Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1212: Enraged spirit beast

With such a horrifying scene, not only Zi Xuan was taken aback, but everyone else was also taken aback.

However, fortunately, they still have some distance. There is no close contact like Zi Xuan, and the visual impact is not so strong. Although it is shocked, there is not much panic.

After a moment of horror, everyone had stabilized their minds, and Zi Xuan also recovered her calm, frowned, looking at the behemoth that appeared in front of her eyes.

Lin Mengjia also shuddered in fright, and involuntarily grabbed Tang Feng's arm.

Tang Feng embraced her and patted her comfortably on her shoulder.

There was a faint smile on his face, without the slightest panic.

Because at the first moment, he had already seen what this huge face, almost several meters high, was.

That face retreated a little to the back, revealing a slightly sly face, a pair of jet black eyes, turning around, constantly looking left and right.

"Small gray."

Zi Xuan, who had already seen clearly, said in surprise with a somewhat skeptical tone.

Others also saw it and understood that it was Xiao Hui who appeared in front of them.

Immediately, everyone smiled helplessly.

They are in the mirror at this moment, and the outside world they see is through the mirror surface of the mirror. If someone or something approaches the mirror surface at this moment, they will become a giant in their eyes.

In the situation before him, it was obvious that Xiao Hui's face was almost stuck to the mirror, so that such a scene would appear.

The people in this phaseless mirror can see Xiao Hui, but Xiao Hui can't see them. In its eyes, the phaseless mirror is still a mirror.

After Xiao Hui stepped back a little, he couldn't help looking around, as if observing the surrounding situation. When he was sure that no one was approaching and everything was safe, he stretched out his paw towards the mirrorless mirror.

Looking at it this way, after Xiao Hui sneaked into this place, he found the whereabouts of the mirrorless mirror, and wanted to take it away while no one was guarded.

At this moment, everyone's hearts all raised their throats.

Tang Feng said before that the reason why he deliberately entered the mirror and didn't take everyone away was because he wanted to stand by and wait for the person who snatched the mirrorless mirror and laid the trap to send it to the door. See what their purpose is.

But now, Xiao Hui wants to take away the mirrorless mirror. Didn't they waste all their efforts and waited in vain for so long?

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but cried out nervously, "Xiao Hui, don't!"

But it was how anxious she was. Naturally Xiao Hui couldn't hear it outside. Everyone watched, Xiao Hui's claws were getting closer and closer, and she would almost immediately catch the mirror.

At this moment, Xiao Hui suddenly let out a sharp scream, and then his body seemed to be electrocuted. When he vacated, he rolled back, and turned several somersaults, until he fell almost near the door of the chamber. s position.

At the same time, at the bottom of everyone's perspective, Ji Ning pointed to the location of something before, and a flash of light flashed.

This light was very short-lived, and it happened under such circumstances. Most people's attention was on Xiao Hui's body, and few people noticed the flashing at this moment.

"Xiao Hui!" Lin Mengjia called out again very nervously.

Xiao Hui was already on the ground at this moment. Seeing its appearance, he didn't suffer any injuries, but at this moment, he looked very angry.

The hairs on its body were all erected, and the sharp claws stretched out, with a bit of brutality in its eyes, and it looked in the direction of the mirror.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but fought a cold war.

She seemed to see again, running out of the woods at that time, with a **** little ash on her body.

"What's wrong with Xiao Hui?" Ji Ning also looked nervous.

This little gray usually looks idle. In this way, not only Lin Mengjia feels a little frightened, but everyone else is equally uneasy.

Tang Feng glanced at the place where the light had just flashed, and said: "The formation around the mirrorless mirror is set up. If someone wants to touch the mirrorless mirror, they will be attacked by the formation, Xiao Hui Although it is a spirit beast, it is not a problem to deal with people, but facing the formation, it is helpless. This formation does not hurt it, but it makes it feel pain. For animals, the pain is the most painful. Can inspire animality."

Seeing Xiao Hui had been completely irritated, Shangguan said with some worry: "If Xiao Hui comes again, he will still encounter the same situation, I am afraid this situation will get worse and worse."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Even if Xiao Hui is smart, he is still a beast after all. Its IQ is like a child. At this time, if he is irritated, he will vent indiscriminately, which will not solve the problem. On the contrary, he may not be hurt by the formation, but may be hurt by himself. Lost myself.

Tang Feng calmly stared in Xiao Hui's direction, and there was a calm expression in his eyes.

Everyone clearly knew that Xiao Hui couldn't see Tang Feng, nor could he feel Tang Feng looking at it, but it was obvious that Xiao Hui's emotions were gradually calming down.

The hair that was originally exploded on its body has slowly calmed down, and it is attached to its body again, and the fierceness in its eyes has gradually faded.

It only took more than ten seconds. Just now, the spirit beast that was full of hostility and could kill people directly turned into a cute little gray.

Xiao Hui grabbed his head with his paws and looked around. There was a bit of confusion in his eyes, as if he was looking for something, but after searching for a long time, he found nothing.

It did not stay in this chamber for too long. After searching and finding no results, Xiao Hui took two steps back, then turned around, bounced around, and quickly disappeared from everyone’s sight. Among.

Seeing that Xiao Hui was gone, the people who were originally worried, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then, a touch of doubt rose in everyone's heart.

Without waiting for others to speak, Lin Mengjia was the first to speak, and asked Tang Feng: "Didn't Xiao Hui come to help Zi Xuan? Why did he get to this place?"

With a helpless smile on Tang Feng's face, he shook his head, and said, "I also thought that after Xiao Hui found Zi Xuan, he could be with her. Now it seems that it must not be there. Zi Xuan noticed that there was a problem in her surroundings, and found the whereabouts of the mirrorless mirror, so she wanted to take the opportunity to take it away. It had always been saddened that it could not catch up with the little monkey and snatched the mirrorless mirror back. Of."Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: .htmlLongevity return to be a dad full text reading address: Longevity Return, Become a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1212 Enraged Spirit Beast) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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