Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 85 11. Siege of Dalaran

Dalaran, the city of magic, is a beautiful city completely covered in violet and blue and white. It is located on the shore of Lake Lordamere and at the foot of the Alterac Mountains. It is a fertile plain surrounded by vast The silver pine forest is completely covered.

This is the magical country of the Human Seven Nations Alliance. To be precise, Dalaran is not only the name of this city, but also the name of this small country. This is probably the smallest country in the world. Its overall area , not even as large as a large area of ​​the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Its population is only 100,000 people, but it is worth noting that 10,000 of them are mages. This ratio is enough to make it one of the strongest human countries.

Dalaran is different from other countries. It is not ruled by a king, but by the Kirin Tor, a mage organization in Dalaran. Don't expect mages to care about state affairs. After all, ten mages have nine houses, so Dalaran The political system in Laran is very chaotic, and there is almost no ruling class.

This has also created the citizens of Dalaran to have a very free mind. Although they also keep their own place, in the eyes of civilians and officials in other countries, the citizens of Dalaran are a group of fantasizing lunatics.

But now, even the freest citizens of Dalaran have no time and energy to think about other things. Since three days ago, mages have organized the transfer of citizens to Hillsbrad Hills and Arathi Highlands. , and a small group of adventurous guys, boarded the emigration ship organized by the Princess of Lordaeron, Kalia Menethil, and migrated to the strange and mysterious Kalimdor.

It is difficult to leave the homeland, this is the thought that civilians in any world will have, but under the imminent war and the threat of death, no one will just fall here and wait to die.

Especially yesterday afternoon, when the meteorite that traced a beautiful trajectory in the air fell on the border of Dalaran, and turned into a giant hellfire demon, after destroying four villages, even the most stubborn people, I have already started packing my luggage and preparing to flee the country.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this meteorite may be a sign of war, or the bell of destruction, but in the eyes of mages, this is clearly a super high-level offensive magic, because it is not cast on Dalaran itself , so even Antonidas and the council of six did not foresee the movement of magic power in advance.

In other words, Dalaran suffered a catastrophe.

And the worst thing is that the meteorite happened to hit the magic node of Dalaran's outer defensive barrier. When the battle mages killed the hellfire giant who was going around, they saw the opportunity and kept fighting in Los Angeles. Alsace, who was eyeing around Lake Damer, seized this opportunity and marched into the plains of Dalaran.

The Kirin Tor Council, also known as the Council of Six, or the Violet Council, the first layer of barriers that the mages believed to be infallible, was simply eliminated.

The current situation is exactly the same as the original situation in Quel'Thalas, or even worse!

No matter how bad Quel'Thalas is, its true strength is also several times stronger than Dalaran. Don't forget, the number of mages of the high elves has easily broken through the 10W mark, which is exactly Because there are enough mages to line up, Quel'Thalas can still press the undead on the southern front of Quel'Thalas when it is attacked on both sides.

But the current Dalaran does not have this strength. They are a pure mage organization, not like the Phoenix Dynasty, and there are two standing elite military forces. , It only took less than 3 hours, until the sea of ​​undead in the sky was filled with darkness, and the whole Dalaran was surrounded.

To make matters worse, with the presence of the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad, the space around Dalaran was immediately blocked. Don't underestimate the strength of a Grand Lich. It has a huge amount of magic power in its body. Enough to completely cover the entire city.

Not to mention, the undead army that arrived this time is not purely undead.

Antonidas withdrew his palm on the Eye of Dalaran. The investigation just now made the old mage feel even more depressed, because he also found a lot of demons among the undead.

Although he is very confident in the double magic barrier in Dalaran city, when he really saw this terrifying army, Antonidas couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, yesterday, he had trained most of the mages as apprentices. They were all sent to the Magician Guild of the Stormwind Kingdom, and I entrusted my old friends to take care of them, otherwise, if a real war broke out, I'm afraid...

Archmage, the undead have begun to attack the city! Do you want to activate the energy of the Eye of Dalaran?

A familiar voice came into Antonidas's mind in the form of mental fluctuations. The archmage froze for a moment, then nodded, took off the violet emblem on his chest, and placed it on the Dalai Lama in front of him. In the magic circle of the Eye of Laran.

This is a purple sphere floating in the air at half a person's height. The outer layer is all pure magic energy, and the center is a purple, candlestick-like staff. The top of the staff is a small The platform is dotted with three faint lights, and there are two purple ribbons hanging on both sides of the staff. On the platform at the top of the staff, there is an illusion of mana floating, which looks like a purple eye. Therefore, this thing is the first generation Mages, known as the Eye of Dalaran.

Even the phantom of the purple eyes was used by the first mages as the national emblem and symbol of Dalaran.

This staff is full of huge energy, and what's more, it has its own will. Antonidas can feel that the reason why this staff is still in Dalaran is to wait for it The arrival of fate.

But this does not prevent daring mages from using it as a functional item for Dalaran's double magic enchantment, and this staff did not show resistance.

The badge of Antonidas was placed in the magic circle below the Eye of Dalaran. The next moment, a huge purple force visible to the naked eye quickly surged outward along the densely packed magic circle, and soon spread throughout the entire In Dalaran, under the watchful eyes of Alsace and Kel'Thuzad outside the city, a purple light burst into the sky from the center of Dalaran. After the light dissipated, a thin layer of purple shield covered the entire Dalaran was surrounded.

Those undead who were very close and were about to attack Dalaran under the order of Alsace, couldn't even make a sound. The moment they touched the mana shield, they were wiped out by the powerful magic power .

Yes, dying directly is not like being burned into ashes by the holy light, but the whole body is torn apart by an invisible position and becomes the most basic particles, particles invisible to the naked eye.

Ah, look, the double barrier, Dalaran spent 200 years, and generations of wise mages participated in it, to create a top-level defensive circle!

The Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad floated behind Arthas, its jade-white skull creaked, and every time it opened or closed, a terrible cold came out of its mouth.

Arthas looked indifferently at the mana shield that kept killing undead. One minute later, after more than a thousand undead were torn apart, Arthas' fingers wrapped in black armor lightly touched the surface of Frostmourne. With a flick, the attack of the undead stopped, and they retreated hundreds of meters like soldiers ordered by orders, and then stopped there quietly.

Arthas held Frostmourne with both hands, he took a deep breath, and then stepped forward quickly, his body wearing the exquisite black and blue skeleton armor brought out an afterimage in the air, approaching When enchanting, hold the sword with both hands and slash it down.

Black, red and green intertwined energy sprayed out from the blade of Frostmourne, bringing out a sharp sword light that pierced the air, like a 10 times magnified energy blade of Frostmourne , the slash that fell from the sky landed on the surface of the double barrier.

But the attack that was enough to destroy a small town at this moment did not even have a ripple when it fell on the surface of the barrier. Under Alsace's slightly surprised gaze, the blue-black energy blade Like melted ink, it fell into the barrier and kept rolling.

A second later, the complete attack was bounced back, but it was no longer in the form of a sharp sword, but in the form of a shock wave. The black light brought up the dust on the ground and rolled up the air, like a giant The roar of the beast, in the form of a black storm, swept across the undead front, like a blink of an eye, and hundreds of undead were scattered and disappeared in place.

Alsace, who was within the sweeping range of the black light, was unharmed. When the black storm subsided, he still stood in that position. Outside his body, the light red mask helped him block this counterattack. But looking at the dense cracks on the red mask, Alsace's eyes became colder and colder.

Is there any way to break through this magic circle?

Alsace glanced at the air on the left, then tilted his head and asked.

The Grand Lich let out a burst of unintelligible laughter, and then said in a calm voice,

Hahahaha, the double violet enchantment uses the Eye of Dalaran as a charging item. It has strong defense and counterattack capabilities against magic attacks and physical attacks. You have seen it, even if you have entered the epic hero like this. A super-level attack can't shake this barrier, and it's the same with me!

The Grand Lich also focused on the air on the left, and then continued,

The speed at which we consume its energy is far less than the speed at which the Eye of Dalaran recharges. Therefore, unless there is a way to break through it from the inside, it will be unsolvable. Of course, if we can trap this place Long enough, maybe we can expect those mages to starve to death? Hahahaha.

Death can really completely change a person's temperament. Kel'Thuzad is an extreme example. This grand lich has changed from a cold-faced uncle to a vicious talker.

so unlucky!

However, Alsace surprisingly did not refute Kel'Thuzad's cold joke. Obviously, these two people who are not dealing with each other are currently in the same camp.

And just after Kel'Thuzad's cold joke was finished, there was a faint wave in the air on the left side of the two people, and then, one head was almost exactly the same as Detherocco who had just died, but the whole body was blood red , and compared with Deserocco's body size of just over 3 meters, it is two times larger, and the dark energy surging around him even actively forms the phantoms of skeletons and bats in the air.

Tichondrius, the first lord of Nathrezim, the leader of all dreadlords, the loyal servant of the great demon Archimonde, and the demon commander ordered to take charge of the undead Scourge.

As soon as it appeared, it stretched out its hand with a sneer, and the chaotic dark energy formed a dark vortex in its palm, like a small round ball gathered by a dark storm. It glanced at Alsace and Kel'Thuzad, and casually The orb of darkness was thrown towards Dalaran's mana ward.

This time, when the dark energy compressed to an extremely high density collided with the magic circle, it did not appear to be absorbed before, but directly made a depression on the surface of the magic barrier, and the two forces While canceling each other out, the purple light in that depression became stronger and stronger. Finally, when the purple magic power completely consumed the dark energy, that barrier was already covered with dense cracks.

Although the barrier was refilled in less than a second, when the purple shield appeared again, Tichondrius did not use magic anymore, but pierced the position just now with his claws.

Just like ordinary people grabbing balloons with their palms, even though they still couldn't break through the barrier, the claws of the Dread Demon King had almost stretched the purple light to the extreme.


Tichondrius withdrew his claws, cursed disdainfully, then scratched the collar of his armor impatiently, and said to Alsace,

It's just a double barrier of magic and physics. It's easy to break through this ridiculous defense of mortals. Don't think that I don't know the little thoughts of you and your dirty orc master. How Malganis died, I know more than you Clearly, that idiot needs to be punished, but it's not your turn either!

The Lord of the Dread Demon King glanced at Alsace's drastically changed face, scratched his chin with his scarlet claws, and continued in a sinister tone,

You should be thankful that you are still useful. The master is about to come to this sad world. This is the top priority. When the master conquers this world, I will settle accounts with you. Get out! Go do your own things!

Tichondrius simply ignored Alsace's extremely ugly color, stretched out his sharp claws lightly, and grabbed the air fiercely. A black space crack appeared, and the dreadlord lord walked in swaggeringly.

Hoho! What an arrogant, stupid devil! Look at its little brain, which is not much bigger than a bug. It can't understand this enchantment at all.

Before Kel'Thuzad could finish his sarcasm, he was interrupted by Alsace's raised left hand.

Kel'Thuzad, get your cursed mages ready to attack, now...not yet.

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