Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 185 Police officers wiped out

After confirming that the existence under the church was far beyond their control, Sina hurriedly left to report to Los.

And Kurvin took Father Hurst to the sanatorium to deal with the palm problem.

The scene was completely blocked at the top of the mountain under the leadership of Officer Conte, and the crowds on the surroundings gradually dispersed. After all, they still had their own work.

The top of French Hill fell into silence again.

Conte took two policemen to guard the only road leading to the top of the mountain, and sighed: "It feels like because of the approach of the huge monster, many sleeping things in Arkham have been awakened."

The policeman on the side smiled: "What if it's awakened? As long as the mayor is here, we have nothing to fear."

Conte nodded easily after listening, took out three cigarettes, handed them to the other two, and then lit them himself.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Conte said: "I'll take you to Litai Bar tonight. The cocktails there taste very special."

"Okay!" The two policemen suddenly lit up.

Although these two people are ghouls, their daily routines are no different from those of normal people, and because they were humans before, they have many human habits.

For example, smoking, drinking and perming their hair.

The three of them laughed and talked for a while, and suddenly a ghoul policeman suddenly said: "Who!?"

Conte reacted at this time and turned around hurriedly, just in time to see an old woman in a gray robe, with another plump and sexy woman who was also wearing a hooded robe, who had appeared in front of the three people without knowing when.

Conte clenched his gun and whispered: "Ladies, it's very dangerous up there, please leave here immediately."

The old woman raised her head slightly and swept across the three policemen.

And Conte at this moment, relying on his keen perception ability, saw deep coldness and malice from it.

It seemed that this old woman was hostile to all humans.

"I hate police the most!" The old woman said in a cold tone.

At the moment this voice fell, the two policemen on the side suddenly jumped up and punched the old woman directly.

The old woman was motionless, but a gust of black wind blew over, cutting the bodies of the two policemen and making them covered in blood.

The two policemen were startled and knew that the old woman was stronger than them.


With two inhuman roars, the two instantly changed into their original forms, waving their claws and rushing towards the old woman again.

The old woman saw this and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes: "Ghoul? Or a high-level species that can turn into human form? This is a top-notch tonic for the messenger!"

After saying that, she suddenly raised her hand and squeezed it hard.

The black wind changed direction and directly cut off the necks of the two ghouls.

"No!" Conte was so wide-eyed when he saw this that he instantly took out his pistol and shot at the old woman.

These two people were in the same group with Conte. They patrolled together and performed tasks together every day. They had become good friends after spending many days together.

"Go!" The ferocious head that fell off said to Conte with difficulty.

The head of the other ghoul let out a piercing scream.

After hearing this voice, the ghouls above looked down.

The team leader here immediately said: "You three! Escape in three directions! Go report to the mayor! The rest of you follow me to fight!"

The old woman didn't care about Conte's shooting at all. She looked up at the ghouls on the top of the mountain and said happily: "This human is left to you! I'm going to catch food for the messenger."

At the top of the mountain, before the police even had time to escape, the old woman Mason had already floated to the top of the mountain and said coldly: "Not bad! Although I don't know where the little ghost mayor got so many high-level ghouls, this is indeed a lot more convenient for me."

After speaking, she waved her hands violently, and countless black winds appeared.

But this time the black wind was still carrying a terrifying high temperature.

"Kill!" Knowing that they couldn't run away, the ghouls instantly turned into a circle, and fought desperately with fierce faces.

A level 40 superhuman attacked a group of level 20 ghouls. This was a massacre.

The black wind mixed with high temperature began to slaughter crazily, and the police began their final battle.

They attacked the witch madly in the heat and with their bodies gradually melting, in order to fulfill the last loyalty they could do now.

Unfortunately, the huge gap in strength even made them touch the corner of Mason's clothes.

However, Mason was a little surprised: "What a loyal group of ghouls, it's a pity that you will never see your master again."

Conte, who was not far away, was staring with eyes wide open. Although this group of people were not human, they were indeed his friends and colleagues who spent every day with him!

"Damn witch!!" Conte roared and was about to rush up and fight the witch.

But the next second, he found that his body was freezing rapidly.


Almost at the moment of freezing, his entire left arm was torn off by the plump and sexy woman.

Then the woman stretched out her hand and pinched his neck to prevent him from speaking.

"Go tell Arkham to be careful of the monster behind the door." A mosquito-like voice came into Conte's ears.

Before he could come to his senses, his whole body was frozen, and then he was thrown off the cliff by Minissa.

At the top of the mountain, after killing the last zombie, Mason gathered the twenty or so people together and broke down the door of the church.

At this time, Minissa walked up slowly, shaking the frozen arm in her hand and said, "Sorry, the human body is too fragile, I just shook it casually and it broke. I guess he has fallen down and turned into a pile of broken ice now."

Mason looked at it without doubt and said casually, "Compared with humans, the messenger prefers these clans. Since this is a high-level sacrifice, don't put this arm in."


Minissa said, throwing it casually, and the frozen body turned into a pile of broken pieces the moment it fell to the ground.


In the city hall, Los was still bowing his head to handle government affairs.

Financial report, civil affairs report, birth rate report, related policy benefits, personnel deployment, operating budget for the establishment of new departments, progress reports of various projects, etc., etc.

At this stage of lack of people, almost all of these things need Los to review and sign for approval.

After finishing the twenty documents on hand, Los leaned back on the chair with a bit of despair: "I really want to live the chic life of those playboys!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Xina came in hurriedly and began to report to Los.

Hearing this, Los groaned and said: "Finally it has come to this point, something has happened that the police can't handle... Even Father Hester was injured."

"Master, how should this matter be handled?" Xina asked.

Los stood up and said: "It seems that I will go over and take a look myself, let's go!"

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