Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 81 7. Knights of the Apocalypse (Part 1)

The Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal regions in the game have been added with the spell effect of Dark Sky. Like the Land of Ghosts, not even a ray of sunlight can shine into this land. Although he didn't know who wrote it, Dick could almost believe that, except for Kel'Thuzad and the Scourge of the Undead, no one would do such a thing.

The dark sky cuts off the sunlight, and the fighting power of the undead will not be damaged, and it will become stronger. This is one of the reasons why Quel'Thalas' ranger troops were almost wiped out in the Land of Ghosts. On other people's home courts, facing a strengthened enemy, the number of one's own side has no advantage at all. Apart from defeat, is there any other way to go?

But now, the dark sky covers only most of Tirisfal. Before the Silverpine Forest is completely occupied, even Kel'Thuzad cannot set up a complete dark sky. It was tough, but after the battle mages of Dalaran joined the battle order, they gritted their teeth and lasted until the second day.

Under the sunshine, the roars of the soldiers and the wailing of the unfortunate filled this uninhabited place. The alternation of life and death happened every moment. Those voices, no matter they were positive or negative, they Mixed together, rendering this place more and more like hell.

Carrying a heavy-duty beheading ax in his hand, Gathelis stood in front of the formation of soldiers, swinging the ax to kill the sea of ​​undead that was constantly hitting the line from the darkness behind him. The soldiers around him almost every two minutes They will change their faces, even in the face of the most vulnerable walking corpses, in the dense battlefield, the space left for ordinary soldiers to dodge is too small.

Not to mention, after recapturing the Sepulcher front line, Gaselis hoarded a large amount of stones and wood on both sides of the front line, reducing the road that was originally enough for ten carriages to travel together to one-third , The wood that was doused with special kerosene brought by the mages was burning fiercely, keeping the fragile walking corpses out of the battle line.

The Sea of ​​Undead seems to have encountered a narrow mouth, and their numerical advantage has been greatly offset. Amid the bangs of burning wood, this silent destruction troop is still advancing slowly, flying from the sky. Looking at it, it was like seeing a black tide, constantly beating the front of the Fourth Army.

The battle mages don't need to approach the battlefield at all. They stand in a loose formation on the high platform behind them. As long as they have enough mana, they can squander any magic at will. They don't need to aim anyway, just throw it towards the sea of ​​undead.

Fireballs, ice, arcane missiles, when the pressure on the front line is huge, some old mages will throw a piece of magic with area damage to relieve the pressure on the frontline soldiers. Even mage apprentices, under the harsh situation, wear Putting on leather armor, he kept pouring kerosene on the wood on both sides of the battlefield to keep the fire burning.

Unpleasant gunpowder smoke enveloped the entire battlefield, and the ignited walking corpses can quickly ignite the surrounding undead, but to be honest, this is useless at all. The greatest weapon of the undead Scourge is their number. solved puzzle.

But even if this is achieved, facing the undead who have been reintegrated into an army, the skeleton archers hiding behind the walking corpses, and the skeleton mages who are constantly slaughtering ordinary soldiers with arrows, Gasser Reese still couldn't reduce the casualties.

This is still under the condition that there are own mages suppressing the opponent.

Go away! Don't try to touch me!

Gathelis' injuries hadn't fully recovered, but his butcher-like fighting style continued. He held the beheading ax with both hands, rushed forward two steps, transferred the accumulated kinetic energy to the heavy ax in his hand, and a black An arc flashed in front of him, and the dozens of walking corpses in front of him were cut into pieces flying left and right under this blow.

This all-out attack also made Gathelis' attack pause for a minute, but the soldiers around him immediately held up their shields and quickly protected him, bringing him back to the battle line.

Fighting the undead is a very boring thing. No matter how much you hack and kill, don't expect the guy on the opposite side with rotten vocal cords to make a sound, but it's not a kind of army. Facing this kind of silence, but still An enemy who is tireless and does not flinch is like a very unfortunate thing.

Gaselis has always been very aware of this point. Unless he can get the support of all forces from the Eastern Continent, it is impossible to win this war by relying solely on the Fourth Legion and Dalaran.

60W undead, this is just the trees in the Tirisfal area, plus those in West Darronmere and Quel'Thalas, the total number of undead under Alsace can easily exceed 150W, this is an absolutely terrifying number , The soldiers in the entire northern Xinjiang add up to only 150,000.

In other words, Alsace didn't even need to take any tricks. He could push all the soldiers up and flatten the entire northern border. From this point of view, what Dick did in Quel'Thalas can really be regarded as A miracle.

Quack quack quack!

Just when Gathelis threw the heavy battle ax in his hand at a ghoul that was rushing forward, a scream that could pierce anyone's eardrum exploded in Gathelis' ears, and he suddenly raised his head , in the not-so-blazing sun at noon, a large black cloud was flying out from the forest where Tirisfal and Silverpine Forest meet.

The sky is blocked out, and the noise is endless.

Gargoyle! Be careful to avoid it!

Gathelis shouted behind him, then grabbed the herald's shoulder, Go and inform the mages, clear the sky as quickly as possible!

The herald held his head tremblingly, and rushed towards the mage position behind the army. In fact, he didn't need to pass the order. The mages of the battle mage sequence were not dead-educated academics. They knew very well the threat to the current position. What is the biggest.

So when the gargoyles approached the Fourth Army's front line, those ugly black bat-like guys who charged the fastest seemed to rush into a layer of foam, and then these unlucky guys felt that their wings had lost their wings. No matter how hard you slap it, you can't stop yourself from falling.

For a moment, black raindrops fell from the sky. Unable to control their bodies, the gargoyles decisively chose to turn into stone statues, and then fell into the formation in various funny ways , was besieged and killed by stout soldiers who had prepared long ago and held destructive hammers.

If Kel'Thuzad was here, he would be able to see what those mages did at a glance. That layer of shield with a whitish glow was Dalaran's signature magic circle - the forbidden air!

Although these mages only produced a low-end version of the air-forbidden magic circle, and the coverage area and air-forbidden strength are far inferior to Dalaran's main air-forbidden magic circle, but it is enough to deal with these low-level gargoyles.

However, the opening of the air-restricting magic circle put most of the energy of the battle mages here. As a result, the sea of ​​undead, which had been suppressed, began to roll again.

The battle line presided over by Gathelis is constantly being compressed. If it weren't for the strict military discipline of the Fourth Army, these soldiers would all be fighting for revenge. Let the ordinary army collapse.

Gathelis was still standing there, this crazy tough guy was like a big rock blocking the tide, standing there without taking a step back.

Then... just die here!

This somewhat rough-looking man grabbed the weapon handed over by the guard next to him with both hands, his eyes were clear, and he stared straight at the ferocious walking corpses that kept swarming towards him.

At this moment, his will and thinking seemed to be separated. He saw that in front of the palace of Lordaeron, in the air covered with flowers, he brought the Fourth Legion back in victory, surrounded by cheering people.

He saw the banner of Lordaeron flying high on top of the golden palace.

He saw those brave and fearless soldiers with proud faces following behind him.

However, as soon as the picture changed, the city was destroyed and the battle flag fell. The black and blue figure came with endless despair and destroyed everything he knew.

He saw the billowing black tide unstoppably drowning everything he cherished, his family, his children, and the lives he had sworn to protect.

He saw his own death. He was not afraid of death. What he was afraid of was that when he fell, there would be no one else who could stand on this land like him and fight for those things that had been lost!

Then... just die here!

Gastric's lips moved, he gave up his defense, and like a battering ram, he pounced on the rolling corpses and ghouls. No one could stop him. At this moment, Gastric's fearlessness , and his love for this land, almost soaked the sky of this land.

Hey, mortal, for a mortal, you are pretty good!

Gastric gasped heavily, leaning on his body with the black steel battle ax in his hand. When he was exhausted, the surrounding undead stopped attacking as if they had received an order, and surrounded him , The soldiers who followed him into the sea of ​​undead had all died in battle, only he was still persisting.

The Generalissimo wanted to raise his head, but a green shadow hit him like a long whip, and the powerless Gathelis was sent flying. The golden armor was scattered and cracked, Gathelis' helmet They were all shot into the sky.

The injuries on the generalissimo's body cracked open again. He rolled over in the air for several weeks, fell to the dirty ground in embarrassment, and spit out blood from his mouth. He had reached his limit.

What Gathelis saw was a monster with a height of more than 3 meters. It was like a devil, no, this is a devil. It was wearing a gorgeous green armor, with long curved horns on its head, a ferocious face, and sheep's hooves. The legs, the two hands are ferocious bone claws, and there are large green gemstones on the wrists.

It's a demon! A nathrezim, watcher of the Sepulcher front, one of the three dreadlords hidden in Lordaeron, Detheroc, a cunning and cruel demon with a hobby of collecting unique souls, like A soul like Gatheris, a soul that is unyielding and unyielding, is his favorite.

Are you still persisting? Look behind you, your soldiers have collapsed! What's the point of persisting?

Deseroc laughed, stretched out his bone claws and scratched his chin, his voice became strange, like a hypnotic sound that lulled people to sleep, Gathelis' eyes were confused for a moment, but recovered in an instant clear.

Don't...don't try to play with my will, devil!

Gasheris struggled hard, but when he found that his hypnosis spell didn't work on Gasheris, Detheroc seemed to be interested. He stepped forward and stretched out his sharp claws, trying to pierce Gasheris. Reese's body, but at this moment, a thick black-red energy, like a hidden poisonous snake, suddenly protruded from the dense forest not far away, and accurately grabbed Detherok's huge body.

who is it!

The body of the Dread Demon King was pulled towards the dense forest by the great force of the death grip, but he was also a high-level lord-level creature, and his body was filled with magic energy, causing his huge body to scatter and turn into a black The bats, spinning like a dark storm, regrouped in another part of the dense forest.

Who are you! Alsace's running dog? How dare you disturb my affairs, I want to.

Detheroc saw the tall death knight standing in the dense forest wearing black skeleton armor at first glance. The irritable demon immediately yelled and cursed, but just as it was about to destroy the death knight who dared to offend it At that moment, his eyes fell on the blood-red giant sword held by the death knight.

When seeing this sword, all of Deserocco's complaints and fierceness were scared back to the stomach.

He. He recognized this sword. To be precise, he and this sword came from the same place.

That's... that's the apocalypse! ——

There is a loud noise in the sky~ The popular character Uther appears! ! ! Sprinkle and celebrate! ! !

It's time for pleasant answering questions again~ I'm so lucky to have answers! ! !

@神上神AO: In fact, the problem of Kel’Thuzad, I made the character design based on the description of Kel’Thuzad in the encyclopedia, “Kel’Thuzad spared no effort to absorb any knowledge he can get his hands on.” This is also true I wrote the reason why Mr. Ke studied the spells of warlocks, because on the other hand, during the orc wars, the opponents of the mages were warlocks from the orcs, so it is not surprising that Kel'Thuzad, as a mage, has studied the spells of warlocks Yes, but because of this, he scattered his wealth and ran to Northrend, I am not sure, the chronicle said that Kel'Thuzad heard the voice of darkness, and Ner'zhul was also a great warlock, the two It is hard not to make people have such associations~~ But it doesn't matter, this point does not affect reading~

@书友141105170813134: The bloody battle between orcs and humans for more than ten years will not be eliminated so easily, so as long as the orcs still exist, the tribe will definitely exist. As for the process of rising. . . It is nothing more than competing for the right to survive in the sun, but the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance may have to wait a long time, because between 20-24 years at the Dark Portal, the Alliance tribe had a miserable life

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