Bright Era

Chapter 1833: The wind is surging (2)

With his hands on his back, Ying Zheng held up his head and sneered again and again: "Well, anyone who has let me down and takes advantage of me will die!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng completely forgot the fact that his soul was controlled by Lin Qi. He was only dreaming about the future that he would unify all the continents in the world and command the immeasurable soldiers to attack the legendary kingdom of gods and bring those male gods. Kill them all, making those goddesses kneel under their hips and cry in pain and cry for mercy.

Thinking of her pride, Ying Zheng couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Come here, tell the decree, and invite the concubine to meet."

Ying Zheng only felt that his whole body was burning. Now he must have some fun to extinguish the evil fire in his body. After thinking about it, Ying Zheng shouted again: "Record on the daily record. I ordered Zhao Lu to lead people back to Xueqin to go to the Eastern Ocean to conduct confidential matters. People in the upper and lower levels are not allowed to leak a word, dare to commit a crime. People, copy all the way!"

Not long after, a young and beautiful woman wearing a blood Qin palace dress with a dignified and beautiful appearance and a slender figure slowly walked into the watch tower. Ying Zheng laughed and greeted him, and the watch tower soon sounded like a song. Weeping moans. The fact that Zhao Lu, the palace administrator next to Ying Zheng, was ordered to take people to act in the Eastern Ocean was also recorded in the accompanying book.

Day by day, the **** Qin army continued to attack the desert temple like a tide, and the old eunuchs of the royal enshrinement regiment of the **** Qin Empire also disappeared day by day. But no one has noticed this problem. How can people from abroad know what happened in the palace of Yingzheng? The power of Yingzheng is getting stronger and stronger and more unfathomable.

At the same time, tens of thousands of high-ranking clergymen of the Mila Church in the Eastern Subcontinent are worshiping three groups of burning flames outside the main altar of the Mila Church. A group of red divine flame, this is the creation flame of the founding shrine; a group of white divine flame, this is the refuge flame that protects the shrine; a black group of divine flame, this is the extinction flame that destroys the shrine.

Since the creation of the Myra Sect, the tricolor flames have been burning in the depths of the main altar of the Myra Sect.

Over three groups of raging gods tens of meters in diameter, dozens of ghosts and ghosts that describe weird are standing in the air. Above these gods, there is a huge sacred tree with luxuriant branches. In the middle of the big tree, in a small hole like a shrine, a human figure emitting a faint golden light is sitting cross-legged.

A deep voice came from this humanoid light: "It's time to do it! Believers of my race, are you ready?"

The three major shrines, many shrines, and altar’s supreme elders, elders, **** masters, temple deities, altar deities, and many of their subordinate masters, Taoists, mages, etc. knelt down at the same time, and they said It doesn't, but there is a puff of evil spirit all over the body.

Since the last time Lin Qi rebelled against the Mila Sect and forcibly robbed the Secret Demon Tower, certain spirits enshrined by the Mila Sect had issued oracles to launch an all-out war against the Temple. This is not a war between one country and one country, it is a religious war waged by one continent against another!

In the area controlled by the Myra Sect, countless tribes have mobilized elite warriors and wizards, prepared equipment, ordnance, food and medicine with all their strength, and madly formed an astonishing scale, even more powerful than the Blood Qin Empire. The Western Expeditionary Army is even larger.

After all, the Western Expedition Army of the Blood Qin Empire was only the power of one country. Although Ying Zheng was arrogant, he still had some sense of reason. He would at least not use the method of shaking the country to conscript the army to launch the Western Expedition. But the Eastern Subcontinent is different. All the people here are devout believers of the Myra Sect. All of them are extremely fanatical and pious. Upon the order of the Myra Sect, as long as the fighters and wizards who can move will flock to them. Fighting to join the army with equipment, dry food and medicine.

Therefore, the Milo Sect had assembled a huge and unusual army, and they had gathered near the huge trench at the junction of the Eastern Subcontinent and the Eastern Continent, preparing to divide into one hundred roads, and at the same time launch an attack on the Tianmiao and the Blood Qin Empire.

Tianmiao has already mobilized a large number of elite expeditions to the west, and most of the mobile force of the Xueqin Empire has also been transferred to the west. At this moment, the Miluo Sect is taking advantage of the trend, and it just happens to be caught off guard.

"Remember what we told you!" The humanoid light and shadow in the big tree sounded like thunder: "If you can win, kill as many as you can. If you lose, kill as much as you can. Victory. After that, the Tianmiao will be destroyed. If it is defeated, some people will naturally mediate, but I am not afraid that the gods of the Tianmiao will really turn his face with us!"

A group of clergymen of the Mila Church stared at each other silently. This is a bit discouraged. I haven't started the war yet, I'm thinking about what to do if I fail. Fortunately, these words were spoken in front of the senior leaders of the Mirage Sect. If they were spoken in front of the armed tribes recruited, it is estimated that the morale of 10% would be at most 30%.

A super elder from the founding temple hurriedly yelled: "Please don't worry about God, we will fight to the death."

The figure in the big tree waved his hand gently, and laughed slowly: "Those people below can fight to the death, their lives are worthless. But you cannot. If something goes wrong, you will immediately retreat. Yeah. The Mirra Cult is still indispensable for you, and we are also indispensable for you. Work hard and do things with all your heart, and you will all have the hope of becoming a **** in the future!"

The ordinary words made the faces flushed with excitement on the high-levels of the Mila Sect who were present, and their eyes instantly turned into terrible blood, and they screamed like chicken blood. Regardless of men and women, young and old, they kowtow one after another, hysterically swearing that they must fight the Tianmiao decisively, and absolutely no one will escape.

The figures of the gods gradually dissipated, and in the void that the mad Mila sect leaders could not hear or feel, a few ridicules suddenly sounded: "This is humanity! A vague promise, a little hypocritical concern, It can make them grateful and let them sacrifice their lives for us!"

"It's really incomprehensible that their ancestors were like that, but they are like this now! I knew it was this way, why did we fight like that back then? So many companions have fallen, so many people have died in battle, why bother Come?"

"Stop talking nonsense! The Secret Demon Tower of our Secret Demon Clan, get back the Secret Demon Tower for us as soon as possible! Damn, without the Secret Demon Tower, what should we do for the propagation of this clan? Although we still have a spare Secret Demon Tower, But... do you know how difficult it is for us to breed offspring?"

"Okay, shut up, and prepare to act by chance. Launch an all-out war and see what the opinions of those guys in the temple are. If they have a tough attitude, we will stop, but they must return the Secret Magic Tower. If they have an attitude Uncertain, then we will fight and take the opportunity to harvest more souls of believers so that we can recover a little bit more."

"Send messengers to the group of hypocritical long ears to see what their opinions are. They took the biggest advantage back then, and this time they can’t be easily let go. The benefits they get must be shared with us. Otherwise, war!"

Words full of conspiracy reverberated in this small space, and countless weird and twisted figures loomed here, many of which had a large number of heads and a larger number of arms. The aura they exude was so hideous. And vicious.

Just when the gods of the Mirage Sect instigated the believers to launch an all-out war against the Tianmiao, the Undead Continent finally took place.

At the core of the vast Undead Continent, a large mountain composed of white bones crazily drilled out of the underground. With a huge roar, this mountain quickly rose tens of thousands of meters high, and its base was thousands of meters in diameter. There are countless huge halls made up of white bones, and a series of ancient and evil auras sprayed out from those halls, and quickly enveloped the entire Undead Continent.

Surprisingly, these ancient and evil auras can only be felt by the real undead creatures, and those necromancers who are active on the Undead Continent—as long as they retain the characteristics of humans or other life races, they are completely Can't feel the existence of this breath.

Among the countless ancient tombs all over the Undead Continent, one after another huge coffins are slowly opened. In the long history, even their names have been annihilated. Even the oldest undead emperor in the Undead Continent does not know their names. The powerful undead slowly crawled out of the coffin.

Whether it is a skeleton monster or a zombie knight, whether it is a ghost or a lich, whether it is a dragonbone wizard or a nightmare sorceress, these undead crawling out of the coffin all wear a small crown on their heads. Black iron, bronze, silver, gold, mithril, fine gold, up to the highest level of magic gemstones carved into gem crowns, relying on these crowns of different materials, these undead are divided into levels according to their strength, and the strict class division clearly shows one The prototype of a well-organized and huge power.

It is impossible to tell how many undead wearing crowns crawled out of the coffin. They took a slow pace, but they moved forward in one step, tens of miles, or even thousands of miles. Soon, countless undead powerhouses gathered under the white bone mountain, and a huge ghost dragon with a body length of at least 10,000 meters did not know that it got out of the mountain and lay lazily. On a gentle **** of the mountain.

The gigantic ghost dragon lay lazily on the hillside, and countless twisted wraith faces loomed in the light gray translucent body. Two clusters of red lights flickered in his hollow eye sockets, looking ruthlessly at the dense and boundless undead below.

There was a loud bang, and a gray lightning slammed crazily from the sky, and slammed fiercely on the top of the mountain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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