Faced with Minissa's resistance, Mason was not surprised. She knew her student very well. The pride she carried because of her background would never disappear in her life, and she would not willingly submit to others.

Faced with Minissa's attack, Mason's body turned into a gust of black wind and disappeared again. The next second, her old palm suddenly appeared from the black wind and grabbed Minissa hard.

Instantly, Minissa felt a huge danger. In an instant, her whole body was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.


The ice crystals were instantly crushed by an invisible force when they just solidified.

While the ice crystals were shattered, Minissa's rosy and tender lips suddenly opened and spit in the direction of Mason.

A large number of sparks suddenly appeared around Mason's black wind, and then exploded.

It was as if hundreds of grenades exploded around Mason at the same time. The terrifying temperature caused the interior of the room to start burning, and the ground and ceiling were full of potholes, as if they were continuously shot by a shotgun.

This trick worked, and Minniesha turned around and ran without hesitation.

She knew very well that she was no match for this old witch, and this was just a delay.

But just as Minniesha was about to turn around and run away, she was suddenly grabbed by the ankle by a black silk thread that appeared from nowhere.

Then, Mason's gloomy voice sounded: "Still as you didn't learn your lesson as before. After experiencing two burnings at the stake, will I still be afraid of fire?"

While speaking, Mason walked out of the flames calmly, and the high-temperature flames did not even burn the corners of her robes.

When Minissa saw this, a flash of shock flashed across her peach blossom eyes: "Impossible, even if you have resistance, it is impossible to be so unharmed."

Just after she finished speaking, Minissa seemed to think of something and looked at Mason suddenly: "You... level 40!?"

On the road to superhumanity, every ten levels is a huge threshold, and after level 30, each threshold is a kind of transformation that can be called a new life.

After entering level 40, you can master some special abilities.

Level 50 is the demigod realm that countless people dream of. Legend has it that when humans reach level 50, they have already escaped from the category of humans, have a long life and are difficult to kill.

As for level 60? No one in the known field can reach level 60.

Facing Minissa's shock, Mason's old face showed a seemingly cold smile: "Not stupid."

As Mason raised his arm, he could see that there was no normal skin on her arm, but it was covered with terrible burn scars.

And on these scars, it was full of high-temperature red, like countless charcoal hidden under her skin.


Mason exhaled at this time.

The moment this breath was sprayed out, all the furniture, bricks, and floors in front of it were completely melted.

Yes, melted. Because the temperature was too high, I couldn't even see the burning process clearly.

Seeing all this, Minissa clenched her silver teeth: "Special skin can absorb all heat and store it, so that high-temperature flames can't hurt you. And this stored heat can also be used as a means to attack the enemy!"

Mason replied lightly: "As expected of my student, you have some insight. This is the special ability given to me by the two burnings."

While speaking, he took a step forward and suddenly a pure metal whip appeared in his hand and directly strangled Minissa's slender waist.

"As long as I transfer a little heat, you won't even have time to react and develop your ability, and I can strangle you in half!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it will be fun to make a circle of hideous burns on such perfect and tender skin, ha ha ha!"

Minissa couldn't help but tighten her heart when she heard this. The most proud thing in her life was her tender and attractive body.

If she had a scar on her waist, her self-confidence would even collapse completely.

Mason noticed the subtle psychological activity of Minissa and said lightly: "If you want to be honest, I can consider letting you go. After all, there is someone who is very interested in you and asked me to spare your life."

Minissa gritted her teeth and said: "Even if I die, I will not give myself to him!"

Mason laughed after hearing this: "It's a pity that you have no say over your life and death now."

As soon as the voice fell, Mason punched Minissa's flat abdomen hard.

When Minissa opened her mouth in pain, he directly stuffed a black thing into her mouth.

During the whole process, Minissa clearly felt that the slippery thing went down her esophagus into her stomach and attached to the stomach wall.

And the most important thing is... she can clearly see that thing wriggling.

"What did you give me to eat!?" Minissa asked in a low voice.

Mason put away the metal whip and smiled slightly: "The larvae of the macrophage worm."

! ! !

Hearing this, Minissa's face suddenly turned green.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, the larva will be very honest, but if you are not obedient, it will madly suck the influence of your whole body. With the sucking speed of this larva, it will only take five minutes for you to become a dried corpse with only skin and bones left."

Mason said, inserting his dry, scarred hand between Minissa's towering breasts: "And it will break out of your body under the nourishment of your nutrition."

Minissa gnashed her teeth and asked, "What on earth do you want to do!"

Mason, who had completely controlled Minissa at this time, did not keep her in suspense and said directly, "Feed the messenger, and then we will use the messenger's special ability to enter the bottom of the French Mountain."

"Ancient God Dungeon! There is an Ancient God Dungeon under the French Mountain!?" Minissa was shocked.

Mason said lightly, "There are many things you don't know. We are going there to get something this time. After that, you have to leave here with me. There is no need to continue operating Arkham now. The city is about to face only destruction, and then the ancient gods will be reborn in these ruins."

Minissa's heart moved after hearing this. She found that Mason seemed to be still unclear about Los Arkham.

Under the disguise of shock on her face, Minissa knew that it was time to accept Lilith's original suggestion.

Although she was very hesitant about this decision because of the pride hidden in her blood before, she now had no other choice.

She knew what kind of crazy and terrifying existence Mason represented, and she also knew that the person who made her feel disgusted would not let her go.

In fact, Mason came here this time just to follow his orders.

"I would rather choose Los Arkham than you!"

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