Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 86 12. Looking for a third party

Are these undead...are they crazy?

Frowning, Luo Ning, who was carrying the magical flame staff, stood on the upper floor of the city wall of Dalaran, which was not so tall. After becoming an archmage, the magic elements transformed his originally weak body, and even his eyesight was close to Blessed to the limit of human beings.

But now, in the face of Dalaran with the double barrier opened, these undead went forward one after another, attacking from the front of Dalaran in a suicidal attack method, and aimed at the purple force of Dalaran. Barrier charge, fragile walking corpses, can hardly get close to the barrier within 5 meters, and will be completely torn apart by the strong magic radiation.

Even the most powerful, undead war machine abominations, after forcibly breaking through the tearing of the outer space of the barrier, at most they can swing the bone-chopping axe and slash towards the barrier twice, and their huge bodies are too big. It will be crushed to powder by the terrifying magic power contained in the enchantment.

Farther away, the cursed mages in black robes gathered together, almost non-stop towards the direction of the undead sea attack, throwing all kinds of magic vigorously.

Although it looks magnificent, half of the sky is shrouded in the light of various magic spells, but judging from the fact that the magic barrier has not changed at all, these mages are obviously doing useless work.

Farther away from the mages, rows of ferocious and crude natural disaster construction machinery were throwing boulders towards Dalaran at an extremely fast speed, and each boulder hit the barrier, It will shake the ground of Dalaran, but in the face of the excellent physical defense of the enchantment, even the catapult that can break through the human city can't do anything.

Luo Ning just watched for a few seconds before he understood what the undead were up to.

It is nothing more than depleting the magic power of the Eye of Dalaran, but what if 1000 undead pounce on it every second? The magic power they consume is only one percent of the defensive circle named Violet Barrier inside the Council of Six.

Frankly speaking, even if the hundreds of thousands of undead brought by Alsace were all killed in battle under the violet barrier, they would never think of breaking through the barrier in such a barbaric way.

Although Tichondrius, who appeared briefly, provided a way to break through the barrier, although it looked very good, but unfortunately, Arthas didn't even have to try it himself to know that this method was simply not feasible.

Although the violet barrier is also known as a double barrier, its defense against physical and magic is not carried out alternately, but as long as it is opened, this layer of purple shield has both magical and physical defenses , there is no problem of conversion properties at all.

And in theory, as long as the attack does not exceed the maximum output magic power of the Eye of Dalaran, it will not cause problems in the operation of the enchantment, but if you want to exceed the output magic power of the Eye of Dalaran, hehe, at least now Azeroth, is an impossible situation.

The arrogant demon obviously underestimated the wisdom of human mages. The way it demonstrated, even Kel'Thuzad didn't want to comment too much, it was too stupid.

But Luo Ning, who was testing the entire battlefield, knew that the Violet Barrier was not invincible.

In fact, if this enchantment can become a round magic shield after it is opened, then it will be perfect, but unfortunately this magic circle can only act on the surface part, it is a round cover!

Although the mages of Dalaran took 200 years to carve the conical rocks under the ground of Dalaran with dense and solid magic circles to protect their weaknesses. Theoretically, even if it was a full blow from several heroes, it would be impossible to split these rocks that were almost a hundred times harder than ordinary rocks.

But this still can't change the ground of Dalaran, which is the only weakness of the Violet Barrier.

Both Antonidas and the Council of Six knew that another nerubian army under Arthas could travel under the ground, so most of the battle mages were placed near the sewers of Dalaran, 24 hours a day , closely monitoring any changes from below the ground.

This is also the reason why mages are rarely seen on the wide streets of Dalaran. At this critical moment, the entire city of mages and all those capable of fighting have been mobilized.

The violet enchantment is indestructible, and its only weakness is well concealed.

But why do I still feel bad in my heart?

Luo Ning came down from the burning tower, and he hurriedly walked towards the seat of the Council of Six. His absolute wisdom was warning Luo Ning that there must be some threats, which he ignored.

But... we already have such an enchantment, where does this faint warning come from?

Luo Ning looked up at the sky talking to himself, but finally shook his head in vain, and simply stopped thinking about these things.


The Dalaran border was destroyed, and the news that Alsace led the army to besiege the city of Dalaran was passed to Dick by scouts on the night when the Sepulcher offensive and defensive battle ended. When the commander of the forest front saw the news, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Well, it was really the meteorite that Deseroc fought back before dying, and it hit the magic power node on the border of Dalaran without dying.

How lucky is this dreadlord?

But it's not right to think so, after all, this guy has lost his mind and soul, so he can't be considered lucky.

That's not the only bad news that the scouts brought back.

In the southern part of Silverpine Forest, near the Dark Forest of the Kingdom of Gilneas, there are traces of monsters.

Watching the scene where the scouts stammered and described the humanoid monsters that suddenly appeared in the black forest, a message immediately appeared in Dick's mind.

Genn Greymane is crazy after all, this guy is so bold as to allow the eccentric Archmage Arugal to summon a werewolf from the Emerald Dream to defend his banned country!

Didn't he know that the curse on those damned werewolves spread?

Are these goddamn kings really after I die, even if the flood is great bastards?

Dick rubbed his forehead painfully.

Order! Let Major Abedis lead her 10 paladin squads and 500 soldiers to build a line of defense between the Elim Mine and the town of Amber Mill, and at the same time write to the sheriff of Southsea Town, I At least 300 people are needed to set up a defensive line at the entrance of the Hillsbrad Hills, and I will send Colfax to bring 100 paladins to help.

Dick gave the final order with murderous intent.

Starting today, the Silverpine Forest is under martial law. No one is allowed to leave the Silverpine Forest without my or Marshal Gatheris' pass order!

As soon as Dick finished speaking, Abidis, who finally looked better, immediately stood up and protested,

I'm not going to Amber Mill, I'm going to Dalaran, where the undead are all, that's where we should go!

Colfax, Miss Abbendis's attendant, also stood up with a face of approval. Although this guy is wearing the armor of the Silver Hand, he is not a paladin, but a warrior like Dalyan. It is said that , is also an extremely good casting master, also known as blacksmith.

However, their protest obviously did not get Dick's understanding. The paladin gave them a cold look and snorted.

Who said there were no undead there? There was at least a day's interval between the defeat of the Fourth Army and the resumption of combat. Who knows how many undead took advantage of the opportunity to flood into the Silverpine Forest, and you have also heard that there has been a lot of unrest recently. There were werewolves...uh, I mean, there were monsters!

Those things are your goals!

Dick stretched out his hand and drew two circles on the map hanging on the wall, then looked at Colfax with a meaningful smile,

Especially you, Colfax, there are only two roads into the Hillsbrad Hills, and the road to West Dallonmere has already been blocked by the brothers of the Silver Hand. I will leave it to you to take charge of the road, and I heard that you were born in Nanhai Town, so I will entrust the safety of your hometown to you!

Colfax didn't react for a while, but after listening to Dick's description, he really paid attention to the defense of Hillsbrad Hills.

What Dick said was actually correct. Whether it was elf refugees from Quel'Thalas or Lordaeron, the entire Hillsbrad hills were almost full of unarmed refugees.

In case a cursed mage or death knight sneaks in...

Thinking of this possibility, Colfax shivered violently, then quickly threw that terrifying picture out of his mind, and patted his chest loudly.

Obey, sir! I will strictly guard the pass and prevent any suspicious person from entering Hillsbrad.

Dick nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head to Abidis, and his tone became more relaxed. After all, this is the future leader of the Scarlet Crusade, and she is a high-scoring beauty, so naturally he can't use such blunt words. Speak in one breath.

Abbedis, the reason why I asked you to lead the team deep into Silverpine Forest is because I heard some horrible rumors before. You should remember that I said during the Northern Border Conference that the Archmage of Gilneas Arugal, a terrifying monster is being summoned... Be careful wherever you go!

Hearing Dick's words, Abbendis' eyes narrowed suddenly. This young girl inherited the bravery of the old General Abbendis, and also inherited her mother's intelligence, but from Dick's words and tone Here, she heard some bad news.

You mean, those monsters?


Dick nodded, his eyes narrowed, and his tone became gloomy, As far as I know, those monsters have something to do with the ancient Druids. I heard that when they attack ordinary people, they will infect some troublesome people. Therefore, you and the paladins have a very heavy task, at least you must not let that curse spread to the entire Silverpine Forest before repelling Alsace! Do you understand?

Yes! Sir!

Abides clasped her legs together, and patted her chest. Since she was not wearing armor, Dick's eyes twitched at that wave of jumping arcs, but then Dick turned his gaze away. placed on the map.

After both Abbendis and Colfax walked out of the command post, Dick thought for a few minutes, and slowly slid his fingers across the map, finally landing on the location of Alterac Valley.

His heart is not as calm as it looks on the surface. In the original history, the violet barrier of Dalaran was destroyed by Kel'Thuzad's conspiracy. Although Antonidas has paid attention to this point now, after two Dick, a big man, has already felt the stubbornness of the main line of fate.

For such a major event in history, even if he intervened in history, the general trend will still bring things back to the original track.

Therefore, Dick estimates that even if Dalaran has made complete preparations this time, the possibility of being breached is extremely high, and he needs to plan ahead.

At least... at least most of Dalaran's inheritance should be preserved, instead of being massacred more than half of the 10,000 mages like in history, leaving a mess of incomplete.

But in the face of the eager Alsace and his army of hundreds of thousands of undead, to do this, only relying on the current defense of the Sepulcher Line, the Fourth Army and the Stratholme War Group, which is already stretched, absolutely is not enough.

He needs more, stronger power.

Liadrin, we're going on a long journey... Get ready for the cold and set off this afternoon!

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