Bright Era

Chapter 1834: The wind is surging (3)

A dilapidated giant palm of white bone sprang out fiercely from the top of the mountain. On the giant palm of white bone with a radius of nearly a kilometer, it firmly supported a shrine built with a broken black giant stone full of vicissitudes of life. Lightning continued to fall, smashing into this temple crazily, as if to completely annihilate some terrifying existence in the temple.

But no matter how crazy the lightning was, this temple still stood still, standing firmly in the middle of the huge bone palm.

After not knowing how long, a hoarse voice sounded slowly with a deep chill: "Finally, I woke up! Really, I slept too long! Too long, too long, I have forgotten what happened. Up?"

With the sound of this sound, the dark clouds all over the sky suddenly drifted away, and the violent gray electric light disappeared without a trace. The ghost dragon lying on the mountain peaked with a flattering smile, and obediently lowered his head. At the foot of the mountain, the boundless undead powerful men bend their bodies at the same time and salute the temple on the top of the mountain.

"It's been a long time, I only remember a few bits and pieces!" A heavy voice grunted: "I remember a **** guy who kicked my head, although he didn't take my life. , But my memory is damaged too badly. Hey, who can tell me what happened over the years?"

After a long time, a cold, a little sweet female voice slowly came out: "In these years, I have been on duty three times to wake up. According to our agreement before going to sleep, all the strong on this continent, when they After reaching a certain level of strength, they will all hide their names and bring their most loyal and reliable subordinates into a deep sleep like us."

"With the nourishment of the rich death breath of this continent, their strength has been greatly enhanced."

"But the last time I came here, it was five thousand six hundred years ago. When I secretly visited this continent that belongs to us, I discovered that external forces had invaded our territory. Some humans from the East, they and now Some of the trivial little lords colluded with each other and used the resources of the mainland to do things that were not in our plan."

"For example?" The hoarse, cold voice asked coldly at the beginning.

"For example, all the resources of this continent, including the several passages within this continent leading to the abyssal world, all the rare resources obtained in exchange for them, must be sent to the Temple of the Undead to enshrine us. But maybe we haven't had it for too long. Lower the oracle, those little lords, they are boldly greedy for the resources that originally belonged to us."

"So we only completed 90% of the repairs of all war equipment of our clan, and another 10% stopped work thousands of years ago because of lack of materials." The woman sighed helplessly: "I said, it should be done. An undead canopy was set up on the edge of this continent so that the living creatures could not approach, but you rejected my proposal."

The heavy voice grumbled: "It's not that we refused, but we didn't have enough strength to do this thing at that time! My bones were all broken up, and it was too late to save my life. Where can I do this? "

Angrily grunted, a tyrannical will flew out of the temple and quickly swept across the Undead Continent. Then the heavy voice suddenly screamed hysterically: "What's going on? My bone devil pit! I ordered them to prepare one hundred thousand bone devil pits scattered all over the continent, and one hundred thousand bone devil pits are quite a lot. But what about the bones inside? At least half of the bones are missing!"

The woman's voice sighed helplessly: "This is what I want to tell you. Those outsiders colluded with the current little lords, not only looting the resources used to repair our war equipment, but also plundering our preparations. Some materials used to form the undead army and to restore our own strength."

Another feminine, soft, chilling voice like a poisonous snake came out: "Why don't you stop them? Honey, you are the only tribe who has woken up in recent years!"

The woman yelled angrily: "Don't reveal our existence, and guard against those **** guys knowing that we haven't fallen. Isn't this a decision we all negotiated together? Even the few descendants we stayed outside, they all I wonder if we still exist!"

There was a long silence, and the hoarse voice came slowly at the beginning: "Well, no need to argue, things are obvious. During our long sleep, we lost complete control of this continent. Of course, this It is our intention, but to uphold our heart and follow the nature of our race, someone must be responsible for these things!"

The hoarse voice screamed: "No one can live well after taking advantage of us! So, give me the current so-called little lords and the juniors who stayed outside to hide our eyes. Catch them! I will kill them inch by inch!"

There were dozens of heavy, sharp, tyrannical, or feminine laughs in the Temple of the Undead, and gradually more laughs came out, followed by the heavy coffin lid hitting the ground. Loud noise. It is conceivable that in that temple of the undead, there are more sleepy and terrible existences, pushing their coffin lids and crawling out.

Thousands of undead with crowns on their heads flashed, teleporting away from the mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, among the hundreds of huge and majestic undead cities on the Undead Continent, the undead lords, large and small, were attacked almost simultaneously. Their personal guards were defeated in the shortest time. The undead magic they used when they resisted was easily resolved by the more ancient and more powerful undead magic. Their bodies were imprisoned, their souls were restrained, and then they stunned violently.

When these undead lords regained their consciousness, they had lined up and knelt down in front of a huge mountain of bones that they had never heard of, and had never seen them before. A huge ghost dragon lay lazily on the **** in the middle of the mountain, squinting up and down to look at them.

These undead lords looked at the huge ghost dragon in horror. They basically reached the demigod high-level or even the peak of the demigod. They couldn't judge how powerful this ghost dragon really is. They tried to use their spiritual power to spy on the ghost dragon, but the spiritual power they released was bounced back domineeringly by the ghost dragon, almost shattering their souls.

Something that made them even more horrified happened, a sudden light appeared in the void, and then a huge temple fell from the sky like a meteor. This whole body is cast with gray undead crystals, and there are countless beautifully carved temples on it. It is clearly the temple where the gods of the ancient undead family in the legend of the undead continent live.

However, this 13-story square temple, shaped like a pagoda, actually fell from a high altitude, bringing millions of powerful undead guards down straight from the sky. A black and lacquered bone palm appeared out of the sky, and he lightly slapped the undead temple with a palm, and slapped these undead guards into fine bone meal and scattered light spots.

Thirteen powerful gray undead divine powers rushed out of the temple, and a harsh voice screamed: "Who is it that dare to offend the noble god?"

With this scream, a ghost that was several meters tall and carved out of gray crystal floated out of the temple. This ghost, no, this undead clan exudes terrible undead coercion, those far and near death inspirations, after being inspired by his breath, subconsciously backtracking back and forth again and again.

Following this powerful undead god, twelve other gods worshipped by the undead family also walked out of the temple. If Lin Qi was present, he would find that the thirteen undead gods were very weak, very weak, the most powerful of which was wearing a black armor and a nightmare knight-like undead **** with a gray flame burning inside. He is just a mere mid-level lower god.

All the undead gods were angry and roaring to the sky, but when they saw the white bone mountain peak in front of them, when they saw the huge white bone palm on the top of the mountain, and the black temple resting on it, They all sat on the ground with fright. One of the undead gods in the shape of a bone dragon lich was so frightened that all his bones fell apart, and the white bones were scattered all over the floor.

"Impossible!" The nightmare knight screamed hoarsely: "You have already fallen completely! In the final battle, you were attacked by the spirit gods and the spirits of the elves, plus the severe injuries you received before, you have already Completely fall!"

"Oh, no! Dear children!" The hoarse, sullen voice laughed with spiteful malice: "Yes, we were indeed attacked by them together, and we were also extremely vulnerable at the time. Terrible damage. But have you forgotten the most powerful source power of our Underworld? As long as we can escape a breath, we can be reborn infinitely!"

"We are alive, dear children, that's it!" The sweet female voice smiled happily: "But we can't tell you that we are still alive! Because we found that something is a bit wrong-you mastered the clan at that time The last reserve force, but when we were surrounded, you did not send out even a skeleton to help us.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation. , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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