ultimately left behind the disastrous ending in which the Fourth Legion was attacked by the enemy, and even Gaselis was seriously injured, and had to retreat to Fenris Island.

At this time, of the 20,000 warriors, only less than 1,000 people remained.

Frankly speaking, Gathelis is actually not a person with leadership qualities, at least the current Dick doesn't think so.

Looking at the burly man who was covered with a blood-oozing bandage covering most of his body, sat on a chair with his teeth gritted, and stared at him with blade-like eyes, Dick's eyes flickered. curious.

Before seeing him, Dick's only impression of Gasheris was that he was a reckless, foolish fool who didn't care about the overall situation.

In the original history, when everyone stood up to resist the invasion of the undead, this guy actually threw Kael'thas, who had led his troops to support him, into prison, forcefully forcing the sin'dorei elves who were originally biased towards the alliance , joined the Horde side.

But now, after seeing this tough guy with cold sweat on his face, but trying not to let himself show a little weakness, Dick found that his perspective on these plot characters was still too subjective.

Gathelis was born in Blackwood Lake in East Dalomere. After he became a soldier, he fought bravely. Even in the face of ferocious orcs, he never took a step back. Otherwise, he would not be able to sit in the position of Grand Marshal. This guy The only shortcoming may be a high degree of distrust of elves, although Dick does not know where his distrust comes from.

But to be honest, when Dick saw the battle report, this guy brought his personal guards and smashed the Nerubian Legion under Alsace's command forcefully, opening a survival gap for 10,000 retreating soldiers. The disgust disappeared.

When Dick was looking at Gasheris, the Generalissimo was also looking at this paladin who had become famous in the past year. He was not jealous of Dick. On the contrary, for those who came out of the scouting troops of the Fourth Legion, they could go so far. Step by step, there is a faint pride in his heart.

Dick? The man who defeated Arthas and his bastard army in Quel'Thalas? It is said that you were once a heroic scout of the Fourth Legion?

Yes, Legion Commander, long time no see. The last time I saw you was four years ago, at King Terenas' award ceremony.

Dick stood up, and put his left hand on Gastric's shoulder. The warm power of the holy light flowed into Gastric's body, which greatly supplemented the weak body of this brave warrior, and also healed the weak body in his body. The trace of undead poison that was hidden disappeared in the invisible.

Then you came to see my joke?

Gathelis laughed and moved his arms. He looked at Dick with a flash of approval in his bright eyes, but his mouth was full of dirty words.

Tell you, boy, that bastard in Alsace wanted to kill me a hundred years earlier!


Dick sat on the chair and looked at Gathelis. He suddenly discovered that the Generalissimo's personality was very similar to Herold's, and he was rough and straightforward. Although sometimes it would make people very angry, it was just People who can't hate it.

The paladin rubbed his not-so-smooth chin, and looked at Gaselis.

No! Marshal, I'm here to inform you that at most the day after tomorrow, the Stratholme battle group will join the battle, and we will shoulder the Sepulcher defense line, but during these two days, I don't care how tired the Fourth Army is, no matter How weak you are, I need you... hold on to the Sepulcher!

Dick's words made Gathelis' originally cheerful face darken, and he snorted a disdainful nasal sound from his nostrils.

Huh, it's up to you? A battle group of less than 3,000 people? I know that you are also responsible for the defense system of the much power can you and your paladins produce?

Dick echoed Gatheri's bright eyes, which were equally bright.

I don't guarantee that Sepulcher will not fall, but I can guarantee that Alsace must step on my corpse to cross that line of defense!

Bang! Good!

Gathelis slammed his fist on the table. This violent action caused his wound to burst again, but the Grand Marshal ignored the pain. He stared at Dick, like a tiger seeing its prey, or like being hunted by a hunter. A lone wolf cornered.

The last comrade-in-arms abandoned me. In the end, I paid the souls of 8,000 young men to survive. If you dare to take the lives of my soldiers and my brothers again, I swear, I will kill you!

Facing Gathelis' fury, Dick stood up and said indifferently,

I never joke with my life! Those guys who betrayed their oath, they will suffer retribution, I swear!

Dick left, and a few minutes later a warrant from Guthris spread throughout Fenris.

Prepare for battle! Target Sepulcher! Defend the front line for 1-2 days, and fight to the last person!

The silent Fourth Army immediately took action. This group of soldiers was like a pack of wolves licking their wounds. Although they were seriously injured, the moment they saw the hope of killing the hunter, this group of wild wolves who had lost their homes , will become crazier!


Silverpine Forest, outside Pyrewood Village, near Greymane's Wall.

The last garrison team of the Gilneas Brigade is resting here. They will be able to withdraw completely to the Kingdom of Gilneas early tomorrow morning. By then, the tall Greymane Wall will be completely sealed, and the undead will be left to the Silver Hand and Dalaran.

Gilneas no longer intends to play this game.

Major General Jean is writing a casualty report in a tent illuminated by two oil lamps. As a member of the royal family who has received higher education since childhood, his heart is very disturbed. As a professional soldier, this should not happen to him Case.

But Gene couldn't control his mind. When he thought of the scene where he ordered a secret retreat, Gene's heart jumped with fear.

He couldn't even sleep peacefully. As long as he closed his eyes, he could see the soldiers of the Fourth Legion being submerged by the endless sea of ​​undead. This kind of betrayal on the battlefield made Jean feel extremely tormented. He even planned to retire after returning to China.

This retreat will erase the 400-year-old glory of the Gilneas Brigade, and from then on, they will become despised traitors.

Your Majesty are you thinking!

Major General Jean unbuttoned the first button of his military uniform in pain, and poured a bottle of dwarf ale into his mouth. As a soldier, he couldn't disobey the king's order, but those politicians... they don't understand a Warrior's pride.



A rapid sound of breaking through the air, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, awakened Jinn, who was paralyzed by alcohol, from his painful thoughts. He picked up his rapier vigilantly, which is a habit used by Gilnean soldiers. Weapons, their fighting style is like their national emblem, ferocious wolf.

This vicious weapon designed to stab and bleed, known as the Gilnean fang, is vicious and deadly.

Jean untied his pistol from his waist. This kind of gunpowder weapon made by the dwarves is not common in other human kingdoms, but it is still a very common weapon in Gilneas, where the sea is well developed. Equipped with a spear, it replaces a bow and crossbow as its own long-range weapon.

Mr. Major General's pistol is exquisite. It is a handmade work of dwarf masters. The exquisite mahogany handle is equipped with a golden gray wolf national emblem.

But just as the major general walked out of his command camp, a smell of blood came into his nostrils, which shocked Gene, but before he could shout the warning of an attack, three cold lights came to his face , forcing Gene back into the tent.

With a crackling sound, Gene pushed the rapier into the throat of an assassin with great difficulty, but that was all, the remaining two assassins pushed him into a corner, Gene was just an excellent The commander, a brave warrior, is also powerless when facing the blade of assassination.

You... who the hell are you? Why... why did you attack the Gilneas soldiers!

The main artery on Jean's leg was severed by a dagger, and he could feel the life force flowing slowly from his body. He leaned against the tent table and asked with difficulty.

The assassin who turned to leave heard the voice, seemed to be interested, and seemed to be speaking on purpose. He walked up to Gene, squatted down, took the delicate pistol in his hand, and played with it for a while. Then said in a low, gloomy voice,

Traitors, Fourth Legion and Mr. Dick, greetings to you! that's how it is...

Gene's eyes froze, and when he looked carefully, there seemed to be a hint of relief in those eyes.

The assassin who finished his work shook his head,

The glory of a soldier is to die on the battlefield, but unfortunately, you don't deserve this glory... burn this place! Let the frightened wolf cubs take a good look at the fate of the traitor!


That night, outside Burning Wood Village, the lights were brightly lit.

The flames took away all the evils, and among the floating ashes, the dilapidated Gilneas army flag fell down, as if to herald the complete fall of the country's dignity.

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