Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1211: Huge face

After Lin Mengjia said this, everyone also noticed that while they were observing the room for about five minutes, no one was moving in it. It seemed that there was indeed no one in it.

"Could it be that there is almost no one in this sect." A flash of surprise flashed in Zi Xuan's eyes.

The hall where she was in the sect was also so free all year round.

Her master would often take her to clean.

At that time, Zi Xuan was still the boss in her heart not happy.

It is obvious that no one is here to discuss matters. The tables and chairs inside are very old and even defective, but her master is very serious about cleaning things and never slack.

It seems that in this place, someone may come to discuss matters again at any time.

At the beginning, Zi Xuan was full of slander, thinking that Master was a waste of time.

There are only two of them in the entire sect. It is clear that they only need to keep their diet and daily life plus the place for practice. It is okay to ignore the others. Why do you need to trouble yourself?

Now that I have been away from the sect for a period of time, and when I went back last time, Zi Xuan faintly understood the reason for this insistence on seeing the deserted inside the sect.

He also knows that this is useless, just like paying homage to the ancestors of the sect every month, he also knows that the souls of those people have gone through several rounds of reincarnation or are not in this world. Let yourself be at ease.

Ji Ning turned his gaze, and then took a closer look in the room, then pointed his finger at the position closest to the bottom, and said: "Look at this, there seems to be something underneath."

The location pointed to by Ji Ning was at the feet of everyone.

This place is a bit biased, everyone didn't notice it before, but now that he said so, they are all looking at it intently.

However, at first glance, I didn't find anything unusual. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a faint shaking, not a real thing, just light and shadow.

"What is this?" Rong Guocheng frowned, bent his waist slightly, and looked at the place carefully, but he couldn't see anything at all.

Li Jianming tentatively asked, "I can't see anything. Could it be that the shadow of the tree outside was swayed by the wind and reflected here?"

Rong Guocheng shook his head and denied: "No, the length of this chamber is more than 30 meters. Although it is facing the door, looking at the angle of the sun, the shadow of the tree outside will not be projected here. Come.

"Then, what could it be?" Li Jianming scratched his hair, his face was full of wonder, "This room is empty. Is it possible that there is someone somewhere we can't see?"

Shangguan also lowered his head, looked at the bottom, and muttered: "According to the furnishings of the chamber, the mirrorless mirror was placed on the table in the center of the main position. The position we are looking at now is The table under the mirror, from the angle where we are, what you can't see is the theme, is there someone on the theme?"

"It's a pity that we can't hear outside sounds." Xue Rui pinched his chin with his hands, with a bit of regret on his face.

Zi Xuan blinked, turned her head, and glanced at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded to her, and said, "You can try."

Zi Xuan let out a "um", her eyes fixed on the room in front of her, her lips moved slightly, and she muttered silently.

Obviously, Zi Xuan was trying to make them not only see the picture outside the mirrorless mirror, but also hear the sound.

In order to avoid disturbing Zi Xuan, Lin Mengjia whispered in Tang Feng's ear: "Can you hear the sound even if you are touching it?"

Tang Feng nodded.

"Aren't you the same as watching a movie?" Xue Panpan's expression was a bit unbelievable in surprise, and she also lowered her voice and whispered.

Tang Feng nodded, pointed his finger in the direction that looked like the big screen of a movie, and said, "Inside the mirrorless mirror and outside the mirror, there are two spaces at this moment, and here is the connection between these two spaces. bridge."

Xue Panpan then asked, "Then, can people outside see us through the mirror?"

"The inside of the mirror can be connected to the outside of the mirror, and the outside of the mirror can naturally be connected to the inside of the mirror. However, every connection established is one-way, unless the founders hope to communicate with each other afterwards."

Listening to Tang Feng's explanation, everyone exchanged glances.

"This mirrorless mirror is like a single-sided mirror. Which party can see the other side's situation depends on which party's cultivation level is high or can take the initiative."

Tang Feng further explained.

As he spoke, his gaze fell on Zi Xuan, who was still frowning and concentrating.

Obviously, at this moment, it is Zi Xuan who has the initiative.

She is the master of the mirrorless mirror, which is an advantage in itself. In addition, in the mirrorless mirror, there is also a formula taught by Tang Feng, which is to turn the mirrorless mirror into a "camera" that can monitor the outside world.

Following Zi Xuan's silent meditation, she slowly raised her arm.

When everyone saw this, they were worried that they were next to her and affected her movements, so they all withdrew a few steps, leaving all the space in front to Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan also lived up to expectations. Following her hand, she flicked through the mirror-like air again, and in their ears, there was already a slight sound.

It's the sound of wind blowing.

Although the voice is very small, everyone's heart is moved.

It succeeded.

The faces of everyone immediately showed joy.

This means that they can not only see the outside scene, but also hear the sound.

Everyone, the happiest one is Zi Xuan herself.

For a while, Zi Xuan was dancing with excitement.

In fact, at this time, there were no obvious human voices outside, and all that could be heard was only a faint wind.

Fortunately, this chamber is very empty, otherwise such a long distance and such a small wind would make it clear that it would not be able to blow around here.

Zi Xuan was happy, not because she really heard anything, but because she really succeeded. Even if only a needle fell on the ground, the outside sound was enough to make her excited.

As Zi Xuan happily approached the "big screen", listening to the gusts of wind coming from outside, suddenly, a huge face appeared in front of her eyes.

This face occupies the entire visible range of sight, blocking all the space behind it, and a pair of **** eyes are staring at everyone.

Zi Xuan couldn't help but uttered "Ah", and immediately turned pale with fright. "Humhhhhhh" she backed up a few steps. Fortunately, Xue Rui who was next to her caught her in time and didn't fall. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1211 Huge Face) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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